my sum Ogening Tonight RegionallGéiohidlggY Fellowship Will Be Presented AiSaiuid ii Ba nq ueiSbiopii Si ere One of the highlights of thlsvveckends conference or the Soroptlxnist International Association Eastern Canada re gion in Barrie will be the presentation of the regional pro fessional fellowship in gerontoiogy at the Saturday evening banquet to Shelia Marjorie Curwen Smith of Montreal Florence Cross regional gov ernor will make the presentation on behalf of the ISsembied Sorop timists of Ontario andQuebce Around 150 nataltown dele gates are expected to attend the 95th anrrual conference Fuilders Contractors or Farmers No1 and No hemlock Spruce and Plus Lumber laugh or Dressed Delivered In the job by truck Write for prison ClillPEllTIlN lllMBEll 20 Port luring Ontario Fellowship Winner The 31yearold fellowship win ner was born inTourane Viet Nam where her parents were serving as misionarics She at tended the English boarding school in Chcefoo North China Weslhlll High School in Montreal and McGill University She took her nursing training at the Man treal General Hospital where she worked for several years before accepting position with Ihe Vie torian Onler of Nurses with this organization she served in Montreal Whitby and York Town ship Work with the VON brough her into contact with many per sons in the older age group and made her realize that the normal changes and problems peculiar to this group were not understood and that there was real need for further study and pmgram plan ning in the field The VON sent Miss Smilh to refresher course on the implica lions of aging given by the Uni versity of Toronto Miss Smith was also awarded VON bursary to take basic health nursing Gone to the for one their tasty nour ishing meals You in vhave Combination rims arcane ions Chinese food for as low as $100 as well as wide range of individual dishes we suggest you give mother treat and bring her in for meal for mothers Day course It McGiliUniversrly This past year she has been studying at the school forgnd lute nurses of McGill University She plans to useher Soroptlm lst fella ip to continue her studiesat the Harvard School of Public Health which will further equip her to give nursingservice in the field of geriatrics PresldenbElect The first vicevpresident presidentclect of the American Federation of Soroptimist Clubs Mrs Lily Quarnberg of Van couver Wash will be the main speaker at the Saturday evening dinnergathering at Collier Street United Church Soroptimist since lel Mrs Quarnberg has travelledthe route of promotion typical of members of the federation board club president regional and federation committee service regional gov ernorand federation officer wasshe who complied the 100pago code of board and con vention action in 1955 and who wrote the federation history en titled Coral Review or diï¬ri bution at the 1956 convention At the present time she is revising the Soroptimist Manual and acts as hand of the personnel deport mcnt of the federation board of directors In 1956 Mrs Quornberg acted as consultant to the governing body at Soroptimlst International Association at its quadrenniai convention in New York City ProfeEional Photographer The presidentveieets profession is making pictures and inlking slides is her hobby Her goal is making the Soroptimists an even more influential and socially use ful organization Born in Manitoba shehas been in the United States since she was two Educated first in California andlater in Vancouver Washington and Portland 0re gen the beganherhusiness eer with title insurance firm where she rose from the position of stenovbookkeepcr tosccrctory treasurer Photography was her hobby and she put it to use assisting her husband whotvas an investightor for the localwheriff before openJ ing her own studio in Vancouver She enjoys roost photographing elderly people try to catch the life experience written in their faces Mrs Quarnberg recently com pleted term as member of the Vancouver City Planning Com mission and is active with the citys community forum One pro AsJaciJueaCar eraailed itmfthe Wélébme qhiet Waters df Bale dea Chaleurs in 534 he and his linen caught their ï¬rst sight bf Indians ahdthelr hands on the shore laterrhmld the vast what fieelthe Gaspe copperam Cartier coppér and vision ii and Canada gt new source of work arid wealth for comedians gt For 125 years The Bank of Noim Séotlo has worked vvlth men of enterprise Can rovlding ï¬nancial ainews for commerce and ustry Whateveryhurbankingneedsmay he pay visitto your local BNS branch Youll find the vmnnager and staff interested and helpful and jcct he was active in secihg car ried through was the Grant House Museum established in Vancouver by the Soroptimists Shels a=mcmber of theLcague of Women Voters and the Ameri can Academy of Political and So eiai Science Active onbehalf the American Association for Unx ited Nations she was named Woman of Achievement by the local Business and Professional Women in 1954 nominated for the award by both mensand mens organizations yk As hobby she likes to shoot andedlt coior slides Another hobby husband is goingafter the big salmonin the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean Ber faith and beli timisrn is unbounde mote universal sp to friend ship as beingconducive to inter national peace is not just an obi ieot buried in the provisions of Soropttmist lawsuit is vital liv ing activity Lot aitgmembers and clubs which has resulted in mu tual understanding and respect among the women of the 29 eounl tries now included in Soroptlmist lnternational Association Gerontology+work with senio citizenshast been one Soroptimists chiet projects in re cent yearswin he the subject oi another conference speaker Miss Phyllis Haslam of Toronto ex ecutive director of the Elizabeth Fry Soeiety Speakér at the noon luncheon Saturday atStAndrews Church she Will be conducting forum on the subject Keynote Speaker The keynote address will be given this evening attheconfer jence opening by Miss Grace Nieholls treasurer of Soroptimisl international and past president of the American Federal Her subject will be All Pa leave Born raised and educated Toronto Miss Nichqlls is vice ofthe Toronto Mutual Lifellnsur Canadafs first lady insurance business member of the eliccutt 90 mittee of the Canadian Life In surance Officers Association she of the lite connections ai Gravenhucst forlarry Sound and Sudhury 7Doily 510 am 245 112111 545 pm 345 am forservlce to gwood Owen Sound Penetang See Time Table Ticketsan Info Bu ermmcl Maples SimcoevBtsu rn 85511 one she shares with her Problems or on Age ofthe president and managing directos ance Company and is often called Granite Club and the Toronto Field Naturalists Ass ion She is him one of the firsrwamen delegates to the Diocesan Synod of Toronto and member of the Dominionwide committee on the future pattern of womens work itl the Angilcanchureh of Can board of religious education and the executive of the Anglican Womens Training College sermon to name Ave PA axons Itsopen FOR BUSINESS nomcurs 50o whileowatt Pennant1m WAVING Guaranteed to Stay Permanent She serves on the diocesanV FAIIRVIEW Lasting pleasure and convenience are built into this fwamilysizeprecision built cottage The modern shoulder high bedroomwindowsvotfer additional privacy and greater wall space and are contrastedby the generous sizcd picture window The 32 24 over all size gives you spaciousness and comfort The averagcman will find this Pd cottage easy to erectAll initial planing and work is done in our modern shop The main walls are simplyput in place and nailed Precision built is Ideal where slr ed help isnt always available gt This cottage The Fairview four hedroont collage th dug room which can be easily winterized for all year round living Our cottages can be bought with No DOWN PAYMENT AND roams So why not drop in or write for Cottage Catalogue today Our salesntan would be happy to answer any of your questions with no obligation 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