Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1957, p. 6

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slucas Sr2 Hrtr WANTED HOUSEKEEPER Experienced 22 to so live in Private roomInd bathroom General hoaxe woriplPlaln roosting iluridry Pleasanl ht person wantcd by adult couple creates required Salary two up APPLY TO ME LAING 14 HIGH STREET EVENHIGS PA 08031 i413 Help WANTED Am ruled or mail trill ADV Double Grill in braillbrd 51 lilayflie MAN Wanted to work in sod Held Good payhard work Phonooimun l7rfl iaz YoUNa MAN to help in bottling plant lust be at least tall Permanent empibymeni Apply Cnrudl Dry Bol illng co Ill lnnisiil st Barrie 6161 rOSITIONs WANTED ITIIE FUTURE lS yOURS VOTE SOCIAL CREDIT For inlorvnaiion write to tha SOCIAL CilEDlT ASSOCIATION IF CANADA Room 109 127 Lsurlcr Avc oirAWA ONT required or Penetang Home for the Aged Ap ly lll wri inn bclorc Mny 1957 lilfiul Illea iiriiil lllius quillllico lionl Ind cxpcrlcncc to FRED llUNTEll County Clerk tiARRI REGISTERED NURSE Mind Of lPenciong Home for the Aged Apply In writing hciorc May I957 stating age marital status ounlllicn lions and experience to IRED IlUNTEii County Clerk Barrie am 141 TEACHERS All idtll opphriurriiy or summer cm ploymcnl Viih hillle rcpuiotilc publishing nriiiniuiiiort program is SChoDI ceordlnnicd Position olicis guaranteed income plus many nannioged TELEPHONE PA 84510 152 11012 to INTERMEDIATE DraIIsman 611th sbnie oxpurience iligeliarol enamecring Apply PEiiSONNEL DEPARTMENT MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LIMITED barrio Ontario 15153 RELIABLE LAN to carc inc child rcn Phone PA 8478 alter 530 12 sErtvICE Station Attendant Must be neat and rcliablc Apply Sinclair Sun ocoService Station 22d urndlitrdslfstz wonIAN Wanted to help with house hold duties and care or small children To live in ii possible Phone PA M703 15253 REQUIRED immcdlntely Orilce girl or temporary positlun or one month to help with overload or work due to election Phone PA Him 152 WAITRESS Wanted Must be expert priced tor part time work Apply Graves bros Restaurant 105 bayneld or phone PA b3533 151sz FEMALE CLERK lull or parttime Ar iy in person Aiiundale hardware at so hood Allandulc 15254 EXPERIENCED Woman or general housework sleep In or out Rcfercnceii required Phone PA 900 5152 GIRL 12 years or age capable looking ottcrbooks in small ollicc Iilust be accurate at figures and hand lint ca Laughlln Packing Co Limited phone Aiiiston 77w or Stayncr 79W4 14554 LOCALManuluturer has opening in young married man to be developed asxssistxni plant manager The sp plicants musirhbve at least yehrs hint school and the ability to handle man Std Apply in writing stat In age and lull particulars llioilg wlthreierciices to Box36BnIrie Ex aminer 15 MOBILE HOMES lPl MOBILE Home unfinished iun lam wheels lnme floor and Studding erected Undercoated Rensnnablot Phorle PA 115732 445153 1355 10471 GLENDALE r4 rooms piece bath lolly tilllinked All conveni ences Siee it Like new phone linon an as Thorwoob Trailer venetlan lslindsa Fromm heating and gas stove complete with lurniture and cooking iarrcd Muriel Permanent position riic utensUs Phone PA ilgillo fatso liIiTES box Numbersor optic dircctcdio this oillec 25o extra COMING elm Tiliriinirl COLUMNS Deadline ForrCopy 500 pmmclc by prccedlllg DEADLINE Eon MONDAYSATURDAY Ito pssi ADLEIS MAY BE TELEPHONEDTO rA 4c eocil worli minimum 80 gt Folio ilig consetuiiye insertions 3c w0ld minimum 600 CASH RATE Word minimum 60C Following consecutive insertions 20 Word minimum 40c MUST bu PAID WIrll ORDER LOVING DAY CARE given by nhllflnnl nurse CcniraL Phone PA on 2415 BLOCK CEMENT Ind Brick work wanted All work guaranteed Phone PA was HIS WILL LOOK aicr children in own home or board and room available Aplpiy io Mrs iiannsh to Kemp en elt brlvc 2525 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID or SCRAPMETALS BATTERIES Phone PA 0633 or PA 66487 winIiiliiIiaiFrslhrm 135 INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlop heat lerndalt Phone PA 86331 or PA 01204 Hot Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS ms RIDES RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY trucks wiucall El but prices pilld Special prices pat delivered rria atayner iai°u5al mm MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard mid Ollice 204 Tiflin Si ilu MEDIUM 5112 Sole wnlgcd In 23 order strou ccp one or iiarrlc PA 560 Hm ELM LOGS wanted to buylalso con lracts or cutting and skidding Box 10 norrlc Examincr iIiu PltElIin cosrial wanted ror rcmo Apply Mr Toronto or 34951 val to Cullingwood arta Aven phone Iluward 54310 FARMS FOR SALE 75 ACRES Pasture Land good water supply miles lglxriggtzlgznnafles Pligh Pho or in way 044 4952 Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION GARAGE FOR LEASE and Ideal opportunity tor mcchanic or body repair mlln CAPITAL REQUIRED APPROX sipno Phone PA 83819 Evenings 795254 PLANTS Cr FLOWERS CERTIFIED Raspberry Canes Gooseberry Red and Black Currant BLISth For descri 12 older and priced enquire Ell Brown C0 laid Ward Goodfeliaw EDENvALE GARDENS PHONE 714 MINESING EVERGREENS SHSUBS ROSES SELECT Now FROM our LARGE STOCK Cash and Carry and Save BEZZANT GREENHOUSES oRNSON ST 269 274455 RHURAIIE ROOTS ior sole Eezzant Greenhouses 69 Johnson St 274855 CHRISTMAS Tree Seedlings Austrian Pine No stock $20 per Loon Apply Huronih Nurseries mi wycvnlc phone Eimvale 55r5 Torso LANDSCAPE Gardening Rota Tllllng Plowing Designing Al nurserystock month guarantee on stock plunieilby us Lawns seeded and nodded lI Rahdcr PA lililis 215052 STRAWBERRY Plants Asparagus Roots and Raspberry Canear ireshly dug Choice stock Also now read cabbage Coulliiower tomato plants etc orcsi 63111er Phelpston is Concu lion Ilos one mile east or Highway 27 Phone Elmvslc srrli 215552 274152 mi Ph PA H453 Craig Ildotu cu or alshlu tsd REASONAbLnPMCBS ltl Idh We remitet with sonoer availAhil DCKIID Corn 114 Graham PIGI PHONE 5110aner HUNTERS POULTRY FARM sntouo 14 PIANOS NEW RECONDITIONKD ALL Pilch SEE mm human miles north me on one liloglnut or Itth PHONE ELIVALB Uril 1H GRAVEL E1 FILL DELIVERED DENNIS MORAN 29 ANNE 81 anTll PA 82907 743 RUBBER STAMPS MADETOORDEE WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE so DUNLOP ST wm bAlum 111 JONES useo FURNITURE Special to Restaurant owners We have iunnlliy at good used Restaurnn mu patent which we want in cle rlio rcssonablo orrcr rc sod We also hundoriven wash ng Iltrlcilirio tool driven butter churn Iirls bicycle Several pointed dressers and Ioriy sets or roiding chairs ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 00201 WALLPAPER SPECIALS PER ROLL 35c 39c 45C 49c 59c ROOM LOTS FEATURED AT BARGAIN PRICES ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 Dunlap St East PA 82431 125th JONES USED FURNITURE Pair doubic door bookcases Glhhard Solid walnut dininl room suite tel wagon walnut extension drop ical table door wardrobe IInc walnut cedar chest RCAIVlcioI 11 TV Rnc walnut dressingchest Cedar chest at drawers large china cabinets lovely baby cot complete knee hole writing desk drawcrs Pair at sewing tables Pair ol loom choirs spring seats Chrome kitchen act Severai chests or drawers COME IN AND Vlsll Dull NE SHOWROOM Good quality item to choose lrom ion numerous to mention 15 ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 63261 15 PIANO Upright block 9125 Phone PA 37910 15152 buRNEn Coal oil Stove also 22251 Cook stove PhonePA basis 75152 wooo AND COAL stovc white enamel trim Reasonable Phone PA HZES 7a52gt53 DELLPIAND in good condition Very reasonable Phone oai Mincsing 75052 Trion EleciIic Washing ldochine in excellent Condition Reasonable Apply I32owen St 75152 SPRING FILLED single bed slve mat clean and in good condition 15152 bicVCLE boys or girls Reasonable Phone PA 134694 sitar pm or all day Saiurdly 75151 ltoTPoINr wishing Machine with daily dipper excellent condltlo 55 phone PA in 7524 SPRINGFILLED mattress single bed size and springs Practically new and dean Phone PA 113900 752 FREEZER UNIT Kelvlnntor conipres sor blower controls etc Handle 1000 cu it Phone PA 02190 742 punNITunn suitable or aummur co tagr Stoves Fridges Dining Room sets Beds ChairsCauchos etc Phone PA Miss 152 CEMISNIS BLOCKS approximately 400 bodied at A2341 Highway Junction $50 Forinformation apply at Midhurst ser vice Stutlon 742 SINGER Sewing Machine treadleiype converted to elccirie pcrlect condi tion Apply Simeoc StBnrrio or phone bout 752 KITCHEN Furniture Wooden Table chairs ice hoxsteel utiuty cabinet Phone PA 84930 rtbtr Housematcriai complete used and clean periahnbl materials in alorbge Sell oil In on lot Apply Belt Mul holilnd Simuli 29TH 752 NEW BICYCLEE CCM and Robin Hood Urrysflros lick hi sold Ii cost prices Phone PR 22504 call it Williams Jewellery Store 60 Du iop st1 West 52555860 WPEWRITEES arms machinol pon sbies adding nuchilieb casii registers guttwist it Titan an an no ox all Smith coronh representative 1aattr mnELssoiIN Plan oval centre Julich Seiko Record Player Fair at death rIPlilqwo and number or Pier ures Reasonable Tor quinil sale hone PA Milli peel st front norm Illllo Chino Cnhiueiaand Burial walnut sum roll price lot this three year old hm inc villi Im Hi chcn and bath mmni $rcsraa°liiuiiiféion till 38 decorled call AI Roac PA Wilma HOME WITH INCOIE hwd liony brick Ill mom hotnllnel Id on well mod fir Certlnl to ICth lull Shawl hm bedroom AM ll uniin IIIin room fliniiu room and kitchen downstairs modern till blulnull oilId Ill Idoiilorl there is bachelor rtmcni sci combined Lot 511 ill For lull ulil all Al Ill PA was anytime Lo ohm located on Cedrlngtou Si Titledi my level lot mil wclLlo ca We have many more lots in variolu locations ll you arc lbinking oi bulld Ing and need lot all Al Rosa PA Mm snyUnie COUNTRY HOME vi blmiloous This brick one and hail storey home is only ii years old leaiuring our large living room and on rooms large lliiciieli loll bucmcht loosed oil heliinl hlihroom excellent well with pressure lystani Attached mllch ing brick garage This proprriy is modern throughout and built with rug brick on lot 00150 Alkinl price in 1900 wills masonhie down ply ment Property located inst on the outskirts oi llarrie Cilil A1 Rosc PA Mm Inytime ALLANDALE sesoo asking price insui sionu siding Ihree bedrooms lino two piece both up ruin two bedrooms livinl room modem kitchen and piece bath down Sidln Full basement wiih hillside enironce Reasonable down aymcnt Tosca about 380 Make at er $3qu Clll AI Rose PA 045196 my me SI MARYS SCHOOL AREA Two storey brick homo with three bedrooms lour piece bath large living room and cxirn large kitchen on besi Ing laundry tubs rull basement ruliy lands pod ioi Thbvpmpnriy ix lo cated only hair block Trom St Ma School and is only shout three old NllA resale Late rail possession Fully decorated storms and screens Call Al llosc PA 56293 ror mil inroo million DUPLEX bur This two storey duplex is less than years old having two bedroom apartment up ande two bed room apartment down each spart ment is sclicontulnpd with separate hydro meters and entrances oll hcst lug upper apartment rented at you per month and the lower apartment is now owner occupied hill butment This pro eriy is an excellent Invert mcnt an ideal ror ihc owner to live downstairs and have so per month Income from the lipstbiia1ho lull price on this one is only slam be sure to see it Call Al Rose PA 35m anytime EAST END Two storey brick home hnut by one at banies better builders consists or three large bedrooms and tour piece the bath upstairs with large living room dining roorn kitchenvand two piece the washroom downstairs Fun basement equipped with alarm winA dows and dccorsicd Asking price only 49900 Cau Al Rose PA 85198 any um TWO FOR ONE Yes here is your opportunity to buy two homes ror little more than the price or one Each home contains live rooms and bath with roll basement and rorccd air on heating This property is less than one you old and located very close to nil schools For full pap ticuiors call Al Rose PA 05293 nny time Codrlngton School Area room ilé storey brick and rrome home years old two bedrooms up stairs with living room with brick brcplaee bedroom kitchen and din ing room on first lloor plus bathroom hill basement all heating located withn stones throw or codrlngtan SEhoOl1ull rl ii gt PA mm Page 900 Call Al Rose NEWTON STREET room brick one storey home lotth very close to public and high schools This property is about three years old arm excellentcondition throughout and also decorated cquip pcd with aluminum storms and screens rorced air all heating lull basement This is an NBA resale Asking price $11500 Cali Al Rose PA HEB any time Zr NAPIER STREET brce bedroom brick home with ing room and large kitchen plus hnltiis roomy hardwood floors throughout ruli basement ollhcaiing lully land scoped lot with garage equipped with aluminum storms nnllscreella This home is modern thraugltoutxud only about diff years old Asking price slzsuo all Rose PA 35293 any time CENIRAL ove brick home close to Electric rooms and bathFehzrnii wood doors hot water oil heating mags galmend hilly price Qilfiiw arrbri Strand 14m mug 5130 NEAR BIG BAY POINT intil pricesvaoolovely year around home six rooms and bath lees Hardwood risers nood con iiion eBdellililiiulwgilet or lake Terms arrang some so osscsi pope strand is PM FARMS Phone Les ropestrand iiiz sumotoo acres Dltirlem alpdcro no all liltin cine 8230001 in churchin dis Goptl laud tramp house two arn spring work done Tonia an sis lo125 sores heals Terms snfflcod mm slamlilo acres Stroud di to No ii Highway llsli runshell oulred Good lurid rhino99 acres good sand loom acres good bush good waIcr Malia over gtbl to down mom 5m Ed Nod terrns ram is dirlerent isi range and terrltfs in Lot Orrinvrolivlitzr EA 11133 511500 in choice reddentisb avernut uni llodern bedroom banningvery nice brick on bll level let lot This ontilonlyl yearold wiper nlonLh coral used principal and taxes save on to interest mo Cali Percy Ford lvcnlnu ghom VERY CENTRAL $10900 ME TO DOWNTOWNBB Ii ii only mm in moltlmmbulaio tondliinn lily hlrdvlooii MlI urge vlng room dining room large Ilichellvl lllle bedloonu Ind dell up till er bad In villi cemllii floor Ind Ii door Dont mist ihil thine Ii In excelled downtown Incl ilou Term Contact Dan tonsilEvenings in PA 37101 QUEENS PARK AREA BDMM FULL PRICE room stucco bungalowxi en liv 25 room dining room and rooms piece hlihroorn Pull concreta bur mentoil healing For full particular cnll Percy FordEvening phonhPA um FRANCIS ST $8500 room ilrItknolllrr honii in spatial condition Large kitchen diam room living room and modern piece bath room on ground nocr bedrooms up slain Lovely quiet ireeii Net For lull plrilttilan clll PA 53 D¢en iac call demo Wrtsht PA woo PAYIOURBELF RENT brick chcn Room Roms bléhi downtown hiin decorled Complete haw heauag micro rub basement laundry trays Ideal lor Roolniill House or ror Rental Apt cbi owner must sell and will In down ptymcnt or only $2000 This irons of the sailor olflil homes it hill born or privilege to alter atlho price Sro ii mic or lnlid vIluo Clil leiTy Quinn at bAassal Evening lli 82890 COUNTRY HOME Large Brick homo overiookinz Lake Simcoc Well landscaped lot over am land This home has been com gleialy bum Asthrocm for andchaidcwoicr an up all 11 onto car Wri III PA Mum WEST END $9500 on nice quiet street lust oil nuulop Weai close taArcnI schools and on pliilli Thil lifi riorcy has lovely rooms and extra inchen Installed up stairs This home has good Inbomo ouiblliiy Full partitioned bucmcnt orced air all best very handy location Call nan CouncilEvenings iionésntPA um an 0001 iisilnx LIIILE GOLD MINE Service station Snack bar Lil Quarters right on the beaten pain with or banlc CTililc down payment urine you PA osllimcnlags merging FARMS FOR SALE 100 ncre ohléco Fillm wiih 10 room oncrcc ouse la acrcs in kti halldrighis kiln Ind magnifier wells Ind pond FULL PRICE 315000 0000 down balm It illil acros close to highwily with 10 brick house and steel born 90 workin FULL PRI CE $9000 Hill 200 Acres on highway no acres work ing 60ilfresbmlllllfid husk balance pas tilnoo with terms mm AFTER nouns CALL Percy FordPA Mair Dun CouncilPA mm 1ch QuinnPAuobr Course WrightPA 54900 SLESSOR REALTOR MEMBER BARRIE REAL ESTATE BOARD MEMBERS BARRIE DISTRICT EAL ESTATE boARD 1352 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE REALTORS 150wen Sb Phone PA 85583 OFFER COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE obme on ammo MORTGAGE LOANS ATIONAL nousiNo ENERAL INSURANCI IAPPRAISAIS OWNER TRANSFERRED This spaclpuatwp Siorgy brick home located in the down town area ube ing olrered lor sale at sacrificeprtee as Owac beingtransrerred to my then town The house is in excellent Condition Complete with biorin Wi Ind scrum plenty of Clip and Spice Ind oiL helliflfi sum Terms arranged Immediatc pos semen SEPARATE SCHOOL AREA Li blue room brick house very salable for converting into Duplex located close to the down townniea on goodstse lot The owner or this home has been transferred to Aliiston and would consider an exchange with roputy in this aren For turih lliis contact thsroiilce URTONAVENUE Older type one and hair storey brick home locatedon level lot Theowo or or this home Is anxioumo dispose or this property murder to close In estate We are openlo duels RICED FORQUIOK SALE One and hair storey ioiir bedroom home with living momandkli1hlnt This home is conveniently located near schools and shopping centre and on heating Interest princip gxfi ssaoo monthly Down payment $5500 CLOSE TO TOWN Good live room storey ands inlf horns with living room kitchen with Ilia builtIII cupbonrdr oneb¢droorn an tillcc plecobuion main hobr all iwo bedrooms on second floor This roperty has large lot all M7 It wthnxcclient garden loll Close to new school low taxes Convenient monthly payments mm down ONT30s ROUTE 105w tail price Erick bungalow with ltvlng room don kitchen bathroom sad two bedrooms located on is lot on busroute linil on heat Thlliholnc is Bxcsiiorit condition Indtwe will ll Irma mort er de Am acr modcrn kitchen and Full pricc will S1UTJT REAL ESTATE MINETSPOINT ROAD Illhlliiilrflu lorlhiIibed Acot on Is compioialy lum iuclu stove and Situa enalargcioveilntvi nicely lawns that bordered by ecdar Newwga and all the odd and endI1qu in price Easy to handla gt QED TOWNSHIP rarm rpduclog tre mvndoualy¢ bric houses on burn as lpiitltvll also all cement floors and pens uiui nancb ions and avatar bowie rigrery with hen borne on top to ommodaia over too hens and burn 71 45 plus litt plealent shed milk house and bulk cooler son and water through out In is an outstanding vbltro Priced to cell Terms can ar ranged NO 11 bedroom bungalow on large garden lot only your old Full pound Mullen wilb urncc Plenty buiiiin when Clipboarde 4sle hllh oak noon illrmilhoui This house all Convenient oi lh oily um down will handle will on easy iertns GEN IRAILY LOCATED bedroom bricis bungalow with large on hl kitchen and huge living room ep orctiiod illlhajloni or closets basement divided mo aid out lor recreanu room situated on lam level lot lmmodilte possession and easy terms can srraa ed Call day lorimpnilg HIGHLAND AVENUE Overlooking Kempcnlelt bay bed room bungalowwith carport One or the lineal homiil in the ares Huge living room with open nrcplacc Elle meat compirtvly llnlshed including extcs bedroom recreation room and plenty or cupboards plus extra toilet Thcnnopxneglsss throughout Terrillc location Act not on this onc am ratnu Ia ilie barrio area ALSO irony listings or homes or an air and Rice ranges Several new 1A homo and resales Motels throughout Ontario on invmlaniyfr pRoPSnTlPS YOUR LISTING iNVllED STQQIT I02 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 85901 Mention Ontario and Idiln Real male Board WesimlllPA 002037 CorbyPA was 1810 XREALTOR 32 HIGH ST HARRIS PHONE PA szels ARE You LOOKING FOR NHA HOMES worldvn coon SELECTION $1975 TO $3000 DOWN BALANCE Ks RENT bungalows storey and hair Call this orllccanytlme ror appointment to inspect BEDROOM HOMES THREE To Clioosr FROM All priced right and In good condition It you need large home call us ior more inlarmstion NHA RESALES WE HAVE THREE Ai PREENT Three bedroom brick bungalows in good locations close to schools Rea sonable down payments hllbnce all LOUNT STREET 350000 DOWN bedroom brick storey and hair with dining room situated on beaui tlIul lat BAYFIIELD STREET GDOD lNCOME POSSIBILITY Largo brick home win make good duplex or apartments can he pur chased below todays value See this one today $1000 DOWN 5vrooni house wiih hath located on large lot on Highway 17 bargain tor quick sale Wanilo Sell PHONE THIS OFFICE IOR FREE VALUATION $70000 00va MillULL PRICE frarnehnme in Tuliendllv finished rabrna downstairs upstairs unison isiizd Good loi water MUST SELL THISVIMONIHl Lovely two storey homo in good con dition Worth 0500 todaymale hirer Large cash ptymcnt required Dopt mil this one CLII5FBBROWN REALTOR Blember barrie and District ReniFJilie board Phone PA oursr 32 High St ssz Exciubive 111d conildeliilli lullIll li acrvico with Imposed was crop selection or lanai unit man no Bunineab ropersie SE solo or ovum REA momentum We have good selection or so to too Room CHARLLS Privnto and NRA llnlncing Dions hissmmsmsmrddr it on low Iain uvlngDininl lutu kitchen no bathroom Tune old nicely decortad and spot icasiy kept with good lawns on butiii street lolly waneta home with very low down paymcnt sud 51 ONE Kill SOUTH 0N HIGHWAY ii Iloil millmoot tnmlotoup motor am with all lowdownvcnieoru toot nil pressun system roll basement lurluee healing lions noonhot liin 33 are own paymrn good buy for working ntsni CENTRAL IN TKE TOWN BAViIlliLD srnm mOno than Pl immlcullie lit kept older er brick homes which an seldom round irrthl price clan It has ourrbcdmrns it list mono rioor aunrootn it has modern cera mirtiled bath plus Ziploce powder room downstairs oak Noon on trim and ample rtoraga closets eve here Good is dry bmment viii coin pieitly modern oilurea hestiar lull Flood Mild Iioullie garage Eli uaivo conndeauxi limoswe want appoint ll£liil on his cool Phone PA 5307 CENTRAL ALLANDALE Inliist block or Titrin street rooms and bath lltsiorey pressed brick home or good appearance and not too old Price is reasonsble at 37500 with mm down payman required ALLANDALE Low PRlCKD DUPbe tumTwo good ultcorliolned spar menu renting rteiillyt 85 per monlh pudding is brick and well located on wide lot wlili private drive and good garage Puu basement ex reliant rumcs and all in lair rapIr Phone 66387 In impreuou by nppntiniineni its in top grade invest en sr MARYS SCHOOL DISTRICT MillTENN heluiflully hep brick Korey bomb of hiflhefl quality house wiih roni liVIlE comm mod rm all heating especllily lsrgemod im kitchen dining room bedroom and lovely trerd and landscaped lot with good range can be bought wlih only some do moflmu wn and single open wonsunr sumcumin miPLKX AfAliTMENT brick oidcf xiyie but in top ailfity anti good maintenance ihruughou Three pee lecily tellcontained his DIiVIie en tnncea Good dry lull basement Wlih modem forced lii on Maui ill IMliiim Judi block Ir miho Put Dulce will lppenl to ml and wanting colorortshle rnAin floor horns phi ceillnl monthly income win two uptight run 1111 Is lost more OF I110 and Good lnvesimenli PHONE pa Hm ANYTIMEDAY on zvgNrNo Charles Rogers REALTOR DUNLOP EAST BARRIE DICK RanbRSON Represcntativa STERLING TRUSTS BLDG nARitlb Members barrio District Real Estate board 1852 LOTS Each brad 3E lso Cooll SL just north of Steele $750 per lot Phone PA 82670 1H OWNER TRANSFERRED NEW BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL house with large living room Ind rocreaiioli room Matty extras included close to all schools NIlA MORTGAGE PA 66802 164ml OAKLEY PARK 3BEDROOM HOMES ammo mom or STYLES diomes by Croaiey Construction HENRY BERNIC PA 82670 Rt DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD 1552 BARBIE DISTRICT REAL ESTATE boARD ThImeans that sit REALTORS Usted below and their salesmen are work lngto sell your property when listed the poor way You dell only with the human or your choice bOARE rfc 2st bradloni St bROWNcLIPE 32 iilshst COUTTS ll Owen st HENRYgELquK at MICHIE ioowens My PA solar moron bit too PA baton TA will PA hoist PA all PA bolas 1541 izACEYdili boom iii Dunlap SLIE abunlop St susson II Coiiier st REALVESTAITEQEFICE nuss CAnsou rA can panic at orllre Opcn an in punchfir Saturday until on FOUR me IILLANDALI EH FULL PRICI Talus ABWGEP 15 on our Investment ieiiiea New lured air boating Brick construction Aplluniflil NIH with rerrlgeraion and some elee Hi nnlfl large beautliui 294100 Till ll one In MMI In fiifi hit llld in lull Ill CI Russell Cillsqfl PA Halo 510300 FULL PRICE gt shim DOWN nco mm per month Including iare Six room brick bungalow three bedrooms luring room dining room and kitchen Pull basa ment all heating private thin and garage Situated last or bayrield Street on wpmley For all einlis eall Russ Carroll PA Mal BliNGALOW WEST END 32000 DOWN PAYMENT rimThis Is the buy or the week large rooms with bath and olirhuii log Only years old and docted on beauliruiiy landscaped lot withcar ort Fur lrticuiln call llr Miller at PA as LARGE BEDROOMS ST MARYS CiiuRCIi ARIA SMThis Is brsad new morn brick bunslow wiih every convenience and located on ularge treed lot on an rxccllsnt street It you arelooking tor biliicr homo Ire this MIGCli Sheiswell st PA and LARGE ROOMS COMPLETELY DUPLEXZD SIIJWThil is tar income properi you lian been Iooltiml or Locricd In tho oust end on 67 lot with ur hxe asphalt drive and beautlltil Ihldo trees Featurinl lint winter with oil Cnii Norm Shclswilil PA 375 OFLAKE FRONTAGE DEAUTIPUL sANDlr Ilatoil milsThis weil irccd property co is no total or in acres and isloc witiiln ll miles oi barrio it you are looking ror location tor better type or cotiagc this property Is idoul or ins ectlon call Shclswcll at PA on Ill TRIPlaEX Noni Queens Pork 1500 hill price Terms arranged Now rented It Mr month For details call Carson at PA Huh toms Real Estate Broker Owen street bani mail bARnin REAL DITAno omin SERVICE STATION Excellent location Hithway 17 north Frontage about llil rcet Corp crete block building 40 steel beams steam hoot bus other potential reatum to responsible party Down payment 54000 GOOD SELECTION NHA RESALE HOMES Locatedin vn oul sectionscrtow with to mortgages Mos homes contain rec bedrooms You arcinviicd to inspect these home without obligation Call Mr Mrlhnil DOWN TOWN Selection or better class homes within walking distance or business are Five in seven roomspriccgrang 1000 to 6000 You must inspect to buy BUSINESS PROPERTY Sclcctlon oi business sites in down town area worthy or your considera tion inquiries kept conlidentiol COTTAGE on lake rrontage Shanty bay oc rshouamnh Lodge well trecd three bedrooms oreplace hydro premu system liush toilet exeeuont oond ton Furnished Other coltogesnvali 3019 on all Call Mr Marshall gt DUCKWORTH STREET seirconisincd thren apartment dwell ingrequirersome Interior work wtli ieid uselleat return on investment ced rightzto clear estatehp 134 Call IIlr Mnnhhil Members barrio District heal Esta Hoard Cooperative Iiisiingd invited It you are interested in rentals Call Collin CONSULT us ON Low Down Payment Rousing Plans Exchange ol Proportions NauonblAHoW Loonl oincoms Properties Property Management Tor Rentals can pa oases any boilsu PHONES ornco PA cmevmg PA FH ioIiml murmur Lot near 0ro statioE 50 by 300 Phone PA 54415 1651 BEDROOM Erick Bungalow Codring ton or st Marys School area Pbcnc PA 34001 155254 LOTSbeautilul high and levtl loLs ior sale suburban living Minutes rromv down town Phone PA assist lsSlsl PLOT oFLAND building lot 254 my l2xl cabin on laud mile Willi gt of Barrie N01 27 Highway Appiy Granville St phone PA M770 illw wa Howlb with income npanmen private entrance Close to school an shopping district Completely modern with recreation room Phone Oro eta NE ROMAN brick bungalowbrlg roomy kitchen with excellent cu bonrdspnc livingdining combination bedrooms Eoloriuuy decorated throughout combination storms screens Quiet east end location NriA mortgage 25 Weldon st Mlor lsolog 5N oLAnGE brick bungalowth attached BilldEEs lorceil all ll helun large dining living room den bedrooms extra cupboard ace modem ern kitchen bath Storms and screed door and windows freshly decorated Lot 55XI5D PrivateiaieBl Grove East Phone lA bolas org appoint Hi52 POULTRY it llAlIriPand Rock Hen iuinga 1H llb esch Phcnc 27r12 Ivy TARM EQUIPMSN silent in me omc bedrc findiiiontirogig out closetil on anti schools Best holler Apply 72 VIe ionst or phonon illII 52 SI EEDMDMBITCII punishiv iorced air on heath mi TEE wn 21 on sndrack Ray Lo ei onI brooiigr siov Whenlhn row phone racism 39 AL CIIALMSns shape Bargain ply Mina 9119

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