Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1957, p. 5

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HoweiIer Grenicl was not even idléfiélsgi HoldSoflbdll emieiingsiWed The Vcspra Junior andS ior Softball Leagues held meeting in the Midhurst Sta Hell Wednes do evening most important item at busi ess at the junior leaguevmeet as was setting thedate or the hection oi ottlcctsElectlon will beMIy8 Thcflunlors are expected to tart their scheduh May 24 All esare scheduled tostartu is Teams entered an theitlcsgue thus fnr include Anten Malls Mincsing Craighurst Angus Ed cnvaleand Midhurst Four teams were represented at he sitting oi the Vespra Senior oop They were helpston ltid hurst and Cundies Grenlel definite whether It would sponsor club or noL No other busIness was ex ted It the sitting The representatives did learn however that they would not have the opportunity at nom inating Donald Walton or the presidency agai Walton advised the meeting that he was advised forsake thc oiiicc due to his MinesingvtLH Calf Club Hear Talk livestock Diseases iiiinesing4li Cali Club met in the schoolI April 29 with 15 mem bers prcsont Meeting was open cd with the reading of the min utes President Gordon Ford turned the meting over to William Kell who outlined number of com mon diseases in livestock He concluded with test it was decided to hold the next meeting in the school on May 27 TWO BOYS who once played hockey locally had big hand in the Braoebrldge Bears winningthe Ontario Hockey Association Intermedi ate championship Foorthand titth in the back row and Danny Poland Long played Junior herelbetorc Event long Remembered To Association Retarded Children The library hall was well tilled lliis McGrath Monday night April in the ln crests of ich Barrie and District Association for Rctarded Chil dren and to hear Lance Rumble He put llsdalc his home town on the with his witty cola umns from the humble Scat vw said Holding the rt hle Enormou Task hostesses both chaiin anda ready wit and carried the meeting drip as she 1tum She told of the workaccom gar spring dnving Sée Simcoe Petroleum hangc Fes to FOR over onsnow regulars Transmission Differen tial changeover Exhaust system checked and replaccddi necess ary We carry fullllnc at The stone tires orias tubes and access FliilMEllS For Petroleum Simeon Petroleum We have it Your Farm Needs Call good supply of farm tanks on hand Siincoe Petroleum TEXliCII Service Station OWNED OPERATED BY EDSON MARSHALL wwa some years back and holds rc eords on truck sales with General Motors but the occasion of his visit wasbecausc oi the deep in terest he takes in work or re tardcd children in Toronto and the wholc province with many donations from returns of other lectures and time free in the chil drens cause Mr Rumble unable treac meantinie meeting Denis Shcardhelped to fill in withdilurray Finlayson charter president of the Barr association and an Ontario direc tor who gave considerable in formation on the work FinanceSummuy Mrs lxean Gnhlchwhn holds the important office of chairman of the fundraising committed gave summary of financing with some $3000 on hand of the $4000 objectivepand gave praise to wo mens organizations and others who have given strong support Transportation is an important item gt The Rotary Club made real gilt recently of ancw record play er The school is also improved considerably We owe it all she the organiiationsv districtr saidL to of Barrie and problem becomes are Comlng her at the request of plishcd in the past eight years on the enormous task in the city and the latest proposition is 37 board ing school in Toronto for retard ed children Onthc wholc there is wonderful movemént today for retarded childrcnvin the pro vince and the hospital schools have improved 1005pcr cent in condition On the other hand as the population increases the renter and there are many in the public instithtions no It is iactthat retardédchil iron come to both rich and poor families and could be ariyhodya problem probably for that rea son the speaker had found that the cause is easy to scll as the possibility comes to nllI There also many childrenbelow normal in private institutions She told of the campaigniu Metro Toronto with $402000raised and with more in sight for there is public awareness of thgproblem and they begin to realizcthat rc tardcd children arc much like others in many waysl gt Sudden Appemncc As Mr Rumble suddenly pop ped in mm door behind the speakers Rev LewismfrCol licr Strch Vilnited ina scrioi comic introduction gave him praise for great work done by giv ing of his time and talent apart from selling trucks and although are Gary Long moving to the contributions to thc childrens work Hillsdales ante Rumble Lance big and breezy began to talk of the days when it took hours to drive from Hillsdalc to Barrie in the buggy It was big town then and he remember ed in kid years that grandmother was responsible for clothing suit able He remembered that an uncle in Barrictalkcd to his dad about sales job for him but Hillsdale was his choice then He mentioned names recalled thatoi Turn Mitchell and others Iaud told story of three Presby terians who away from home in big city were mistaken for other denominations because 01 Imbibmg Campaign Arhicvcmmt Mr Rumble dwelt particularly uopn the campaign in aid at the retarded childrens cause an as tonishing achievement with him self playing big part although hedid not say so The object was he said to give those people an outside View First he had to get information 1the big job and calledfi numberoi exptil icnccd men but with discourag ing talk but his idea was Lets forget that kids Howanted helpers who were anxious to do iob The campaign did something for those taking part and the idea was not hard to sell They took and doit or the Toronto Morlboros Poland played with the Fiyers before going to Marllcs The Bears won the title over DundasMountaln Views taking the series four games to one AURORA WINS HOCKEY TITLE FOR FIRST TIME Aurcra won its first OliA lntcr mediate hockey crown here But they had to go into overtime me to school he said like one now located in Toronto Metro heliet for mothers camcinto the plan The idea spread and even South Altriea was heard from With $15000 asked the amount finally went to $600000 Lance told at gift he received at that time and heshowcd it to the audience bag and in it little card life mem ershlp in the organiraiion dated 1051 and on the reverse is the priycr used in the regular meetings of thc association gift to keep for all time On behalf oi the association Mrs haghgangof hr ucati comm ee exterid ed thanks to all who came and to the speaker oi whom we had heard great things she said and we are not disappointed She Ihanked Mrs McGrath for her ability in holding the tort for Mr Rumble to which chairman Denis Sheard added his quota of thanks 84 Turin St mszssa roams The 3th wi to snm Sunni 119 DONALD STREET Mr Rumble whorknew he wouldiheis in an advisorycapacity in the president oflall parts of Canada on that sub Metropolitan Toronto Associationlject he has made magnificent be late was ARRIE oNTi OSeLOl cesof furniture th ROXATONE permanent finish look better then when new wE GUARANTEE SATIsTAcTIoNoa CALL weak aroma mXrURES Dasssahs TaithLonAIns wrongs momma mics pianos inND tviANY Titan EMS musicat got his ta IIEEEIIII IF IE IIIIISIIBI Muskrat helped his Indian nendi Wisagatcak prepare dinner byhardening the bears grease wimming through the water with it Asa reward his broacnesoyiml became tliirlner and smaller Hedidtbis by allowing him to Smooth greasy Wake who bought the old YMCA building the in the tinalgame of the series to do it The Belairs scored 92 win over liliridcn Monarchs to take the Intermediate bestvotfive championship series three games to two But it was close With only seven seconds remaining before the end ol regulation time min dcns Gary Vascy tied the score shcet at 22 to force the match into an extra session The overtime went until 42 before Auroras Don Gibson slip ped in the game winning and title deciding tally Walter Fines and Jim Patton netted Auroras other goals while Doug Powell scored Mindcns llrst tally But for the Aurora folks its the second OHA crown this year Earlier the towns Bantam squad brought home provincial honors NEW COURSES SCHEEFERVILLE QUE CF The Iron Ore Company of Can ada has established language courses in English and French omen CALF ciua MEMBERS MAKE HALTERS Second meeting at are Cal Club was held It Guthrie school on April 18 The members made rope halter which will be use ful when training calves durin he summer Roll call was to tell abouLan ntercsting event which occurred during the last few months on he club members farm There are several amusing answers Next meeting will be held ELflPPEllTflli some time in lilay date and place to be announced furthering Ontarlo rims No7 Haul Enron and fine Lumpy can or Dre2i peltn3 TRY AN EXAMINERlWANT AD llaine Massage Sauna Baths For those just wishing the Sotmo we have two steom rcoms operating Friday 6nd Saturday APPOINTMENT PllONE PA 87i 52 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ldeal secondcar for any family Equippedwith radio audthe tires motor and upholstery are very good DONT MISS CHECKING Tllls pm 1nIITIIEIIiIEIII Increased for its personnel in this Ungava ironLore centre 0M5 DEMONSTRATmN USED CAR DIV 233 BRADFORD ST PA 34931 QFBEEJé DONT BUY ANY rowan LIIWII Mllch llliTil ion TRYPBflVlllCllitS oWIIEicIIISIvEJ in 18 CYCLE ROTARY if Priced s2000 Below SimilarDeluxe Models Perform Any Comparable Machine Yet Guaranteed To Out Made PROVE THIS YOURSELF Time TonIIv ToII manager LOOK WhArRoYALINE GIvssvou cycle no messy mixi illiMEgDElliflllSTllliillill standpoint at its ofgas and oil Powerfully HJ Motor Recoil Starter Heavy steel housing that cant break or adJustable cutting heights Muffler Builtin mulche Inexpensi rep ceable Cuts withinJz of shru Offsctrubbcr wheels Madonna Si hs walls Cuts evenly over abygmund Priced to save you

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