Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1957, p. 2

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Restricii MaVFéEased Continued Iron page one Garle 1L Johnston at 521 St builder self Kuhner exten sion at 51 Tillie 51 builder ll Ferguson Fell 106 Shanty Bay Roambuilder sell Clarke 93 Peel SL builder self Arm strong 126 Napier St builder self Summary Fourteen single family dwel ling permits $185500 twodu mits $40000 ne conversion pen mits 540000 ne conversion epr mii $3000 14 repairs and alter ation permits $11400 live garage permits $2125 Total $242025 00 New Climmcrclal Oro investments Ltd Say ficld Stsales warehouse at 158 iilfin SL builder Emery Engin eering Additions Smith 111 Blake st mad tion to Simcoe Tourist Court 114 Blakest builder JfCott ltepa field bulldcrsclt Shops 22 DunlopSt atinns to store at 22 Agencies alterations to storeiat 1418 Mulcaster St builder self Freedman HoteL bulldersclf Summary One new contsruction permit $32000 one addition permit $6000 fourrepairs and alteration permits $10l00 Total $46100 industrial Addltlohs Wire Brush140 Vic additioh to Imam at NohAs€mble Barrle Public School Board TorontoSL new public schon on Johnsonst builder Emory gincering $150000 Defence Production Ltd Clair Aye Torontn storage shed onParkside IiiWe Arraours iesl builder Emory Engi eerin in our permits ed April nose svoa95o5o permits ln April 1957 $442975 $260975 18 new dwelling rentals incl two riplex issued April 1957 $225500 Decrease $238 dwelling pen cd an to Apr 23 newidwelling lJa nlopf SL hulldbrlfl Alien Angeioff repairs to Simone 25 sr jBurriefs Old Post 1Officelj Commerce will recommend that Owen street be extended downto the CNN station with commercial building to the East leaving the War Memorial and 13501811 park to the Westofztheiroad QUENTIN YDfMasterMechanic Alinndoié Division retiredl on pensio atter 45 years service with the Can adisn National aliways on WednesdoYMcy Mr Boyd Was born May 1892 in PutnoAyrshire Scotland He emigrated toCanada in May4912 dnd with in week of landing in thiscountry started work as locomotivofiremnn ntBelievllie For the next twenty five yearshe Workednsiiremon and engineman at Bane ville and Toronto ving been promoted to engtheman in May 1915 In the some month heenlistcd with the 8th Mounted Rifles or Canada and served overseas from Octo her 19157untilvMarchv 1919 est or his service being in France Herose to the rank 01 sergeant and was awarded the Military MedulJn August 1917 Hpwas marriedAprii 25 1914 to th former Anna Gray Browning Irvin Ayrshire8cotlund and they have one on the railway son Jasper who has also taken ups career and is the CNRagent ot Tuttenham Mr Boyd was appointed MbsterMechanic or thecapreol Division oh November 22 1937 and served in that capacity untilJuneil 044 whgn he was transferred to th Alian dale Division this manner would ensure vital access to lakeshdre drivewhich might be developedlater None of these ideas consid er one important factorthe ethics of selling something for mgnetarygaln which was ini tiaily obtainedLat low figure from vendor who bellevcd Continued from page one would help the community To arguedhat purchased ieid heii£j to Loblawsl liiui PH park fromthe proceedswould be helping the community isbegging the point Invthe first placethe Federal department was aiso hp preached by commercial concerns had no doubt couid have sold at farbetter price thari the towniisJJeing offered now Eiitension Vof Owen Street in ed that theproilt from thesnb will hens greatas first imagined tor tocomplete ahesale it will be necessary to purchase CNR property at around $150 perfoot This property is at present leased Item the ONE by the town whole family cheeses etctoo which are Up untiiénow it was thought that this ng which is of big to be put to theuse of the townand many uses have been suggested Nowthe Town Coun cil appears to be denied by financial plum and all considera tion of correctness of action seems to have been forgotten Government be it munici pal provincial or federal must bequ Caesarsiwife above impeach It the Toivn Councilam to go ahead with the sale it mustbepreJ cred to beaccuscd of sharp notice It would hediificult to describe such action in any other way Linaugural eech at the ponds sitcomion To 93001 SW were He is great sports fan and faithful supporter of the Barrie Flyers Hockey Club Lawn bowling and curling are his favorite participating sports and hlshobby is growing prize dohiios Mr Boyd also has Veterans Club Bellevlile Sons ofBcotiand Canadian Na tional Railways Recreation Association and is Past Grand Patron ofthe Order of the Eastern Star Mr nndMrs Boyd intend remaining in Barrie where they have made their home for the past 13years The presentation of well tilled purse was made to re tiring Master Mechanic Quentin Boyd on behalf the officials and employees of the Allondnie Division by Veenls superintendent of Mitive Power and Car Equip ment at North Bay Approximately 50 oiflciois and employees gathered at the Motive Power Shop andorifice Ailandnle present included assistant superintendent WS Gleason district cur foreman Ross diesel road loreman Godin locomotiveloreman LMetcait and olsoformer Sunday RAILWAY TIME megs No 41 leave Toronto un Arrive Allandalc 1130 leave Em rte 1148 for North Bay daily ex cept Sunday No 45 leave Toronto 550 pan Arrive Allnone 802 leave Barrie 017 for orillia daily except Watchjor St Georges annual lawn supper Thursdly June 20 lo pm 52 Dance in Band Head Community Memorial Hall every Saturday night rponsored by Anglican Young People Plido da Orches tra Admission 50c 52th Dance to themuslc ct theDlnce land Orchestra inthe Ivy Orange Hall tonight Lunch counterAd mission50c No 53 the Continental luve Toronto 11 pm Arrive Allandlle 1248 Lin Leave Barrie 100 1111 or vnncouver daily No 47 leave Toronto 1130 pm 52 Arrive Aliandaie 120 am Leave wide variety or interests in service and iraternai organizations havingheld officesvln the Officials Barrie 131 nrn daily No 601 leave Hamilton un Arrive Ailnndale 1115 ant 1145 for blea Leave Aliondalc ford doilyvcxcept Sunday Southbonnd No 46 fromNdrth nay Lcave Barrie 415 am Leave Allandale 500 am Arrive Toronto 350 mm daily No 42 leave Barrc1110 am Leave Allbndale 707 ArrivevTo ronto 055 daily execptSunday and Monday from NorthBay Leave LeavevAllan dale Arr ve Toronto 710 Daily cicept Sunday No 113 leaveBarric 700 pm Sunday oniy Leave Allandale 708 pan Arrive Toronto 845 pm 1101562 fromMcaford Leave Allandalcltlifi pm Arrive llam dally except Sun 20 mi than 755 pm day CANADIAN Pacino inunwhr Northbtfund No3 tho Dominionieavc To ronto 1030 pm for Vancouver arrive Midhursr 1230 am daily to Sudbun Stop for passengers and beyond Na from Toronto Arrive Mldhhrst 101 am Tojort Wil liam local connectionsnorth Train No 11 the Canadian To ronto to Vancouver docsnot stop at MidhurstmLcavcs Toronto 415 llidhurst at 000 pm Passes pm daily Southbound No1 the Dominion1from VanA couverArrive Miilhurst 14 am daily No from rive Midhurst 527 ii Local connections Souths TralnNo 12 nurst 315 p131 daily ronto 530 pm for Cochranc Sort William Arr daily the Canadian lancouver to Toronto passesiilitb Arrive Tic Keep date open St Georges Niglican Church Utopia Garden Party Wednesday June 19 1957 Particulars later 52 Rummage Sale Legion HIIL 96 Collier St Saturday May 930 up Anspices LadiesAuxiliary Canadian Legion 5152 Keep Friday may 17 open for the Chllll Willi Junior Farmers dance in Chilrchiil Community HallGood orchestra 4052 Danceto Beattys 0rchestraSat urdny lilay to 12 midnlght Guthrie Community HallDooi pri zes Lunch counter Admission 75c 52 Easter Visitors ltlrs lvan Pilkcy= Richard and Veronica spent the Easter hell days with relatlvcsatFort Eric Walter Hall Srof Actonf spent Easterwith his family herc Baptism Service Baby James Weir llililgan son of Mr and Mrs InmesMiliigbn was baptized EasterSundny at Knox Church Ciyassland Birthday Wishes Many happy returns to Anne llawnwho celebrated her second birthdnynon Tuesday April 30 Weekend Visitors Mr and Mrs Rayllall ofActon spent the weekend at Walter Halls Mr and Mrs Steve Rawn Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and family were dinner guests Saturday o1 Mr and Mrs Allen Sinclair Coll lngwood Mr andMrs Harris Sage of Sudbury visited here on Saturday with Mrs Kirkpatrick and Ross Sunday Visitors Jack Grier and friend of Tor ontoand Miss uric Grier of Holly were Sund visitors with ithe sale rol the property Secondly it is not to be expect somehlstorlcal interest was goL general superintendent Hotrum Anglican Bishop Will Dedicate StGies MisSion Thiscoming Sunday at 930 arn the Rt Rcv Wilkinson the Lord Bishop of Toronto is to dedicate the new Anglican Mis sion Parish Hall of St Giles at 95 Cook Street This is the first visit of Bishop to the Mission since it was built The land for the mission was purchased in 1950 by Trinity Churchwith money provided by the Frank Jackson Estate Mr Jackson Was keenly interested in provrding Sunday School for the children of the East End The sod for the new building was turned on ltlarch 19 1955 by former Rector of Trinity Church the Rt Rev BSeverleythen Bishop of Toronto Thebuilding was completed and in use by the beginning of this year mayor Willard ltKinzie referred to the matter of the Old Post Office among other things arid said De cislons in these matters will aff ect Barrie down through the com ing generations Before lt is too late itwould be as well it Council remembered ter which can bedecided onmon etary considerations these words This is not that 51 economic Northern Ontario District end of November The corner stone was laid by the Rector of Trinity Church tiicRev Allan Relid Regular services werc begunin January of the follow ing year From the beginning oi aSunday School the work has grown and now includes Ladics Guild groupshf Scouts Cubs Brownies andGnides Church Choir under the leadership oi Mrs Holloway and Sanctuary Guild Duringthe past year Bishop Wilkinson nomcdthe mission St Giles St Giles has been very popular nt in the Anglican Church with some eighty churches being named in his honor in one singlé one hundred year period This Mission rs the first to be called St Giles iurover 300 chur ches in the Diocese Sincelrisjenthronement as thé Bishop of 11ornnto the Rt Rev FH Wilkinson indicated de fine tqrdedicate the new Parish Hallhimseif The event is to come to pass thisSunday at 930 am CREDITRESTRICTIONS Any program or policy that siowsjdown the advance of the ability to produce goods and ser vices without at the samestime holding in check the expansion of the ability to purchase will fuel thEvaires of inflation Blacks Harbor NBJ Fundy Fisherman angina or £33 Mrald Ha ld Smith and Sunday visitor Mr dMrs oils CIUBI came includcdltir and Mrs re Moon andElvarof Orillia Ho Am er and Mr hers Walker Caldwell successful rs Harry Hawkins and Sylvia of Stayner and Mr and Mrs RusseliSage and family spent Sunday evening atiirkpatrlcks Cancer Canvass Members of New Fios WI have beenrout this Week canvassing for the Cancer Society TheLions Club of Barrieheld another successful monster buffet at the Legion HailCoilicr Street last night with all 400 tickets sold The winnerofv the elimina tion draw for the door priie of 1957 Chevrolet was Tcrryliarris who shared the ticket with his Florence Nightingale Tea under the auspices of theWomens Hos pital Auxiliary on Wednesday May at the Nurses Residence Well ngtoiiSL West from to 0pm summon 35c 52 08th annual convention ol the Womens Christian Temperance Union for thsCountiu oi Slmcoe Muikoira and Parry Sound to be held May in Burton Avei United Church Allandale Registering 61 delegates begins at am 5263 The annual piano and singing recital by pupils of Jessie RBry sonTuesday Mby at pmin Collier St UnitedChurch Hall All those interested in music are cordially invited Cards may be obtained from hiiss Bryson 5753 Second annual Shorthurn Show and sale sponsored by York0n lario Shorthorn Ciub at the 11x bridge Livestock Sales Barnfllarn to be government inspectengale Tuesday May 14 19575 Show at 1230 pm Sale at 100pm Bulls sold with Government prem turn 10 Females gior catalogues write Duncan McTavjsh Secretary RR Uxbridge Ont PRINCE OF WALES SCHOOL Annual meeting oiPrinec oi Wales Home and School Associa tlon will be heldon Monday May at 815 pm Thc new executive for 19p7A58 will be installed hy ltlrsErnest Hankin area vicepresident Rev ports will be heard lrorn the chairman and the delegate tethe home andschool conventioni film will be viewed followed by 10minute csussion perio This meeting has becnplanned to be short sweet andflto the point soymuke point otAattcnd ing Temperance HoldSConvention Allandale May The 66th annualwconvontion of the Womens Christian TBTIIPEI ance Union for Simcoe Muskoka and Parry Sound is being held at Burton Avenue United Church Allandole on Wednesday May 91 The regular meeting of the Barrie branch the Womens Temperance Union will be held on Monday May at Mrs Bruce Richardsons 58 Burton Avenue Barrie fathom The last five names in the draw were Parry Harris New ton Len Crawford andAl Cook These had the option to continue with elimination or split the prize and in iheahsence of Parry the remaining four contestants decided to continue The orderlof elimination was LParry Al Cook Len Crawford Neivton leaving Terry liarris with the car Winners oi the 15 consolation prizes were Barrie Wholesale Lacey Ray Fraser and Bruce Broivn Donna Stephenson All Dye Mclt Bride Phil ovew Butler Donna Johnsto Labatt Re At Cheeseman JoyceEdgrton HAig szLIsre srunsurs IYPEWIIIIEIIS scunmsr keep your pm sent typing 11nd improve it over the snmmgrufiontha by renting typewriter at our srncrar SUMMER srunnnr RENTAL RATES month 31500 and extra manta tree star Bushes Machines Down 51 Barrie rn was canonic c6ro REGULAR OPENING IMoNoAv MAY rims ncrnnsuMENrs snnvnn noN EVENING lilit smiling ROBERT ANDREWS ASSQCIATED WITH R9515 oPsNIuGsPrCIAL WAVE Registering ofdeiegntcs begins at

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