mama am going to pm aioogv formation MKSJI 1le own ronto is the editor at The Rose Bulletin omelet newsletter of the Cnnndlan Rose society She write to very excellent builetin and here is her advlccmn Proi perllanting Procedures Ior Roa QuoraJm the last has noi letin wocnutioncd you about buy vlug chenpfrosegtock Now assum ing thatyouhave made your pun chases we shill endeavorto give youa few tips on planting we 1foelthit aggoodmanymes are nndweurie gt time and do liar WE HOPE YOU have selected bed for your roses which will receiveJt least four to six hours of sun daily at the site you have chosen does not drain properly do take the time to install lay er of gravel onclnders oi thcbot tom of the bed to entry oil the excess wnter PLANT YOUR ROSES soon as possible after arrival After unpacking soak thevroois in pail or muddy water This will coat the roots with damp soil They may be left overnight thus but under no circumstances should you leave them several days before planting If you can not plant them at once bed them inyour garden until you are ready Do not leave the roots exposed to sun and wind while your are dgzlpg the holes This DlGTHE HOLES large enough to accommodate the roots without rcrowding enough to softth at the proper height Thebudor graft is the focal point of determining the riepth at which the plantfshould he placed ltf should be level with the irrfaceof tholground afterthe so is settled void having one Cover the Working il lilil thehole with soil it Is good idea tomound excess soil around thegtlnnts to depth of severalinches will pr0lt tectnew plants from magehy sunan wlnd This soil should beremoved aboutloidays or when suitahl weather arrives MOST EXPERIENCED ers feel roses should ven extra fertilizer in ear This is of course assurn ng that you hadthe rose bed prepared in advance and fertiliz in the One plehty gf ag ddeai ts at leashfol the first year ember always the leaves are ally good job on had very and deep Locum Am Lydon Max VS get out and pi on iaw out millsHo Barrie Mani Cluh willwa their rm watch Coming Events for than dnles ihow ndother or of thl ety Emmi13v Decorumofl DAY isshapin 1m 31 watch for deans 151 NEWTONROBINSON ouroe OldPANXf The main part this weeks program wasitakenup with the st John Ambulance gelass being totizht hy Lieutenant tailord This wonkytho lieutenant taught us about the bodystructure and shock At campfirewe discussediour on April 24 Today we nroto meet at Newton Robinso amfor breakfast hike We closed with taps BEETON enemas Wellinstch was very excit ing for us as we attended fiimmys Floater Seal show at the Maplei Leaf Gardens Our regular mectingwas at Brown Owl Lisks home After motoring to Toronto we thrilling ride in he subway to tho Gardens nine our arnnzcment when upon going through the door someone ealied Oh look theres Foster He itt Then after wéwere sea do youthink sat directlybehind aim Marily hell and she signed autographs for us all we saw so many peo ple and so many cripple children course Jimmy imself who is such niceJittle fellow our big moment really tame whenTimmy introduced ry Come whomweall admire so much So afternll these it seems none of us ious to settle down However we did maxing semaphore andaome more Work ongour scrap hooks Before closing urn1ee ng Brown Owl verykrndiy le us watch Tabloid on to man we cpui hav Mr Cornot Shanty Bay WI Pre Theannua meeting ofï¬hanty Bay Womehs Institute was old at he oine of Mrs place President Mrs president Mrs Mrs Patelsew Mrs Pattehson moved avoteof th ks to the retir the vete mother anddaughter banguet officers for in eon Bl EedenUonmf the émdhn Fedention hadmed for the movefnr three hair picklednp it tothint use of gm iv to Veterans Afhin that the department hold out about m000000in credits Iineo the yeteranrthute game into forte 1945 Thig included nhont $3000000 paid to he credits benefits under Veteran 000 still appahently hecnuse many setu onwtlntsnre amnii somo veterans have died Vana some forgot boot what was com ini to tn Anothetmso flflals pu formrd that at canthehotherc its thotflwere colleclecl Went the purchase ofvlurnlture Oth for which us None otherthan Canadaa have not en med QDOIOQoonlaveï¬ lumen Mole nd Windso at are at in miuilennga of meat reporf tohledilnt monthjn the Commons ofthn timers edhy themise hint or sels Offlcl al theltman fist on menus torlocate aid hostile sobmarinea weli Nort oncoummm on The British tColumblo BoyScouL Council hassent tn Canadian Scout headquirt forithelrase arysrg beinnflhu ump nt collected pr thoC Hallo alfnoriai Build col Batien who my rovioclai commissioner for BCiYuiron Shout Councii and Cprnp Chi Sub Camp Padilla he lamest Keynotei Condition Siouts Yum $50000 M13193 arylslnd to help take the Lawrence opened in 125 years bcfore the rst Ri thégovernme near Aklavik in the NorthWestffreni nt herd hi hWaSRnicdsuregldby 192m Instn Lap uses 8° meme mitoses INSURANCE Contran MANUAfURERS ME