tlvEStOCIt EOIttALE R60MO Conn CAIIL Vim roe permssmt Jtun Phon Lenvy HIII menu lYflrIllllle Wuun well WilliIn lulr Cookfl Hi mums Piss woehs old Ar at powdery RR nsnrle or phone mix Hut PM Enli ID We ll MI 03o HI InVlCIAILI Axe Yurith BIA Yam Blur oneyelr old Arthur Narrow Coohstcwo Emu saw due last or lay also saw lint ltter due the tint Won known Phone 7am outmovm Hid noon let Cowl due to lresben am week In bl Dne my Dur srlo two are psrt Holsleln End years old Apply to Oscar Archer vole or phone lm Elmvsle Isln DUlulAlIl lleltcr ycsn old cclnsted Durhsru firmnll QUE WEI nl lMl Ford Car wlth In rebullt motor In good rondltlon cnesp tor cult Ap ply vlc Ids phone lttrq borrlc Hm Eaton cuNrItAn tron bsrrle Psrm suprly to ï¬nance your reed tor bomb Callie turkeys or broilers be the snswer to your problem ere ls render Flnnnre Contrsct to 11 rltusllons to rellsnle persons one us todsy st om Barrie lsn countnun re lee L294 HALWIGS SENSATIONAL CLEARANCE OF Balance Owing Specials AT BELOW WHOLESALE PRICES BALANCE OWING lsTlllJ FULL PRICEYOUIAY NOTHING MORE 948 MONARCH non wuon blue ï¬nlSlt bcstrr snd elmslcr load tlrcs excellent motor yllurry or till one BillC0 owing ONLY $11987 1947 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN New turquulae blue tInlsh new seat covers lull ollpresv sure outstanding condltlan throughout Alovcly IIItle outcmobllc aslrnee rlg ONLY $24328 194 OLDSMOBILE Duuxa sslALL SEDANLP Nice arlgiml lreerl flnlsh very Clean Inter lpr Iutumhlls transmission he Ind defroster custom rndlo dlrectlon light deep tread tlrLS llrl nulsllmlllng guy balsnce owing full price ONLY $19623 gt 1947 DESOTO CUSTOM DELUXE SEDAN Nlce quc Jinlsh very clean interior good liter excellent mechanical condition Thls lsvs cylinder very economical Hal neemvlrll ONLY $222121 NO DOWN PAYMENT TO FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE ee6ur line dlsplry or late model owner Automobiles many to 0052 from HALWlG MOTOR co LTD USED CAR SUPERMARKET PA 66652 97 BRADFORD ST IIISI 1957 FORD AND MONARCH CARE AND TRUCKS ASK FOR RAY COWAN EPSTDEAL lN ToWNOIt OUT PA 55515 or PA Moll latatr QBIIyirIg or Selling We rlosnce late model ears and trucks Very reasonsble tutu wnh complete Insurance STEVENSON ALL TYPES or INSURANCI PHONE PA 85ng EAST LOP ST unztt CEEV two tone new tires Good condition 51 Nelson Phone PA 251 llSl52 STATION WAGON 1956 Chevrolet dual sundard No tmlle Prlvnte Phoner 1H7 51 Palm ludor under zno mlles lentfl must sell Con onsnce with non dowh Phone PA 661 135 enEVItOLET Conch In good run nlnl condltlon RadioHeater Motor old nonsensllle Phone PA so latatt tau VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe blsclr tewslltlres mileage 190110 Phone 7W2 apply 61 High St Apt n16 3v CnEv Sedsn nellve toodltlon cepted PhanePA 124 between snd ltSlsz lbs Mormon Mainline Coach load re pslr moo rnlle only No rust No Rlsflfllbla taller rclused Gr Jen ct phone lvy 15M evenlllla only 1548 loin ETDEbAllm door blul new room lab snd clu llodydu ex ceuentlshs sCsn beseen ALWlllow PA Hm latau nEvnuLbr In fondltlon rear Inside anal out rsdlo snd lxadfl snd cres reek erv ce Station Phone Clean BOOM ANDIOAID on Gum Phon FA Itll PLANTS FLOWERS CERTIFIED Rdspberry Cones Coosrberry has Bihck current For ducrlptlvs rolder sod prices endulro st brown Co Ltd Wald Goodtellow EDENVALE uAItDm PHONE 1M HINEING 1741 EVERGREENS SHRUBS ROSES SELECT NOW WHOM OUfl LARGE STOCK Cull Ind Clrly Ind Slva RL BEZZANT GREENHOUSES JOHNSON st 21u5d nllUBAhB ROOTS or nle Benent Gmnhouul 69 Johnson St 2743 cnlusnlAS Tree Serdllnrs Aurtrtsn Plnc NO stock sadper moo Apply Huronls Numrles ml Wyevsle phone Elrnvste bard 214ch LANDSCAPE Glltlutlfll Roto nlunn Plowlmr Draining Al nursery stock month lunrlntee on stock planted by us Lawns scedM snd nodded nshder PA Mm 275052 smAwtlzltltv his Apsrsdus ltootr snd nupberry Clne1lrelhly dug Cholce stock Also now rerdy imbue Csullnower Iornsto plants re Illll crest GIMcnl Phelptton lst Canoes slon not one mile cost or lllghwsy 21 Phone Elmvsle 57PM 215sz MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No Collection No um Cred Bureau Elma Phob PA Hm II Molar ALL TYPES OF ROOFING SERVICE tr SUPPLIES MORROW IMacDONALD General Contractor PA 66810 5114 5425 GROW YOUR OWN WILSON TREE FARM Custom Plnntlnx Srotch Pine Sccdllngs Norfolk Variety Phone 432 MINESING 54455 AS 1St Electric Motors to Ross Sh Balm PHONE PA 85307 cm Inctnr Apply Eudora Knaabl rtlon to buy Barrie or near Lon lieI261 irAltM EQUIPMENT chtflsfll 111133 MUEAPW Don was that Hfll Ford Fem lord Phone Budlord urn 3951 le cm range Hsnener pliewelled Spec lulu snnu nt Cooper ves afosb $1 Weston 3901 DALI buVATOltsr Snedln Power an Inn ltscblnery Apply thson Illnesln phone Iva Accommodation Welltrad lunnoon home unturnlshed went EELI PUDIV lor Id lmlnedlltelys Klein 01 Camp Bor den Phonb Camp Borden I554 llslu JEDROOM ltouss wspted to renlAwlllh Gnnvule srPhpne PA 5319 lImw BLDKRLY Lsdy wents wsrrn eomlort sble morn sud bcsrdJn bunulow sod whenever necessary trsy servlee and bed rsre wm no per month Write to flu Green In belly Ann Drive WIuowdsle out lleodz =ag PASTURE GOOD PASTURE or It held of Cllua Wnuid preler rows Apply Don Knll ley It Sllyner phone 520m 127515 Eh NUMEEI Call warned to pmuie Plenty cl wlt Aï¬ply Il Veenflr third bouse Icmn Anne st and Lee utln 5L Bantr Aans permanent pasture sha Al lslls and Clovrrrllke In cattlarol wtu rent or non llsy snd straw for Illa Thornton Phone lry UN CHICKS LL BARRED ROCKS itlll hard to beat arena Ind meal lhlrtynlx years eraolul leleclloll be llrlll out loud Mk $END FOR Pitlc LIST TOM KENNY slum BAY Phone PA pom Dorrie CH 115151 CKS DO Youllsz Younsr Thls resron will soon be overchlclla hhnuld be ONEM now ll dellfld We hove some Started Eocherels and no Pullets To malts the most on your Investment or Iced and time we suggest Dekllb Chicks but also have nsrred flocks and Hump noeh Crossbreds wrlle or phone HUNIERS POULTRY FARM snloUD 244343 sEED AND FEED bALED ltAIl or sale Shanty bsy nnoTlnr SEED lor Hoverson Stsyner tsyner 511m loSln Graham IoS 152 cole IIlIsm Phone ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE hr code all blltirltgpun 590 HAROLD HART Barrie Electric MotelI Owen Ph rhomo BM FLOOR COVERING Armallollu Floor Cour Rubber And Aaphlll Ill Llnoleum Plnallc Wul IlII Irsterlsls su Iled end install Preenasthnstu WOLFENDEN no Toronto St Phone PA ll HOME SERVICE ICisterrIs Iumped out and Clealned lCellles Cleanedand Trash Ee riloved OEavESlloughs Cleaued and Re paired For=prompl service PHDNECOOKSTOWN 65rd 540A5l Now IS THETIIIIE TO THINK ABOUT GEKIING YOUR HOME REDECORATED PeltREASONABLE ltAm CALLS LAKE SIMCOE PAINTING tr DECORATING C0 EXPERT IN STAINING ELONDING BLEACHJNG FREE ETIMATm AT ALL TIMB Phone PAS7170 JOHN BOUTUS 253Baytleld St Barrie redsSII WELLsDUG TILED OLD WELLS RECONQIIIDNED Concret tue tor wells culverts sod tlnrmbewera weeping the gt SEPTlciTANK UNITE MADE AND INSTALLED Air compreamr work PUMP SALE SERVICE Whifney COrIcrere Prollllcts Aflel hour dlfll IA HIM ItIt OMLLIA PA tam on t7 Truck letterlnl sold all In see sbow cards cutoutdette to Ellen atrA M775 54 Now Is rmllmfl tobulldup your old lawn with tooled teed tortilla And npeï¬ebt all seedlnl service at Orllila 70mm HAY AND smAw or sets We de IIver Apply Ken Gulord Phone Letroy llrsz lolztr RED CLOVER Seed for sale Coop Clebned st 24 Msw and sons phone 512 Mlnetinz 104955 SEED POTATOES for sole Foundation Chlppewa nrld Sehngo Max Jrll Crlllzhlrrst Phone aslrls Barrie IHlfl SEED POTATOES tor ante Irish cob piers from grade loundatlon seed Wilbur Dobsan phone Flt31551 lHlSZ SEED BEAVER Oats and baled cut Straw or sale Apply William rawrord Ora Station Phone up On gt lodul ClllPPEwn Potatoes sultsble ror Inble orseed tor role Apply Ted Marrow Thornton Lot Con lnnlslII Phone Ivy ml III5152 ERBAN ANILBeaVcr Sécd Outs ror Sale also Feed cats ply Hamid Brotey Lot 21 Can 10 Phone in Mr 10 43495 lltlsn COBBLER Potatoes for sale to grown lrom PEI Stock Free irom Scab ring rotetc Block Cnokalown 105163 MONTCALIII Seed asrley tor sale Cermlnsllon test 91 Co70p clesned snd trested Msurlee CoutLS Mldhurrl Phonc PA 7555 Ill5H RODNEY oAlsltor Seed or sale grown from rellstered stock ILm Ace bottom arlsrrow Plow like new lte sonsble Campbell Broa an Barrie Phone evenlnzs PA $9401 105152 NotICE T0 CREDITORS AND OTHERS NDTICEJS nEnEBY GIVEN pursu sot to The Trustee Act tbit su credi tors sno others hnvlbe clslms ssslnst the Estate or ALEEnTA MGBRSON late or the VillnEe or Lerroy In the County or Sllncae School Tesetler De cessed who died on the 2401118 at March 1957 are requested to send gantculhrs or lbelr claims to the un emlgned on or More the Post day or June 1957 alter which dsce the Execute wlll dIstrlbuce the nsretr ol the Estate havlnz rceard only to the claims or whleh he then shall nsvt notlce and mu not be responslble tor spy others STEWART ESTEN ncTultx asrrle ootsrlb Solleltors tor the Executon 5t51W TENDERS TwoBoom School Ora School Area Is tnvltlnllend em on Two hoom Msronry School at Gllthrle adJnccnt to exlsung No If Schoo Hot water hestlng Plush Tolleti Pressure system Felt nnd Gravel root nevlsed Plsns and Speclocotlonr msy bcabtalned roar stdrt Reyes on deposit or moo Raiders will be recelved up to Gpm Mayath 1957 Lowest or any tender not necesssttlv tccepced lollN autumn atomlets Ono aTATmN not 6152 HOLD CUSTOM Until 1861 the Britlsllr parlia mb twaa automatically dissolved dg ill ofthe ruling blob Glidemilï¬sédflsl Dell 215142 beaver Oats Lockhhlrt day sen tllt we At nuptial lull no we to ur and lnqubert Baum Miriam murmurAl boys Viewer loo plul hurlls on Ade to in Indv Ir nunubtse mo IN Ill tor Linda mullet mamAt ltoysl Vlctnrh tsl nude on Aprll 1351 lo AM In Inlle Mctcslte 15 Wood 81 son PAmCKAl Ru sl Vletorts flannel busts no to nor to Hrsnp Hrs nsvld Pstrlclt Mo Dunlap Ess surhter5ussn Elias bsthl PnlLuPaAt no asrrls on Ap lsrold Pbullp son SALEOF LAND FOR AItItEAIIS or TAXES INTHE down or SIMCOE NOTICE lllhdvbillvell thll in list landsliable to halo of IF rears or ten Jn the county or slrnc has been pre andsmi Wu publllh la raven nl All 51 57 In the nurto Guette Coplerol all lit Loud or Me vertlsenlent out be seen In lay outer or will he smiled upon mount lppll Illon for MB In dallult ply ment or taxes shown on old llrt on or before TUESDAY JULY 51957 II the hour at two oclock DSTJ in thelnelnoon lhlll tlll time In the Council chsblbur court House antsrlo proceed sell by lucllnn the all Int to ply mars totclher wlth chllIH ll Vlclofll Howl 51 to Mr and 11 Slalom lttlsnd notin sold on July Ii sn soloumrd me will be held on luer day sllll 23 1951 IL Iwo OCIDCX llt coLlllIlAN Treasurer county ofElmbor Tressurers Olace Court llous llorrle Ontsrlo prll m7 Llth AucIIoN SAIE Falm Stoclt Implements Ha Gran and56me ï¬atfsellold Eflects rhc undelilkhod uctloneer hos received Instnsctlons moon JOHN COCKLIN Lot 18 Con Nottbwtsso Tgrslgsihn WEI OF fulfil 8831 DUNTItooNnolp To sell by Public Auction on SATU RDAY MAY A1 pm Alu THE FOLLO CAnLE Durhsm Cow yesrs bred to trcshen June Durhsm Cow your bredfto trerhrn Insy 23 llere lord Holler bred to rresherr by dste or solo nosn llurharn Cowa yesrs mulrlnz open llolstcln Cow vaearl bred to nerhen end or June Hollteln lerscy Heller ycsrs bred Polled Angusnurb Cow tresh all at toot Durhs lleretord Helms rlslna yesr Bull Coll to months Dunnnae orchard Durhorn YearllnEJl em snd Stets SHEEP ll Ewes end Lsnlbs 0r lord nnd Shropr mlxcd nsm PICS Yorkshire Sow bred lusrch Yorkshire Sow bred Aprll Yorhlllre Pluflsround 475 lbs Plyl weehr old POULTIIY loo Hen yesr old Hamp IndRocks lylnz well HAY STRAw AND anIN 500 Square ables arMlxed tiny Alls sno Timothy well saved aw Soure holes or 0st straw well rsved bushels or ts sultsble lor seed bass or Permsnent Posture Ba ned clover and Allslru seed rolxedr lMPLEluENTS MISCELLANEOUS Mel on Troelor complete wlth live hydrdullo Ilve power toutotl new motor good new New Hollsnd Bole 11 In so new Mll Cllpper Cornblne In condition not Binder Mt cut good repair Mell Side De llvery Stoke on rubber dead an new InH Power blower Mt cut good as new adopted for either bydrsullc or bend lllt MH Mmrmw Tractorjlow good or new not Tractor Culuvstor nbw lust year Coehshutt Tnndero Truc tdr mu good repair MH Seed min dtsc good Iepslr Steel Land nouer zarurn Set or oSeetlon Drag narrows lnddnw bar complete HorseDrswn Cultivate nubb red Wagon good repa Cordlnsl bsle Elevator IL good ss new Universal CDop lullhlnlz Mnehlne units plane and motor gpmpleteplhnnlng Mill Set or Scnles 900 lbs cnpnclty wlth welsnts com pete Cutter buggy MH Electrlc Cresrn Separator good sr new Set at bSectlon Drolz narrows wlth steer drnw bsr complete Twln Cyllnder aestty Pump wlth 42gallon pressure tsnh 424k Hot Water Pleaaurc Tent II New Sash wlth Psn Shall wlth small psrles snd one rse Assorted steel Pulleys Prupsns Css negulotor wlth coupllngs tor lo tanks 4Mt Extenslpn Ladder Gas Druma Perks Chslns Shovels Tractor¢holnr ahdymlny other smsller nrtleles too numerous tollst HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Admlrsl nelrlgerstor come leet good as new Empire Coohlne Range wood or all Dlnlng noon Bullet steel Bell wlth Mattress nnd Springs complete Power Lawn Mower gsrollne motor driven msnonthcr smaller arlteles too dune erour to list TEIIMS CASH Dennltely no reserve as lsrnl has been rented rNothllll to he remoyed untll settled or Albert Culhsm Clerk Jerry Cough EllnAuctloneer phone PA own 51 III xï¬OLENS Rotary Mower eql pleasule wilhlht dew RoInry lowell Mowtn Nine odels both rolory and tie types hovdrmy molom sonny foolure for you ond our lbw Alkf van demonstolon bids cm ovr codm Elebonpn at Conls mas Ill south Bagseruptslrgulgovsle sln No room II me until Into Terms issn any Month many Hey Almm Sets st Oras noes nsnlss taunt mu erstt Items neetï¬gesl wsre lawn mowers skit pct noppues Itha en needs sctssers snlvec bicycle horns Electric mo huge quan uty or seed muchnone to be sold propanespecter st Uml my add at Sel mm st up psn Jerry CoonumAoetloncer Istnrdsy us Auction sets at blsh elu Amulnaehlnery cmtlt Flu eep bs min and strsw some household street tor Soon Coctlln st Lot ll Con Noltswuus Town lnlp mues north or Creernore lone mtbmet 01er um stale bd bro toluene tsrrn Irepooch Pellet Terms mry Coushlln Auctioneer dz Torsoi burl Auctlob ss lull am arm stock Implements for were usll st Lnt no Cole AIM es west or Aluston why SIN betamy Mly ll Aurllpo me or flhnvnocl llnpluneltu rnln sod milky tor Lloyd drsnt st Lot ll tnnlsnl Townshlp lg sons slnlrht wen or Holly Terms rssn Ssle up pm slurp DST No re um ss thmIflll be sold Jerry colshun Auctloneer mu Wednesdly Mly is Auction ssleol Yettn mclllrlery and wlltorqulplt metal Deed poltors sod household Ell eets lor wtlrred Murphy ll Lot ll connb Vesprs Township Irnlle north Home Union Cemetery Sale st no pm DST shesp No reserve llllel re And Mend 1me ma lsrol belnr rented Terms sh leny Couzblln Auctioneer AucnoN SALE Holstein ond Durham king CowsrHorscS Poultry FurryMuch ihary Groin Hay and Somallouséhold Effects The undenllned nuctloncer nss rceelved Instructions lrom GEO £JQHNSTON Lot 2Con l4 Ves ra Tw MILE 50 TH 0F III WAY 26 To Itll by Public Auctlon on rltIDAYMAY A1 prov snAhP THE FOLLOth HORSES AND HAnNEss llotehcd To In ol Percheron res years welrblnz 2000 lbs Set at Back asnd Harness Horse ollsrs CAmE Holstginecowsrl yesS rteIo llolsteln Corn yesrs mllhlng well red to tresben luly Registered llolsteln cow yeln bred to reston Ilsy Rellstcretl llolsteln Cow ye milking bred to rrgshen And nexutorcd limn Cow years mllklnl bred to en Sept Ls lie lstered Holsleln Cow Ill yesrs mlllrlng well bred to tresherl Au Holatcln Cow to years rntlltlns well bred to lreshen Nov chain Cow II yesrs multlnz well bred to truhen Nov Holsteln cow yesrs mllhlnr bred to rreshen Jilly Holstein Heller ears mil rslt rt loot alter yesrs trash open Durhsm cow yem mllhlnr well bred to freshen No Ht Durham Cow yearr reels oolr root ope Dun nsmdersey Cow ll yesrs mllhlns well bred to lreshtn Oct 15 Rod Durhorn Cow yean twin cslves st loot welrhlnlrsround boo lbs ench bred usln to flatten In October Red Dur mcow6 ycsrr lllllklnl well bred to rreshrn Dec lted Durhsm Cow yesls cnlt st loot open Red Dur hsmCow ycsls baby beercslt st toot bred again to lreshcn Oct an tied Durhsnl Heller years bred to freshen Dec 15 Hulrtelnï¬ellenyz ycsrs bred to lresbeo In October Holstein llclrers rlslnr yearr bred to treshen In Novembe hexlstcred Durham Hellers rlrlng yesrs open pushum lletrcr yesrs bred to men en Dec 10 may beet welshlnz around 75o l5 Holstrln Cslves tram to lo marlth old Holstein Vesl Calf PIGS AND POULTRY Yorkshlre Sow bred months Yorluhlre Pull sround loo lbs esen 20 Hens luylrlu well HAY AND GRAIN Tons or Loose llsy well saved 4oo Euchels or Ajax Seedostr 4w Bushcls lexed Crnln rultsble tor seedsoo bushels Inlxed Grnln for Feed to Runnels Whiteï¬losv corn Sweet Clover Seed IMPLEMENT dr MISCELLANEOUS FergusonTrIetor new lm Al condi tlonFergltson Zerurrllw Tractor Plow wlde bottom Ferguson Cultlvstor good so new Kubbehllred olnnure Spresd er for horses or troctor lucCD Horse Drawn Mower MCCAD Horse none Ill lt good is new ltubberTIred Wagon and Ruck zood repair Murrow nld log Plow Wslhlng PIDW Chsthum Fanning Mlll witn screenseomplete Setor Scsles 20m lbL wlth weights complete Vlklng Crenln Sepsrstor 750 ban cspaclty Wood Mlllrlnlr Machine unlts outlet for 12 cows complete Quantity or Cednr In rtovs lengths lorlrs Cbslns Shovels bogs Sachs sod many other srtleles too numerous to roentlon HOUSEHOLD EPPECTS nndlny con dor Coahtnu Range soodLss new Dlrr lng Room Suite complete wlth burtet tnble snd ochalrs Dresser and Wash stand mstcbcd studlo Couch zoad us new Fruit Jara Croclts lusny other slnsller articles too numerous to men tlunl lelnz Room Hull 9on goat repair TERMS CAle Dennltelyrlo reserve ss rsrns ls sold Nothing to be removed until nettletj for Toronto for In Order llzell Holsteln nu ALIlo ol mg or him when we In It stone ror memorytrue only trlsnd thst met up all Its own Lure iv an Inflated our when slI In Our love or hire wulnul seep sod never asoty mined by do tcr mew sud sconrIsw Pets gt at cocnmnl Ioclne Hanoi or our husband snd llthuslnwh Al aflasofWH WU ly The world play some tram pair to to But never wul thongs Itsf ed Im memory my 2ur Fulfqu by you end halll il valuables ONTARM FJEL BOARD IN THE nArrEIt or The Hunlrl sl Plsnchues Act Chapter 7n Ilsa Sectlon ss amendedplnd lNTEE nAnElt olsn application Consumers ass company Tomto lcr sp rovsl or proposed bylswtor the un ermentloned munlclpsllty sultr onan the execution rut emblem between the delpectlve tnunlcipsllly sod the sppllesnl mntlnr to the so putsnt the rlsht Io extend It worn and plpes Into the munlclpsllty Arm IN THE HArrEtl ol ho ppllcs tloo by Consumerr Gu Colo my In directing that the suent or the lmlnle clpht electors or the respective munl lclpslltles Is not necessary to such by sw Corporstlnu ot the Townsth or at vlnoeut Carnotnon or the To Eunaiflua corparstlon at Incaownspr or sydcnbsm Corporsuon or the Townshlpol colllnswood Corporation or the Townspr or cnslrcv Camillrfllonjl to Corporstlou or the Townspr or North qullsnbury carporstlon or the Township or 1m Gwllllnlbnry Corpnrstlonw orlbe Town or Thornbury NOTTCE or rllEAItlNG Ontrrlo Pucl hosrd hereby sppolnu Thursday the 15th day I957 bt locooocloclr in the lorenoo Esot ern DaylightSnvIlIz TIrncst the am cer or the bosrd snlte all nlebmood Street Esrt Toronto Ontsrlo tor the nesrlnrr or the shove sppllcstlon snd Iliponatuflnteleatedlherelnl Copies olthe Appllentlon Bylnw snd Fnhchlau Amemcnt my be Inspected lnll mrlher particular ohlllnéd the Oltlce or the Clsrlr al esch munlclpsb Ity lee Aplflltlnl or the Solicitor tor the App cant Messrs 2Imrnermsn Hlywood Ind IItrvllle III Rlchhlonfl Slreelrwcfl Toronto Ontario NOTTCE or APPLICATION To DISPENaE WITH THE VOTE or MUNICIPAL ELEmnS TAltE NOTICE that st the nbove publlc hoorlnz the board will be srlred to Issue sn order declsrlng snd direct In thst the recent or the reepectlve munlclpol electors to the psrslny or the sold bylsw ls not nrcesury vDAlED st Iorvnto thls April losl gt ONTAltlo PUEL BOARD Clozllr gt Cbslrmsn Is Howard commlssloner wlulllp or mlhlpflh Seed Gramip Registered No Garry and Rodney OATS Registered No Montcalm DARLEV gt Seed Potatoes Certified Irish Cabblerand Sabago Clover and Grass Seeds at reasonable prices rEantleIts ALWAYS AVAILABLE CUMMING gt SlumGAIN VFEEIJMILL ANNE SrltEET BAltltm LScotl Clerk Jerry Coulhltn 51 PA 34264 Auctioneer phone PA 35449 54 PONTIAC At noon SEOAN DAY SPECIA at mp wpsreono Cards of Thanks vmmwnlnljewlm lathe Baptist Church or the summer months on Sunday May at oclock Johnson putorpt the Cbnreb willbribx the memo Ill SANCTUARY Ioullru Aland lionInd rm who In thank 1h Modal Cl Council Sthflol Board WM lml lull relatives rtIda Ind Inrtbetr bind upmlonsu bulbs death or lvvlnr bush Ala roaluNsoNxrs Tomhosoe their tsmlly express their untitqu to everyone lor the Irbrdnus thy lg lslr late ln the Shetland ls sud nowcrs received during Rfll bereavement Wu minl lauds north of Scotland hil long been noted bird sanctuary Elli Imam Mull Warranty mu the Lens nsncsr gt no Wuhrrl matr lsw JR l2 Ivm VIIM Report 13 metre If Inn On no our to um by loop alum gents 333 ésc ll Tour new sud Covenunity Late Mule modu sround Aunt sAnulDAv IA so mt Pnflmv Soo cartoon nsreh rel Advonhn and tuna nulln lure Wymnn 1huln no Olinx uu settle nu Show up orb lAIor and our on us Report MI hay ll souls 10 Cornlulu fmne IIINl Will luv luv Malhe ChunkMn our house howdy noooy chlldu Nmroel haulwt WW so all My us ml unset Itrpurt My IIs lopnull no as monomer ClibjnélVPAOG Lt news Hedlllul um um burnt nonun 11a mu eg New loa ewe csoltues 7m lehllsllts ln lbA Ten 13b um Erolc 130 Phat vnocc Nu BM gull ror Modern tune Item TheIr fl you use cmwt ll Today In sports laa Wniw News 18 any hull mulepr IAV 18 Intuition Amy anonluau to an Amen mo Pwm IMAM 131 mum much In Peru em Show 900 amt Hailed but Inuit lest tun CC news nlo lullstu urn wmttlnn RAMS DIAL 1230 many no tour tToo nus nesduau am I20 Tnn Ind Hon aports mr 99 532 nudeI or lcfrillngs no llpr sad sports 11 Born 730 Hm ERIN loo Hen Im bololvillllsldm BM sports Round 200 Nowcur mo News snd sports 205 women World lm Showtim ot oo 310 Tennessee Ernie show Ius Cones limu moo News to Homemaker cllnln loan Trldlnl Post um News £54200 hsnorttnd 1200 Ne llesdllnu Enlunv no I102 Town snd country I2Io boom Dlust l220 ltsrret Report 250 nulletln Eosrd Loo News Hesollnee or Else Psrm moon Phllo Vonce Newsesst Wumenl World 0400 Vsrletv News Pwlnl Psrstlo News on rterout News Hesollnsl ustlnre gsmp Borden aporth ews llum sud Count ODLnEN ctlElthEY MILK WHEN You NEED IT MOST no auannsnrs SELLINC IN THE COMPLETE EDGELEY DISPERSAL AT IIAVS SALES ARENA mlle West or Tnlalgbr on No llundns Highway mllts North of Oakville THURSDAY MAY 9th 1957 at 1200 NOON DEYlllnIILilfll SilleG TIME wno MCC eary Edge gt0llt FULLY ACCREDITED CALIIIOOD VACEIIVATED R0P Tbll Is one othhe best dairy penis in Canada Mr MCCleary has always culled hlS herd very strictly and every cow has had to pay her twayAas producer In addition to having the desirable conformation requlred by Mr McCleary The families now inthe herd have proven their ablllty to produce and reproduce Planned production and good management have gone hand in hand as evidenced by the number of cows bred abdoan heifers and their calving dates as tollowS V83 MILKINGFEMALES 34 BIKED IIEIIERS 39 OPEN IIEIFER AND CALVES an OUTSTANDING IIEBD BULLS 26 Milh lemles reshaped between November and Sale time an many are rede for Winter calving These are now in full flovv oIbslllr gt 31 Milking females and bred heifers are due from Sale time through gluing and Summer siMIIIdoglemales and bred hellers are due in the Fall This is an opportunity to buy really good Guernseys willLen Excel lent héalthand breeding recordfnnd backedrby strongR0Pi plo ductiorlkecords We recommend your attendance neg nd look forwardlo your coming early lot of cattle havmxold in short time to that the salelwill commence Sharply at no SAVINGLTIME Lunchwillbe served by the Church now for YOIII catalogue to Sal HAY FAItMs LIMITED box no QWLLE0L Psr be Psrsae mus ad on Recuut no News Headline am usurree 52 Ca notdeb sports oso ble am New Rlloltnu hm usrlret xenon in spots 11 man News sbd apart 4206 Elm all YNUIIDAV Au gos Re rt on 330 nuslesl Clock gt p52 700 Psilo burnt Mon Bullstlsl Bum News and Sports News Loo anorts nomad News Hemline un News Md abort Telerrsm nlrnllrbts Timream Ernte up showtime Revue em News mull sllirv Trlll 905 Post News gnuNon asrrty no Teonesseebrnle also loo omensrm Cllnlo lam lrldinl Post Ilm GI abort gutter llole Top or Town ousrholo mats 11101200 portend lrcls grï¬nwaï¬yr 82538 age Hub gt 3923832 to ILIL usldwtls phosphor bin clueo cousellvnrlvel CONVENTION To choose 1a Candlddte to contest the maid or lorthcoiningFedelal Election will bebcld in ISTON Ill meeting will be oddseased liyV lvllt DONALD FLEMING