Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1957, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY Mimi HELP WANlED WOMEN Im roll éAus wort BAAt2 titbLANtgt pomowoob 0st iote business or neu Dainty plot bonus and ultraMort CI Mai llm tilt mum Gums ismn tiAluti Naelay my let up part l5l SALESMAN aggressive nlmn with best on salary and commission all an mu plus excell pi em erunlly for advancement PPLY MR McFADDEN EPLETTS ELECTRIC 14 DUNLOP ST iu HELP WANTED taixOEPTioNAL DPPéllTUNITY vs ralamra an to lo to all industrial ipsiltutionsl store cunts wllh our excludve line at rammed fluorescent and locals deatent trips and specialised tighuag equlplnuiL nightst commission ar rahgcoreui guarantees shovevera income and sxure dirtlord csreer Ll REALTOR PHONE PA 1845934 DAILY 030 urt to pm 0an mm are leaders In the Chmdun utili tng industry and the eoninept demand tor our products along with the nth united scope or euricmn and our proven ulel plan unuru steady re peal ycrrrouod business Choice Fro tectsd with impressive its established out now open in Georgian dmrlct write librest Cnrpnrlllolt uhdss ohisrio lsi vourm MAN mo years old wanted to work in groceteria and drive deliv ery truck iiusthsve chsurteurr lie ehsc ppiyphohe Camp Borden toios GillL years at age capable oi looking alter books ln amatl omce Must be accurate at ngures and hand llhg carb Permanent orltlon hie Leughllh Packltu Cd mittd phone Allision 71w or Siaytter 700 but ll Michell bu llVllI Pl ll Ill arin screens Very good lot to w1lefly FUN Enlm phone nous arsed mi Highwsy il NJ toivtL eht golden Ind lnltt trees corner lot Ind load building Iota Connell Evenlnxl phone CovoblbuluNo I01 BARRIE sustmlzs 3550 Pull price nr trill hutillilmtl Drum um walled 57 Pltorrllfl SLESSOR NEW BUNOALOW $11500 iet lochtioh utla lova In Inolqgluttfl eotlstrrlctlhrl hasd Alumlllnru Ilantu BARBIE OUTSKIETS $7500 room bungalow oh an acre or unit rcc Vay rood Price includes the house Call nsn PA lTln ry tilde room uni REALETATESOFEICE acousticton bmttgréloo norm 3vammoior 31 dearMIMIth wt letiv slit with good Iml on nutty IM hilly Com Im very low down payment and IiiL NuA mrlgu terms ONIIIIILE count on HIGHWAY it on no tilesoon monotone mourn houll vllh hl town conveniences good well Dru lylltm lllllibllamenh romeo reruns storm virtuals Lot IIIo zoo sood garden Ind use sre only see Down payment is 32m good buy lorwurklnlJnhul PA 221 Sum0n thou lmIlnculIu ly kept alder Ille htlck home which In uldom mind ln lhlljflce lu ii lin tour bedrooms it has ground floor lunnwm ll Ill modern term mlcrllled bath plus 2plece harder room downstalni oak noon on into and am to storage closets everywhere all Good gh dry basement with co butlbtmlhm tantrum botno ilth WW REAL ESTATE Jami BAY POINT Mm stuntdin so encruste hm is dated Itlzmrdlluulod Msflou lflll on pluo Ills open MariMI IIIIII mud hellfirle Justin mun lily at true lite ohm Ind ltty mlllmlnl etinioop fluully Cull luau III Imlu it down payment and any lentil can be emitted 21mm MODghN st LEVEL Thu Druid bedroom Itll 121 lAI too mu lulu Ind In to mentlon III thI bull ll youare ll Llruicd III ulul born In um thrown hunflry room llll attached mu had all lite lsu lPllIl and dlttg done ML lheu ml ll llll horn you III lookln lur Vrry nicely dccfinud tiller lovely view Ind ll nut bird to pur chute Ind curry All hlpeellnll ll ll updonbrsnd swabaspen mm storey brick or moor JAE REAL ESTATE LLANDALE or rm Plum iii tho dn bathnsll basemast urn We unlit MIG lot sorta Totupweub thousand 313 dncorstad call nose PA myth Vr HOME WITH moon hurdulocr Ill In W4 find nulrll boot and Ihopplnl Ihm bedroom and Mn upmlrl Ille room fllnlnl root and bitched downstairs modern lull butthen ontoting In woman then it scholar apartment ull contoured Lot 51 this For lull de lllll gull AI RD PAm lrlyllmc LOTS Lot Must located on Codrlsgton st This is very less lot and well to malln north cert block mum in to steel berm ateto beaixriar other potential icsluru to responsible party payment um momrr salt mu 22 Owen street Phone PA Real Estate Broker oien Street Barri luau amid itkAL ISIATI 30AM SERVICE STATION location incla1 Ne 21 man Isl eel Cun Down GOOD SELECTION NHA EliSALE HOMES LoctlodJa various scoliosis ottawn hwith other coil are invited to lm without abllgstloh to Inl mortgages Hort bedrock Ynu the home tsr tiershalt DOWN TOWN Seltfllun cl belle clul ham wllhln walklnl dlattnee of bullnell nu Va Io liven roomprice vnnxe HIM to 0000 You mun Inspect to buy lt BUSINESS PROPERTY Solufllon ol bulnell Illel In dolln em 5151 ml moddfiplflmlll Porno rlour MN BOX mnl manner th more unhirotshsd apartment bowr teen Ith PA emu istiu HOV Room Inr ml ind uh den Phona PA sous 1551 on looms noturriiahcd Phon PA rim to liulcsster st isot PULL Pumlhbed lower iist tor adult Phone PA noroloss out HI DoszrAius gurnlslhod Erotunr trance he Prlvste en 155 omcti SPACE to she Cchtral ioc ilon Write has it nrrrie tntnlrtu 1H FUEHIIABD Slots hauso lighsumge th uhe one $7 1H1 1th ISlla FURNISHED able Ilay II or $9186 rultmstltm Rooms with klfchunefle room bunglaw AllIL mouths Phone PA 15405 cried We hsvetnro more tots lrl various locationsI ll yin Ire thinking or build ihg and load lot coll At nose PA eszso anyums COU NIRY HOME BEDROOIE towh rrea worthy or your considera iion inquiries kept cohildentlrl COTTAGE 50 take irohiage Shinly nay near Psbouamsh Lodge vvou treed three bedrooms llrepllehl hydro pressure stem llush lallel excellent condlv tatl Furnished other ootta av ll able DD HID DallyMr uaralhsll DUCKWORTH STREET Sefltflmllned lhhfi lplflmrnl dwell lnl Mulm lam Interior work Wlll leld excellent re um on Investment need rllhl In clear estate ED Clllllr erllllll Members barrio District is astute Bond CowperVa llxllllxl llivlled it you are interested in rentals iy modern oil red heating tan ood solid doubt garage zac usive lconhdenilsi listingwe want appoint menu on this out Phone PA cmiutL ALLANDALE to uni block at lltlllt Street It rooms dnd bhth llfiotorey pressed brick home at good appearance and not too old Price Is reasonable at 37500 with sum down payment required ALLANDAIE LOW PRICED DUPLEX sumTwo good rollcontained apart menu rehllrlx hleldlly at $65 per month Bulidlhg is brick and well located on wide lot vvlih private drive and good grage Full basement ex eelleht turncc and III in Iir repair Phone PA WT or inspection by close as your tclcphohe WHY PAY RENT When very small down payment llll give you Immediate possession ot two bedrnom modem bungalow lust outside oi town Thts home tsvery sitractlvely designed and drilrhod has lull cured basement with turuace Thu brick one and hair storey home Lsrge right kitchen with plenty nt is only years old restoring bed huliirlo cupboards piece batb arga rooms targo living room and extra living room osk noon throu hout large bitchcn tuii basement lorced air stlusicd on large level lot at is oil besttnr bathroom excellent wall completely lented and landscspcd with censure nun Attached match Good well on pressure system to cor ingv rick This rolrcrty is sure lots at wttertuu price only modeln throu bout and his twith rug um brick on 30250 Asking price is with reasonable down phyv EXCEPIIONAL INCOME on Pro erty mu on For only 801 Almost um III through Itll mod rn conveniences on heat Tutu any us Buy terms Payments only no monthly Clll Percy Fold Evenlnll phatla PA lO55I VERY CENTRAL $3500 CllpperanSo hlh area well built room buhga ow Gooddtred modern kitchen lttll cancreiu poured bese menL Very 10nd urncc Malt econ omically bested Lpiece bhthrodha Terms talk be arranged Contact Dan council Evenings phone PA 102 BUILDERS OWN HOME Ekecullve Type the ot the Better ones Pour crirs hIee bedrooms and two bltltrooltu rge living room with open lire attractive dining room bright lichen with lots oi up boards Attached brick lwocrr garage nil In Central Adulll Flolle FA gill Emu runulslllu Housekeeping room or lldy wllhuse til lrlx Pnnne PA 34307 55153 Pullmsnzn Apsrtmcrlt central Pri vlld entrance Phone PA 34442 If 000 pm 1551 BEDROOM unfurnished arthaeht Apply IE Cook St or phone in alter pm Ls5L5 coMlotuAnLB house In village or mind Apply Elmer noihwell aurora Post Dulce isolol PUthsllizD bedslttitlg room central location Wlth room and board it do LOCAL tishutscturer his opening tor young married man to developed sr assistht plant unnaeer The sp plicanis mull have at last yearr high school and the ability to handle small sistt Apply in writing stat ihg Axel shd ruli prrticutsrs along with reterenecs to Box to Barrie its amlocr tsid mg POSITIONS WANTED LOVING DAY CARE given by chlldrenl nunc Central Phone PA om MlJ FARM AND experienced Mull position Phone us tdtis Toronto ieui required tor homophobic tor the Aged In vrttlnl before ilioy m7 eta age marital atstur quslitlcs tiou and experience to Prim HUNTER County Clerk bAltlitE oht lstdz REGISTERED mm who NURSE required or Penetling Home to the Aged Apply ln wrlung heloio May 1957 stating age marital status qulllllcn nLocK CEMENT Ind Brlrk work wanted All Mark guaranteed Phonc PA 645255 FOR SALE Cnhl itunter can give you service and REASONABLE PRICES bots til extras In this one polnlmeht call lcrry quihn Hm tssii Evcnlngs PA new Quarters north at name will Imlze you PA MINBienlrtgl PA 82398 For Ip It PA LITTLE GOLD MINE Service station Snack Bhl Living right on the bcatcn path The down payment call lerry Qulhh at top End weir mcn sT MARYS sctl00L DISTRICT SlimTroolrl bcsutitutly kcpt brick Laiorey home or highest quality house with rest living comioei mod em on hcntihg espcclslly lsrge made cm kitchen dining room bedroom and lovely ireed and landscaped lot with good garage can be bought with only $1000 down and single open rice or you would pry loi at odd edroom buhgnlowyou tun tiy it Triplex only your close to down town on bus route Showing is net income All miles have ropesate ea trances attracher decanted and are resent rented to good long term ehahia llcre llll opcrtunity tor good sound investment call today or pnrtlculhn We have good soiecuoh or so to 00 Blr7ec Clll Al Ruse PA ALLANDALE 600 llllnl prlcl lnsul an ddlnl Ulric htdmoml Arid two piece hulls up Iteitr two bedroom living room modern fluhln And plot bhlh down fllln Pull basement wllh ouulda entrance lleaaouibla down aymcnt axlil about 30000 Make or er Lot xl call eoutts CONsULTUs ON Loo Down Payment housing Plans Exchhhgb ot Propeiues Nnuonll iloitalllg Ina lrltotna onehtals sired Phone PA M215 noowunlttrnlshed nparlttlcnt Pflvv hteIbath hnd entrance PA Hoot alter 510 pm noon furnished apartment with oil Ill Ind hot Wbtel Pholtl PA 0401 Adults only lib5052 FURNISHED haunts Large kitchen Buhlneu opportunities Omperty Illuoleulent or ldtiull csu PAIlll day PHONES time ST MARYS school AREA Two lorry bllck home wllh tree bedrooms our piece bath large uVl room utd extra large kitchen on he lug laundry tuhl lull bllemem ll ly landscaped lot Thll property lo ltv led only hull block 1mm MI Schnol and LI only Iboul three old NHA Mlleflute hll posleulon Fully decanted Storm And lcreells Call Al Rose PA 55293 or lull lnlor mstloh DUPLEX BUY Thl two storey duplex is years old its big two srtmeht up and two bed room apartment duwn each hpsrb ment is relieontalaed with separate hydro meters and entrances on heat ing upper apartment rented at 80 per month Ind tho lower apartment is new owner occupied Full hmment 11 property Is an excellent invest ment and ideal tor the owner to live downstairs end have $80 per month income trom the upstairs The run price on this one ll only 313000 be sure to see it Cali Ai itore PA 352in anytime EAST END N0 storey brick home built by one or Burrlel better builders consists ot titre llrla bedrooms Ann nu the bath upitnln witttiarge lvlhg room distingroom kitchen and two Elece tile washroom downstairs Pull darerehdeoulppe ston win an ecorse rig cc ool sirloin Csu Al hose wltn rink and cupboards Ind bed room Phone PA woo lsoiu PUTLNISIIED Bedrooms light houm kc llll ln Allutdhle Abslllrterl Na chldren Phone PA 66331 lsWftl ome PA HillsIvonne PA an rtoottgu Bunlllnw modern elcelri 154140 city evailshlc May nimished or un turnishcd Phonc Cockatown 12m WANTED mm HIGHEST PRICES PAID tnl tocann Phone PA 409 SCRAP METALS 155l51 APARTMENT nitribbed Large llvlrll room bedroom Ind ktlchun llt Allin BAAITERIES Phone PA66381 or PA 66481 Zllfelnl3u3$ 39 INDUSTRIAL IRON AND META tum unthth sparintent one bunlop st West Pomdals Phone PA 60331 or PA 87204 mortgage WORSLEY STREETCENTRAL rlllPLBx APARTMENT hrlck older style but In top quality and good maintenance throughout Three per lectiy ecucontalhcd flats private en trantsr Good dry lull basement with modern famed air on heating its location lust block lrom the Post Omce will lppul to anyone wanting cominrttbie ttlaih noor home plus excellent mamth Income lrom two apartments Full price in lust 074000 with single en mortgage terms oli ered Good hvestmentl PHONE PA 66337 ANYTIMEDAY OR EVENING Charles Rogers REALTOR humor EAST BARRIE DicK ttihvomtsort Representative STERLING ThusTs BLDG tiArllul Memberd Blirrle Dlnrlct Itehl mate Board 1651 lions and rxpertencc to FRED HUNTER county Clerkv nllrle 0m 15152 on Master Peeds Prost Pcnes Fertilizer wllh spresder available and arshnm Plowr PHONE stilwh sort HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STllDLVD isch term in the barrio Ilu ALSO urnyustihgr oi boom or an flxu and rlce rllllel sevcrst new haplelllld renter Motel throughout Onllrlo GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTIES YOUR LISTING TSTEZJZLQTT loz DUNLOP ST WESl PHONEPA 859m Mcmhcrs nutsrio and Canadian Real Estate Baird WalnutPA 3923 CorbyPA om isjiotr MCGO gt lOUGHfCLlFF GOOD VALUE room bungalow large modern tilt cheo good living room large bed room and modern bath full basement good garage on benutilul lot near shopping centre and new schools Prlced tor quick rste acorgc writht phone PA COUNTRY itth Large Brlck home overlnnklrtg Lake Slmcoc well landscaped lot over acre lsnd This home haabeen com glclcly rchullt modern kllchen Ind athrourn ion and hard water on up beautllui home Call George Wflzltl PA Mano PAY YOURSELF RENT Brick seven noonI italhe Right downtown Putty decorated complete new heating system Puu basement laundry irsyr ideal or noomth house orior hehisl Apartment nwner must seu end will sccept down payment or only 32000 This Is and ot the better older homes it has been our privuege to after at the price See this one tor solid value Catt Jerryqulhn st PA twin Evenings PA aziisii QUEENS PARK AREA it room storey homo only years old Lovey location and close to downtown Plcld stone construction This home his large kitchen Iull dining room and lovely living room all storms shd scicentucantlet Dan Council Evenlllgl phone PA oTIIiz 7484 GRAVEL Er FILL DELIVERED DENNIS MORAN 29 ANNEST snlmi PA 82907 JUICE to INTERMEDIATE DTallsman with some crptrlcncc ehglhceriog Apply PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LIMITED Blrrle Ontlrln in general 74 RUBBER STAMPS MADETooRDER WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE 30 DUNLOP ST WET BAX1m IlIlfl WALLPAPER SPECIALS PERROLL for bath $00 monthly Phone PA 54m 155151 ROOM heated unmrnlshed apart maul pinto entrance Apply Duriiop st East Phone PA $0054 154951 BEDROOM Apartment sell contour ed lmmedlllo possession Adults or business people preterm Phone PA Hm 155062 MODERN Apartment downtown rooms with bath 57 Adults only Uuiurnlshed l5 clopperton st Phone PA 25 155151 300M House hydro and running MEN AND WOMEN or SALES WORK BARR MIDLAND COUJNGWOOD SALARY PLUS BONUS block from new Fast Office Prlvalo lece Im Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS TRS tit Psec training ml growing Conn REAL ESTATE LEBUSINES BROKERS dllrl Company Car essential Mm Mll FENNELL QUEENS HOTEL hAhkit Wednesday Muy no padI 533vch Station Attendant vilified Phone PA 06833 general housework Sleep In or out ttclerenecs 15 RELIABLE woman wanted to look days week queens Park arch Phone PA 66321 EXPERIENCED Woman or required Phone PA 900 alter hieMid boy anAtvaLADY wanted one day week siso rellabic baby sitter Cadv HMO Ind Alfred area Phone $7150 smvtcs station Aitendhnt Must neat and reliable Apply Sinclair Surr DeloVSVettllce Station 224 bradiord med lcr pm time work st orphone PA 33533 Must be thug go it thnlsiil st barrio ACTIVE and rellhltle married overthe age or 25 with chluflettrs Top wages plus commission ply Arrow hid it Bhyfleld st lloense PAR mil help wanted Experienced EXC ll work lom eh remunerai on ldsil name address and phone num tekpflone lollzllars to own home be to box as lionlo Examiner 151 Otis AND PET STOCK MAL Boxizlz Dog one year brindle purebred Registered Poi role lBSlrfl Appl Owen sc bulLblNGTkAbEs 11 NEW BmDrNtss Phonc PAS2042 354961 gt duels word mt lolluwlng cot ecutlve insertions 80 word oncwlngconllocutive lltseitions 2i word Moor tib lcwo flflml mum $100 éougecuilve insertions 141 14152 whimss Wanted tuusi be experii Apply Graves Bros liestoursnt 05 Bnyfield 15142 YOUNG MAN to help in bottling plant ast tall Permanent employment Appiy Ca ada Dry Eot 15152 lERCE CONSTRUCTION PAIIRS ALTERATIONS 35c 39c 45c 49c Yestbst is iuil nice room buhgslow spotless all through vchichces all heating sit Ehsy terms monthly phone PA wadl CALL us Allow Summel cotlllu Brllht ROOM LOTS AT BARGAIN PRICES ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 Dulllop stf East PA 82431 718th PIANO Upright blttck 5125 Phone PA 079 75152 PIANO in good condition Phone zilowt crcemorc 751 Ai ICE Box 55 Chime Clock Stu Phone PA 04549 mornings only 751 LPIECE BED also rcvolvlnglowh sprinkler Phone Ply66390 75i hUllNBlL Coal on Steve also Beach Cook stove Phone PA b19i5 15152 HELL PiANo in good condition Very flflsfiflrlble Phone 031 Mineslhg ohms and acreage Eulltflnz lot Amrl nouns CALLc Percy PornPA wear Don ConnellPA om Jerry QulnttFA cuss PA he st MEMBERS mus BOARD Guth BICYCLES Trolling Rod complete Reusohobic Phone PA 04630 141 THOR Electric washing Machinis in excellent condition Plea liable Apply 132 Owen st 5b52 SPRING FILLED single bed sire mtv tress clean and in good condition Phone PA baton Foil52 BICYCLE boys or girls ReasohebI Phone PA 04694 sites pm or all day Saturday 75142 FUIINKTURE suitable tor summercot tugc stoves Fridges Dining Room Sets beds Chulrs couches etc Phone PA 55255 14152 antb Wood shd Body wood to be cleared up at nunlop St We5t shd ngltwayflW Apply ttart phone PA Hols 1si KITCHEN Furniture Wooden Table chairs lqe box steel utlllly cabinet aunIChlnl Cabinet Ind Buffet walnut Phone PA bastion 7datt MORTGAGES WANTED Poison To take first mart Page an 10 acres larmklor $1200 APPU 30X 32 Baffle Examiner lt 425152 men 51 Rush cAttsott PA 56481 orlics Open ash to Saturdays until pith 414500 FULL PRICE JERMS ARRANGED Pays 15 on your investment nnled old This is on anti Russell Csrson PA scoot $10300 FTULL PRICE $2500 DOWN autumn36500 month including taxes otter turned down merit oil henlnm rl tc dtlvb gsrag Situated lust oll hay street on Wotstcy Poe hill dethlls lhtss Carson PA own umoDowNPAYMDNT stoopThis is Lhe tug only years old on fit PA LARGE PEDRO Ms MARY CHURCHAREA lflmThll El lo excellent £0 better halite sheiswell atP on rd see PAtnthh nltDPtt oliPme mm EDJ yourhnvc been looking to vimd trilnittlunl 75c trees restoring Pt hentl total CIlL Norm Shallwell BARBIE SUBURBS $5500 rice or this very All modem con Tnxes only Payments only no Call Percy FonlEvenlnu oincome producing homa duplexes ozlger homes in both town and court NRA homes filth low Gm Payment George WrightPA 84300 SLESSOR REALTOR MEMBER BARR REAL ESTATE BOARD bkhktt DISTRICT hm iii5i Nonlil smswm Dunlap SL Winnie nuly FOUR PLEX ALLANDALE Pull Ncw rorccd sir oil hcotln Brlck construction Apartments cqut pedeltlt relrigerstors hnd150m elem tric ranges Lsrgc benuiilui trend lot or the best investment properties lhhvehlad In long time No reasonable six room brick bungalow three bedrooms uving room dining room uhd kitchen Full base BUNGALow WEST END buyotthcweek ingenious wlLll bath and 0llhlll docted on belulllullyfhndbélped otwlth Cll For srtlculsrrcsll Hr history is burnt new room brlck bungalowwit everyparlvenlence 10 an In irlire iooklnz fill one autoThis ll the loccrne prone Located ihthe es or lot with gas liesllph rlve and belulslnll nude wlth all HOME PLUS INCOME 510nm bungalow modern convenien and cos it acre lot One cor gsrsgepius 9500 year income with $500 down MODERATE PRICED HOME nrhcs from downtown Burrle ide honie tor couple in pleasant neigh borhood nllprlce 52100 NHA RESALE bedroom hrlck bungalow ln onc oi the llltesl stctlons of Bhflles resldellr Hal areas Full prlte $2000 Wllll only $3500 dawn Balance cllllES or only $67 per month lncluslve of taxes guards on mortgage ll at old Hill of APARTMENT BUILDING Slx suites with income or $400 month No operating expense Full cost only $350 per yenr to operate new rooti crr hot water uutomutlc oll tired heat ihg unit Taxes in per ycor Full price tor this brick apartment build ng $20000 with 39000 down Property has ample parking tor tenants csrs SUMMER HOME At big tidy Point Lorre room sum mer home completely turnishcd This propertywus valusted st to close estate wul sucrlhce at 310000 Terms arranged Share in rivste goli club is included lltlprlne hspect this property now betore seasonal demshd increases the price or this type or property ocnmpctent Neal Letts service osxclusive and eonitdentisi listings sPrtvnte and NBA flnutclnl plans Pet nity service on buying sclusrg privatoincome homes TO hbranch ot tarsis and null abusiness roperriersold eotlsi og mice Elm PHONE PA 8344 lléld I799 anlln Gull lBKOI OWNER TRANSFERRED ywa BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL HOUSE with largejlvhtg horn and recreation Pet anti held on to on schools PA $43802 coll room bungalow currently drawlttg Full price $5500 Small stucco bungalow on large lot 920000 but McGOEY TOUGH room Mcny extras included close NHA MORTGAGE torl bkunooni lirlck Bungalow diced BROWN REALTOR HIGH ST sham PHONE ANYTIME PA 82618 BAYFIELD ST $14500 Large pedroom home Living room dining room music room kitchen must rooms but water heating with oil garage large lot Would mike lovely duplex or spartroshtr This home bss completevbzmmomrplud toilet on msto iloor and basement NHA RESALE brick Bungalow Living room kit chon bedrooms years old Alu roiriurh storms and actum Lot lully tended lull price $1400 $4000 down Balance carries $6500 monthly ED tilt litith STOREY its HALF bedrooms piece bath plus 1piece bath in basement dining room ving room kltchen asphalt driveway gu nge litany extras go with this lovely home that is in pcriectm condition Pull rice 11500 35000 downBhlnnro can as rent $2600 DOWN Brlck Bungllow bedrtmnu living room tiled bungiplecei Forced li all hell Pull bhlelnent with laundry lubzi Pull price $1155 lance as rent STOREY HOME in good condition bedroomsdlulhg room llvlng room kllchen lhls lovely home ls prlced below will value Phone Ills olllce klnr Ippolntmem to inspect NEw NHAHOMES 10 to choose romp $1315 to $3000 down Bunnie as rent 11 HIGHWAY iMiu SOUTH Duplex Each spsrtmcht contains ooms plus bath garages on heat srdwood floors Large lot bulidlno good condition $5500 down Ehl since goadterms wt to rent We need listings Fret yhludtlonu Phono this oitice CLFF 0BROWN REALTOR ghohe PA Mm 32 high Si t55i Each lot 80 icon Cook St just north of Steele $150 per lot Phone PA 82670 404 wTsheuutiiutlilgh and level lots or ible hubulbl llvlllb Mlnutenmm down town Phone PA oust tosm PLOT OF LAND building lot 101 no uill cabln on land tulle louth oi arrrle N0r17 filzhwly Apply 18 GrArlvlllo st Phone PA um isdim mom lratnelhome bedrooms good condition throughout ctoretogtt and schools But cash otter Apply Vic ss or phone PA Mm loalvfl Ir on not hflldwupd tloars 44 In um Buy now own cl iorced air all heating This property 98BAYFIEID5T suMMER GOITAGES Completely lurnlshed PA 05290 Any TWO FORONE Yen here Is your BPpOflunlly Io buy two homes or little more than the price 01 one Each home contains five rooms and bath with full basement and time it less than oneyear old and located very close to all schools For hill phr tlcuiars cull Al Rose PA 298 any time codrington School Area room Hf storey brlck Ind fume home years old two bedrooms up Ital with llvllll room with brick fireplace bedroom kllclten Ind tlllt Ing room on first floor plus bathro In full buemenl all behilnls Ion ed Mslionel $503on Codrlnzton 11 Al PA 35298 anlfllme no NEWTONSTREET roombrick one storey home locsted very close to public Arid high schools This property ll about three was old sun In excellent condition throughout and also decorated equip pest with aluminum storms1snd screens creed sir all heating full basement This is an NltA resale Asking price slum coll Al hose PA 85288 any PHONE PARkwAY LACEYI REALTOR 10101 hoqhi House at Holly on into lot miles from listrte Phone PA Misti anytime itsmz NEW hoMAN brick Bungalow brig roomy kitchen with excellent board space livingdining comnlnhtlbrl hgdmoms cbltirtully decorated throughout coroblhstioh storms screensQulet enstvend location NHAmortglge Lt Weldon st L740 165152 sumoLhasa brick hungitow with attached garage rorced lslr oil heating large dining living room dell bedrooms extra cupboard space mud in kitchen bath stormsshd screen doors and windows flesh decorated Lot 55x50 Privatesale Grove st st Phone PA opts iot sppoint ment looioc conAGh or renl ror season bed rooms hydro10rtulei irom assrte Slds barber EN MI Dunlap East 2Hl55 ROOMS FORRENT Ai PUltNtsltlau nhnnooM Central Phone PA 04040 1575051 nousttxttttrma ne PA Holy st LAME Beduitmi room tundshcd weekly PhohorA oasis 455 52 LAtmlt Holtekeepihg Llioom single or mln Apply 00 liltiqu Aye IHHSZ WMYmrllllllhd bedroom or gentle rhan Central Near cold Phone PA bail It 641 FURNIEIIEP Bed sitting room llnuc re tool ior mm prqerrod Plume PA Iun lll Lhe lnl 4551 Sl Tole hone CAL or hflne order ro d1 335 tracts tor cuitlng tail skidding val tu Coutngwond area HIDES RAGE BAITERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY our kucu wlll IL Elihu In plld Speck prlzu pll Phone Burl delivered or PA APUSHKOFF ANbcouPANY Pardbndomm 204 Ell sisti MEDIUM SIZE Wlnlld In good l52 limie PA 51560 ELM Lucas wanted to buy also con box to Barrie Examiner nu PBEFAB COTIAGEWIItled ior remolt APPly MP Jarred Muriel Ave phone Howard 54370 MOBILEjHOMES 4111 Momma Home unllnished tari dem whcell frame floor and studdlnz erected Uri ercoated Reasonable Phone PA 8512 155 JOll GLENDALE plece bllh fully mmlshe antes SIRE lee Lucas are otvsle 195514 TrioTwoot Trotter venetian blinds Propane heltlng and gas stove complete with turplture and cpokihg utcoslls Phone Phone 4152 Business Opportunities wAsAGA BEACH Shacknar an Main Slreel51500 buys bushes find equlp merit will glve yearly rental or your lease Dont miss this Phone 327011 Milt Davie 205152 Mtka MAKING Opportunities Otter our well known products backed by yearsol service and Join in the pro ilts Linc used everydny everywhere so this menus interestingprom pleto lniormstlon by writing icon inltriroler Dept 50 station Mo treat go BOATS AND Morons llP JOHNSONOutbolnlJflnwr or ue condition excellent flood as new Prlc side Phoh PA 11043 43495 12 PLYWOOD Mat and Trailer in good cundluo Prlca$nt completev Apply ll MIPIBIDHVQ Camp Burden Phonc 290M Chm Borded Uta5152 FOR SALE Pest olle 5a luhlihlmt 30 hp motor The new Can be lemon struted on ii boat Apply 15 Patio side Drive or phone PAvarms 135152 PERSONAL BEAUTY counselor cuehtsi line missed you its my cllls Are you ncw to Barrie and looklhgior Couhrelor Il so phone Mrs Mary Prl e1PA Mass or call at Psederlck strect Ehrrle 3Hl53 tr PARTY owning Jnltrtsbn Outboard Motor stored It Could 5L doe nut clulm me and ply starla um huk rent owing baht May 1957 moldrwlll Inldjlo cover cunts obl IF CONSIDERING MARRIAGI eon rvtt starring Wetisre Speci oisu moo shed um over 0000 clients rich and poorossrried sire dy écruntilnul secrecy Simmons Box mucus Post oincs wlant belt IIvnh lie 55 born Poierboroughi LII known address is Muriel Ave Torent Thought to hov run dimmer rm in Northern ontario loan at llvlsuttonkmlor crA lné ohh 1th wlter Apply Glitord Murphy RBZ Barrie ls mile north or Barrie Union Cemetery IHIE BRIGHT room on healed apartment heavy duty wiring hydro paid Ab rtnlners 555 Phone PA 04572 or apply 210 Dayiield st 155153 LARGE room apartment uuiumlsh ed hot water and electricity tree 900 per month Adults only is clapper iah st Phone PA 253 155 ROOM unfurnished sell contained quern apartment centrally located Renting May 15 $05 per month inolud irig heat Phone PA 92043 154951 ROOM heated basement apartment available May issult business couple civuians pretcrred Phone PA mi Apply in heresy st Blsrrle 155 tstudtiT roamed iumished apart merit in good home Suit business couple Abstslners No children Henry st Phone PA 55754 155152 NEWLY decorated large rooms bath private entrance wcil iurhlsbed Down toms One child Reuonab others Phone PA M728 alter pm 1575153 3mm Apartment piece bath self contained storage space hented Very central Phone PA b2493 to pm or PAhc2054 nltcr pm isiliir 51700 tinnirriished apartment with bath downtown location heated bedrooms private entrance PhonePA 548 34586 Alter 1mm PA D2943 DUSEKEEPING Rollin ground floor Rangette lutluded Suitable or nfl girl CentthvReuorllble Phone M086 aflerfi pm 1545ch1 LARGE iroht iuinishcd housekeeping room central Electric range electric reirtgerator hot and cold wsterltt room Phone PA Mala 155151 ltooivt furnished apartment not cold water Adults No children lm mediate possession Clll ic Alircd or phone PA Mass cvenlrlgs 1575155 APABTMBNT raums 4plnce hath modern clell very central healed ground floor electric stave relrlgera tor Adults 390 Phone PAvMSL 155153 APAnTiittsNT rooms ultd both host and water supplied Cehtr Avalllhltt tiny Adults Also small blchelor apartment Applan person To Duo considst tstw CDITAGE uplni BeachGeorglln tiny minute to ssis ssndy bench Privscy or entertainment available on tisngc screened versndrh bedrooms Pbohc PA M952 lHl AVAILABLE has immediate possession hroom hitrushed apartmentcentrally iocst also Lroorh iurnlslsed Ifiafle merit Apply5 oweh 5L PA Mu evenings PAH164 tHi INNKSWOOD Apartments modem sell contllrledl mums and hithroom Pun dished or unturnlshed continuou hot ter Laundry utilities had ults Phone PA 84268 utlt SMALL country harnefiwlth electric stove cupboards water ghrdenaad garage one and oriohalt miles from chokstow ppty corrlgah Cookstown phone 73m thoz EPRODMS nturhlshcd hated selr contained apartment separate en trance and wiring Close to downtown No ohtectioo more or two small child reh sod per month Plume iPA o7 1551 by Luxutttousby iurhlrhcdj sell icolzltiln ed apartment itinlodern Apartment buildup lovgrlonkllnghe bayPrl Ito antnncr new dluto um refllzenlor Available June or the summer mnrltltd AdultI nly $745 Ifler pJn Climax ii apartmohur right one incestx on Iiimt Pr

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