HAWKESTONE Weledmevtoyluixc We welcome Hr andlurr Gas and hmlly lo the village lfhey have Dunth the home at Mr and Mrs flurry Read1L Supper for Bowler The bowling team otrClub CNIB sat down turkey nhr It the community hall Sat day evening April and also eu jayed square dancing pecches and prescnlntlon at trophies the winners Hawkeqlonejnstltute ï¬ltered fJohhny Davls epnntlEasler Sundny St Aldnnl LODSIGXIUOIL Maximum Gran an 3016 he gully The Inge cholrjanl Openlhe Gates of the Temple The boys Ida and purlWork waï¬exeeptlénzlly well dune Indwn givenlglent deal 01 pnlse by Drllghlbourn Rev Mr Ballrey eonductegljhe service Sunday evenlnz April 25 Miss John Hurt sang Then Jesus Came Very earnestly Sundry wm during at the Vecmmunlty hhll Tilesdny Aprlllza with all present Mrs Pugslyy was hohless eonde lhp Llng glam hidly evening ilhe chnlr ring cred benuulul than Hr Wan welcomedlll Ind intro duced the xpuher Ravi ngmbourn wholnve In some jhlnpto take home In hlrEulcr meme Prom Shallow Lille Tumble pverthq Hm Ind Hn Gordqn Jeunlnu vlflue Wee hnuh Mlldhnnonmd huh hlrs Mike3th spent couple of days with herjunt in Orlllln Ilene6r Weehean Blll Prophet Hlss Mes on ilk indhlrs RuBgu Eleme Ind Ion Ronnle Tnrqnto were lheir summer home here or the weekend Wmdr Inclï¬l hon of Birrle In of dungevllle Sunny In Tommi Indrun Dee Clnnuer Ind unlly spent Sunday with Toronto lrlendl Sundu Gaul Mr and Mnoldfleld Ind lam lly Kitchener ereSunday her grandparents Hr mdflnl Dan McArthur Torunto VII Mls Sharon Gray and Brother Jimmie Ipent few rdnyr ln To mule Mr nndVMrs Narmn Plant of Kirkhnd Lake Vlslled Mr McMil lan pver Euler holidays Douglas Johnna turnedta their home ln Hill on Sundry utter 31 die holidiyr wilh their 1an Bureau Mr 1nd MmWnlterrAn arm Mr Inch Joseph Mortlson of Toronto Ire vlslllnx Mrnlld Mrs Houxhton Blrth Drums Congratulaqu I0 Jndln Douglas Jehb on the lt Alllstou hospi VIKING only at EATONS Thursday ll Frééiéréfbn 4Frid7ay Saturday Slérl To Store Iow Fries5 Buy Your 15 Cu Ft Vlklng Freezer Now tCrlsp Spring Veg etables will sud be at thelr cheapest bulk when the ï¬rlce ls right You can stun up toaï¬prox Buy yuur meat in 525 lbs lorthe year aheqdz Moneysavilziglnycstinerlt an Bastyricss Comuare mummies5 éhlslhandéoirxe Vlklriglts qunllcycohL structlun convenlence uhd ATONSiJeelgnl Priceeach Dlal Controls Temperatures Prlce ltjrorn nilnns 20 beg to lflus 10 Wnrnlng ngllts wllhhullt In may éyslem to hem you power lellures 0r rlslng temnerntn Fashlireuzé andFrozenFuud Storage Smtlons Counterngllalnca Lid wlth Two llantly storage ï¬nskcls lwu Dlvlglcrs Sparkling naked hump Enalnhllcrl Flush Anni 695x mew as ngh umatlc Thermostat roub Constant flow All Maxlmum Heal Temperaturc you tissue Attractléenaxnine