115 Guild of St mmu Church mnsored Enter in lelndAbmrlt thece ï¬nity hall on Wednesday April Springflower Ind bunnies were theudecaralion theme and lumeï¬rowrl gathered for the in Brown convened the bake table and Mrs Taylor was Lynda Hunk nomad Tu ior listed in in the kitchen and waiting notables Enter Put Wayne Murphy on to young friend lhsvjnftonaoonyf April 25 for faster part homemade 77 rfLKflTtï¬fFLWï¬zwmzwrumKYI withurs 121 Henson the ba Soslw lable which featured aprons fihe we pedal meeting AprilSOlt the re rywhen Dr hieKiru oi the Bible Sogiety spoke and showedxfilms otLthe work of this worthy group Ilnd Opentiom unearnruxuf Mosl i6 eh 71 twill lopflop Gter sews oené moNsv GOLF BAG gom BALLS Tens srRoNsT Kenneth Croirsion spent short time in Roymiezviciorll Rama where he no meat atom ee gt flrcsflflc SID REE now in cubic foot on rotor and Cdï¬ipbéiichnnipion my most comparative 1an cuhie do models siéjrwhï¬ilggiéaiilï¬kaciioxil than iorrner Goody cubic toot models Bromine with mum shafts and Green end Glacier Green interiors highlightedw dynuvformed grips um trim The Full Width Freezer has merit lbs Wtst glass covered meat chest and rapid chillér Cnrhpbetl Champion Woods numbers land 3feolur prersianmonflhezdskwithr ire ace inse or SPECIAL gone to war FinuNorthern Ou hogany finish VALUE tone chr BAG gï¬ The during can ltlr andlhlrs molding and vas go is Mr andMrsf Simpson spent plastic reinforc April zavisiting with Mr and Mrs Locke Snrt slay Myrna Simpso nrpent leg rlnys withheb ndmoiher Era Hicklin during her Easier vacation Tomt you Mrs George Simpson and Susen were guests ofhir ahd Mrs Sher ry Ynsher 10 nt wt rb Winnipeg George Simp Jr flu left Winnipeg Pattersonlus ed at top and oil seams has two handy pockets Three golf balls and plen Zone Refrigerator YOI mes iMMEd wm thIs ottraeiiyely priced 13 rt rim nutton Automatic set LOOKING AS mouau ihe ight have come out of aflying saucer1his volunteer airman tests pressure suit at the RCAFJn stitutc of Aviation Mod ine in Toronto With planes ng built thuturili fly higher and luster such complicated equinment is ecessoiy for survivahin the air octors are studyingthe use of this suit whlehw help an fair man breathe theihreilod air the upper atmosphere Cl2 from National Defence VALuEFEATURE5 71s 5V YROTARYPOWERLMOWERV thlity mode mowers that offer you the fin est values gets in close to trees shrubs Flower oxpakeALL new cash ran THE musxou DWE BENEFICIAL IS 60 most any typ mfpruning Sjob Blades are of harden Ledsteel Choose the size that suits you best Long bong 45 350 Lawn smmuun Sturdin constructed Coy ersup to 30 fontIradius or perfect lawn watering Polished tubular aluminum frame Hrs kidney stiap for ektraback support Show 11 blue red iiud yellow monument311mb IM Sï¬iï¬ï¬liï¬ sw£r BENEFICIALFINANCECO If GIHssSheurs GARDEN ronu IlulMtlu mum Mum1H The tooth forged steel 339 for light sharing quality made tine $31155 flï¬ï¬iï¬gï¬d give you long yearsoi ser Fine not Steamed lt es semi Desig carbon Steal blï¬d fork forged from carbon ed so the arm hand and 1014 diamondback wrist are always in st iterrul 30 inch osh turai restful posit 91 ll mgrc mug nozzle if CAR on ong wear org edsteeiblade is rmii so ayour out in and garden tmoklna problem 32 27 me box has baked enlmel linlslnthe rubber tired wheel has tomgmmgten freg serewtype aetion for ï¬ne spray or full flow lt RE 50R GREEN TPLAASTIC vll marttsoft ghltedjsiidï¬e no dinilgawegfuldfltube kupgfllfle yne tu ormance s15 FT with tugging €352 forlhneereggedsonsxtwityandsele Volumat adef ircuit lr ug tone rot and sexierv gt€gmpleie WIIII Cool ngs footilength of to ï¬nch horaeicomves complete wrth Pros type couplings Resistant to heat cold rnildew and These sinartlystylodpcensional ehars spring tiueh sent smartly contoured back res style Withjwo forextraappearauce Shown in flangsoine répn cov of green beige and blue wool fr oi mh cles strongly cohslructed yvith braved me lugs are shown inu flamboyant maroon enainei finish with creom trlrn Failure balloon tires and rry coéster brakes EE LAMP RACKEI INCLUDED