flri The Dough Qn Go Mldland Free Press Remember when Hillsdalc was served by railway There arent too many people living who were around when the rail service was discontinued Among them are Mr and Mrs Norman Dunn who April marked their golden wedding an niversary Both are well qualified to talk about the early days of Hills dale Mr Dunn was born there 71 years ago and his wilc came to the then thriving village when she was 12 years old it was much buslér place then than it is now said Mr Dunn recalling three sawmills three shingle mills hoop and stave tactory and planing mill which provided employment or population of around six or seven hundred persons Things were much livelier the in the bnsjness section too wit two hotels the same num 10 mic arm inns NORMAN noun coupifieiiaecaiiHinge den Weddi Anniversary her of bake shops and black smith shops and half atdoten stores Then as now there were three churches There was also public school the same one incidentally that some oi the Dunns grandchildren attend even today Grandma and grandpa attended that school to gather and it was there they first met gt Norman Dunn didnt have too long period to attend schooL At the age at to he became an ap prentice in the bakeshop of the late Louis Roberts llerecelved at most $4 per week bad to pay my keep out of that too saldMr Dunn He agreed Mr Roberts couldnt at lord to pay much more with bread selling at six cents per loaf Flour of course cost only halt the price it does today in any event Mr Dunn stuck phallic Jphfland Ls still it it some 57ycars laterylie has iiiiiliYSgilli Electric razors antacid sail lllillliYflMliY ill 630 PM Sporting goods Fishing tackle Tools Electrical goods Gunsk Model cratt items Electrical lixtures Hardware Lawn mowcray sk Pet supplies Kitchen needs Scissors Knives Bicycle horns huge quantity oigood merchandise all going under the Alltlir ioneers hnnuner GERRY cououuiv Auctioneer oORNER éoPBoARDV BAKERY DE 45 DUNLOP STREET SHOPSYS CornBeef Salami Postromi Wieners rwo on rilnisn Troll Wedding cake maestrooaonn Spccial wedding Ornaments Schneiders Cold Cut Meats Potato SaladJ Cole slant Cheese Cake FREE DELIVER EN maria cares Shula Specials atrn leis iPa si small even right in his home across the road irorn llumblcs Pond at the jeasterly edge of the village Although hewa pas try man too in his younger days now he bakes bread onlygwhich he peddlcs in his car throughout the Mcdontc slderoads After their marriage in the parsonage of the old Methodist Church in PenetangApril to 1997 the bonus lived in num been places before returning to the village some 37 years ago Their first year of wedded lite was spent in Hillsdale alter which they lived in Owen Sound Penetang Midland Victoria Har bor and Elmvale for periods ranging tromniew months up to three years Mr Dunn was em nioyed asa baker in all the core tresnamcd Mrs Dunn tile formerMan garct Drennan was born on farm near cookstown one of fourglrls and iour boy born to relate Mr and Drchna Her father bu bridg es and did other construction work throughont the area as well as operate la or the bight children all the girls are still living andtwo of the sonsFred and Norman both of Toronto in addition toMrs Dunn the daughters are Mrs Fred Grigg Elmvalc Mrs Tom Fagan Crossland and Mrs Wil llam Parker RR Midland in her younger days Mrs Dunn in the Presbyterian Church choir wrthone of hervsisterc lira Grigg She was also an early member of Hillsdale Wi Mr and Mrs Dunn have four childrenloinheir own including three sons Gr Hiilsdale Her old Toronto Fred of Barrie and one daughter Mrs George Lockhart Gladys who also lives in Hillsdalc There are eight grandchildren Norman Dunn was also horn on son olxthc lathr and Mrs James Dunn Ahro ther George still resides in Hills dale but their only ster dicd some years In his younger days Norman Dunn played hockey baseball and footba ow he contents himself with puttéringfabout his flower garden torrecreatlon former members of the Odd Fel iows and the Orange Lodge he iiusfcsiEAys TO NORTH BAY 1055 am V1005 Pm 745 pm to cebridge to lOrillia connections at Graverihurst tor Parry Sound nd Sud ury May Meetings Theme oi rnany North Simcoe DistrictEWoincns Institute branch meeting szt month will be Imcintcd with Mothers Programmable to chair ha been arranged as follows Goldwater SnMny It Has an Mrn Lawrence Devinc Mot to in youth we learn in age we understand Roll CIII My inv orllc magazine and why Pro itram book review Miss Lila Mc Phce Lunch pot luck Goldwater lrMay Hostess Mrs Alvin Galbraith Motto And Adam called his wifes name Eve because she was the mother of all living Roll call verse of Scripture containing the word mother Program Rev John Epp will speak on Mothers Day and mothers will be enter taincdl CoulsonMay Hostess Mrs Benton Convener home economics and health Mrs Percy Lcnhcy Motto The things in which women can make the most and quarrel Mrs Fagan Roll callLGivc short item on medical research Program Ex change of plants slips or bulbs Prizegivcn or the best hat dec orated with natural products or kitchen utensils modelled by de signer Walker Mrs Farls Mrs Walker Mrs Lcahcy Eady May Hostess Mrs Herb Walker Convener agricul ture and Canadian industries Mrs Brittaln Motto You never know what you can do until call house cleaning hint Pro gram paper on Mother by Mrs Ellis iicEaihron Ebenezer May 16 Hostess MrsJJ Parker Convener Mrs Allsopp Motto Buried seeds call Bring an elc for White Elephant sale Lunch Mrs Swales Mrs Wood Mrs Wood Grenard May Mrs Lye Motto it is import ant not onlyto pickthe right mate but to be the right mate Roll song containing the word iothcr Program pa per on Mothers oiFamous Peo ple by Mrs Rushhrook Hillsdale May 28 Hostess Mrs Frawiey Motto There is magic in the iittlcword Home Roll call Thefunniest situation was ever in Program Histo ical Research and Current Events Lunch Mrs Dunn Mrs Wil llam Douglas HobartCarleyMay Host ess lit Lister Motto goodly rig it is to meet in iricndships circle bright Roll call new way to prepare com mon vegetable Program qulz contest Jarrattflrcighton May 142 Hostess Mrs ileard Motto When argood idea comes into your head put it to work not to bed Roll callshort cuts in is aiso member of lililsdale united Church Both he and Mrs Dunn still enjoy reasonably good health Oh yes the old railroad At one time there was spur line from Elmwiehut it was torn up duringthe First World War Mr Dunn recalled andfhulba Lunch out of nothing are hat salad Lunch committee Mrs you try Mrs Oscar Blaney Roll grow buricd talents never Roll Hostess Agriculture ind Canadiaii industries Mrs Roy and Canadian industries convco era choice oi slips rs Albert Cook Itn t1 Dohson MrsJune CookMrl tilerd Mcldul May Convener Mr Herh Romney Motto Spring unlockstbe flowers to fpalnt the laughing soil Rotten Exchange of flower rllp and edsu Propam the District Rm ldent speaker music andde Moonstone May Hostels Mrs Aberdeen Mlno Mottolhe hand thatrochthc cradle rules the world Rolicallan cld fish loned remedy mothers 30 mm In demonstration or paper by Mrs Kent Dunlcp North RiverMay Hostess Mrs Klnnear Motto BcCIn radian Buy Canadian Roll call Namé an Ontario made product Program Canadian industries Mrs Taylor Mrs Hall VaseyMny Hostess Mrs Earl Edwards Motto Llie is like agarden we rcapwhat we sow Roll call Exchange of seeds slips bulbs or roots Pro gram paper or demonstration pro agation ol plants Contest Din ng table ilowcr arrangement WarminsterMay l5 Mectlng to be held at the Orange Hall Motto Experience is an expen sive teacher Roll call Where attended public school nd picture 01 me It the times Pro gram Mrs William Johnston Mrs Edward Sallows Waubaushene May to At institute Hall Motto lll blows the windthat profits nobodyr Roll call native plant and its medical value Committee Mrs McGregor Mrs Harry Webb Mrs John Gregor 17m grain Brownie demonstration Mrs Thompson is ReElecled WI President Stroud Womens institute met in community hall on April 19 Businlxs consisted 01 reports on cards and fruit sent the sick and Mrs Black re ported the canvass for Red Cross completed Proceeds ivere ap proximately $214 The committee appointed for the canvas for the cancer society present Mrs McNabb ihe Wl volunteered toqullt no quilts for he RcdCro on ril 30 startin at 101nm La ies ot the rnrnunlty are being asked to assi The comhrittee appointed to evaluate the best program for the year reported and spoké briefly on eachï¬axpla ning how points were given winner was Mrs Roy Goodiellowa pro gram on agricultur The next meeting is to be held May 15 Members wereasked to emember the sale of bulbs and plants The WI vasasked to quote price tor lunch to beserved to large organization Annual reports wererglven by convenersn gt Mrs Goodtellow cond ted the election at oificers chresult ed as follows Presidcnt Mr Thompson lst vicepresldent Mrs Han 2nd ii epresidcnt Mrs Rix secrehrytreasli Mrs iulholland assistant Mrs lion McNabe district director Looir wilar your GET FOR oiva $5950 Olson with your sins niern Mingus e2 Itom mm Allrnund Goon expert Instva tlcn SPLecialfSpiring Offer FREE rennin Yllllll llllTlfll when YOU any ANALS communion ALUMIMUMSTORM Vscnsm coon hunh pioneers through visits with 20 membersand one visitor consists of Mrs Noliiy and Goodlellmr home economics and Mn Reilly citizenship Indedoatlon Mrs Cmpv hell historical research and can rent events Mrs Cochrane resolutions Mrs Hunter inter national Day Mrs Cown Lunch committee Mrs Spring Mrs Boyd Mrs McN Mrs Ma run Mrs Coo weltre committee Mrs Hand Mr Wright pianists lull Wanlcss and Mn ï¬rrii auditors Mrs Goodleilow and Mn Mix Mrs Hughes ihstallcd the iotflcers The president Mrs Thompson thanked the members or their conï¬dence placed in her and ask cd ior their continued support Mrs liand spoke on the motto prepared by Mrs che sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows kccner with const ant use Mrs pon MeNabb assisted by Miss Mary Rlx gave demonstra tion on 4H work The new pro jecl is The Milky Way Tiny showed Canadas food rules on pannelgraph and demonstrated properly set up invalids tray Achievement Day is to be held at Thornton on June c4 Travel Kulhorilyvv Shows How To Pack Wardrobe its only by automobile that we can rediscover much of our nations historical past in towns and villages steeped with lascinat ing pioneerjlorc touring auth ority Carol Lane told members at Guthrie Womens institute Fri llaylnight in Guthrie Community Speaking on the topic Re discovcry oi canada by Car MissgLane womens travel direc tor of the Shell Oil Company of Canada told the group that car travel is an exciting newway to rediscover the heritage oi our to art crait and theatre workshops to oik icstivals and provincial capitals Halt the tun oi anytrlp comes from the planning sbe declared the anticipation of any journey he proplanning you do plus oi rediscovery she continued ust naturally crcates enthus iasm so you will want every member of the family included in this stage Highlight of Mi sgrunlms unwritten nun keep your im lent Iriflzlnccd untilimprove it our the summermuni hy twin IDEWIHCI II OIII cult summon sauna mar names months slam Ind an extra month rm star nunm Mnchlrlel owcn at name on $6595 BAMBI EXAMINER WEDNESDA HEY RVH AUXl iary Raises Over $300 In Sale The womens Auxiliary the Royal Victoria Hospital held most successful rummage sale at Trinity Parish Hall last Friday alternoon and Saturday morning Total net proceeds of $01 were milled Convener the sale was Mrs Caldwell Mrs lred Bplett president and all members of the auxiliary assisted hisng FAMOUS sum was visual dcmonstration at how wardrobe consisting at our basic costumes and the extras needed for twovwcek vacation can be titted into one 25inch suit case Another interesting portion oil Miss Lanes talk was devoted tol the proper way at packing lami ily car she iclt that as rule people take too much luggage on atrlp and instead of getting away irorn it all they end up tak ing it with them She also discussed another lrend in travel loureltcsar weekend Vacations way to extend vacations all year mund planning travel budget and ways oi making touring more con venlcnt and practical Miss Lane is well known as the author of the travel column Tips on Touring and her travelarv tlclcs have appeared in many leading magazines runporting delicate Cornell tlsauehused in light mum surlery from no to place one ol the 13 most unim tie services Wllh rpecii con arrMurian the dellcnte mm in can now be dlroctld to dip Ilnt hospital In rials newest cnia ervlce helps miom the rim ol marry who cannot in through clouded cur nanme exterior window at the eye Send your donation to Hancock rm galno mu estimated woe 100000 years old havean found in the wildcrnea of Egypts SinuPen St Bernard namcd alter the 11th century St Bernard de Mcnlhon launder 01 Alpine ulncn and rtnununad shipping cw hourl Bank of by MACMILLAN The oiilcial history of the seventylive years of the Jehovahs Witnesses It tells whatthey stand tor and the principals behind their theocracy weaymouths Book Stare 30 DUNLOP ST BARBIE FAITH ON THE MARcHli 350 Siiizciiiii sirloin iiii vandalism 2550 Lookiyour most on se permanentwrid Special including cu ting shampoo and setting Choose your ownstyle Buliys Beauty Salon 124 humor 51 bass onwards44 ill mm llllllllllllcTflllY omit mariners Yarns new with builtin automatie lint lilterand ilum ated control ï¬ne No pan or gadgets to fusswitlt before putting clothes in Thorough seven rinses nstalled FREE with one year warranty on all partsfand labour nriounim $43995 co or sancmn