BACKSTAGE with the National Ballet of Canada during its first Visit to Barrie on Monday evening Applying her makeup is one of the pretty young dancers with the company Dianne Ireland SUSAN CRAWFénbs home tree but she is seeing great sections oiCanada and the United States touring with the balletAfter Angela Leigh and addresseslior lies Leighand Miss arvls werewatch particular interest by membersfot theaudience from andrpriliia as former teachers in both towns lth Barrie Pun memento th gm 02 out THE Ag OVER horn On Friday nightthc New Can adian group held its fullscale party and dance to endthe wins ier seasons activ ies of St Giles An ed up shortly alter nine ocl ck vvith nn enthusiastic New Canadians representing countries and th friends Louise Colleys folk and many others The group were mostrfoituhate in securing the rvicps oi Maurice Martin as mastermf ce monies and vcveryonc Was soon hi51feet learning aVGerrnan barb dance followed by aul Jones and other hunibers mwhic participated lii Wasatfthe piano charm and accomplishment to the Gwen Fife Can ad club pres ent uqhéd Massey concerning the par Ne Canadians would lay in the fu ture of our country nd anadas attitude toward them Showing what they Idpres uncultiin REHEIIED TIIIS gt WAY When biliouanesaor constipatliin miniatulgiiggéoieghnm SMALL DEPOSlT Will HOLD ANY ARTICLE Plan Sunirner Picnics New Canadfi éntirely vin mime town is Monf deal of other playing to Seas ently do Alafthreescéne comedy followed in which the versatile MissFife took part thcxonly member of the cast who had lived in Canada more than five years Scene one depicted the customs shed at Canadian port acted Then board showing Threev Months Later was displayed and dialogue scene followed In which two New Canadians met on Barriefstreet and decided to go for real Can adian picnici The two wives went toy he supermarket to buysupplies and hadwa great denlof troublemak Eng their needs understood by the arsistant ACanadlan shopper helped them out of tthcirdif Ill GrioLJiréI culties ihe program bringing her usual gThen came thclast scene again here the troupe moved on to Huntsville where the dancers perxomied last night The local performance opened the National Bal tetsrfirst tourin this section of the province large enthusiastic audience at the Arena three months later ch they strollcd down the streetdressed typical Canadian holiday othes chewing gum and dating cream cones Two very new lock and cast and west hrugged looked after the bewildered newcomers and said New Canadianslf Membersof the cast were Mr and Mrsflrugers Mr Mrs Clifton Ward Miss Agna Bergant Miss Fife and Horst Leinercihc play was di cted Mr rMore folk dart follo ed un til an orchestra arrangédby Dick Rledstra took over for ballroom dancing Lunch served at mid night by asuhcoinmitiee ofthe group cansistetL of cious chicken salad plate followed by cakes and coffee at more ballroo also numhe party merryand gay unt fGoodnighi sweetheart softlyi manylanguages the dancers hinted that ev good party must end sometime llhé group propose to arrange sung Ward the tune of mummies 539E are young Vanda Intinils another tional éaiiet iLés ï¬ylphides iCiiienbztch in and Postscript were on Mondays program 14 mi aims ime Conservative Women Hold Tea Tomoirbwh Barrid Progressive Conservative Womens Association is holding tea at St Georges Parish Hall to morrow afternoon from three to five oclockt ihe main speakervjot the day whichan easily be reached from Barrie and to the delights of the barbecue tradition The New Canadian group was organized tiring thclpast few months under the au ices of thc Barrieijmeas Cana inn glob Decorations tor last weeks dance werebyuMiss Fife and Mr stun Miss Elsie rlai es Miï¬s Krugers Mrs Otten Parker The programcommittee wasrmadeupof Miss Culley Ward Ernlriy Weir Agna gout and Dick Riedstra spm suntmerpicnics to introduce can to the parks nrga like these yourscl but dont leave val eluWait PERLHANENT WAYING The Womenis MissionarySocIety having their annual Childs Mrs ranteed toStay you step Begun fprelgn minimumm speaker at the sollax all Womens Mission CirdcsColii nod As sedation held inOril ia Baptist president pr Toronto van the marks of her trade Lovely Montrealdancerywith the Na the Underworld waiamzsoiiy in 1957 will be Mr Dorothy pqwning federal iorgarlize Other notable speakers are also pcar Ion the program my of Ivy Presb rian Church are Thankofferlng serum on Sunday may at 1030 in Mrs prcSident rim heduicd 19 apzi Chunk last Thursday Dressed In the native aariahtold of her work among the hilltribéfslnce mo in one eAshetnmiaicd the scripture in their lan Me which Ehadv héver before yrllien Slle established an adage for ahando aim oird motion vicc lat the alter aoon ppcr nd icvcning ses sion Misawinniired Brewerof gave someihoipiul point ers to CGii aodiEhtplorersflead era atdhé aiternoon session and It the ng ahezgave Ind5helpful ad ery ï¬rst flhe Circlee Ministry Visiflliah Mlas Margaretrsinclairoi Bah rle divisional treasurerrcported increased giv ngswiflaa special tribuieio Ilia Womens Miss slop Clrcle andl Barrie Mission Band torexccntionul records ihc Second hiilc Circle of the Baptist Church Coiling wood presented missionary play entitled viihat Heaven oi Freedom it told the story of students in Christian college in the new tree India Mrs IiiFraser of Crccmorc association director led brlcih devotional period and Rev Ray mond LeDrew Orillia pronounccd the benediction Mrs Cranston 01 Midland Askcd theblessing at the supper hour MESHINS tForfodndation planting SHRUBS Rosraosnss GERANIUMS Choice Quality Stock PM HARRIS FLOWERS Bandeaiiiodern Downtown FLOWER r5110 99 Dunlop Phone PA 66901 realrbuy in well im Green Grey andtBlueUsé night as it folds down tom 11 ananuiact Tradein yourpresent us ent on new furniture eetnee holiday is at any shoes as FREE DELIVERY useit as down pay th dget plan