Bur Bride ets Wedding Manners aridxeustoms differ the World over and even in two coun out as similar in mode of life Canada and the United States flood ners Vcan mean different Thists no more noticeable than of wedding eti no at some of the in the United States the an nouncement of an engagement is de immediately after couple become engagedrwhiie in Canada the engagement is usually an nounced about four weeks before lhe weddlng day custom more often followed in the United Stat es than win this country is the formal announcement of an en gagement at party given by the brideeiects parents when it comes to the wedding the bridge between good manners in our country to the south and us is even greater it is custom aryfln the United States to in vlte large number of guests to wit church and smaller number to the reception afterwards In Canada this would be considered the opposite to good manners Here small number may be in vited to the church and to wed ding breakfast or luncheon or upper party that follows and larger number may be asked to attend less formal reception at later hour So you see it all depends when you live But wherever you live and whatever your financial status there is one hidebound rule that must be remembered when lt at eonies to getting married It is te brides family that sets the size and style of the wedding Whether the bride wears love ridal gown or simple eotton frock makes no difference in the dignity and impressiveness of the ceremony The elaboratencss or simplicity of the wedding is of no real consequence And the bride an mac12 94 Deéertoalaaro gt On Saturday April 13 1957 Georges Anglican Church topia was the settin ublering wedding ceremony when Miss Erma McKinley Reg of Utopia was bert Lepard only son of Mr Mrs Lepard of Wareham Rev Bevan Monks ofiieiated and wedding music was played Miss Elsie Cinughley of Bar who also accompanied the soloist Miss Doreen Raymer Reg of Toronto in the sing ing of the Wedding Prayer and Perfect Lch Given in marriage by Vivian McCann the bride waswearlng gown ofwhite not over satin madeo rineesse lines head dress White pearlsand sequins gthold lbowlength veil and she car if bouquét of red roses and white carnations Her only attendant cousin Miss June Brunskill of Utopia wearing allerina length gown of pe entire bridal married to in Wareham who worries about the type of wedding her parents canafford would do well to remegnberï¬lla it is moreimportanuhatnar riagca be solemn and take place in dlgnlfled suitable setting in the bride pine of worship or to her home If youre now counting up costs The ri of the Wedding this may prove helpful gutd Expenses of brides Directs Engraved lnvltationa and an nouneemeuls the bridal outti and though brides attendants if money is no object brldal consultant the brides trousseau the household trous seau all the cost of the reception flowers for thercécption flowers for tbebrlde and her attendants although it is becoming custom ary for the groom to pay for the brides bouquet and often for the party wars as well as for eorsages for both mothers and his own and thcbest mansand the ushers boutonn ieres music at the church and at the reception nrganists fee choir fee sextons fee carpi ribbous awnings and tents usual ly rented for large weddings and receptions limousine for the bride and other cars for the trans portation of the bridal party and weddingglft of substance us ually silver Grooms ExpensesThe wed ding ring thc marriage llcense the brides ilowrn hisown and the ushers boutonnicres corsage for his motherthe ushers gloves the ushers ties gifts for the ï¬sh crs the ministers fee wedding gift for his bride usually jewel lery the entire cost of the Wed ding trip his own wedding and wedding trip hoine into which they will move Jotooze and the equipping til it with its ynaior furnishings not over satin with blue head dress trimmed with pearis an sequins Shecarfledv bouquet of pink roses andbiue earnatlons Garfield Lyons of Markdale was groomsman for his brother inlaw and the usher was Ken neth McGee of Eugenia also brotherinlaw of the groom At the reception that followed at the Green Corner Grill Mrs Vivian xMcCann received the guests wearing charcoal brown suit with turquoise and brown ao cessories and corsage of yellow roses The mother of the groom assisted wearing navy blue crepe with navy accessories and cor sage of pink roses Leaving on awedding trip to points so the bridtxwas wean ing beige dressandhrqwn dus ter coat with green accessories and corsage of ye ow tnum onthclr return and Lepard will bemainng their home PERSONsz OUR 0W gifts The memo ograinmed el tteren typeot r1 foryout ptitowcas Youll buld ltlse to his et chart of he Needlept it directions ht Wplv it Ikan longer or peeled the costumes of lhe bridal photographs the clothes and the so ghtpians usually result in obeautifui wedding whetherit is tine Jonu ry May or December Makeplans now avail yourself of tï¬e servicesofffered by thesefirms they have the ekperience toimokeyouf Wedding dey perfect After The wedding TheiRecepï¬Â¢n The gay good wishes of friends make it day to remember and in the catering the surroundings the attention to detail lies the secret of wedding happily remembered by the bride groom and guests At Baystalrs Lodge you entertain in the beautiful Pine Itoom lnthe pleasant homeiike atmosphere of dignified surroundings Your arrangements are made by graduatedietitian and your guests will cnfoy therefreshlng breezes from thejlovely Kem PMS Buyst its Lodge amm roiNr frnoNE rii 3519s mnnownms 362312 Lingerletn datnly nylon trteoby Harvey Woods Ne um and matching loWnl Gown In floor anti ta lenflhl mums and shortle Pyjamas Sllpa in and plntlealn unatehlug set or sold separate in white pink blue CIPfl vonl lard almond glow Large assortment of duntynoonnnrthanuina gonna and nuns cents in nylon ma wool and on hose tuttishined illhl pastel shlflu and her attendants in pastel mt na whiteImnylon well as mny tyre and colours gullible or those attending the weddlng Gifts oi attenhcnts or jewétle by co put and alla wsouwoons TIGER ooumous SUNRISE DoHLToNsMEADow Gmw DOULTONS FROSTPINE WOQDEN Anna UMI Mndeia ely prle shower GIFTS rEiLE Diemdd engagement rings Diam eddihg rings and the always popular setsin white gold and ygllow gold mask Cut Diamonds Stuart illghstyled mountings Certificate of insurance and Gear artteed Stones Amdgngty low prices Choose gifts for attendants from ouriwlde seleetlon of compacts necklessnnd ear ring setsettfiinks and tie bar sets forthe men Wilhqu JeWellery so ountor ST rnom Pa 82 Capture Every with Photos Our photographer will assure you of complete coverage of every Important moment from home to ehurehtto re ceptlon munitions Youll find thecorrect album ourgv jedv selection Mailed futurebrides upon quest Make complete arrangementsearly ph us Todayl 3a punter 51 JIJSI cuspsic runulruns one Ah so Its so wonderful drilllug allthe hustle and bustle in preparing for yourwed tag to find one sto that can furnish yourhonie onipletely from ehen to livingroom to bedroom with the finest in furniture and appliance 79 oowu naval Not severaldown payments here it there all over town buy with Just one down yment in one store from puncture hie several paymentstomako each month just one easy paymenlinonc store finest in ops 1000 patterns cheeks lipase fro Free 3MITH1sruolo an tn rrrvltta Floral Decorations For YoUr Weddln Exquisite floral decorationsto set the toneoi your wedding Bridalbouquets corsagesjboutonnicres for the Bridal Party expertly arranged flower standards to plank the altar centre pieces for receptiontables IL in r1 rWe are specialists in artlstlc fioral strongements Let us arrange your church homereception decorations and you can relax in theknowledgethat everything will be tastefully and correctly carried out gt rnonera 35575 can always be eontldentthatwhen westyle yourhatr you lookyour oilel Call soonfor an appointment for ohair styling crmanentwave oral 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