GRENEEL wA tau CreatetWA wm uncouth home of Its Cole on Wednu day evening May at Boclock hronto Flatt Mrs It Dobson visited wllh her daughter Mm George Nixon and family in Tomato int Man day Weekend Visit Miss Betty Wlodatt ot Barrie spent couple of days last week with Mr and Mrs Prank Ford and family Mrs mu Ford spent the weekend there Euchre Part There were to tables at th eurhre party at lhecommunity centre Saturday evening Ladies high prize Mrs Jelfreynmona high Harvey Turnhuii lone hands Mrs JohnMuir Commit tee Mr and Mrs Harry Parr Easter at Home Miss Allison Hand is spending the Easter vacation at her home in Gananoquc Mr and Mrs Garnet Breedoa and girls Tollenham Visited Fri day wilhMr and Mrs How ard Week with Parents Misslilarie Harris spent last week with her parents Mr and Mrs Russell Harris Transferred to Barrio William Dobsonrwho has been employed with Wonder Bread 30 Toronto has been transferred to Barric Easter at Ilolnc Miss Lunda Walton spent Easter weekend home here Weekend Guests Visitors over the Easier week end at Norman McGirrs were Toronto at hér Got foot rule handy Pick it up and measure off two andahall inches You prob ably never thought of it but through Braille and The Can adian National institute for the Ninth your blind neigh bours could do the same thing Through CNIB service numerous household appli ances fromtha alarm cloclt to the thermometer are at the fingertips or blind Can adians Support the campaign and help restore independ ence to the blind of this dis trict Give now Mall dona tions to Mr II Hancock Bank of Nova Scotla Barric Ontario ST esonoas PAliIS lowing the recent fire Was the setting tea bazaar and sale ofhome baklp at the tea table were Mrs Mr and Mrs Laurcnce McGirr and Myrna Mrs Sinclair Mr and Mrs Bertram Sinclair and ani ily all of Sundridge Mr and Mrs William Pratt and Brian Guyctt of Hamilton From Barrie Lorne Scott of Barrie is spend lng the holidays with Mr and Mrs Charles Scott The Late Mrs Hogan former resident here Mrs James Hogan passed away at Royal Victoria Hospital on Sun day April 21 The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr Hogan and relatives in their bc reovcment Mr and Mrs Norman Stoddart and Mr and Mrs Lewis Stoddart and Michael of Guthrie visited Soturdayevcnlng With Mr and Mrs Charles Scolt TRY AN EXAMINER WANT All HALL newly Fathers and Sons At CBMC Meeting Thc monthly supper meeting of the Christian Business Mens Committee of Barrie was held on Tuesday April in Burton Ave United Church This was Father and Son night with till present After singing the thcmc song Thank YouLord for Saving My Soul Wilton Creed returned thanks for the meal Twenlyfive firsttimers were present After supper Carl Harvey of Washago led the singing with What Friend We Have in Jesus and Oh That Will be Glory for Me Carl also led the men in singing the famous hymn How Great Thou Art which was sung by llonier James and much used in the Barrie Crusade Paul Martin youngson of Royce Mill An EninShABroadclothjstirt That Needs Absolutely No Ironing lush soltln mildsudsltslaundered injneitt onotime Its gotthewcaring comfo youilgï¬nd nly in quality cotton pius the easy wash no ironing talents of liliesThe fabulous is lustrous English broadclothis bdlILllgIltuln by patented secret process Andthis remarkable fabric Hang itto drip dry ipit on hanger button frontsmoothotit collar cuffs and shirt frontwith yourï¬ngersVyourjob is done Saves time Saves energy boon for busy housewives Terriï¬c for travellers comfort and is élrclttsive with Forsyth in Canada Wear it with IcontidenceVTYolu can be sure your NoIrqn shirtvbyz Forsythshows youiat your best it decorsted and renovath fol or the Evening on Wednesday afternoon Presiding Mitchell left and Mrs Herbert Noble Ser Guilds Easter Martin oLOriilia sang Each Step Take Leads Mc Closer Home Paul later was Joined by his brother David in singing duet Christ is Coming for the Children Les Cooke announced that about 500 decisions for Christ had been made in the crusade in Barrie March 10 to 31 He also announced that prayer cards were available to all to become prayer partners for the New York Crusade beginning May 15 under Dr Billy Graham HarryJrid chairman of the Good News Club committee spoke of thegoodjiork being can ried on by the ladiosin charge of the various groups About 600 children are attending the clubs An offering was taken for thc workPraycr by Dave Whitney of Oriliia After the announcements chair man itoy Tracy turned the meet ing over to the Oriliia committee chairmamNorman Whitney head ingthc Oriilia grbtlpwho were guests of lthe Barrio Committee for tho evening Roycc Martin or the Metro politan Life Co of Orillia was spcakcr for thecvoning Speaklt ing of his conversion Mr Martin said TA friend of mine was sav ed and he was always talking to me about csus ran away from him and tried to keep clear of him but he invited me to come to church and finally got me there andnow that Christ has saved me am here to say that none but Christ can satisfy was put out otvmy home when accepted Christ as my Saviour he added Speakingiof Davids kindness to Mepbibosheth he said The lame son of Jonathan could not ap proach King Davdwithout an in vitation that he came by the grace of the kin This the speaker likened to God dealing with sinful man The invitation is open Jesus Christ has finished the work and made it possible for ATTENTION TO DETAILS No request is too small and none too great to receive the thorough and experience ed attention that character lzes our service Our Timd Payment Plan per mits small monthly payments for alifuneral expense items lloyti lt Sleultley Funeral Home so Wotslay st Rh 15A 85553 vars left to right were Mrs Gladden McGowan Mrs Lougheed Mrs waiter Bayliss Mrs Mrs Helies Mrs Little Mrs Cersweli Viau tea con Female Golfers Hold Meeting Plan Activities Ladies sectionof Barrie Conn try Club met at the Community House Wednesday night todis cuss the nearing season An im portant matter of business was the appointing oftwo ninehole players to thc captains commit tce glans for the big opening day or 14 were discussed The fes Vitics will commence with golf Ing in the afternoon and be fol loWed by banquet ï¬lhc iadics annual June dance will he on the VZanjday of the traditional wedding month Before the close of thescssion the county tournament to he played at Midland this summer to approach the tï¬rone kof grace through Him tin closing Mr Martin told story of boat with many people on board at the moulh of the Amazon River They were out of waterand in dire need After time boat camein sight They signalled We are out ottvater The boat signalled back Let down your buckets youaro in fresh water The grace of stus Christ is here let down your buckets Testimony time brought evi denceyof the saving grace of God from four men including police officer John Ellis ot Drillia who accepted Jesus Christa month ago Efihe meetingfwas closed with gfayer by Rev Robert Trim Next CBMC meeting will be May 14 when the ladies are in vited and will be held in the new building at Collier Street United Church Barrie Easter In Sudbury Mr and Mn tlerman Raiaey and lamilyapent the Baslcryleek end with friends In Sudbnry Misscs Lois and Norma Cook of Torontojpent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs James Cook Week with Conalnl Larry Stone of orangevlile is spending week with his cousins Doug and Debbie Rodgers Recent Visitors Recent and weekend yisltors with Mr and Mn Dave Rodgers and Mrs WVCopeland were In Alan Gates and Billie andClar lavero Burdette Mrs John Masters vener and Mrs Henry Lamb president ofzthe guild lvas given asbrici going over by the enthusiastic golfers good many of the ladies have already been smashing the little ball around the course and report that everything is coming nicely excepting of course few aches and pains But theyll work out cause the best is yet to come Chickenpox Takes Seasonal Toll 108 Cases total of ma casosof chicken pox were reported to the Simone Countyllealth vUnit during the month of March the highest in cidence of any communicable dis ease Measles and mumps also took their toll There were 27 uses of mumps and ti cases of the sec ond disease Six cases of jaundice three cases of scarlet fever two cases of whooping cough and one case each of undulant fever and Gen man measlcsa ANCIENT SPECIES The horseshoe crab of North Americas Atlantic coast two feet long is practically un changed from prehistoric times REFORMED CHURCH or AMERICA NED HERV KERK about MINISTER Rev Falkenburg Every Sunday 230 pm at ESSA ROAD PRESBYIERIAN CHURCH Corner Essa Rd Burton Ave titular trttowsmr council be Christian and Missionary Alliance CORNER nanczu DUNLOP smear EAST Ilov you guillotine Pastor Mill WEltlt stavth watts WELCOME on in er our COMMUNION Organist Mrs Ken 24 Collier st April 28 SundayflSchool Sermon COMMANDMENT 1x mam ALLAN READ Roberts ANUEL BAPTIST mnowsnmor mandating aliensrat ERNEST maximum rasron enceCopeland Danie Mr and Mrs Charles Stone and family Orangevllle Mr and Mrs CarI Copeland ad will Lalt Sara and Dalian Slight town Jo Susan of tar Ire speeding week their grandparents and Joseph Roulglon ur and Mrs James Atkin Beelon spent Sunday wlih the latter parents Mr and Ills Joseph Roulstoa Uan Bradford Miss Tena houlstonofBndford and DaveRoulston of Toronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Jose Roulaton FORESTIIAZARD Carclcss smokers constitut largest single human cau lest ESSA tivo PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MINISTER REV Momma ORGANIST MR FRANK DUTCHER SUNDAY APRlL 2a 1951 945 emrCIIURCII SCHOOL Ages and up ll analNursery Kindergarten 11 auntMR vonN roam of Cookstown Presbyterian Church 7pm BURTON AVE ANNIVERSARY 315 paneCrusade BlbleClass Everyone Welcome F=nt COLLIER 51 UNITED Rev Ina MA on Mhmu Lloyd Thiford Organist and Choirmatter SUNDAY APRIL as 1957 ll LabMORNING SERVICE Broadcast CKBB THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 urnJunior lntermediato pnd Senior Departments ll munPlenum baby alt ting Nursery Kindergarten and Primary Departments at numwmwée EVERYONE WELCOME gtm Free MelhqdistyChurCh zoo Hayfield Street Rev Goheen Minister SUNDAY APRIL 28 1957 1000 antrte Family pitta School 2100 améMorning Worship 130 tumEvening Worship Warm Welcome Awaits You Im CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Dunlop and Toronto Streets REV CECIL Ir BRENN EA MR EACHURCHILL Crganisl SUNDAY Ame 28 57 ll am ANUNUSUAL SHORE BREAKFAST alor Congregation pm 0n Living Up To Your Name Gospeurymn Sing 815 Young PcoplesMeeting 1511ch ClioOL 945 rumJunior Intermediate Senior 11 Beginners dz DepartIll are welcome to mak 5TGIIES MISSION Anglican 5614110 coMMUNION 930 amFlnal Service John Marriott 910 munJunior Sunday School HS amTSenlorgtsundly School SAINT GEORGES gllcan Church Alladdale Rector Rev NewtonSmith BR stem at Mr Organist Mn straw arm cochleader Smethurat armfact COMMUNION amtMORNING PRAYER and SUNDAY SCHOOL hmEVENING PRAYER and Confirmation Instruction EVERYONE WELCOME cantsrini senator Benita Sunday School SUNDAY APRIL 2a 1957 ï¬nkProbation Alter Death gt toorraurla 41 Collier st Barrio ALL ARE WELC 0am ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen andWoxsley Stu REV JAMES FERGUSON Minister Organist and Choirmasler SUNDAY Amy 28 1951 ll and pm THE MINISTER tor Classes CLARKE Mus Rae ITCL ll amtBeginners Kindergarten and Primary Classes COME ro CHURCH THE sAEVArtoN gt ARMY CITADELQ gt 60 Collier Street Major and Mrs Robert watts SUNDAYLAPRIL ago 1957 101HPENAm ll mm HQLINESS MEETING 230 pmcoMPANYMEIqu oilHranfom pugSalvationMuting Brightllappy Singing Good Gospel Messages saopmvoum spoon the Army their urch ome Anthemsi om loom sALM LIFTUP rug STRAIN or axon THANKSGIVING