YOU AVAILABLE This famous question Are You Available is being thrown aroundagain those days by the Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League But this time the fellow asked was only the trainer Tim qaley While Conn Smythe was finding out that he still had the genial old gentleman on his side he was being educated to the fact that Billy lteay might be the new coach of lhe Tomntonians This wés apparently quite embarrassing to the Little ltlaior since he had already asked Howie dccker if he was available Meeker said yes This latest figure to crop lip lteay is by no means stranger to thebig tent Up til couple of years ago he was star forward with the hiohï¬eal Canadiens Last season he coachcd the newlyformed Rochester Americans in the AHL and came through with job quite well done The Amerks were fighting for second lace when the sea son closed then went on to the finnls against the oveland Barons Smythe said that he had given May thought but that was alL Olhcrs besides hicekcrwho were mentioned for the post were Alfie Pike Turk Broda and Bob Goldhum more probable change in the Lcafs organization would be to find front office space ofiiarold Ballard and Stafford Smythc the brain trust of the Toronto Marlboros lt lsfclt that both Ballard and Staff are advocates of wideopen hockey and exaggerate scoring rather than defence It didnt appear so this past season anyhow The Leafs of course have always been clutch and grab team The only definite thing about the Maple Leafs plans for this year is that Clarence Hap Day will not be included in them Dlly had his day of questioning and saidfno And on the subject of llnp Day it is now certain that he will be offered the seat as president of the American Hockey League The owners of the AHL clubs were scheduled to meet today to decide on concrete after for the hockeywisc gentleman ABOUT JAMES James Parkers appearance in Toronto this week started up on other batchof rumors along with some ambitious talk The rumors are that he and young George Chuvan are planning summer date for the Gardens ring The only questions there would be regarding the huge ring veteran ls Parker interested Has he been in training these last several months is he in shnpe7 Do the promoters figure he will aid or detain Chuvalos predicmd climbl further note picked up indicated that Parker was nlilcs overweight and that he was not too interested in furthering his oncepromising boxing career Included with this last bit of infor was that Parker had himself comfortable job in Philadelphia and had no need for tight money Who knows what the case may be Parker was unavailable for com ment Some of the ambitious talk is coming from Yvon Dnrelle the Canadian lightweight boxing champion and former middleweight title holder Durelle wants third title and wants Parker as the other half of the heavyweight championship battle So whether or not came this way to fight or not he sure got himself into couple of good in aglnary tangles Orare they imaginary JUST NOTES Bracehridge Bears won thc Ontario Hockey Associ ation Intcrmcdiaic championship with a63 victory over Dnndas Mountain Views The Bears won the series +1 The Bears last won the title in 1953 Helping the Bears considerably were Danny Poland for er Barrie Flycr and Marlboro andGnry LongLa past Barrie lunJ nd Marlboro Elmira PolarBeurs toolvo Tiletflifadoiinugames over Wallaceburg Hornets when they took 62 decisionat home The Bears cfavorcd to win the Senior hockey crown The Little NltL winds up its top season with twodaytournament starting today at Collingwood Almost 10000 lads were enrolled in the organization this season on 79 teams from 31 towns and villages with 12 new centres entering next season arrangements are underway to make the final tournament threeday affair Ab Kirby and Lloyd Edwardsof Collingwood report everything in order for the big event Tomorrow afternoon the kids will be feted by the town Several NHL surwill be on hand to sign autographs and advise the youngsters 3éMusKoKllowus PLAN GIANTSPIEL Three Muskoka towns got plans iinder way last nightto hold the worlds biggest international mix in the three towns tube in con tinuous operation Invitations livill be sent nearly cd curling bonspiel during Jan uary 195 They are Huntsville Braccbridge and Gravenhurst It is expected that more than 128 Scottish United Statesrand Canadian rinks will compete for 11 trophies The top tcam will receive the Muskoka Trophy with the three nmnerszup being awarded tro phies narned after the three towns Planscall for 20 sheets of ice Me Leclgue At KemPvieW Necjlr FinalS Mouday and Tuesday sections of Kempview Mens Jiowling League have mpleted their semifinals and re set to enter the final series extTuesdayi Starting time vls pm The big night of play will he the wrapup date of the following Monday Then the winners will be presented with the Canadian Gen eral Electric Trophy atthe ban quet in hegion Hall May 13 The finals will be rolled off on total pinfallbasi in the Monday night Section of Ewens of Dorset theloop Ernies Bargaih Centre tplace with atom of Langs grabbed the place position with total knockdown of 1199 Bayfield Frosted Foods was next with 71521 Missing the final round wilibe Borden Bombers 8714 Brass and Glenn 6887 and Barrie Tanning 11530 from CGE took the The team the Tuesday top apotiin every rinkin Canada and United States and some in Scotland While curling will be the main event visiting Curlers will be treated to skiing parties hockey games ice fishihgand visits to nearby lumber camps Special sleeping cars will trans port curlers to Muskoka and bo tels in the three towns will keep enough rooms available to accom modate the curlers iluntsville Bracebridge and Gravenhurst curling clubs do cidedlthere was cverything in Mnskoka to makerthis bonspiel world enowncd event Gordon Sloan fGravenhnrst head of the committee 5a is somethingflthe qua countryhas needed for long time Dates set tort bonspiel are from In 20 to Jan25 inclusive rltgt Sp ftsmen Mourn Aurora PolieChief And ExLHockeyjsiali $312233 53 iï¬iuï¬ï¬Ã©esfié deathiof Chiefcoustable Fisher Dunham of Aurora and George Over the years of Dunham settled many sports argument in his own quiet why without any assistance and he who constant iattender at Aurora sporting events un the past fewyears in his younger dayshe was great soccerfplayer anda sturdy tnllbackand goal defender erzEwenshknown his hock ey days Shirtwas atcam playiwith otolpinfal of 7110 volley Taxi schpted spot with 7097 Thene rle4tannln they were grossly held its closing banquet and top team the Nonstrlkers THE MIXED MAJOR BOWLING LEAGUE of prizes at the Legion Hall last night The above left to right MarieGreenslde George Greenside Bruce Reynolds Vern Sharpe Marie McKenzie Margaret Reynolds and presentation Darling high are shown heed second GORGEOUS VERN SHARPE DBL DARliING GEORGE T0 GRAPPlE KENTUCKY HillBlllY TUESDAY Wrcsulng date No Sameas the first little bit rougher the roofll burst Featured on Tuesdays grunt groan card at Barrie Arena are two challenge grudge matches The first will be arepeat be tween Karl Krusher Kowalskl of Berlin Germany and skillful Bill Fletcher These two met in the opening days main event and caused more than mild stir vem Gordie McKenzie Individualprlzes were awarded to Vern Sharpehlgh single Del hlple Dolly Jones igh single high triple and high average George Loug high single and May Haskett second high single Gord Néedham kw Remem Talk about changeirl the times Could you imagine Junior This is an old story but like ProminentFlgure Thc tale was brought to light again yesterday by Gord Needham prominent young sportsman in this town This reporter approach ed Gord with the hope of getting list of events to be run off this year at the BarrieCountry Club Gord is themens captain There wasnt much golf to re port and the conversation wander ed In 1945 season was the li year of Jnni hockey in Barrie Hap Emma wasthc coach and there were actually few local products on the team Naturally the club couldnt show toomuch without more hocke players andenongh were impor new boys imports were RayGar iepy Joe Lund McArtilur Danny Wilkes and MannoKauppi Well1 the season started happily enough with the fans really fall ing head over heels for thefast rough brand of hockey Then dissension hit the Flyers Through some minor detecting the local boys with the Flyers Needham CecCoo Jimmy Stra chan and thelateM rray Richard son came tothe conclusion that underpaidor at least the impc is were over paid Thc four honiebrews put it or so they thought to coach Enuns Eitherthey get apay boostufro $10 week to $25 or play Well whathappened has made hi shistory 1th town Hap called their bluffvand when the next am lied around the they dont Bani canons SII Movmg On nrri lon bantam ockey club is still vmovlog salong quite trongly in the King Clancy hockey tournam he locals if th more semif games will enter Prominent This yarnwont even fade away ed to form tnllvroster Amongrthe etby two hockey player playing two weeks for nothing No you probably couldnt and there or very few people if any who could But back in the 194546 Junior season one member all the Barrie Fiyers did just that the old soldier will néver die four locals looked on from the sidelines Crawling am Thc Flyers opponentsthat nighb were the Oshawa Generals the big guns at thattinlEKWhat happened almost choked the four delinquen kids with only nine players tth Noble Nine they were ll iid the Flyers won the decision The neirt day the strikers crawled back to Mr Emms an agreed to play for their old sti ends But Hap figuredï¬therwisei sman and the four toiled for $5aweelo the remainder of thé season Id was either that or be suspended Avshnrt time later Needham Was fined $10 or indifferent at thcvendfll the season cc then Gurd laughineg re ports Idontv believe in unions or strikes This years mens capt the Country Club wasborn Wasbagoiil yearsago lle cam to Barr 1935 where he re ceivedhis early education After his one eventful year the Fiyers Gord went to Tor onto where he studied and grad noted as aCertilied Publicï¬c countant inr1950i He returned oI Barrieitowork in 51 Beforc joining As Gord wasa member of theBarrieJuv erlile Champions in 19434 El club was victorious over mbsy Peach Buds that year his last yearwith the Barrie ior the club went to the Ontario fl Since final fling with the Flyers Gord has skated only few times blit you never fail to see him at the Flyers home games When heisnt there you can find him curling at the BarrieCurling Club which be joined just this post season Memorial Cup Series Slélrlsï¬ he OIttawa Ca ns and the Flln Flonrijangers start theirbesti against De LaSalle th trip two doors down the street Gord revealed that there wasnt too much happening at the course these days People are golfing but its been just for fun He didnotethe mens stag on ay and the opening bnnquet May 11 Also he advised those who are planriing to take in the stag to give vpro EddieVReniclr allLet him know the score The club isto hold meeting soon to finalize dates of the many big events Will stage or GOLELCLUB STAG slat 1FQR MAY ding stagwill be held May 1pm Alonnglth the usual stag activ es will be nine and ldhole golf ng competition TipI thing Those in tendingto at nd sh uld phone the club professional Eddi AMUNSDEN was nasal runouon of even hockeyaeries tonlgh ion the Memorial Cup emblematicof in Puck 90 years after Fletcher was iillin for the stillinjured Jack Allen but he more than just carried on Kow nlski had real rugged evening ofit andrendcd by getting dis qualified He screamed for re match and he got it unfortunate ly we hope in the semifinal Reggie Siki the dangerous and dirty colored boy who belted and mauled Buddybreeman will tangle with Frankie Hart gt Hart refereed Slkis tangle with Freeman and was more than dis pleased with the fcilows tactics To top it off Siki had the audac ity to aim punch ot the popular Dutchman So Frankie called promoter Larry Kasahoski on the phonoand begged that he gét chance to toach the bearded upstart some manners The consent was given gt and what will follow shouldnt be missed The opener could quite easily be the main event Returning to the local ring is Gorgeous George Imporla ni Meeting Industrial Ball Next Thursday IlaHie industrial Softball Leag us will be holding an open mectA ins Thursday May While it is open to anyone lt is most im portant that each and every team that to compete have repre sentative present The meeting at 730 pmin the CGE club room could serve toisolve all of the early season problems Also the new execu tiVe will be elected and his all important that good turnout take part in the vote LThis way there can be no bickeringlater on The only way by to get your man voting him An malt um mi inanwny 1521 momn GILMORE nom Grant of Hollywood Hc of the curledagolden tresseg will greet newcomer Farmer Powell the original Kentucky llillbiliy When the Farmer wasdiscovcr ed he was wandering through the woods with such agility that smart wrestling moguls decided to capitalize on his talents The Hillbilly has really taken to the tight game and in his few years in the ring has made quite name for himself This bout will be 30 minutes oi one fall to win starting at 845 pm Thesemi is also 30 minutes and the main event brawl will have dominute time limit or thcbest tweetthree falls Four Teams Enter Ladies Softball Start Play May 20 Four teams comprise Barrie District Ladics Softball League this year Elmvaie Orillia New market and Barrie Flycrs Contrary to earlier belief the schedule will not begin on the 13th of May but rather the 20th Also the annual allstar game will not be played prior to the regular schedule butaround or on July The Barrie club will hold its second Workout tonight at 645 at Queens Park BARRIE VFARM SUPPLY Our Motto is SERVICE 65 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION canny COMPLETE vsrocn or snaps GRAIN FARM SUPPLIES vsunan DAIRY EQUIPMENT DELIVEBY SERVICE Phone PAS1982 17 aromasmass PHONE PAS5792 DEMONSTRATOR Convertlble 1958 BUICK SPECIAL Showroonr ebony hlltk on with black and whlta matrith Interior automatic mmmlon custom ndl eell nun eed whllie like not cc am New ur wann ONLY 53550 1956 Meteor Niagara Sedan vflml showroom tun lmcn IIIIIIII Cull ndio heater na deliom dlrectlonalllghta chroma wheel dim luw milen len blind new on $2250 I955 onion lass Buick Century Sedan gorgeoua showroom mmlln lue llnlah automatictrons curtain ulm chronic wilef aim communal on 52495 I955 FORD outumlna door nun tin ln color radio condltlonlng one car good in lnny mile trouhln tree leivice Hurry hurry ONLY SI595 1953 PONTIAC 1553 Pontiac LaurentIll Coach llwlela ofllnII Livo tone can finish whitewall centlpnd tires chrome gt Thtl car positively Ilka brand new Hurry or Hill one ONLY til SPEGIAI 1953 PONTIAC Nlca origini lam green wltn teulnz Interior lood tlm alr condlunnlnx outstanding consulting throughout gunm teed Iuitomohlle ONLY $895 I953 Doocs Glen Deluxeï¬eï¬lni LUV new two loll men mat llnlsll custom ndlo II can dltlnniny direction uxnu deep treld the Truly immune Ilttle nutnmqblle ouncesienna SEE THE 1957 BUICKS PON IIACS 0N DISPLAY INOlfll SHOWROOM showroom Open Evenings Until moo pm 1951 BUICK Special Coaola Spotlm original blue on heater and demalen an tlonnl llnhu deep tread um Ontstanding mil tl throughout ONLY $395 1951FORD ml Ford Cuslumllne hea unit dun blue ï¬nish cunt rudimheater de directionI l950FORD Customilne Sedan 5110 original dark green snub in 5The BarrieCountry Clubsmens cucvnotsr Detox ssnan Avgrand any for SpringPrice includes 3wcslicllllisnzcllll 5245 Custoni Radio SllpCov il ll llllll lrll This car Hill tcflor uks oir pond tionlhg was rialsone is really he Hurry rol um one 1947PLYMOU Seda hhllimni¢lénv¥é heater and defroster standing in lcnlly lres