in an Let Us Check your home for Overloaded cuqu Blown Fuse Flickering Light Poor lighting Falfltyjlttlnp PLAY SAFE IN 51 Faulty Wiring Can Cause Fires We Undertake BESlDENTlAL ANU INDUSTRIAL WIRING narAm WORK LIGHTING FIXTURES HEATING INSTALLATIONS WfllLWlflx ELECTRICAL comnacrons OilBurner Soles if Service rnoNE RA 83230 Sophia St East Is Baylield St lltllllol doémt Idle ru it Yet in today world of mechanical servsotmlnything is possible and stunger enough some of the most useful of them have their locole below stairs Just as the domestic staff of the Rentsyuaedtodo These modern servants cording to the Canaan institute of Plumbing and Heating work silently and ceaselessly to make ves of average Canadians ciaie and more comfortable Only ja few years ago the are below stairs was cluttered up dingy of cave lordcd over by niggwery aLlraclive heatht plant pr bably an unlover la bin and most of the household Junk which had accumulated oveI a7periodof years Bu more ahdmore people each year are rebelling against the tyranny of this ironruonster and replacing it with more efficient andlnaore presentable servant in theform of modern heating plant This new beauty is real Concrete Walls Are Problem Wlien Paneling In Basement Concrete wail projections can snorscrs be problem when you set about paneling that recreation room in ma WAIERPROOFS part of me wood the basement BASEMENT WALLS groundhthe ledge formed where concreto wall has to bé reckoned In houses with the basement above framing rests on the Another problem isattaching of furrlng stripsor nailing strips to the concrete wall Both of these little difficulties can be overcome by methods iustrated above The entlre Svalican funed out with studding to oii inate the shelf or thesbelf be retained servant requiring aminirnunI of service ltaking up minimum of omfy giving in return max imum ofgeconomlcal warmth to add lathe comfort and Vweiivbelng ofthe family And what more eouidn sk of or exneetfrom afaithfuirservanï¬ this is only part of th story Sincetbe heating plant is cleancompact and attractive in appearance it throws open tha entlra basement area for conver sion into rumpusroom hobby shop or party rendezvous Here is hlgli living below stairs in the modern manner Stlli another member of that below stairs staff of servants and one highly appreciated by the room Tho Iutonaatic washing machine may be one oftile grew est labor savers since they insen tinny of the wheel but itdoeont answer jail the problems of Monday morning special room however partitioned off from the rest of thagbuenssnt with easy access to the outdoor drying area erlna properly orenixed can talnly is Hero work flow can be arrang ed so that laundry goes from setting table to wash tubs to washing machine todrying area to ironing board or machine with the least possible steeping back tracking or hackachinxr And in the laundry room the old ed hardtoelaan stainless steel Artie handvlsundenng talren caie of in sinkfind tub unif Vsoaklilg hand as log soeasy golgith Ascrvant iikzm an emfamlly been iniheimiiiionairerclass tsunamiin livingbelo waéth Wiï¬deBoiICs BringiPIOUSe Lustre humane tbepllnned laundry and with the appliances laund the namhsi¢nctaano former should be placed rlghf wing Each featurea good lighting ï¬nd ventilationand ex cellent storage facilities The all modern Hathwhich is large enou for both tub and shower conveniently near to the bedrooms Every housewife is certain to appreciate the large allpurpose closet that opcns off the connecting hallway near the bedrooms The extra size linen closet will win plenty of approval too vihc low trioping roof line seems to us this house to the groundfand adds to its cosy homelike appearance Any type of exterior finish can of course be used for this housebut brick Largest of the rooms in the house the living room is also very pleasant room it features windows in both the front and back walls large fireplace is cllving Ioo the litter under thckitchen bath Blncprints Available Complete plans and specifica tions for this house and all other Home of the Week designs are available at moderate cost oscAn71¢PLUHaE also suggested for this room Dual Role Thecomfortable and attractive dining room is so designed and Wllh used asintho illustration is as peciaii suitahie Any setting al so fly eap ropriate for this housebut arural oruburban alto Ivoiild set the house off to located that it can double as best advantage breakfast nook Builtinseats are With overall measurements ofgfluggested for the front and left so byzszeet this house requires walls of thevrnom And youll arleasc an no rm 1m Cubngg find the builtin china cabinets of the house is 22000 feet garage practical SHEZCSHOHS 10 OHOW cubago is 3000 feet Inc Compact and well arrangedthe FIVE Rooms kitchen has all of the essential There are five rooms Inside liances countersace this wellplanned house Both of up boards etc within easy reach hallway leads from the kitchen Collar WaterOfton Drains From Roof to the back door The stairs to the cellar open off this hallway Moreeilardsmpness is cauSA ed by roof watcr than by under Both the heating plant and the laundry must be located in the ground water sources Tests have shown that in most cases the basement in this house Thc ground water love is well below Blillliili WELDING Cellar walls cannormally keep mu Mllliiiliil out the amount of rain water that falls onthe groundnext to See us for your industrial and Buil Requirements the foundation But when the greatly increased vdrainagéof ANGLES ABEAMS PLATES snEETs nARs Before youcan proceed putting fir plywoodpancls over the masonry wallyo must pro vide nailing surface Forcing strips of lx2 ihch lumber can be attached to the wall by thometh od illustrated if you can rent or borrow cartridge gun designed for the purpose the problem of attaching thestrips sicthe true mpiifie Possible dampness in the ma sonry wali can be outcomeThe insidefaco of the concreth shOIIld betreated with suitable water proofing compoundand the backs of nailing strip hould hetrcat ed as well Thisprotection against extreme dampness is not required insofar as the band fwaterproo glue fir plywood The waterproof protection is needed to keep the wood which is in close contact Ivith th concrete from deteriorating 61A 5mm Rain the ideal material to use on th inilda ol basement walls lhi commotion paint soak up much and pom in enema block and brlsk masonry Provides waterproof decorative coating that luigimm up the boxamanl ll Our expert packers May be sprayed will even see that annual with Inigo your clothes arrIve blush fresh unmussed Ill Reasonable prices all 51 World Moves MOVING LET us HANDLE ALL THE II DETAILS IIlll Iron YOU BRACKETS has wvFITTEDlAROUND VSlLLlFDEISlRED Ahomey touch fromGrand Inns day still can make Vsc ahome Window boxes their flowers nodding in soft breeze area sign to everyone who passes that inside this home is family that Values beauty and wants to share it with the world Woodworking skills arent needed in making window boxes just fewtbasic tools and thrtze or four hours of Weekend afternoon The rewards for cx cccd what you put into the job bleakappearing house takes on new lustre from the color of wlndaw box land family partlcniariy childrendiscover all of the ageï¬ld excitement of PLUMBING HEATING 355 Hymnss lIBMULCASTER ST ERPFIE Planing Mill Co LTl gt 6O Buyfield Si Barrie Next To LoblawsGrocctcrin rnoNE PA 352496 ill liliE LTD 43 Essa Road 521118 Phone RA $5575 Closet Space High lnHouseholdNeeds When it comes to plannmga home people be many differ ences of op Allv agree though that the modern home needs plenty of closet space How space the average home needsd pends of caurse uponlts I14 and the number of person in the family Home planning experts say average jthrcebedroom home should contain at least 50 square feet of closet space Thisspace is generally distributed as fol lows one coatclo and linen closet These are minimumclos st requirements the experts point out They explain that the aver family needs more clos ets roofis allowed to seep into the small areas next to the house watchin seeds row into beauti Cell 1115 Sublecied10 meï¬m iaskforwhichlheywere not de Thesize of the bnxuofc rsc Signed depends an the window its to fit underbur good standard sizq is ten inches wide with an inch depth This makes box small enough to be easily eon structedin house workroom The important thing to rcrnern her is that abox must be strong and large enough tarlanld soil and withstand the eflects of watering That means one should construct the box of dampness resistant wood such as cypress white pine and vred wood The boards for best results should be not less than an inch thick Since the seeds hnd flowers will be watered almost daily quick drainage is essential in flower box which holds rela tively small quantitymfzson to retain the water This is achieved byaloplng the bottom of the mLtotbefrontwhererdrainage with the holes xri the front away tromthe side of the house the extrawater will drain oi freely without staining the plintrunden the New large Electrical installations and Sbrvice COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL We Willbe plensed to quofe for wiring your new home PA 83144 doesisï¬se in Steve notahowever place also where ramwm drip on from roof This could flowers Since porch usually shades its plants porchboxea are ideal containersfor flowers which canit withstand the suns direct ya Typical of this category tul beraus rooted hegoniasand 110x Wben painting wind0w box selecta color which hlendx with the houseeither the body color of the house or the trim In pick ing yynur seeds select those whole colotrwillhnrmonliévvith those of the houseand the box For the south side of the house emphasize flowering annuals which also will flourish onitha east and west sidesprovided there is no shade The north side presents different problem andit mostadapted to foliage plants or flowers whichgrow hestdn shade Ofvthis group oaiadluxns and coleus are pop ular selection as brapansiesq violar impatiens forgetrhenots ands rt petInIlas PARRY misses SERVICE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PA 83396 WE RECOMMENP RED SEAL WIRING frombenis Shenrd Ltd STILL TUDYING CHICOUTIMIV CP The chamberiofivcommercer plansi to urge the federal govarnrnent to speed vconstructiom of new federal building here The chanr her said the project has beendis cussedkfor 12 year urehaseï¬ Smolgo or also cant smogyovdlscolorih itsFumoReslslolnk whidoiz hm To agape thï¬ylzox tit wooden Loans arranged to one on remo Cy or me ra around the deliing needs in town or country 06W PHI35E Hath WhflTpiiï¬l If you own your own lot you canflnaaco all or bnx can placedéithep on the part of your lumber needs provided you can ï¬tfï¬srmlgailclgsgdwï¬gavg meet the monthly payments which are often mam am most puma Do has than the rent you arepqw payins WERE LIPTC ON METHODs New oansito Servicemea Specialty eninheards new Finance Plan is specially desigue elnyou build out ottown without tubuth SunPm sum courses resource to mortgage House Pains mano lJUIi mun any enamel No um yamm an In pellet subtitle nu house in ma tiny sway assumpoï¬rivoprooealm In any ram1 dbooloradom Selldeonl luddust an oil ad as rain Denls sheards Time Paymeiit Plan can be tosnpplement small Ina tgaga WCoine to Denis Shcard Ltd at Painswlpk miles SouthofBarrih for allyonr building needs and have the advantage oftheir expert advisory service courteous attentionhlghqualitymater ials with quick delivery together with best creditirrrange ment in the building trade fonan rooms ï¬commo rACIurIsswiégKaANom man not PLUMBigoHEATmG 84 DUMUJV Si Wtsl WW PA 3770