Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Apr 1957, p. 4

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THE HARRIS EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL 1957 ODEKIY fox SAL HELP WANTED SALESMAN Alert nllmlvo Suleiman Iiih Dell pursued Salary and continuum Igm all empioyu banellil pliu excelh cut opportunity for advancement APPLY MR McPADDEN EPLETTs ELECTRIC 147 DUNLOP ST 1tr WANTE Jr to Intermediate Drafisman with yrara experience In Icncni enzinecrinl APPLY TO THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LIMITED EARRIE ONTARIO 14517 3RD CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEERS illcoung oi Pawer zi ior Department of National Defence EDGAR Onlurlo Salary $3480 $3180 per nnnum full dctatis and application Torms at Post oiiices National Employment mace and the clle Service commis alon Apply before April 27 1P57 to civil Service Commission 25 SI Clair Ava nue hsl TORONTO Ontario 145 IIIIJ Wnnied or mixed Inrmin ncnr Iiarrie Phone PA 3475a 14545 EXPERIENan Ecvcrage Fill Whitest uccns oc ra 14545 WOMAN ior houscwork and care or Invalid loge Itclixericnccs roqhuimdisegc on or one ply 14546 rARhI LAuoRER experienced rnnr lied House iucl and hydro suppplicd Apply Irdnk Eiplrick RR Utopia Phone 5112 ivy 14448 PENSIONSR oi ncat appearance and well spoken to act as dclivury man ior Fuller Brush denierr in Barrie arcs Lighi work ear Asc78114ilngk Good cckl Phone 14345 AVON PRODUCTS require Ladies in Barrie to service ostahiishcd areas Earn additional income tor your sum mer Vacation now Wriie Miss Towers Apt 306 161 Wilson Ave Toronto 12 l4446 CAPABLE GIRL or young Wmnill ex paricnced in gcncrol housework plain cooking lullrldn Eur nduil couple Live In Good home Excellent wages REF enrich ulrcti Apply In Mr Lnlniz 74 gh Street Phone PA WC evoninll 14045 PROTESTANT Teacher required in Sepiemher Edenvnie SS No 10 Ves pru Appi betorc April 24 stating age cxpcr ence qualifications salary expected and name and address or present inspector or principal to Bert an Secretary Mincslng Ontario 14345 MA Marriedng 2545 yrars rot year round employment Experiencc spray printing hclprui out not nec essary High hourly rate plus bonus schemc upportunlty ror advance meat with an expanding industry Phone PA Miss Truth to pm 14445 MARRIED LaDlEs well established honrc product company is opening Branch in Barrie and surrounding Vic inliy excellent rcrnuncrailons ror nr evenings work slim run Our ills Drown and start will he intcr viewing at his YWCA 2a Owen 5L Dame Tuesday April 16 Truth to span 14445 POSITIONS WANTED WOMAN wilimind children in own Ironic willie mothers work Phone PA Srzaaz 245 Eon SALE GRAVEL Cr FILL DELIVERED DENNIS MORAN 29 ANNE ST SOUTE PA 82901 Tuu amass SEED PEAr FERTILIZER8 GARDEN TOOLS POWER LAWN llme BIRD IIATHS LAWN GLOBE FENDLEYS FLOWERS 51 PA arms BLA RUBBER STAMPS MADETOORDER WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE 51 Wm HARRIE DUNLO 117 APPLES APPLES MIGINTOSII NORTHERN SPY TOLMAN SWEET AND KING All price runlu me $100iuilhel I0 3150 bushel 25 ms delivery Brinl ynnr Own coninirieil Pm 1M SUNNIDALE IIOAD PA 82720 AFTER pm EXCELLENT USED FURNITURE clrmTErtPlELD CilAllt KRDElle ROCKER TV 2r ELECTRIC RANGE TtEPruGEriATon WASHING blAClilNE iPlECE DEDRODIII SUITE PHONE NO PA 83346 WELLINGTON 51 EAST APT hARRiE 745 DBACH STOVE and Phillips Retrich nor in pcricct cyndltlon Reasonbio Phonc PA 8472 14547 TuDliOPE Rangctie with automatic ovcrr control in excellent condition Phonc PA Mm 74445 IRBSII White 52 delivered in lots or dozen or over Rensunnhie Phonc liincsing 321 collect hart liinw 74445 HBMINGIDN QuietRhea one dollar Dwnr iour dollars per monthAil orders accepted Phone PA S6933 74050 CitEnrrNDTE on new lilorris Sports Nash cars Automatic Winchester rinc 22 In pcricct condition Phono Pa 39293 74445 01L SPACE Hoster good Eontiiiioli Heats cl to rooms hcst aircr Apply Frederick st lidsTie or phone PA 6665 113 SUMMER COTTAGES ADULTS REQUIRE iurniahcd lakerront cottage 34 bcdroorns or August In sidc cnnvenicnces Within 70 miles at Barrie preferred Box 267 Harrie Po or phnne PA Midi 234445 PLANTS FLOWERS TIME TO ORDER SHRUBS EVERGREENS ROSE BUSHES AND GARDEN NEEDS FEN DLEYS FLOWERS 74 BLAKE ST PA 85975 273050 CERTIFIED Raspberry Canes gt Rail and Bluck Currin Bushes For descriptive folder and prices cnoulre at Brown it Co Ltd Ward Gacdfellow EDENVALE GARDENS PHONE 714 MINESING Gooseberry 274152 CHICKS BARRED ROCKS stin hard to beat for eggs and meat rhlrtysix years personal selection bl Lilitlotlr closed flock SEND Poll PRICE LIST TOM KENNY 5me DAY unrric 141 56 IIUNTERS huve started cockercis Ed pallets uvdliahlehut chicks should be ordered IDl April delivery Buy the host tiny Dekllb tor tops In produc Ilan livability Elli ProducLlOn and flu III Stlnnldd Illn available Phone or write Hunlcrd Poultry Pam SInluti 243M5 rims an ilnlEI columns Deadline Fur CDpy 500 pm week tidy preceding is DEADLINE FOR liioNDavsarunnalr Lilo pan EVERGREENS SHRUBS SELECT NOW FROM OUR LARGE STOCK EASTER PLANTS EASTER LILIES Hydrangea African Violets Cash and Curry and Save BEZZANT GREEN HOUSES I39 JOHNSON ST 274456 ADLETS MAY DETELEPHONED To PA tum each word minimum 80c Following consecutive insertionsnac word minimum slick CASH RATE 3c word minimum 60 Followingconsecuiiva insertions 2c wordminii11um 10c MUSTDEPam wanoltnlen BOX Nurnliers orrepiies directed In yiiidhiflfi 25c citr COMING EVENTS LOCALS dc Wordhiilllyiinlim $100 Faiibwing couseculiye insertions 3c willd AUCTION SALES NOTICES Tim 75 IN MEMORIAMCARD 0PTIIANKSj INA RECTATIDN 3c wnrflialnhnum sloth ENGAOEMENT vs 3100 Darrin Examiner will no momalremomilrimy rlor advertisements taken DVCIIrlIG telephone if ottlird ancrthdilm losgrtlooig Dates and type rtyiaa tor semidisplayciasiiacd amide IIJIOIXIII TR Iiiy departlaadi 111am REAL ESTATE nuss CARSON NORM mm PA cult Dlflm Open ran to ups Dally Saide udtll Dn BUY or THE WEEK FULL PRICE £9 REDUCED 20500 FOR QUICK SALE Owner will ncrinca lhlI large mm hriclt llama tor nle this out nil niodern iiievery mpcct new the en cupboards nicely decanted throughout urge recreation room in Do waler nation with Trill could be In crccuent irv some home andwould provide cluul ynrd and our lot you doll game Dont miss this urepiionrl barlnin szoou DOWN PAYMENT 2900 FULL PRICE live llrla rooms three bedrooms ultra modern lllchcn living room over 20 lanl Silunied on yrry wide lot on Napier street LARGE FAMILYHOME swoo DOWN$8800 FULL PRICE Although this IlJn oldrr home it is in better condition than most new house today consists or all large roam and rag lDlud STOUTT REAL ESTATE Coon leesrum PROPERTIES Several new NiiA homes and resales YOUR LISTING lNVle GORDON STQWQTT REAL ESTATE lOZ DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 8590 much Hoursti am to Pap Members Ontario and Canadian Renlfisuto Boards 16100 Dunlap st rut Dorris PROPERTYPO sitch 20 LACEY REALESTATEi 9i DUrllop St trumps gt JamQUEENSW 0R FRO PA WNOIJBLIGATION oHILACEjY REALTOR A=cOUTTs Real Estate BrOlter SOwedStrcstBanh MEMBERS BARRIR DlmICT REAL ISTATE BOARD CONSULT us ON am Dorm PaymenIKIIouslnl Plans isxcbnngo oi Proportio NIIIOIIII Honda inan Incodlo Pmpcrtiu Remain Busines Opportudidh mpcny llnllemufl For Renilll cull 2A M4 CA lull PHONES Pa can 0m PA FulfilIVAN lklm LOTS Terms or cash arrpled Flimwitk con or No ii Highs my 64 width 155 long Will sell up nniely at In onepieco mile from Lulu SimeoeLSoulll cl Dorrie wriia Mrs It Hitchlrlafi id urrrebtllu Ave Toronto 15 or phone Toronto cherry imfi 164449 BEBTON $5100 buy is roamed brick home with bcdrodnls and bathroom This Is an older homo but has been renovated bolullfuiiy landscaped lot and garden with lovely shuda imp Also new garu Taxes only $31 Terms hilly ht arranged Apply William Boyd Prospect 51 heated or lil McKnight 251 Park 5L Kiniiston lsuia WANTED SLE9R PHONE PA 85934 DAILY 5io am to p1n 19 COLLIER STREET EARiiiE CALL US ABOUT ISummer cottsgcr Incnmeprodu=inl home duplcxu Igylder home In both town Ind courb and ncrcnla DNDA horncs with low down payment upoildlna lou arms nouns CALL Percy FordPA $9537 Dari ConneliPA EIliil Jerry QuinnPA £4895 coorgc WrightPA um SLESSOR REALTOR MEMBER DARRIE REAL ESTATE DoAIiD HENRY ELRICKV MICHIE REALTORS is owed SI Phone PA 85583 OFFER COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICEv anUYING on SELLINO MORIGAGE LOANS ONATIONAL nouerO IGENERAL iNSUltANCl OAPPRAISAIS After Hours Harry Michin 33551 ncd Miles 352 Art WebsteryM116 Elrick as Michlc Pltulre 8553 ry 1614046 MCGOEYVV TOUGH BEAlrmATEAr BUSINESS timoer Ocompetent Real mnte Servlca Dxclurvo and considenttai listings aPrlvate and than tinpulp plans Speclnlly service on buying and sclhng prlvnta laconic holder Top selection arm and aidii ho dings Business roperticssold an errand edtiol listing scrvlcag McGOEY TOUGil PDONE PA 83442 19 Ian Road 0171 Dunnsm4 SPRINO sins lilo ACRES WITH extra iarsd bani silo inside co torthie troum house iii acrcsot eat some clover seed I111 close to highway and school Never lass than $1700 worth 173110 IOeI mid every year halide other grain crops We are and $8500 with nail down GOOD ROOM STUCCO HOUSE ln Cookatown in leII with um down or wiu rant wth option to buy lint mediatoposscasion Wahavs real bargain in brick house and ii acres or good grrdcnland AVIIh iavcrai hcn housunndalrnfle In Le not rar from lake where there is good market tor vegetablu iron which the lato owner mrda his rorluhe tuna with compound Colilcr 61 1P OONSIDImINu MARRIAOS WANTED iioule lor wrcclslnu purposcs stats Site and price APPLY BOX 23 BARRIE EXAMINER 345 HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BATTERIES Phone PA 68331 or PA 6848 Wa also sell guru hernia $6 for channel all reinloldnl lNDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL DillDIOR SL Wen Fundit Pthe PA 68331 or PA 87203 F89 Barri Metal CT Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS FURS HIDES RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY tru its in call best prices 33m Scpecia pritarp delivered suyucr Phone Barrie PA autos our yMAX PUSHKOFF ANDCDMPANY Yard and Office 204Tlrllu st 315 ELM LOGS wantedto buy also can or cutlbil and Mild Box lsfclinni Examiner Millit LOT WANTED 66 it or larger on modern street Reasonable ror cash Bax 20 Barrie Exalnider HHS AVIIlabio my 1ciou PIIORIRTY FOR RENT Imam Ital Reunibit Adult 54445 noon Apartment and hour 00 meat rivals chiralled Phooa PA 1545 tr bedroomnmklb chad VIII roan lhmm ud ni irbtd Pfiquo PA um Hts minimum haciendalight house it in auaadalsNo children Awe Plating Pit can lst Ha doors MIDDLE3 nmnlswilh In bull hell um ed Phane PA iHHd uanitleuID huied apartment room and shared hailincparata en In cc around floor Prion PA com 154546 300 limitbed Went with bath hellcd Baby recon Abusin Ii Inn Al UPPERDuvlax Cmuu ind tiicd bathroom mbdem kitchen on hesird Aduiuuo monthlyThane PA mad 1545441 Room nirniahrd upurneul to sun let or months leund nlIiI my in el mo Alt conveniences Phone PA ruems on Room hosted apartment ri vata oath and private ninnce or fumkhcd Ono child Anne St LARGE noomunnlruilhed Apartment ull heatrd separate eulrulu No air lion to hunt but lduiu preferred hole PA m0 iSM GROUND Floor room apartment with stove and itll Control suithie or barium couple Phone PA W72 alter live or Saiurda 154547 nAcIIhLoII artlpcni all contained In continua hill Illkenpg VIM haili Auihhle lmmed Italy one PA um LARGE bright piece as sol newly decorated laundry rrrilltics Apply Nlpler or PAM1II 154445 Room Apartment lrpioce bath leii contained storage space Heated very central Phone PA 32493 to pm Or PA $2054 Him pm l54345 iNNlilwooD Apartments modern cell contained rooms and hrthroornrruo Tinned or unnrrolahed Continuous hot water Laundry racillutr and lockcrr Adults Pbono PA was 155 APA mimr rooms and path has and star supplied central Available in Adults lAlrlo Inull igciglor rpr cn pp emn uh donnld swi pv non Apartment modern clchu recentl dccnnird oil heated hiilli in cup Duds link Piece in iimom new electric range Central location Ground floor AduiLl $17 PhouoPA 154546 3min ML ROOM BOARD noom AND imam avallahlc immedi nieiy Phgne PA $1361 124541 itDDlvr AND nDann tor one or two girir in new Mountains to downtown also at bus stop Phone PA 66059 124547 ROOMS FORIRENT FURNISHED Bedroom Central Sult one Or two Phone PA 82565 454445 FURNISHED Bedroom blocks ruin downtown Businessmun pmeuea Phone PA 433 54215 Business Opporluniiids NEW Modern Service Station zon RENT VERY LITTLE CAPITAL REQUIRED RENT REASONABLE APPLY BOX Barrie Examiner 254445 OROBY LODGE with cabins lovely groups with lakctront property sandy beach sate or children Apply Mra Hills Oro Reach 34344 DANCE IIALL nnil Smck Bar iully Equipped also IOur lmusekEEDIIlE coh Ingcs close to lake Amflylllls Hilll Drohy Lodge Oro lacch 1294346 TENT xti approximatelyswlth floor and insect net wanted in sand condi tloll APPiy Box 13 PERSONAL CENTRAL TAXI Dlal 55555 Good mutura drivers 304150 SUFFERING from Backaches Rheuma iiu Pulls Sciatica Lumbuo Ovér if you let RUMACAPS help you to rellei AskJoun Druggist SHE45 can cult Danlags Weltrs Specialist by mu Established 1m Over am chants rich and poorrnarricd plus if amusing ox par rr 3m PROPERTY WANTED HOmeOvIners Attention itX so happens wr ilnvemvany clients who are dependlllg on to find thorn suitable thd the buy On ourlrecommendo on expect In my ladlys priced III no Wishlul LISIinES Ir you happen to hays three hcdrooni house complete with an NBA Mortgage we would love to herrirorn you they arc thizhlyv salehie throughour ortlco this Spring lust phona ROGERS Now tor care tut valuation with no obligation to list it we dont agree on prlcs all cans to our oriica or valua tion or listing receive conlidential and personalMention PHONEPA Sarah DICK DENDPmSoN mountain STERLlNC TRUSTS LDC nAltliiE Mémhcrs Barrie at District Dr to uni Snluplohn Kell RR Stroud Pu FOR SALE 5410 hiihrLlJ chmflcnlnl ND SEED AND FEED RODNEVDATS rronr certilied seed or 1045 sow hiALTING Barley on contract far cash crop ivy Seed hull phona zsrs iii4143 FEED OATS and WIIEIE 01 ulni Hill crest Gardens Phelpston Phone Elm vols sirli 104541 QUANTITY or choice Mixiil Hay in nquarehnles tor Sal Phonrzozwt Creemore lint4445 BEAVER SEED Dals ror caia Appiy Sweetie Con 12 Innlsfll Strond lira DAY AND sTnAw or ii plpiy trail ord fill Phone 10454 ALES 0F Mixed Hay atllla William vandel Wielen RB lull or phone so Mineslng oo DUSHBLS Deavar IOats no rain ccrn car sale ply Kasper Sycuco on in Lol 1014545 ORDER YDUR Cloveni and Grasses enrly communal yoUrBny ad Pasture Mlxiures ivysccd Mill or 2517i 104145 ARLY wanna Potatoes ror rule also Schago Potatoes suitable 10 ply Ernest Burnth onsOro st LARGE QUANTITY or Red Pontiac Po tatoes CanadaNo Small tor said For ricer contact Harry Cowman St corgc or phone st George NM gt IDEHI soc nusnuLs Feeti Vsrlc or=sr slso alluring Machine Masseyiiirrl RiteWay 2vclnunit odd fiplnt lot complete one non one lsanay Titanium Strawed Chancellor downion rap hood under and duellent tar rniaipg with Rodney nunCarry Oat Ivyrseed nun prions rain 105143 Montcalm Send Parlay Prado control gcnnlnrtion Gull urine Lab in Alsd uantlty oi iiildu Phanfiievenllllgr mMidcald Sell or gtMIIIOIIIII Iconic Apply 154547 artmcntci contained 1545 AGENTSwANTED Am 1mm IM View I213 Tito Mn no rfinafn ma frriirflm oar or pruneire Coin any in manned and wellrhnopd WW mlr duality mun you modern mm at DOGS AND PEI STOCK OMAN BIIBPIIDID Smile breeder 310 eleh Flinn lg 384445 IIOUND PUPi hind and tan For and Beer usuod umnt Phahd until Shaund DAEIIBIIUND PUPPIII pumhred ex denilondily lood or Inn home They dn no shad Ihelr coalI havent any dollie odor Ind by beln lunl low model it Nubia limit on the lurditum Enccliedt lpecinluu Beuieyjfltlfkry Ranch Millimnl PA Hm 354145 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS Ila collection Np mm malt Bureau Bird Pbooo PA tau at 11rd ALL TYPES 01 ROOFING SERVICE SUPPLIES MOEROW MacDONAm Genclnl Conlncinrd PA 60320 sum Lu GROW YOUR OWN WILSON TREE FARM Curtom Plantini Sculch Pine Secdllllll Norfolk Variety Phone 432M1NESING Itll$5 DASHS EleCIric Motors 16 Ross Sh Barrio PHONE PA 85307 Ifl ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Int arniiilno 133 mun HAROLD HART Burris Eicelric Motor 53 Owen St Pil PA aaaod HI PETES Painters Decorators rasi Clean in YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE PSTlhrAiEs PHONE PA 87955 LOORCOERING urntroop Ploor Coming oRuhher and Asphalt fill Linoleum linstie Wall lull led awn aslnfllntd AFwOLmFENDEN 111 Toronto Si Poona Pa was paoti HOMESERVICE oCisterns Pulnpcd Out and Cleaned ocoiiars Cleaned and Trash he moved DEaveslraUglls Cledned and Re paired Fur prompt service PliaNn COOKSTOWN am sill LADIESv Now isTllE TlidE To THINK ABOUT GmlNG YOUR HOME REDECORATED lOR REASONAELE Ram CALL LA KE SIMCOEI PAINTING 5t DECORATING CO Pm LN STAINDIGs HLONDLNG BLEACHING FREE ESTIMATES Phone PA 84170 JOHNBOUIUS 253 rBayfleld $15 Barrie WELLS DUG TILED OLD WELLS RECONDITIONED Conorct tilctor welir culverts and storm sewers wocping tll SEPTICTANK UNITS MADE AND INSTALLED All campreasor work PUMP SALES it SERVICE Whitney Concrete Products Alter hours dial FA H354 Rwa Ir 43393 my 30 651 Lit ROLLER ror rent Denlit Willroused phone PA WBI wouun mans up ordown 18 wheel hicycls roi one ultrble ior hoylq your old PA compo DRESSMAmo womenl and child 45 re clothing Alterations zippers re lTIccd hutionlloles mudu Phdna PA 54445 SIGNS ocOrvan Quniity loo union truck lettering zoid car riliriacree show cards cutout lattara 2an st PA Mm v5J 1957 DIVLNB5€2A£BSBS llflWi Open I5 DUNLOP sT EAST EmilAI View Halpilll Rama an AD 151 In Hr and In End Bum RR Hilde pod BDXALlrAt ROYl Vltlofll Hotplll Barrie on Aprtlu 151 In llr add In any Bax1L RR lcoomawn will HINDIAt Royl VICIOIII flospiill name on April i5 1957 to Mr and IIIIa GumII Perri lain Son Hahn Willllm liawmsAthoyu Viciorld nospl panic DnAprl is 951 to LL and 1m Anthony tirwlunr no Codrinl ion St pod Nilcl conical naushooltAt Royl Virtorir itospl ulnaTrio un April 1951 ro Sn and Mn Halhmk Rh Burrie Illluhier Nicolette Heathv cr KNOWLESAI Royal Victoria hospital urn1e an April it 1957 to Mr and Harold Knowles RR Simild dimmer MORRISONAI Royal Victoria H0 is ill Run on Iipril II 1951 In Ind 311113 Morrison lib Olkiey 31th twit rl°iiit ri co liarno on April it 151 to 14°an is Thom Simm Rli Simud SLDANnAt Royal Victoria il It Barrie on April it leal ta unaprrld Sloane RE Stroud wiNcu at Royal Victoria uospltoi Ilnrrlepon April 14 57 In Mr and tin liobcn Ewmrh nee Don othy iiuchroi 175 Grove St daughter Danrlh AIDE For Sale or Exchange BEDROOM modern home brick yeln old in exchange ror Duplcx in West end Arena district Phona PA Miss attrr slopsn 134445 == LIVESTOCKFORSALE SMALL Brown Shetland Pony old PILpdaJlecton 55m coon WORK house flied Cori strand year HHS l3 mourn 5i ins Sfifl REGISTERED Bull iierciord 2511 old AD Nulm MINI Thomloirlylhnne ivy an many LAWN Yorhhlm oricnna Iervicublu age boar guts rronr quail ilcd darn Apply saroulc Strand 94445 FEEDER CONTRACT roln Barrio Pam Supply in Illllntl your iced or hogs hcei cattle turkeys or hroilcra Indy be Illa unswcr In your problem There is Peedar Finance contract to your tit all siuationa to reliable persons or fast courteous service Plume Ill iodly It PA 32992 Barrie 92944 AUTOMOBILE Buying Or Selling ilnrnca lata modal can and trucks Very reunnuhia niu wtth couplets rounded STEVENSON ALL TYPES OFINSURANCI gt PHONE PA 85201 Ltd 1952 may Pickup Truck with plywood boltoPiIoue PA 39421 134547 1956 VOLKSWAGEN new in October Willi 7000 mile Phone PA N63 134445 1951 FOIL Coach 55000 miles loncun diticn Carr nuance with auto iiowd Phone PA S4561 lximt mo STUDEBAKER door blue new clutch and motor iob hody invary good Shlpu Phone Dave PA ems nights 1171 Lorroy 134345 Sealed Tenders phinly marked as to contents and addressed ioiite under signed will he received up tolz oclock noon April 30th 1851lorIhe extcrior painting or so houses in liar rie Project IND 149 Speclhcations and arms or tender re ulred can be ubillned at the lddm own below Each tender must be accompanied by Securiiy Deposit or or the amount at tho tender certified cheque or negotlnbieiDodilnA ion or Canada Bondswlll he accepted as Security Doporlt Thelorvcst or any teodcr not nécrssnriiyacccpted Control Mortgage and housing Corporation Ait air lil Hunter Administrator 27 Goldwater SLEast Driuiu Ontario Bonnie ON1ARIO llliilliY lliliillflllil Gilllilllll lillli SEALED WERE an ulpulnted ruin his will his received If the dine at the Architects until 07 p111 TuesdayApril 391357 filinils4wlllgthe vnurirlrnttlnire rc as mice on nerdy mil AP Ehz deposit cheque or 3mm mada Dly aim to theArchiIchi will required tonech set plum1hilcheqlie will benmmed uponrcluin or this Sign and specldcntions in good con on Locnl subcontractors may obtain pinlu Ind SI of General anaCIOra figuring ruin Ilia Anth The lowest at any tender not neeese ariiy accepted PAGE STEELE Arcbltrcts 72 Clllr Ave Well TORONTO OntIla 45 AUCTION SALES merrily April is Auctionula oi iahcad or Cattle anlln laments Pigs Dorcas Hay Grainf Potatoes And some houreliuldeliem torSnrith Campbell at Lot 15 Con on Town shlp one mlie east 0rd Town Hall miles north or Highway 11 Sold at 1230 SharprNo reserve land lorry CoughUd Auo WednesdnyAlel Auction llofor ram stock implemonts baygraln and mam poultry rorcoun stowrt at Con ii ves ra Townshlpy xx mile north or lulu gStatian Terms cash Sale at lour sharp No re nerve or ram in col JarrerDugIllln Auctloneer 14H Saturdlyr April 2o 69 heudar jinttg lociudin trash and rinser co lockers ones Pigs Gmin add strawior prim Bros at Lot 21 Natawanga Auction lie or Phone PA free Slivlla Armin pressed air ior or Informalion re wriio Underwater Collier st Com ID 54349 TDWIIBIIPDI1¢ mile 1th OLHIIIIVIIX Di Terms cull RR 94145 user as urin In working Dull Shll 130 1m uiarp Jerry Coughlldp Auctioneeru April 14 lien beloved vita at Charles Cyril Panes drrr mouth of Gordon router Ruiiltl at tho ond and Slotsle Pullerl Horas 3DWonl¢y 8t name or servica on wetlandy April 17 at Intrrdicnt St Thomas church can story Shdty Say RIDAt st ulthar BEINIII Taro onto on Sunday April it m1 Ar ihur iladr Later held in his an ear loved husband or Mary risht dear liner or Nlnt and Anne dear son oi Arthur an arm Reid andbrothcr or Iiary and char too all or Thornton heating at in ham or nil treats Hr lndKfl Arthur Reid ornton untu ll moi Worlds ay April 17 Him to st Judes Anglican church Thornton or Service at dl Crclaonn at sl hum Toron Service undtr alupku Barrio Legion Nu in no oliic service Tucldry at pan Cahat win In open in he chunm tillhour or unite sluPLiillAt Royal VIrtoria Hospital llalria on Sunday April ii 1m Ihry Sinclair or RR Lclrpy in her Milt year beloved wire or Alex Sitinley and dear motheror Isabel inn 11 Sawyer or Laird sen Mrs amount or irrlc PE =l=wrhimmsm no rude oy at mrmuthanguoiulicnny Parlori Home hum SL android lor burg ice arrTuesday stud ihlnce liic Stoddard nincnti Homc lilay ior nrviqun Wednesday at interment Storkvale Cert TvNDALEAt Toronto East General orphanon sundry Anni 1957 Slide Tyndale beloved daughter or this into John Ind irene Tyndale or Curzan St Toronto dear Liner or Prank IndVthIlah Restingat lhc Truli Puncral Home 1111 Dantonh Ave until Wrdncsday rt 11 thcnra to Rivcrdria Unitrd Church 1117 Gerrard St East II Leslie ror acrvica on Wednesday at 2pm in trrnrcni Prospect Cemricry Carlie will ha an in Church until cord mcdccrncn or scrvlcoi 4546 IN APPRECIATION will to axtcndalncrrc titalts to my oirny donor or turn cards etc lIIlrinl my Mail Illness llo 00 Dr Stalin and nuns at Royal VIctonaI liorplt Raymond Neely 45 FARM EQUIPMENT SHAWNEE Loader Ind lillikllob lnnimledJln 3M Intzmluomlrlused 46 hours Phonc Newmarltci TV 5247 or write IlmEI StephensonHolland Lnnding 394445 POTATO Machinery an in widths Potato Planter Diner Harliuter up er End ILIO Cale Model OA Com bill ti Ford Trnclor For price 90n tsct Harry Cowman St George or phone at George 29M 394641 MILK URGENTLY NEEDED FOR TillI TORONTOIMILIK COOP No MILK QUOTA We will lake hiiIhe milk you can ship year round INTERESTED Cflll Anderson Barrie gt PA 8324f Langford Trunx Eimvale 145r12 Roy Truax Elmvéle 145r52 smP DVTDE ANDERSON MILK TRANSPORT yllrilervYDur lliiice Supplies Sundries and ififluipménir IiI SSIVC Business Mach fled 69 DUNLOP ST WEST Barrie Phone PA 8452 iFARM SUPPLY cur Motto Is SERVICE CUSTOMER GRAIN Paulo SUPPLIES SURGE DAIRYIIQMENT DELIVERY SERVICE 1743111348

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