Oil Eitiénsmn Work Qlfo Presbyterian MiniSier Leaves Soon For Toronfo Orillla nevitenor igiving rather than gclilng uid Much apprfltllion tor the Icr ghfggghï¬ngï¬dflggzgflg appeared Ice rendered by Frank Si ted by giving is upllittng tosiver Motorists coining intt town vik during his in istry at Central we south on snub morn oro Ora Station and Guthrie 17 yardiii Chmu hm lmngEmuhh mu vi churches Ex life is not the number oi years he piecifgdetï¬i weok 0110 the lived but oncs iaithiulncss to in bi 11 announcement ihat Mr Slavik is God said the minister another ï¬ï¬hed fge 533 ribs soing to Toronto shortiyto taire n90 mm was no WW2 can exemxan work Chum Encourage Attendance blink of white whlch blended in in closing lllr Slavik expressed wflh lhe clouds moicod the mlappmlation to memhcrs oi thegwwn W35 Kone For mot Uptcrgrovc congregation for their tmenl might hive thought that taiihiulness in attending church 2th niornbnmh and our and urged them to encourage 11 work lhc water irornihe othersto do so He expressed bay ended in blank lc appreciation to The Orillia News The was sh nine Letter for the considerahespaec we mom WIS and it given church news and its pan was strange not to see beyond in ibis Vtenrï¬cf to cmounga hm it turned out that it was snow ing over the town blanket of Visitors to thelchurch were wel heavy snow which stopped at the coined by Mr slavik and also by towns liniltshad covered it com William Jackson Norris Jackson pletely David Smith and other members did no harm hum have nimgalmn to get into the thick oi il Row Mrs David Uryburougli uud cvcr it was only brief covering lhlrs David Smith added much to and by the time the centre of the service with their music theriown was reached the sun had followed along ncv masK SLAVIK lamina Farewell Services The revered Oro Station minis Farmers think that they are tcr will preach his farewell sorv the only ones whose cropsarc Vices at the three churches on hazardous Ronald Fox of the Sunday April 28 On Sunday of Stroud Nurseries has about 1590 tnis week he occupied the pulpit Easter lily blooms that will not at Knox Presbyterian Church Up ardoklin Combrncs bent Parry be ready for the Easter trade lersmve as interim moderator Sound Shamrocks 54 Saturday at one of the cold nights last Win ami laid the Mm Congregation Port Perry and evened their 0HAter his heating system just was mi this likely would be goodbye Junior ï¬nals at two wins each inot big enough to contend with for the time being Filth game at the best oi seven the efforts of Jack Frost andJu After his years in this district 5m mum hed Pal 1° by 93 fleeing TillI SAiVATION CADETS from the Toronto Training College warfare at the unique oiticers training school Capt Hammond $322 flaiwwiitshlgaflcizlg fgggémgï¬egrï¬gg gtzplzngetsmgg mggn he has are buknham are iiiBarrie from April12 to 22 for the Holy Week Crusade at the Sal and Lieut Mayo front row leit to right are accompanying the ca in the rum an Shamrocks on days They jhshwm not he Nation Army Citadel under the auspices of the localcorps The young dets In the hack row left to right are Cadets Mary Hagan Jean Welch ggï¬ï¬ï¬jngï¬mlï¬g hfï¬ughgg had taken 1h ï¬rst two games ready for thc Easlerlradc women who are destined to become leaders in the front ranks oi the and Audrey Rldout in the second row left to right are Cadets June menunncd He said he wanted to Les Thhabandhng has been out The bulbs one cast out army fcommitted to aggressive warfare against sin are receiving an Brannon Mrs Reta Holden Delores Brockerlek Miriam Wells Phyllis express his appreciation of the standing tor Parry Sound while cents each than there are the intensive training in the techniques and strategy or modern Christian Sitter and Sergeant Joan Greer loyalty friendship and coopcra Hg gnome Jagk germvnthar pats 1nd thekpgutinc the care tiongivcnhim during his mini am an fray lines and to war ii goes to wit the hl have been top scorers for Brook them along Had the setback not oi $3359 psi21 103nm infant New mum Sought lm in the series occurred the growth could have 12 and Shiercad concession At the Uptcrgrovc church which in the Junior an semiï¬nals bfcnhfontrollcdfg than this week copyof the resolution is to be also includes Jarrati and Essen Sarnia Legionnaircs and Burling mm lice forwarded to the department 0f churches in the parish Mr Slavik ton industriuls are tied at three gispggï¬uingshigtlialï¬goï¬nvgxg highwaÂ¥5 approvai said he hoped permanent minis games each following Sarnias sur some the plants have or motion by Dcnney am Page ter would be available before prise win Saturday in Burlin ton that in it Barrie Lesion Bantams defeated long it it meets approval of the The seventh and deciding ganse is Hmds my mi The guide monthly meeting new the following were appoinhlmzseting aseprxixiiicderfmiJ dlgfrioisti Tmm Aidemoods SaWday con re ations student minis on Sarhih ice to hL Wlii 110 be 1913i 1053 ilOWSVFI of Essa Townshjp Council was all asvboard of trustees for An us crnoon at Lakeshore Arena by 41 thhgchumy of Km his er semihml bgfke 11mg as Mr Fox says that he can whole held on April at the court Community Park Arnottr wagon 333 233 31 rims to reach the semiï¬nal round in might come for the summer hives and pctgrbom Stone an Sflic 19m other 90W 519i house in Barrie Present were Victor MeMaster lliam Kirby hdhhedaS mad the King Clancy hockey series months and live at the mouse at involved with Dixie leading mu be used for Ems Reeve Fem05 Deimy Lnsue R055 William Imini and On motion of Dcnneyanii Der Nomi Same Wm 91y Maim Thurs Uptcrgrove milking Wffï¬lhs Reeve Mervin Denney Council lwo Essa council members m0 council gave permission to dt thanksJust want day at Aurora Arena Circunist fl nidflmmime Gem 11s 9han ML Xv VS133 Dermï¬iand PWWK and Sanford PEEE A160 DonaldChambers and Flora ee the P901315 Wotk Aldorwoods are the current 3M men Vi 0W 91s emulated 1851 years says as he points toihe rowan Dnvas Tre urer ll Be Road by Davis andxnenney was the chambers register deed of ingfm thats all Mona Bu chamhihhs and it was two other candidatcsrythu were champions BuckoMcDonalds Sun gt pants that he Will have readyif Supt Trsax and Clerk tion that council start road cons cred could not come it was drid Beavers on Saturda May 1951 from Jessie Walder no easy feat to dispose of them FXPlaincd meefTillsonburg PanDrieds inflate Radscm or Home pulmmg program to build and man smalley and Emma smalley p05 of the ponwr Village of Wayne mph wumed Following the reading of min grade 25 miiCS West on 20 Council alga asks the plannin Cookstown and parts of innisiil Barriewith singles Vcry Rev Maclnnls of WW Playing me and heir ado lion and the sldcroad starting at Highway 27 Drum preshyleï¬ah Church tomb coach defenceman Bill Simpcll is Bus Trip To curiéShhhrfehce hep knowing ac and to he made ready for pcrm mid consent to the gm Iï¬ulgngih 39325 $52111 er and Gary Hmes er moderator of the Presbyterian Niagara Fans icormts were presented and order anent surface on motion by PM of Law On motion ka Bmle gtChureh in Canada is taking over in Intermediate the Brace dpaid Schiller do Son assos DaViS and Dim°l 11 The reeve and clerk were ap appointed fire chief Cosny INSECT the duties of interim moderator bridge Bears with Danny Poland Some members of local lodg sorfs supplies $3393 calcium will beordercdirom the haimedo interview the WM The spruce budworm is the Or the Uptergrove parish Dr and GaryLong exrBanieiteshde accompanied the Cookstown man hospital account or Bruuiierliiond Co Ltd Shh sohc regarding legamy Register Deeds most destructive insect enemy of Maelhnis has an assistant at Orily ieated Dundas Mountain Views 53 sonic brethren Ion bus tn Dean 59 Coutts $7875 Mrs Motion of Denney and Davis of iding the township for has Council gave permission to pulpwood forests of eastern Can ha in Thomson who has been at Hracebridge on Saturday in the ViSIt lodge In Niagara fFiiiï¬r Petts $367 BarriePress statio was that council start on aschéd gm on purposes and the reg Essa Township School Board to ad coming to Orilila on weekends ï¬rst of the best of seven iinals NEW Yuri They Mt 11 53 eryffor treasurer $1733 tile permanent Yoéd SXSiBm 01 ration of deed iortive acres registera deed dated April liir Thomson is due to graduatn They continue tonight atDundas urday morning and on arrival at Hort Co ltd municipal supplies liard surfacing the same to meet otlayid for school grou in 1957 from Cecil Coulson and ire from Knox College in hiay and he Minder Monarchs Won the ï¬rst ii 52 Wow take $13395 aPlJmYai department of iiigh thciCecil Coulson subdivt on quested the planning bOflTd 10 1g humid be ordhmed at om No games of their Intermediate sight seeing trip to someof Other accounts were tways On motion oi Page and There Was also discussion on conéent to the registration Also lid llater in the same month after no semiï¬nals against Napanee mdusmal Plants 399 Peacocksix special meetings 95mm the ciflk is 10 Silva Cookstown fife area bylaw the gave permission to Harold Arri which he win he remainlng in Arenas but the Inner bounced ter which they were the guestspi eluding trip to Bradford 535 tise for tenders to crush load appointing of fire chief and ad old torcgister deed for lot Willie tack mm the mm with America 192 in Coxworth relief officer $15 tw and deliver on roads in Essa visaliility of advertising for bid bought from Claude Bantiilg Greatestjlappiness on hec he gwmefnwh The were then seam sin assessors cetings sio Aub ey Townshipv 10090cub19 Yde of on debentures tobe sold cuuncu requested thexschovoi Sunday Service UPIEI meet Aurora Belairs in the final round car mads Ch gmli my 101 and of MM 809 cub yards Aï¬ï¬eciai heating was haid ill hoardto take no turther action Pictures by Favero Ethln grave Mr SlaVik preached from 9500 by 1195 Wimp $50 be CWShad 1° 55 mugh Angus AP This was 10 re the purchase of school lot or stall photograpbcrthut in thc text of the dth verse at St In the evening they attended Leach warblehtly powder 5127 lVrinch screen and 4000 to considérntenders received for new from cgcn Coulson until such tear in this newspaper on John chapter 17 have gloriï¬ed INFLUENTIAL FORCE the Lodge of their hosts and wit 69 Thompson clerk of pass through zltiinch screen the machinery to urt er consider time as the pmposéd agreement available in glossy printl thee on the earth have tlnlsherl hew industries have nesscdthe working of one of tho peace to ortin yoters lists $8 tenderprice to include for the met Coulson sude sion and do cdnstructlon of roads in the ham SERVICE thenwork which thou gavcst me to degrees1 All of which was Very Denney five special meetings villagesof Angus Cookstown and other necessary business new subdivisions signed do 39110 Ecmund 0f tradlilon interesting to thevisitorscspe Page two special meet Thornton Dclivery is to comA Seventeen lenders were rc Moï¬hh of thhe and page 10 Ihe softspoken minister puini and scrylce than has printing In cially Vihosc who had nntwmnde ing $10 George Davis three mence not latervthali Sept 15 ceived for new machine that the pmphsedyagreemgnt he Bé ed out these wereJhewords qt addition to its cultural powerit the trip orevmuslyw special meetings $1 Arthur 1957 Tendersare to be accom but council Guided 1° take tween cécil Coulson and the Jesus Christ as he prayed to 1115 has become the most influential Wilkinson township constablc planted by deposit for 5ot action until later Township of Essa re constmb rather to preserve the apostles force in commercethe best GREAT LAKE $11320 London Department of theatender price Price is also to on bf roads he adapted as read pHONE PA 81414 and all other believers means of bringing the buyer and Largest of the Great Lakes Welfare relief $2692 Bell be stated for crushing and load $3 an neg Ad Parenls will realize that the seller togetherWinkler Man Lake Superior covers 311820 two meetings Royal Victoria ingrgravel von iOWnShiP Him ry aw wasmfwuce Him1mm 17593130 The Barrie Examinat greatest happiness comes from Progress square miles Hospitals20 oxworth clerk Tendersére to close at 12 ocloltk esubiihme and regulmm 13pm By on account salary $200VDomthy mph Saturday May volunteer fire department com ococ bl v13 View or HARRIS FlQWERS EASIER DISPLAY rtitï¬gr dim Tenaemrvrmw $206 WE Peacock rent 01 motion of Denney and Davis room $12 as that the road supervisor be On motion the finance and instructed to haverEnginecr road accolints were accepted as Weir advertise for tenders on the read bridges for which plans have been it also to purchase fthefnecessary steélï¬ï¬ulmdfï¬ ll rner is liist aroiind thecorner Tlmelto have your lawn and garden furniture repairedor recovered Our expert repair men can make your qld furniture look like new again ii0tbl9llÂ¥ constructs rA ltiiuo prosses your tru sentinitents at thlsJoyiOE exceptlon Kliee eep among time or year Foraijrlend nextrdoor are COM DAN UM TE ispldy at HARRIS FLOWERS Bnrries lotion across the mil HARRIS FLOW wntownFlowerSiiop hes all set ERS otters the mast holes of Easter Lil he tullest thétreshbeailtythe PottedMumsHydlangea Rose pushes grance beautiful cut flow ireshveut low PHONE PA 410 today while selections re oi heir thine dv