Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1957, p. 7

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BARBIE mmwxnussmnarmrlmm PROPER FORRINT anM BOARD P535551 KS stm on st IOOIWMIIII IIlhflalludx Starrvagina howl d1 Afllifllwtdphcgunlzunpfl fleoaouodourrIuea Am smnmhmllcxusr 114143 KENNY WMI loan AND MAID or Room in Poll Pram PA on lune nutmeg nil11 IImIll rm WWW pulleu avlllohk but turn than ordered IoPA III dcllvlly Bull out bay brkah tor top In prosue eu prooueuoa and pm It now woon Eon SAL unmwoon Dr srove or alto Hoe Ian ADI Inuuu armiaeaaeelred by the In em up an April 2957 or rIM PiImlolfluClmker Bmlnz lawn Park Ind to AGENTS WANTED marebalm boolh on poreea or Rnlol hull tbe much Inn to let mow to earnlnar per nea Ia aeluna mu salmon or I051 ma Cltlh hp mr In plflm H00 IR sllnllfll II IV llahle lbla omcftpaea Phone um humus canning notches IlaIrma No too Immuter or couple who baby wrlta Hunlerl Poultry ram mono em NOTICE TO CREDITORS 154 Pooao Pll Mm IlAut 213 gitplffdfimnhfikggffhmwdfi an taro wnlxzmrmwtr rt an bl can your kettle 112 flan mgl For PA tug if gm umfhafifl PROPERTY WANTED mo St naoert uontroaL 04Hl In In In link In the more RDDMSFDR RENT Attention county at Stucco wtdotv who oleo on the nth any or Noveaaoer nu na=r=t==I NRNISIIKD aznrtoolL Phone PA Hm Ireu It so happens we haroroany rlleotv who are depenth no Iu In llall IMO Room Conlnl an null ISGM uonr Houumteplnl home to month Phone PA was lsau IDOMA rtaaent healed parole entrance naIaraltaeo Poona PA on VIIIIIDUBKI Std SI 1300 Ascommddolion Wonle warm Ironpoun rumsllan room bunxllow lrola lo Illflfllh DGHM Phone PA un I547II FUINISIIKD clean bedroom on ball floor Sllll one person Cenlnl Phgne PA 760 lr 300M uIIIIIHILIhetI helledl lpifl meat and bath separate entrance Phon on YORKSHIRE PIGS ID weehold Phono Ivy H3 IIoLsIxIN cows due noon honlo French EIlnvIe phone soul aner dx otsu Mums woll namtahed room lenl Phone PA $1090 VERY CENTRAL furnIIbed WillIII room Phone PA 755 454 COMFORTABLY lumkhed bedroom Dvulookln plIl Phone PA ISL COMFORTABLE mmlshed hedmom bedroom homo complete with an NRA Board II dulred clone to CL Phone Mannie too would love to hear Iron PA 07604 4570 you lney Ire nlrluy uoahlo FURNISHED Bedroom block mm lllruufll our more tbla Sprlnrl Ilu phone RDGERS NOW Ior fo downtown Buulnuunnn me Uhone PA um utzu Inl valuallon wllh no ohugallou FURNISHED llouselleeplnr Rno II In IIII Ifw dont BKMBOVI price convenlencu Cenlnl mInulu wllk mafia Gray Coach tennlnal Phone PA 54540 PHONEJA 86381 ANYTIME DAY 0R EVENING Charles Rogérs REALTOR chx IIENDEIISON hopmenlatlva STERLING TnUSTs nuns BARRIE Members uarrle Dlatrlct nool mote lloaro uuu HAVE You llullolna Lola or role on mo ll you have phone PA Moon 314144 WANTED Bungalow Qua gt Park iml or close In West 13nd PIC5e Ive delalln In Ills IeltLr Good down pay ment Prlro must be HEM Apply flax l1 llarrle Examiner uuu PLANTS FLOWERS TIME TO ORDER SHRUBS EVERGREENS ROSE BUSHES AND GARDEN NEEDS FENDLEYIS FLOWERS 74 BLAKE Q11 PA 86975 278953 Phone PA H723 154141 noon Home on codrtngton Street Arallable any Close lo schools Phone sumd Mrl 154 snwcxnnu AG yorkalto Bonn IDOIIKD Apartment sell contInca 3unm CWIM BINIV umuhed SDIIID ol Allondale hone pA woo lle fimimoifm wimi Kw mu Apartment Ind bath heateo ghémgglyphogfiy 913 H4 Jeparale enlnnte One ohlld weleom as lllllutrun Calyea tor Apply an Anne st lsIlu Veallna so IkKabHelu year old Iran Apartment healed roll roa Iilned unlurnlaneo Io mlnules to Phf° flown town Phone PA 66015 lsaul InnxlznIIMDTIIY and llrome my tor Boom turntath apartment East My mum Yuma mm end overlooltlnz pay Good Iocatlon on bus route Phone PA loose 31 Pkg IHJ REGISTERED anluhlm GII bred la WI mm Chlmplbfllhlp flock DIIQ AplIl I5 GI WWII Cundlu Phone PA um 94241 PUIIBIIILBD YOUIII Yorksher Dollv ready tor nutterno Roan shorthorn Hull monthl Apply Ernie Coates phone III Oro H344 WANTED Jersey anfi IPIIIII ur Ills MIL Must be In or It all Vould II necessary Apply Box Illu DALI I2 msAD 0F Herele In shorthorn callle mlmz one year old Tamwoth lloar In rnonths Apply cordon Irvln RR AIIIslon Phone tam Im loa Iz nIAIclIBI Hereford stem years old lw each Apply Ferhand Mao chlldon phone Prnolan Klnzsdale Mala Lot 15 Can Tlny mum on Porklnsneld County Road 4241 I6 hllh and EIIILG Good IMBIIDII REGISTERED Poll II annealto posseslum Apply III 1513 eomlop Ingtnlr motIll Fgauge In at July hellerrBIlnyud Manure Lumber chlclr Sll lt ROOM mmlshed nplflmenl to tutu Happen nd dflnkleé rouitslz tot tor monllls or lane and July 365 per month All convonlcnoes Phone PA flufcfiutwm hg 39m 154345 AIEEDBII CONTRACT rrora name BRIGHT aha clean housekeeplnc pom Supply to nnanee our re to room all convenlencea Includlml hays beer citllcplulkey or befall zmlng matlune Avalloole now Phone we my Woman 154149 There Is Fender lInonce Contract to Ill all slluatloltr to rollabla persona LAhGB noom unlumlshed apartment pm my my gp oll heatea aeparalo enlnnce ND no m1cgunumfi¢2gflfl 1an to lnlant bat adults prelerreo AUTOMOBILE LOOKL lslmalhumming HALWIGS SENSATIQNAL CLEARANCE OF 595 Incl lim 154 Balahézé Owing lJlOOMSD Iumlshed apartment hull SpeCIals mt3Smallmllygrxim AT BELOW WHQLESALE PRICES wmm GS of ale buy on our recommend expect In lodAyI pdcel his no IllIII Ulllnu It you happen It Illva DIM sous or LAND FOR ARREARS or TAXES IN THE gt COUNTY or SIMCOE NOTICE Is hereby alven that the LARGE brlth orIlcn downtown mo flehphmfi gm na Dx arre no case lIhIALI mrnlahed roams Kllohen dlnetle and bedslung mmPAceflgI I2 week one 154345 IINFURNIgllED slanted lponmfnl room an IIIre at aoparae the trance around Iloor Phone PA homo lstau nuamkss oulce on maln street round lloor PrIvnle onlnnce Phone osma or alter pm PA 35m 15434 zoom lurnlshed nrtmcnl wItII hath hcnled Bohy we come Ahslllnr era 81 Innth St Phone PA com I5d45 uwlsusp room bungalow wllh IPICIALI Weslons Easlel Mallow IILIISEUII Ammo SPICIAL LohIaWS 115 of land llama to be aolp Ior an onloaalna alllomatlo wuan burn or rtenib taxea In the County Slmcoe raclu Fold Tractor and equlpmenl been prepared and war publtnhed No Cookhull Tractor as Head lua uzrms final 255 38 NEXT Regular mm annmwltwllh all av aner wbloh anon aueta wlll bu wmcwwm LIVESTOCK FOR SALE dIIlflblllefl amount to paatler entllled APPEAR lawmanno tho mgr rim nothlbe In my mums War muse Wednesday mum at Borne tut trd day DI Aprll not them rultable horn Tux strung nagraw 0733 FIG IIInay Street Tarolo natarlo gt aw sPIcIntl mo no mm can ucnon sAlE Wesloas galauh rullelA Aacllfln rag lol am IIIP men ly Pl Ind Hon hold Ll Arnold alum elfct guTnxznd mm OHM ne ralle went and one nllle rouln iSodas ot Ivy VIIlare Term caah No we arve aa Ilnn la new sale at pan rum SALTID sharp lerry Count Aurllontor rdu ru Anti aaalnfi ac 353 and Kahuna Ineluolna Plano spranu llPloNs mudIn an molly othervaluable lfllllfil If Grave Gonzo ClllIdIel No munlmu tn oworrmu Iran small rruaant 5an at pro Ahlrp lorry auxhlln Auctlonecr 3744 Saturday April Im Drill lucIlon silo Comnlno fir CISQ Furgo SPECIAI Harveater wlln motor Clso blower $en3dflver1flluntnt Apr 1957 In ling fiIIIIILIIBIIIHE game Automglll IInO IXLE QNC Coploa uld llrt or laoar or mm fish Maos 505x heese vertlaerneot can be area In my olIlcu go Infiaxfggggmyflg gc 013617 253 13 I°tl ggnomgynmgphofi an Stoke Spamsh lllce nlnner ment at tarts Shown onram Iltt go gggrfifibgggfigflm as 113 lallhys Spuglielh human the anernoon null at that ilmc A°jl nggggnChmmhghcggfllgfuf on Borden lnsluni slurlat nrra stock lrn lementa tor 5o°3 Igorlaud Tfl CharlesColo llEMZO con ls Vespra mm In Townshlp alum north of lllgnway FOR EASIER no ma Terms clsh Sale it In sharp Noxmerve lerry eouohlo Auclluneer all44 analog5 193 lo Fllucllloll nle °W it If In II commie rreuum PI norm my o2 lfiflatoea new om Colhi film an some houreholo elroota tor Sroltn CD Campbell atLot II Con 0m Town stud ouee4 orrte ontano Shlp one mue east or On Town lloll Pr I95 mIIu noflh ul IIIlIlwuy Il Sole 1250 pm sharp No reserve aa arm sold any pughllu utopias Wadnemy ADIIIII Aucuofule of am stock Implemnnls hay mm and IIIIIW poullry or Calla Stewart co Vespn Townshln as rallo north nllnratnr stauon Tenn hill SlIc III pm shin No Net urvo ar Imp l5 olo lerry Coulhlln Auclloneel 1045 Randi APIII 25 Auctloll all of so held or eatue Includlnl huh and rInKar cawa stoexerr norea Plea 1y GnIlI Ind Slraw or the Baker pm at Dotu con Nottawasau It land not all lold on July or adjourned aale wlll be held on Tue doy July I951 at two oclock IDS QUEEN AMI cllothAm ol83c flVGW Btu III Sale llrvlrlue or warrant Issued to me under the Landlord and reaaat Itso 1550 129 fled the goods um chattels or Mr and ers Wm Benson 48 Queen St BanIts Oul COUNTY orv SIMCOE wIll otter lor sale by pabllc anotlon though or the goods and chattels to T°WP Wm IKIIWIY may to mm 9L Ternu cash No reserve or own cam on up or are worhlng out sale at no pm FARM EQUIPMENT Inesuhz Taolexi ficheoméfin snaro terry Caucblln Anetloneer gt art Dart boaroaano On Sale At 7l€ls Simcoe Sales Servicej Broom aoa lmstPnlI Palr leyn Skates ona noon quantlty Banks IInlemlllonal Seed DTIII Ignlllxer and zrnln 15 runllke new chuanary EIeclrIl steam lronzmew IrIc Toast Few Kllchen 712th Ind IGnln Blndor cut power take oII IIke new nlshes Mantel RndID RecordPIayelI gt lIntemallonul Rellsh Server IIble Lamp Mtgum resents wItIl guarantee gencf 511mg Shfieg nabycr fillet scamomunnl OF INSULIN IMlssey Ham Tractor wlth guarantee LOILAW$ money save PREMIUM Cellilicnles NOW AVAILABLE IN ALL LoILAlM STOIES WIHI old 150 ml III CERTIFIED Rosbberry Cones Gooseberry lied and Block Currant Bushes For descrlpllve roloer and prlccl cnqulre II Brown Ca LII Wflfd Goodtellow EDENVALE GARDENS PHONE 114 MINEING 214142 cUnAs FlNEsTTANgv SWEBIIATRULY DELICIOUS TREAT PINEAPPLES 2pm CALIFORNI ARDEN PRESlIicnlslr AND swzlir carrotS Iorgo oliplnolauaghea cALlPomllA cAnDliNPhPSllSmlli clllalfN HEADS HEADLETTUCE terrorize SPhIngnoBl noslasunIlILD ANI swam Largo gnomoluanonrs FLORIDA swanr lescAchmSp AND CRUNCIIY Phone PA 95082 154244 APAltTMENT large rooms healed newly decorated unmrnlshed Kltchrn ma shared bath Central 54 Mary St hone FA also l54Ha BRIGIIT wound IIImIIllod apart ment In and home Sult huslness cou ple Absulners No chllrlrcn Henry lot Phone PA M754 151144 BACHELOR Apartment rel contolaerl unlurnlshrd healed conlquolIs hul walor prlvato both Avallahla Inward ltely Phone PA 23494 IsIIHS lURNISIIBD Bed Slltlng nomn ou hutwalerhnted UIeaI lrla Ilght hltchea prlvlleeer Downtown AduII nlynPIane PA 5380 154 VAILABLE bedroom wlntertaed ttape balltln cupboards And apaoe mmltal PnEMluMS 0N DISPLAY an LDaLAw sronss rhro out enlarlo 23¢ 1V shown OF THE WEEKI iIECIALI Birds Eye FANCV FROZEN rnaucu cul Play Pen Baby wardrooe Electrlo Heauag Pad Woollen lllankoLt Chlnn Table Lump Alarm clock camera Tollct Brush and5lnnd Iahla Cloth Plywood Stand Sale will Be Held Set Home Kltohen curtalns Baby The gripping true story Crlb nlattreaa and Sprlng complete Tractor super of ll war uglunsl sulfcnng uni ox on haiku near Harrle Also gara In nanlo Phone on omt ROOM unturnlshed heated maul prlvate entrance and both Ce BALANCEleNG ls THE FULL PRICEYOU PAY number of lferguson polnt hllch Actors Ilate model rehulltCIuIn Sawr Saturday April 131957 It die hour of See on Medical SluIIo quultl Starch 21 SIIIIzlo Liquid starch l=ltr Gleell IIeaIIS 45 win Pnos 11 oclock min We have many new maehlnea that we are lntroouolml set up or your oon at vealenee Drop ln nnd see them Bar Sprung Servwe lrncoe es ewlce Garage Your Massey Harris and Ferguson Dealer Gown st Bame Guitar Tshnls CASH 30 SOPHIA ST Phone PA $3577 JERRY COUGHLIN Auctlonoer MYRILL DEAN Llc Balllm Dated at Home thla 5th day or Aorll 1951 tut tral Phone PA Mm belore NOTHING MORE and PA esnal alter pJn 151 BOOM Apartment trplcce bath selt conlalned stanza ipuce HeledgtVerY pen Phone PA E4498 1015 pim IIA 8105 Iafler piLS45 GET THEM HURRY HURRYL No DOWN Punxlsnsn momed apartment on PAYMENT Ind IIonr n58 EOIICEIRB SIIIIK Illd quIfl cupboards heavy duty stove Io FINANCIAL RESPONSIBLE paoPLs and frIE$70 Phon PA B75082 See our nneolrplay of late model 154144 E5 AVAILABLE Ior ImmedIlle Posnsslan an owner oulomnhlles IIIIIlly to choose Immu mmuhed apartment annual for two ldllILl 171 COLIPIE WIIII one CIIIIH Apply OWEHSI PA 34495 evenings PA plate rupplled In qulet home eoa to lt COIIIdEflltien1 Alarm inhabit lflr Ill n2 ind nnomakerlApply Box 12 Baffle SUPERMARKETI APARTMENT IIIIIII floor rooms Iell ExaIIII er 154 PA 6655 quIerqugFood Old Dykhtleunsér Relowull liquid Floor Wax Big Cleans fillsW rte Swnnjlfséfil Qllpsj Green Splcindspnh Draft Guy SIIDIII PRESENTED BY LOILAWS And urlnp Null lrlndl $HthlFFs Goon MORNING MAlIMA LIIDE INGEIISOII CHIEiE SPREAD GREEN GIANT EA REYNOLDSWRAP EOIL RDYAL INSTANT rum BlRos EVE GREEN BEANS Menu ENS DILL GAV Lulqu DETER DIN soLo vMARGAl III FACE ELLE Tls suES PREirIGE FUR NIIUIIE WAX SOVER EIGN TUNA Fls KRAFT MIRACLE WHI HQIIZOIIS cIIvanuzl TONIGHT IIan EMPIRE Tractor heavy enough Ior plowlng In any soll PhoneJZMI Stroud 3943 mm on or CKVRTV CHANNEL Polato gloater nggerMIlirvleséxlcoup tar grn er also ase om blne and Ford Tractor For prlcer con 33 tank Harry Cowman st George or phone st George 29M 294547 no country on with hum moot latte SEED AND FEED our mlohoom Allyn alm man LOO ODIN Hull 700 Sclrch for IflVlllfllf CIE NI sow MALTING parley on contract tor cash crop lvy Seed Mlll phone 2514 up howdy noodv no $51000 nuullo ILIS sonar snort 104143 no man Pam wy nan comma New BEAVER SEED OATS fur SBIB Apply no Inn Trn Tln 1130 Lat Mo Irhantom shot SweezID Con 12 InnIsIII Phone strand Zora Ill4141 HAYANI smAw for sale We do Ilver Ap ly Ken Glllord Phone Lonby m2 Ill12 honNEY OATS Ial sale $125 per bushel Apply Gordon Sturzesr Lot 15 Call utopla 104344 HAY FORusAlBrInr square rbalnsrAh alts and IImothy Duncan Manna RB BarrIe phone asarzi 104344 SEED POTATOES for sale also Hal lelrl Cow due next Week Apply Van Campen Ulopln RR Secllon Illmu my fiwfiagwronnzhr OlinCIovers and craster wm my mun only Consult us for you Hay And Pasture Mlxturea Ivy Seen Mlll phone Isrl IoIuo EYE 5011I PHOfi EPA 8520 EARLY WARBA Potatoes for soloyIISo all DdNLDP ST EAST Itodown Show Emmott IA AN AMAzmoannaani on THE aooKAwrr IUY oNS wEEKLv NowoN sALE Pall ooatalned moin and bathroom run lshedar unmrnlsheo Conuouoaa not 152 LfilndryPncIIIlIes and lockers one sum IV 433 ernrghn umn Holuokeeplaz room mo and oTa wall rtllluv Ann VOLUME 1900 CIC foIIo Picnsso arkran 09 one Mm 15 Today Sloth 1120 commumb vall JIM no snow rttu DAvAIuIIIL II us The Dhn am on poatalneo heavy wlrlnr heated Avnll IIIIG AFIII Apply 212 Dunlap SI Dart Apt or phone Twtnlna 6695 Newmarltet 154M WWDOD Apartmenta modela eell PABTMZNT modern rooms Ief mm coatalned olf heltluz bulltln ultoben cupboards alnlr lpleoa bathroom nowa decanted Laundry larllltlev Mmmmrimmii vallable rll 15 Adults Apply Io Ml mop st JOJIEIIMII 1nTnaatrootslora If DUPLEX RES RQId dISIIIcC ouhealorlvate drlyeway and en thee garden and storage toctlltler on Ialzebedrooms lIvInz room splece bathroom Irosnly decorate Rent 15 per month hererrnoep re utred erte or phone POJIa ls 83947 Ava blo Iraoleol 154344 PERSONAL raw TAXI DIII 35 51A outer St Good mature an Hoaxso WING nybne llnééxeséeld pore once cu Bord hammer GIVII phone her aou 153 BVPROGRAMS DIAI123 llonlioueeboloxlatr ALIS CIIdlEIIl BID Show Ina Marlo countr style gtTNUISDAV you 12m Non Axealum 3201 Town and DQHEIU lalo apart nlrert luo Market Report 1230 Now or Selling pea Ir NEEID gt Plrm Markeiknopom junuu tutors to News And Elm Pun tareu ar NEW 5B0 nounfluo News Ind 990 Bhowklm RGVIIQ Idlfll Pnl Ienuuua smlu Shh Cone TImQ BI Bomemlkflr CIIDIO TfIdIIIK as sebago Potatoer aultoble for ued Apnly Emest Hamhardl IInwkestone Phone Ora 54 194348 lAlBD cm Straw Iornlea at rez Istered snorthorn nulls aerv cenble roe Apply wmlam crawloro phone 119 Dro 104244 IaAItolzQIIANImot Rod Pontloc Po glloeshcanadg N3 H1 Small gr can co 2c ownIan 53 620139 or plloneusrt Georle 29M 223 100 Nwl auditor IM flhhkh 1250 sulletln Baird 711 reaneneo lull gm Iimmm uo coaratloa final up crylune ol mu Nlull 305 Mualc POI mnq lll Ll Innta model In Jams Phone PA 134344 1551 Ponurcoaoh 55000 rnllea top coa oItlon Can nnano wlth 3m down P11on AHCI 313740 in PoNTlAc ew Ihooluxaeat cover the ln nod condmon heaaonable down plymnlAnd1akq over paymentr Phoneu um 134344 vy lasoo DBBIIK door plae new eluteh 75 mosrmlob body In very uood Illre ine PA 34MB null barrow guns ufiplzL fianch wagon Iaily paw oa ere new tlru excrllentlcondltlon Prllh on aaw Wasara loam WIIhnew nl bloe Iranl Ing GII can rtert tlon Cun Iaoott WANTED uaed on good eonoltlon 142 can sausages oer rm women lntererteoln anAaernbly the Canaalaa var League plane ooataeum 29 Aahbury Avg Toronto 10 all444 Aprll 1557 wIIl not be oprlble or any rurther doblIJn rreo IIIJIIy name Innk Mcflugh tr alttut rule and com let alpha to mm Haws IndvEnoru Infinep 1205 Slea Dlt mu Bandun Venn Bord NBII BIIITCIDII Show onuom unl Xviflunu Saws EARLY MEDIUM trawed Choncollor Pea own on snd Good rollhuuder andexoellont loranlxlng wllh Rooney and Garry ata Ivy Seoo MIIII phone gsrt 104143 unknown ogd Inimd Tlmfililly an an ora eraaa aoo qua out who no ralnz also lew mm 153 It rheo teed lAlrllte Clover Ap ly Iur gm Sport amour Inal Reed Thornto vy 12M 10 Now and snort an time new IIIm4 my Troal iron 10 Tbnarraea Srale not no CD re TI la moo No no ll Tuuhsluv up Bill an uo stream or the Mo Naurur conMullen clock 100 PIrIn Market Ram 202 Town and country 1210 EDDIZEINKEII no 20 Market moor Mo luuatln 700 Nan Boadun on III WSW nl Ar vnmuy up VI Porto II II Bonn mJonohe ooh uoo rt 3205 olra Vflllu pl Eighth 5051 ollllrhelrg oIlMonM In II con seglnoatlo 40 AS389ngrmlnglgl Quin nay I015 Homem kn Phonqévznlnll MlnnInz Maurloe ngorr Sooner hh lerIfialnI Ioaloa ILOD pt AM In huLmote than th gig£3343 558 dlf rent speclea of oak trees

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