ms mania exams wansasnav out porous FAIRYTALE Talklboat changing world it used to be or so the older genera tion tclisaisthat fairytaleswere quite aluniiy in titution Every ev ening bctére tucking the kiddies away mama wou and the child would slip away to drcamland This generation sowc are advised by the same older generation lust isntIs homey as it could be Fairy tales are things of the past Even the ds scemvtobe slipping away from them Bnt fastuewyearshtbe tlde has turned again Fairy tales are very much arpart of our life But its not the little ones who are talk ing or dreaming It is us the ndulLs And just imagine the reputedly tardy lot who consider themselves sportsmen and women are the part cs Clutlcrclll lliehabeof ginsshllpper fame is the pupularslar and title of the title not can you imagine about 18 husky young men play ing the part may have been alright in Shakespeares day when it read fairy tale was taboo for women lotnke part in stage plays Burnoy with Janet Leigh and the likes of her around to heck with the males or soit would seem gt But the new Cinderellas are out of Whitby Ontario They should know better And how they got the title was by defeating the Kitch cnorWaterioo Dutchmen inn bestofscven OHA playoff series Like our gal Cindy short for Cinderellathc Dunlops fromWhitby werent considered high society But also like Cindy fairy godmother waved her wand over the Dunlops and lingo theyre in the spotlight Over the winter months the Dunlops operated out of the eastern section of the aim senior league to that company they were giants like the guy who lived in the clouds above the beanstalk Yet when they were to enter the series with the Dutchica they were regulated to the little girls role So now we can only say wha happen to the Dutchies then into the future we comment Oh no not Chatham Maroon all over again Whu can forget the way the Maroons polished off lheStratford lndlans arid the Sudbury Wolves before meeting their Western Canada masters gt gt This season the Olllf Cinderella Team meets the North Bay Trap pers of the NOHA The Wolves couldnt catch Cindy maybe the Bayites can trap em For the coming series lot of factors must be first consideredl First of all are the Dunlops good enoughTiThats what we asked about the Maroons Secondly the Whitby squad has just completed siren uous sevengame sct The Boyitcs are in perfect condition after win ning three easy contests from the South Porcupine Porkics Willthe Dunlops be up for it or will the Trappcrs be too complacent The odds are probably slightly in favor ofthc NOHA champs One thing about both clubs though they have extra fine goaltendcrs and that means tremendously much Dennis Brodeur is the Trapper cage tender and Long John Henderson who saw service in the American League before and after term with the Boston Bruins of the NHL is the Whitby anchor man The precedingpart of this column was written Tuesday afternoon and it just goes to show that sometimes sports writersare pretty close to being right JUST NOTES lt wasgenuincnly nice of Major Conn Smythc dic later of the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey to announce that he would let the boardof directors decide whowill be the teamsnew general Connsaid it would not he himself wow Man he never Congratulations to the Blue Streaks winners of the Barrie Exam Bowling Trophy Members of the team are Don Saunders Don Knlcely Crawford Mr and Mrs John Palmer Waltey Gregory Mrs Word and capable spotplayerlen Walls Tony Kuhek recently chosen the best rookie at the New York Yankees training camp was presented with watch and possible ulcer Last years winner of the timepiecewas sent to the minors the day Tony was named the 1957 winner Guess Big Jean Beliveau is feeling better today It was understood thathc wasnt feelingtoo hot Reason was his apparent lack of goal production Last night he scored the only Canadiens goal as the Habs hutoutzthc Boston Bruins 10 BillllllE LEGION BlillTlilllS aunt lEliM COULD win tuna CLANCYTSEBIES panic Legion bantam hockey team continues to look like it could Win the King Clancy hock ey toutname The local youngsters boister ed by 57 from Orillia made straight wins Mon day when they defeated Toronto Future arcs 81in Aurora Itwas pretty fair game de spite the score TheBarrie kids played an outstanding game and coach To Hamiltons onlycom plaint todayris hat he boys still arent toonkecn on bringing the puck out or their ownend This Clancy series usually has each team playing 10 games However due to the distance of travel Barrie was allowed to play int games Barrie youngsters are Stan Stew art and Ken Yallup And while the outoftnwnors have poured extra zip into the local lineup fellows like Bobby Lines Larry Garner and Ivan King whoplaycdwell for coach Hamilton all winter continue to shine Saturday at LakcshorcArena the Barrie bantams play Alder wood considered the favorites to win the whole shibang This team is already crowned the Metro section champs Then the following Thursday in Aurora the local kids tangle with the Toronto Marlboro ban tams ln exhibition games about month ago the Barrie young ters played the Marlies to raw Since picking up the ex mplemy cw phm tra talentTony doesnt think his of this tourney is that teams mist pmmpatc in higher class elubshould have too much trou than wig they did in their ï¬t me 115 mam markers for Barrie Monday Bil Cartnell and Wayne Pifer had pair each and Lloyd Givens had one Up Status Tlius Barrie minor bantam ugh the winter months bantam teamf lieClancy round Thewinnerrof r£°l$fï¬fï¬ wuh has 33 this series will be one offour at will eventualiymcot rware the cnt sue eess of the local club belongs to the five replacements from Oril The number pne Qrillian is Billy Cartiiell sharp forward who scored 60 lost over the reguia sc oni hisown Orillia imming Classes And Day camp Being Organized Notices have recentlyrgbne out from the Simeoe CountyJiecrca and rural areas of Sirnc ty announcing that this time for local groups to make pl for summerprograms activ ies ounu Bobby rLincsifiredma trio of tion Service to small communities is the Barrle Country Clubmade the groundsvyesterday What its going to be great year ks Golfers Are You lltqaé PPElillliliCE aysmvssonsscu can ya beat those apples Imagine 8D eagerly await ing the nice weather so he can go to work no less But thats the way things were with 34yearold Eddie Ren lck yesterday While his summer lob which is professional and course manager at the Barrie Country Club does not of ficially begin it Monday April 15 Eddie has already sized up donnrno EDDIE RENICK aacouple other executive membersof the was very impressive Unanimous decision at least the best yet1Wiqh Eddie in the top photo are Amby Rivett left and Charles Kearsey centre Note brief tour of they viewed gast years beautiful addition to the clubhouse inthe background in the bottom photo Eddie chats with two meii whoare doing fine job of clearing away the shrubs an any way beneficial Sevérai visitors arrived gt atthe courseduring the afternoongiving all indications that interest is mounting Beautiï¬cation Before starting to bell the ball around in allseriousness Ed feels that there are many other jobs to be done Yesterday afternoon be along with Charles Keaney director and mainstay of the Club and Amby Rlvctt another uecu tive mulled over few ideas One of the things to be done would be to complete the soddlng around the club house part of which was lust constructed last fall The men considered beauti Relation of the course big factor for this year The kitchenp valuable portion Hornets Face Elimination By Chesley The Alliston Hornets will be facing elimination again tonight when they play Chesley Colts at homE The Colts lead the series 31 in games Alliston won its long match Monday night at Paisley Chelseys homo ice Gib Sabourin paced the victors to the 53 victory as he scored three first period goals Kingv sttm and Millerscnred for Ches leyin the same frame in thesccond period Merrie Horsburg potteda goal for Aliisr tomlifting the count to 42 Both clubs hit smartly in the finale Jack Bartlett for Alliston and Bev Woods for the Colts Alliston missed great chance to make the firsgperiod lead even larger as theyhad innumerpblo scoring opportunities Only the work at Chesley goalkeeper lohn Flewellingnkept the score down The tide thrned in the third periodand Mike Whalen in the Hornets not had tonpull some fancy manoeuvres TAGGED SHEEP About 20000000 sheep in Ass tralia now wear plastic car tags donatingage sex and ownership Favam trees that are not proving in the situation and is just itching to get going of any edifice was completely re novated and on herself would be justly proud All day yesterday men were working outside cut ting shrubs and outofplace trees An innovation this year is an exclusive entrance and exit Where as in the past these two passages were ring and the same this season new byway has been made The waterline which was laid last year and startedto show re sults in the fall will be reareded this spring which should bring tremendous results The fairways are going to be fertilized also All these and changes in the last few years have made the Barrie Country Club very unlike the club that started about 45 years ago Filling in the inbetween years very briefly Charles Kearscy related that the first pro was Bill Rickwood in 1824 Frank Ravel took over the duties and stayed through 38 During Ravells stay in 1930 the 7th 8th and 0th helm were added Charles Kearscy was the man aboutthefairways starting in 38 through 53 And of course hes still playing big part in the clubs successes Until 55 he was the course manager The present talented profess ional Eddie itenick came to this town in 1053 With great wealt of experience In his lifetime Eddie has met and played with the best golfers and most famous personalities He has played with Slamming SammySnnd sipl coffee the great Bohhy Locke opposed the Brown Bomber Joe DouiIJ NM and lent his clubs to the big little guy Mickey Rooney Even before any oftbe proud in events occurred Eddie had toured the bigvmoney circuit as caddy for Bob Gray lt is Gray who probably had plenty to do with Eddies golfing successes Aftercaddying fo the man or many years Eddie ecame assist ant pro to Gray and worked with him for eight years at the Scar borough Golf Club Nice Record During thoscyears at Scarbor ough the native of LongBrhnc Toronto saw action in innumer able tournamehts in 1040 be tied Bob Dean for the Ontario Assisi ant Pros title then lost out after four holes of extra play In fact he hasvbccn in the money in all assistant tourneys1947 through 53 On four occasions be qualiï¬ed forthc Millar Cup in the Cana dian Professional Golfers match play at lsiington Eddie has come long way from the boy who caddled as l+yearlt old on the ï¬nest Toronto courses And he can do pienty towards ini proving golfingin this area He already has plan to make the latter plana reality Thepllnit is to give instructions to Junlor members of the club Whilexno date could be set immediately Eddie felt that instruction classes would hevhcld Saturday mornings But breathe easy Ed before they make you work too hard afew reaL live parties are inthe olf ing Early in May the date of which is not definite the males will be holding their opening stag The bigger event however is the clubs opening banquet May it Then Ed its up to you stasis Mlltllit antics association Ari invitation to thb pore ntsofell Hockey Players l4l yearscf age to attend MEETING at pm THURSDAYKAPRIL ll 1957 of the CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRICCLUB ROOM Rinks Tied In Dangerfield Curling Event lo the Dangerï¬eld Trophy scr ies for the mens championship at Barrie Curling Club three teams aretied for first place Frank Hersey VerniAdams and Harry Michic each have skipped their rinks to three wins in four games Ticd at two wins and two losses each are Howard Burbidgc Jack Kennedy and Frank liar greavcs rPaddy Miles is one win and three losses while ltay Livingston has four losses Both these rinks have had real tough luck and their defeats have all been close heartbreakers Like Monday night Hersey right to the ï¬nish before stun forced leagueleader Michie into an extra end heforelosing Other games last night had Ad ams edging Hargreaves and Ken ncdy defeatngyliprbidge In this game Burbidge got an early lead inst it when Kennedy tossed in eender Burbidgo was three rte alsohad shot ck in the extra endbbt Kennedy with ergon oidock followed by Friday an Saturday to finish ng to orchestra clubumembers only andno charge the announco Each year su swimming as and day camps have been easing Last me 2000 children frdm least 45 com Womens institute niu uch iot Miss Lou Houseanarrie Sh for instance when Miles battled dropping the verdict and Living down coming home and tied itup Eifih gamcs inthe roundrobin series are set for tonightvat eigh After the games Saturday night there be presentation of prizes andvdanc Goldwater Curlers Faced Pretty Well Coldwater curlers made good showing in final games at Orillia curling rink Three skips from this village Harry Gowani Dr Genrgeflall andDr Hugh es wore in the playoffs George Abbott of Coldwater was vice sklp onthe Hall rink Dr Hall with nine vietories and only two defeats in series play lost out to the Cowan four some liarry Cowan skipped his rink to the championship of thesec ontlseries and had the hbst club rccordf0rthe season it straight victories and second series winners Bill Stephensohs Oriliia stanemen do tested the Cowanri to cop the club crown was up NORTH The Canadian weather station atAlert Bay on Ellesmere island is lessthan 500miles from the NocthPoietv in the finals between the first Blue Streaks Win Edeiner Bowling Iitle lThc Bluo streaks won the tra phy as the top team in The Bar lle ExaminerBowliog League The championship was decided on threeteam playoff with six Cliff 36 Choose yournewsult for Easter whileseleetlons are it their best Chooseifromthe and most flattering styles These suits sellregul arty at 5950 Ltd EASTER 64 games bang Saki and chance to acquire fine suit at remarkable SI two Mondaysago After the first night the Head Pin Comets hit to the fore with as lead of about 170 points But things sure went wrong this past Monday vim houses DRESS sulfur While the Comets wanna bad day and the Kiugers werent exactly burning up the alleys eithv er the Streaks really took off As it was the Streaks sixgame score was 0424 The Comets ï¬nJ ished with 6170 and the Klugers 6022 The teamtrophyand individual awards willle presented at the closing partyvnext Monday Win 1251 v4 if if ith FRIENDLYCREDW newest shades 50 and 6950 This is your Choose from all mi importedyfabrics English Winkdc Flannels and SCYKCI Complete It woods pllln shades and weaves No Model to chooseme button iinziesimted with lion ol Drlft atterncd rsa pocket flnps ticket pocket and Centie Vent or the handsome two bnttonbtop link lounge models Maiy natural models or the more conservative dresser anss ski1E BONUS GilTS wn TH YOUR Purchase or ANYsully oNr tow mic Nowaiw Yodasurf AT SAVING $10 00 oova Minis Alli boys WEAR IlM DIVISION Mlllllllll intuitive til