THE HARRIS EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APBlLIII 1951 cmmréféimmry mans warren Stands to Lose Some Caldwater merchants among those who refused to go along with Saturday night early closing until that this village stands to lose trade by the policy in operation it is contended that number of residents of the area who have been in thehabit of shopping in Coldwatcr on Saturday night will transfer their trade elsewhere and may not resume buying in Goldwater when stores are again open Saturday evenings after May is Under the present an nngemcnt ihe main grocery and meat shops are among the stores closed Saturday nights Decision by number of mer chants to take Saturday nights off was owing to the fact accord ing to their statements that with stores open Friday nights there was not enough trade to warrant being open Saturday nights as well during the spring Wednes day afternoon halfholiday is ob served by most Goldwater busi ness places the year round Busy Program bus Program faces the Cold water office of the department of lands and forests according to Ritchie Lane the forester in charge of Severn River Manage ment Area Already two fires have occurred in the area fortun ately without serious consequenc es The spring program of work included further work on the pro vinciai public park at SixMile Lake For the earlypart of the sea son untii June thc Coidwater office will also be responsible for launching improvements at the recently acquired Bass Lake park it was stated installation of bet ter lavatory fucilitics arid survey ing are among the first require ments to receive attention at Bass Lake Last weekend Art Cornell and SAVE Stilt YES Save the price of two motors Now one ruggedrziiii motor handles husky niacin incs itfsmy youdoli3 not men io lip non of three wnundaï¬md qinrhnndio trait chug lawn mix loan toaaowpiowlaotidy rooka Ilia or your outdoor shavers in Incllmontld rotary lawn an and tidal It Ila 691mm Barrie farm SIlllllll JIMULCASTER STREET rA 32332 551 56 miith maintain theta Coldwater officials believe access to through highways they der the strain recently opened Goldwaters new Mel Wyiey opened navigation on the Severn River when they got through with boat lrorn Black Lake to the Cornell cottage on Gloucester Pool New Sport With 1957 appointments to the Coldwater Community Centre As soclatipn completed by council new spurt towards conununity huiidlng is anticipated One or the organlntions which has been taking special interest in the campaign or Coldwater Commupity Centre is the Junior Chamber of Commerce which ob scives its first anniversary this month Seeking Franchise Qas distributing companies are expected to seek franchise for the sale of natural gas in Cold water as it will become available in this area when gas is piped mm Aibcrta by the iranSCanada Pipe Line Some yeag ago there was local gasdistribution system pro vided by company headed by Rev ii Sheppard who was the Anglican minister in Cold water Remnants of the plant remain ed on the vacant lot next to the William Angus residence until few years ago when hlr Angus cleaned up the property and made lawn out of it Two neighboring township councils hiatchedash and tile donto were to hold April meet ings this week Spoke on Legislature Coidwater Lions Club invited Lloyd Letherhy MPP president of the local service group this year to speak to their regular dinner meeting in the Parish Hall on procedure at the Legis lature Four members Ep iett Eticy Lovcring it Lane andCarman Robinson have re turned from vacations in the south special council meeting was scheduled for this weeklocnm plete business unfinished at the regular meeting last Week important Business important business including the budget faces tonights April i0 meeting ofCoidwater Public School Board slates Charles Danby chairman Masonic Visit Members of Oriilias Equity Masonic Lodge headed by Wor shipfnl Master Clarence Fergu son visited Karnak Lodge Cold Water Purvis of Oriliia pre sented travelling gavel to Gor tioliCooper Master of Goldwater Lodge Possible New Expansion Many of the thousands of ad ditional motorists who will come to this area on the new fourlane highway from crown Hill and by way of the Transcanada High way from Oriliia could be per suadcd to visit Coldwater and vicinity if the rich history of the district can be made known to The area and Wauhaushcne rticulariy may see new era industrial and tourist expan sion due to strategic location and point out lnepair Work CPR lineman Bill Pheasant put in many extra hours restoring communicationsfollowing the re cent sleet storm which resulted in icecoated wires snapping un Successful Venture Joyce Brooks of Fesserton who Pigs that weigh up to 40 pounds or more latweanling are the pigs that gogto market in hurry They save youyfeed antleieeding time and are worth moremolicy to you Gett pigs startled any on feed insulincam Pig Boosté Startc the way to get top weaning weights Pigs take to this quickly because its highly nutritious feed 02 helped to establish martini Plan to put your next litter Von Pig Booster tartar Start feeding it at 10 days of age and see the weights freshstrppi gt isalvmy were higher than last year AVERAGE PRICES for both male and fe mole Shorthorns at the recent sale held at the Barrie Agriciiltural Society Grounds favorable weather the salowas well off tendedand Despite un FIVCN 25 animals were sold for total 0113651580 Increase in nverageprice for males compared females $211 with 1956 was $2787 ny iiitRY ricoLids Canadian Press Staff Vrilcr Canal Complications The United States and Egypt are continuing highvlevel diploma tic exchanges in an effort to reach agreement on the Egyptian plan for operating the Suez Canal The exchange began soon after UN SecretaryGeneral Dag Ham marskjold returned to New York from talks in Cairg Washington is reported to have proposed an international pact incorporating the six principles laiddown by the UN Security Council tor can al operation In London mem bers of the iiination internation al Chamber of Shipping adopted resolution declaring that guan est business establishment beauiysalon is pleased with the response and states shehas been kept very busy The former Joyce Braithwaite Mrs Brooks was formerly associated with an Orillt lia salon Good Service At thcrreccnt annual meeting of Mcdonte Municipal Telephone System the good service by the switchboard staff was referred to by several speakers Mrs Ab Mind is in charge of the exchange at Moonstone and is chief opcr atur Assisting her arengs Nellie Morrison and Mrs Elmer Robcrtson iJCiiNADlANfRESS sold antees on use of the waterway are more important than immed inte transit nigsnlkes End Nearly 2000000 striking shipi yard and factory workers return etho their Jobs in Britain last 1091 The government has establish edaninquiry into the yeanoid dispute ihvolving shipyard work ers which triggered the mass strikes But many workers corn plnincd thatunion leaders had out by calling off the strikes before hardcash settle ment was reached in theirdc mantis for general10 per cent wage increase And loading andunioading of 78shipsiat the port of Motion was blocked on Saturday by continuing swildcat strike of 1500 cargo tally clerks Tiic strikers claim that unauthorized office workers were used on their jobs Council Loses The town of Chambiif Que has been ordered to pay $400 agesto the weekly newspaper 12o Progress de Chambly for defam atory iiber The actiom aroSe from resolution passed by coun cil in June 1953 followings ser ics of articles criticising the then mayor of Chambiy Thc resoiution ordered the newspaper to explain itself the satisfactionfmf the counc GENUIN 765 COLLIER ST code Vvuvuvvv ULVCOOOOOOOO 591 Farm If difference makes in weaning aiiabl millv For Proper Growth GM PARTS sasmoomvnmonv To saliva rnc TRADE APPROVED GM SERVICE BYFACTORYTRALNED TECHNIQANS lllililiElllEHI Militias gnnvnoaar onnsiuonrnn eantanpc oooooooooooooo ooooooo Give your chicks tin 182431 ballet oceOoopooooooo and warned that if such an we planatlan was not given council would crall groups and in dividuals with which it Was as sociated to stop advertising in the paper The paper wrote to council ex plaining its pointof view but made no excuses fol the articles in question Mr Justice Harry Batshaw oi Montreal last week ruled that while council had not actually carried out its threat the mere adoption 05 the resolution was undoubtedly defamatory against the Inewspaper He said the newspaper had not directly attacked council but rather the mayor and yet coun cil took upon itself the respon sibility of taking up the mayors case On Schedule The unique $3000000 tunnelv ling and dynamiting job to end the grimmcnace of Ripple Rock as awestcoast navigational haz ard is proceeding on schedule Federal engincers said last week that by nextspringthey hope to have in position the 150 tons of high explosive that will blow up the twin peaks which have sent untold numbers of ships and men in the bottom of thc Seymour Narrows on the main 136 coastal shipping artery 100 miles north of Vanvpuvcr RECALLS LABOQ CHOICELAND Arthur Smal ley resident of this district since 1928 recalled on hislsotvh birthday that he helped place the steel in the Regina railway yards after arriving therein 1912 from birthplace Woodstock NB ed the members of the Junior guests at the Beaten Adï¬liary at act Senior Bridge Cloli Mrs ithcaCarter entertained the scnior bridge nuiuesday evening last winners were Mrs Hammond Mrs Ede Palmer and Mrs Zeta Oleary Junior Bridge Club Mrs Gordon Mallion entertain Bridgorciub on Tuesday evening last 11am Fires IThe local ire reels and men were called to three fires inthe past week Arthur Thompsons mill Mrs ilirtiea home and the home oficrald Wallace on thc 5thLine of Tecumseth chim neyJirc In all three incidents the firemen were on the Job in record time WMS Meeting The WMS of the United Church met on Thursday last at Mrs James Hendersons The pastor Rev iiir Gardener gave the Easter message There were 12 presunt At the close social half hour was spent over the teacups Guests at Becton The WhiS and Evening Auxil iary oi the United Church were Beeton on Monday evening last itirs James Henderson oi Totten bamWMS addressed the gather lug In Hospital MraArthtIr Thompson at the time of writing is patient in the Western Hospital Toronto where she underwent in operation on Saturday morning last for speedy recovery Back from Trip Mrs Harvey lchioughien Va returned lrom trip to Montreal Belleviiie and Carleton Place Back from Florida ltirs Marjorie Rogers and Mrs Anderson returned last week trorn Florida where they spent the past month Bake Sale The United Church WA are holding bake sale and afternoon tea on Saturday You are wel come Ail hope Recent studies of Canadian indians sponsored by the Canad ian Cancer society show that indlans have less skin cancer than do whitest One explanation of this may he that the pigment in the skin is protection against the suns rays Past studies with American negroes show that they too have much less skin cancer than do yvhites For HillDrop Check View Pilinrias nd Drill Planting With onewMcCormick youll speed up your Job and be podtivo you are plantingqu stands for top yields or row Fasthitch modelsl for eventual condition with Ophflltli acmracy trailing models or row size with equipment for everynew every planting practice Rugged and precisionbuilt to stand up under the strain of modern highspeedopcmtion Prove the dependability of McCor mick planter with you BE The rumor demonstration2n your own farm DUNLOP ST WEST Ai FERNDALE Ph is one PA 84963 lntunationnl Hurveser Company of Canada oommoir mu sonar NYLON metres Nylon ring in allowan weli gwgybu up to 51100 nerénnaanenalnr an size and condition or your prelctat mun so vVJU it IEASTERS whitenit suns 4570 4955 GU sours ply ListPricer LESS your Trudein Sale Price fillHINlDtt RUYALi TMES Division or jDominiOn Rubber CU Lt an lice ruleSpecial sir lN TIME FREE Mounting nonunion not ARDTIRES What any rot in tnrilty motorist svau ply List rrlce Less yonr Trudein Sale gnu sisas Hoioup HERO acme err nun JOHNSTONE has been awarded the George Me dal for his heroism during bank holdup year ago in Cognitlam 15 miles east of Vancoirvcr Wounded by eight bullets be hot and killed one bandit and we nd ed another ce panic OFFICE son RENT ideal location Ground floor Adjoining Parking Lot Newly renovated General office Iplco with private office APPLY it thiucx Phone PA 82487 msM5NWH6ownso It was admit ioebig car At gas pumps it dlalik like ï¬sh So he called it Moby pick mn had in like ï¬sh Parking warlike trying tovsqueczal whale Into goldï¬sh howl Mobf for an economical little foreign car it was ttla for kids iteran room iotslxiiootem plus European handling ea it Was Rambler that set INASCAR cross country record ot 32 liiiiES per gallon with overdrive