HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY FROM 230 pan ourmanwnnnesnu AT 230 pan EVENING snows THURSDAY FRIDAY 650139 pm one of the most delighilulenlertainmenis of your inoviegoing lifetime AS GEISHA Gill LOIUS BLOSSOMMM All the of the hilarious Pulitzer Prize play on ourscreeni MGM present in CINEMASCOPE and Mmocowa Hie Teahouse of the AuguSt Moon EDDIEMAWLBERT FOX NEWS PLAYING DAYS THURS FRI MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FROM THE MOUN ROUGE IIEIIE ll layouts now Yunnan SEE II THE ONE YOU HAVEVWAITED FOR ENTIRE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY APRIL 22 MATINEE EASTER MONDAY 230pm EVENING sans E49 and pin or 3LE1Ts Go KIDS AND EASIER MONDAY All Techn col ow 12 BOX oDEIIs use Showing MpnfléYli EVENING SHOWS AT 650 EM DAYS oEPAIiIs THE STORY OF MAN OF FlREl MGM presents the bestseller KIRK DOUGLAS mum ANTHONY ALLVED anner vnzszms GARY wCXDOPER QUINN mwmyynmtmu andJIiEIROCOLOII snow srAItrs 10mm Keenan Ion cannons uesd ITHAronANDMUsI hesnowfllllGH DING Rosnv on canny EVENING SHOWS AT 650 rpayrrme PAL THER GALASHOW MORNING 10AM DrfCartoons 12 Leland me Word On Retirement tTrentonCourierAdvocate mess dinner was held recently in the aergeanls Depot Trenton In honor W01 George Edward Grenhe who in reilrlngaiter 29 in the RCAF The dinner was preIlded over by Woi Hill president of the Repair Depot Sergeautl Men in additionin the members of the sergeants mess the dinner wa attendedby representatives of the Mobile Equipmentirada from Qi tawa Toronto Aylmer and Stalled Trenton WOI Granite was presented with an illuminated farewell ad dress signed by all present He also accepted on behalf of his wife beautifulcngravcd silver tray An honorary membership in all RCAF scrgeanta messes was pre of the air stait by Wing Comman der Thompson CD acting commanding officer it Repair Depot WOI Grenkc joined the Air Force on July 19 1923 Church For the Mobile Equipment trade he was sent to Camp Borden where he remained until iiill excepbfor three short courses at Ford Motor Company in Windsor and Toronto He hasalso served at number of other stations throughout Canada in the capa city at Warrant Officer in charge of Mobile Equipment Section Some of these stations were Gan der Nild Sydney NS Dart mouth Hagersville out Summersirlc PEI Aylmcr Ont Technical Training School Camp llorden to Repair Depot algary and ï¬nally Repair Depot In June 1952 W01 Grcnkewas transferred to 6RD where he has served in two capacities two years as Depot Warrant0tiieer and two and onehalf years as Warrant Oificer in charge of Mo bile Equipment Promoted to W01 in July 1941 he retained that rank until Oct 1946 when the permanent force was reinstated from the interim iorce whereupon he reverted to the rank of W02 In April 1948 however he was promoted to the substantive rank of 701 gtWOl Granite married Norma Schmirler of Bruno Saskatchewan III December 1931 and they have two daughters Dawn and Lynn At present W01 Grenke plans l° take F19EEJSSUM 111mm ablyjake up permanent esidchce In the Belleville area crosszND Short Vigit Mrs Barnesospcnt few days last week with her son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Melbourne Barnes Siayncr Mr andVMrs William Cassie Mrs Don Smith Uxbridge and Johnston ISiouItviile spent Tuesday with their cousins Ilifrs Pottsand Mrs Sam Al on Recently Married Congratulations to Miss Viva Perry and Barney Wright who were married Saturday Back Home Potts of Kenmore NY re turned home Saturday after visit Ing with his mother Mrs Potts who is ill and sister Mrs Ls Allen Weddingï¬uesis Mrand Mrs Joseph Strth at tended the WrightPerry wedding in Barrie and the reception at An gus Saturday Sympathy of Community Sympathy is extended to the family of Lyons who pass ed away March at his home in Elmvale Mr and Mrs spent Saturday th Mr and Mrs William Cummings gt Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs Eldon Speirs and Debbie of Mansfield were Sun dayguests with Mr and Mrs Joseph Stratlf iNSUnANcr Is AN AItr gt andYOUR Insurance should have treatment by skilled ANCE SPECIALIST one experienced all kinds oixlnsu ance and canadviseyouabouttiie best Insurance for ouat the low years at ieiylce sented to WOI Grcnke on behalf meat at RepaIr WA Presents Table The regular monthly meeting of Wyclier WA was held at the Thursdiy ï¬fternoon Thavmectlng opened with Ilium followed by the members péaycr and the Lords Prayer Ipture was read by Mrs Alan rtin Mrs Chester Baker read aniele on Lent Jhlt months study was of the Philippines and took the form pf If attention and answer period with each member ashi quot lion which was unaware byvhlrs Play were made for inviting speaker for the April meeting and tor missionary night in May It was reported that thenerw cred enee table had arrived and had beenmilcedvin the chprch RQVHV Mr Iralick pronounced the benediction Lunch was serv ed by the hostess fgl Moved toBIrrio gioll Constable Mcrvyn Robin son has been stationed at Barrie for few months He and his family moved from the Hill ppartmenta on Wednesday Their Elmvaie friends wish them all lbeJaest in thclrncw location flwo councillors Realm Due to the rceent death of vé Liwson Robins nand tho resignations oi Coule arsGearge Lawand Pony Frankcom at Wed nesday nights meeting of Elm vale Village Council Clerk Mel Barrett hasissued warrant for nomination and an elcctlon if neéeasary 11 Death LYONS ln Elmvaic at his residence on Sundayhlilareh 31 195 Ashton Williams Lyons be loved husband of Sara Martin and dear father of EliubcthiMrs Bevert Arhardt and Annie Mrs MePhee both of Williams shiriey Mrs Murray Gilbert ot Parry Sound in his 76th year GRAY Suddchiy at hiahomc in Eimvaicon Tuesday April PorterEarl Gray beloved ti hiolds and efiat Elmyale Bruce of Barrie and Ruth Mrs Percy Black of Elm vale in his 35th year Funeral from the Bishovaynn mineral ment in Elmvale Cemetery Day in Toronto Mr and Mrs Beardsall spen Lsunday in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Pyburn and Mrs Smart Mr and Mrs Manning were in Toronto on Wednesday and while there visited patient in Toronto General Hospital Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs James Beardsall spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs George Ritchie St Catharines WEDNESDAY APRIL l0 they visited Mrs irille NY Morley of Elmvale and Home Thursday April Inter l957 Mrs James Stone James Columbus Columbus Hospital Weekend Visit Mr and Mn Arman Tripp of Richmond Hill spent the weekend with William Tripp and hire in Toronto General Moved Home gt Mr and ltlls Arlle Slbbald have moved from the Adams pro party on Yongc Street to the armor home of Mr and Mrs Ar mon Tripp Saurin Street UTOPIA From Buffalo Mr and Mrs Walter Ebberiey and children Buffalo were week and guests with Mr and Mrs John Muir Day In Colllngwood lilr and Mrs Dempster and Neil Dempster Barrie spent Wednesday in Collingwoodwherc Alex McRne who has not been as well as us ual Euchre Night Thursday was cuehri night again in splteof wind and wea ther 13 tables were on hand Winners were ladles high Reta Muir mens high Maurice Miller lone hands live Tom Brownian consolation prizes John Hog garih andhlrs nay MeCabe Al iandale Left for Detroit Mrs Hilda Elphiok left for De troit Saturday to spend few weeks with her son Walter and daughter Mrs Faust Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Milford Plattruf Laurel were with Mr andMrs Jack Ellis Sunday Mrs Murray and son of Barrie and Lorna Pearson Torontowith Mr and Mrs Arthur Dobson Mr and Mrs Gilbert Mehiaster visited the latters mother at Mldhurst on Sunday IIIISgtJRCIEIIIS is spending this week with Mr and Mrs John PA84427 0815 rmE Tlte liilLPIl KINSMENTBINW 11 mopm zoiGaMEs EwEALTII JACKPOT Doors open Tat lv p13 Tinsweenismnobannsbonamnroare LEllIlC Fund OilIE OUT BI SUPIORT THIS WORTHY CAUE sermonnus PAR visited James Section ThreePages is to 20 romain only ï¬ARBARA STANWYCK STERLING HAYDEN CRIME or Passion DORIS DOWLING ARTHUR mth RUNNING TARGET Ellis Sn following an operation TRYAN EXAMINER WANT AD in Royal Victoria Hospital last week During 1955canccroi the lung accounted for 1504 maie deaths FRIDAYS andonly 397 female deaths No one has been able to completely to the Georgian Bay islanders explain the reason forthis differ sarunDAYs EIICE To The Musicnzreis PINE anST Canadian scientists IreplayingK prominent role in cancer re Too muehni slain to take any chances search They are supported to large extent by theCanadian Despite your greatest carc accidents Ican happen public through the Canadian Can cer Society Bits nsurnnceï¬lliieflty III DuNton ST sprain their on fltilliu lliiiie Bond the direction of Mr Bratln SPONSORED BY THE BAiiltlE cnizENS Emmanuel mention SUNDAY APllll 14 Gunsl Artist AND Theatre coMING innuendo gt Band Concert by the Barrie Cl Izens Band on Mayle at The Roxy eatre CANADIAN mum EAMOLJSQPLAyERs THEATRES est eompérahleeos For example ll gives ituteare planning euehre par at La destroyw new owners P0 ty at the hall on Friday evening ed by reabouh midnight Thurs beneï¬cpverage HI3f95y nay hirtyfive boys got out but lost everything Amongthem was Ernie Mayes of See us hidden Insurance of ALL KIND being held for Mansfield