inlon avero SONGSIRESS FHYLLIS MARSHALL is surrounded by the other entertainers at the official opening of the Memorial Hall ofBnrrie Branch No 147 of the Canadian Legion Left is Earl Parnes Toronto pinn ist and right Cy Leonard master of cer Knox Church emonies who is skilled comedian and ventrlloquist It was the first professional appearance of the famous television sing ing star in her native town since the ben efit show for victims of Hurricane Hazel couple of years back Stayner legions Mommy Mrs William James Agar Aged 87 Years Died At Alliston Hospital hirs William JamcsAgar Essa Township passed away on Jan 18 1957 at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston Although in hei 87th year she had been ac tive in her home and community until month before her death The former Miss Agnes Louise Corbett youngest daughter of the late John Corbett and the former Miss Eleanor Cunningham she was born in Essa at Bradens at tended school there and was member oi the Presbyterian Church JoApril 21890bermarriage to William James Agar was 501 eninized andthey took up resi dcnce on their farm on conces sion Mrs Agar was predeceased by her husband in November 1933 also by son Norman in Novem ier 1946 and by two daughters Florence Mrs Jack Lawson in May 1954 and Lillian Mrs Hc ber Wilkinson in December 1953 Mrs Agar was of quiet kind Iy nature and had always cheer ful word for everyone whom she met The funeral washeld on Jan 21 in Alliston with service con ducted by Rev Dr Arthur Rey nolds of Elmvale Interment fol lowed in Alliston Union Ceme tery Pallbearers were Elwood Corbett Wilmot Thompson How ardPcarson Earl Wilkinson Ed win Lawson and David Bulmer Lovely flowers gave fragrant evidence that Mrs Agar was not provide medical care ment for residents of our remote Concerned Over Attendance Fall lliOONSTONERemoval of some families to residence elsewhere and other factors similar to those encountered by many other churches has resulted in reduced attendance at Knox Presbyterian Churchpliioonstone to such an extent it is causing deep concern to the officials When worshippers went to ser vices by horse and buggy the large stables adjoining the Moon stone church were taxed beyond capacity and the church was ill ed The Mcdonto churchis in sound position ï¬nancially and the LadicsAid Sunday School and other departments continue to do good work The last annual 15 rpcuizcrs ty studenl Albert isconducting services at Moonstone and the two other churches in the circuit Hillsdale and Craighurst Church officcrs arc Session Lloyd Dunlop William Miller Grant Robertson Advisory Board of Managers William Burnfield Isaac Miller James Miller Ar thur bunlop RMoon Board of Managers William Miller Mino Nelson Miller Karl Miller offertory Stewards lilino Miller Miller Miller 0r ganists Mrs Mary Miller Mrs William Miller Mrs Lloyd Dun lop Church and Budget Treasur er Lloyd Dunlo forgotten by relatives friends and neighbors number were pres ent from Barrie Toronto Cooks iown and Thornton The only surviving relatives are two sons George and Her bert both at the family residence in Essa Canadianï¬ned Cross outpost Hospitals and Numing Stations and treat Observes Tenth Anniversary Stayner Sun About 50memhcrs and guests of the Stayner Branch of the Can adian Legion attended the dinner celebrating the tenth annivcrsnry of the branch it was on March 26 1947 that the charter was pre sented to this branch comprehensive report on the development of the Canadian Le gion Service Bureau from its earl iest stages to the proposed changes now taking place was given Titus Ontariochairman of service bureau Mr Titus pointed out the enormous amount of work being done by the Legion to obtain relief for veterans in need To dayhe said there are only few branches in the province that do not have their own service bureau offices Special training schools have been started for these local officers and consequently great deal of work has becn lifted from the shoulders of the permanv cnt staff Dr RE Ives spoke on behalf of the charter members of the branch and outli ed some of the progress of this anch Harris Barriedeputy district commander praised Stay ner branch as being one of the most ac ve of all branches The Canadian Cancer oeicty and the National Cancer institute of Canada arevthe two voluntary organiz Society is made up of supports research carries on an educational program and wel iare program to assist cancer patients it also raises money The Institute is made up of due tors and scientists It supports worthwhile cancer research by giving grants idfcllowshlps and scholarships About two bird cf its money comes from the Society fig insane one ExmesstmsÃ©ï¬ are cards thatvlieaoï¬lully convey the spiritual inspirati ofEaSter outs do for the Perry cannon easier seal rv Show Sunday Berry Como held hostoi en tertainment personalities who mu contribute thcir talent on April 14 to the Easter Parade of pt Torontos Mcplc Garden CBC will broadcast the pro gram simultaneously both Donn cnd TnnsCInada radio networks and on the connected TV network from to pan This will be the first time that Mr Como has sung hare al hongh he sayshes often visited Canada to buy sweaters and golf Each year crippled youngster is chosen to rcprcsentcrippled children everywhere It the show He is called Timmy and this year Paul Gamble ii of Co rnnna will be1lmmy Appearing withMr Como will be such notables as Foster Hewitt Whippet Billy Watson csc Cross Canada Hit Parade dancers and singers Barry Wood Herb May our Kombnnk Chico Valle and his orchestra Alex Bar ris Jackie Rac Elaine Grand Bobby Gimbyz Austin Willis an End Blanche Lund Joan Fairfax Mary Syme Cy Mack Jean Belivcau KingGanam Tom my Common Lorraine Foreman and others from Country Hoe down Producer of the simulcast Ire Ken Dnlziel for radio and Drew Crossan for television EVERETI Ilonor Newlyweds presentation will be held in Everett Orange Hall on Friday April 12 for the newlyweds Mr and Mrs Ray McCraclrcn gt 0ut Again Glad to see James Crawford out again after his recent ill ness iltiiliiii Wanted Better Roads Heavy traffic through Everett on Sunday and we notice good ly number using the newly built township road to the highway It is to be hoped county officials will soon give us better road out of Everett connecting with the Alliston and Camp Borden nderui about thevicthc intuitSons lilo gt Bygmrider Protects Their Futurc Confederation tliit nclr tragedwaI cr ho din cuiued it with the her who yc future had he been killed So they checked insurance plan ind found certain weaknesses Rad iomanHas Jobl in ClVll Defence is FNobodys goin daughter without my perm lion which can be easily obtained none RICE Canadas imports of rice to tolled 25000 tons in the first half of Wynn increase 11 per cent over the previous year lltltlh man saw his am very CAMROSE ALTA CHEd ward Bmdfwt Camrosc Rome executive combines his hobby of ornateur radio broadcasting with an important role in Albertas civil dcfcnee network of radio harm The wyearlold native of Birtle tinis one oi more mqmloo amleur radio operators in Al beria Mr Broadfoot Joined the Army in 1940 transferred later to the British Army and heat through variety of clccsnniu pawmy YÂ¥ THE ISARm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AVRIL courses winding up and instruction on radar control unit in England ind France in law he received his license as an amateur radio operator His call letters are VEGFP in 1851 when the Alberta government es tablished network of tour operators throughout the prov ince bis transmitter 5t comic 40 miles southeast of Edmonton became control centre for the northveentnl civil defence mutual aid arci The governments reasons that during disaster in operation only means of conr and other in the 71908 delivery of gasoline aux iliary mentors to be and the event of power failures Along with 64 other mini across Canada Mr Broldioo tended cividefenoencomm cations course It Axnprlor in 1954 Civil detcnce uid atcur to offer bond ship which no other hobb match says Mr Bro dfoot price wonlrsuop new will nectary Your ing your life with their inspired styling Kitchen Becames limit in Convenience Style Andisafetyl Once workshop now room of brightness and beauty Yes heres mi acle new McClary appliances work in your kitchen easing your cooking cares keeping your food fresher witha host new features brighten miner or coomuo eonv suisucc McClary 30 Spacemastér Range cher range so luxurious so ready to respond automatically to all your cooking needsltï¬nd ace the cxtra touches of beauty the handSOmc oven handle the smooth waterfall front the bright accentsnf copg per am ï¬lmWM TALKING om tell exactly the hunt you want Frying Bolling SWITCHES You find exactly thrh at you want with the ltieClnry Talking Dial swift es No guessing no hunt or undercoo ed ads McClary Talking Dials really touch of ing talent coo NEW SENSOTIIEIIM ELEMENT Greatest advance since automatic ovens highway on the bumpy road to Dublin DIFFERENT FLORIDA Florida in Uruguay stall witha capital city of the same name is big cattlegrow area arrest11 the wuexposea today reason so many familch arc xtiii hiipy Iflcr moving two uni um um years they got WifeApprovedm ves by Nomi Americmvnn Lin Coll nr today for rims uuni are Campbell Llihltld nlcnts for North American Van Lines Moving and Stonge no nunon Ave Phone PA sssss litany who travel this part of road now think they are at dawn Iodhif change QMPoyblc in Cull WPMM Income For 20 run$10540 monih Toni Pl bin325295 gunnnlood inmuo in Iito ntreceivedmmlgclmpofley Etc nh 91m myonrfimily Iuture is determined by tho elltop plan you set up llDll To get the most out or every dollar weinviw on to make use of Confederation as long ex ience in eatis pun ning Con In For more iviflirmdtiaiu an how in the mail from your immune protection call as Manager OFFICES PostOffice Sq are norms isennett Building oniLuA youir Cordedciation mcumy inither OVEN gives you automatic heat control on your range top whcrc 80 of your cooking is doneij Never flirt cake or burnt rookie you get balanced heat in every corner oftho big 25 DoubleBoasuzr Oven And its finished in the new light grey enamel to give added bright ness Can bestripped bare for cleaning in only 12 seconds anti was suntan an exclusive feature with McClary you Models as low Ins 15450 no longer need special broilers roosters urdrip pans McClaryv gives them to you all in the one miraculous McClary ThreeinOne Oven Broil er gt Plus All These natures Clearvu Oven Door pliance Outlet Force in Enamel ll dcrpan Storage Drawer WhrmingCrimpnrtment gt onlonrsn voun Kircnsn mm colon McClary 12 cu LIIcreLs beauty to take your breath away Yos your McClary brings you the cheery brightness of newfllossom Plnlr balanced with sparkling touch es of Sunburst Copper and the shimmering white of porcelain enamel ftp efrigerat McCLAIlY AUTOMATICDEFROSI keeps your freezerchest frostfree without awing frozen foods FULuwlDTH FIiEEZlZR crinsr up to 43 pounds frozen food capacity MFA KEEPER took up to pounds off GLIDEIOYOU SIIELVES two shelves glide out smoothly on new plastic runners GIANT CRISPEII DRAWER giant 19 quart tic runners EGGS BOTTLES mung roonsr yo gito all these Bnglo thernLiracu McCLARY DEEPDOB All those itemsyou use most often are right at your fingertips special spacefor eggs butter keeper cheese keeper milk tobottlm shelves leftave tlishes drawer glidessmuotlily on plas youngaten too youll ï¬nd them all here Choose now while our wonderful selection of lovely cords is at its my pcakl wnnvnuurnfs llililli smite 370D niopStlr saoss