Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1957, p. 9

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its Everybody5 Problem Under the present tharlo Hospital Act the provision of hospital accommodation for community is the responsibility of its citizens In rBarrle this responsibility is shared by the surrounding townships which the Royal Victoria Hospital serves Although government grants are provided to assist in the construction of more hospital accommodation when needed the basic fin ancing of such accommodation must come from the people concerned There is no legislation at the moment cre ating health areas similar to the high school districts now in existence The board of trustees of the local hospital feeling that this is the logical wuylor the ratepayers or the town and the surrounding district to share the cost of expansion is working to wards this end with the assistance of inter ested municipal councils Asschools must be provided to accom modate our children so hospital beds and services must be provided to accommodate our sick This responsibility lies not only with hospital board of trustees and mun icipal councils It is the responsibility of all the people whom the hospital serves jThe general public is felt to be indifferent to the hospitals problem of supplying beds for our growing population This indifferv once may further delay building program that already must await the necessary mun icipal and provincial legislation to be fin ancedby taxation The wards of the Royal Victoria Hospital are now rarely without waiting list Un der the most favorable circumstances it will be two years before building program can be completed The health insurance that is definitely on its way will only in crease the demand for hospith service it willbe useless if there are no beds for patients Election Pot Simrnérs The two major political parties now have their candidates in the field in Simeoe North Both are new to the voting which is expected to takoplnce tederally on June 10 or 17 but both are thoroughly experienced in municlpal affairs William Campbell BSc Elmvale hardware merchant repre ents thehiberals Haber SmithQe en exmayor or Barr and lawyer has been chosen by the lrogresslve Conservatives to carry thebannerwhich is being relinquished on his own retirement alter three terms at Ottawa by Julian iH Ferguson Colllngwood insurance executiv In Slmcoe East the sitting member Wil liam Robinson Midland lawyer Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons is ex pected to be in the field again He is com pleting his third term having been first electedJn 1945 when he was Mayor of Mid land Hc wasalsorsuccessful for the Lib erals in the 1949 and 1953 voting It isex pcctcd he will be opposed again by Dr Rynard Orilliavphysician whom he delt feated by narrow margin in1953 There is likely also to bee CCF candidate in Sim coe East which is more unionized than the other two rldings or the county In DufferinSimcoe the sitting member is Hon Earl Rowe Progressive Conserva tive who has been in office continuously sincei 1925 except for several months of 1937 whenas provincial leader hisparty was dc lt feated by the Liberals headed by Mitchell Hepburn Mi Rowe will no dollle 09 in the field again although there have been rumors of his retirement Beating the Tories ln Duf ferinSimcoe with EarlRowe at the head is no small feat However theLiberals are by no means giving upand already one candidate Burns Wales Reeve or Tossorontlo Township and successful tobacco former has indicated he vlilllet his name stand when nomina tionisheldV So far as appears onthe surface the elec tion campaigns in all threefrldlngs which Premier general prosperit romeo insthe decade and he vernment will naturally it Theclaimmay not be cote to make lb the been in power Wednesdny 1m Th Wilson Building Post cc Square Barrie Ontari for 22 years witthe claim that it is too long for any one party tohoid thereins of government They will also attack certain govarnment actions with the pipelinc the budget letter writing to CBC no doubt among the targets The Liberals appearto be coniident but alert to the new leadership 01 John Dieien baker The Conservatives sense resurgence of interest but are aware theymust carry the fight to their opponents It should be brisk campaign during May and early June Milk Price Control The Ontario Government it is reported is going to lift control of milk prices will be wise to do so declares The Financial Post This business has been headache It not only in Ontario but in other provinces where the some sort of thing was attempted It was never clear why governments seem to be so concerned with milk Quality and purltyof course must be safeguarded as with any food product but these provincial milk boards have been going far beyond that They have deliberately throttied competition They have set prices without consulting the consumer they have decided who could ship milk and where and who could sell it and for how much It was time that these boards had their wingscllpped Opinions Of Others Expand Piagrk Systemi Pembroke Observer Announcement in Lands and Forests Minister Maplcdonm that small ice will be levied this year on cars entering some Ontarios provincial parks is not iikelyto meet with unqualified approval but some of the ohfeclions whichgmay be expected are not entirely va id There will be those who will say that since the parks belong to he people Ontario the owners should be able to enter them without payment of any fee They forget that maintenance of the parks costs something someone must pay for it and who is more entitled to pay than those who use the parks Thc fee the minister said will be charged only on admission to parks altering camping accommo dation and other facilities and willeliminate the fee now charged for use of campi Iaeiiities pro vided fiyihe government Payment of general fee would enable car to enter any other provin cial park and this privilege would be good or year No admission charge will be levied at parks where no services exist Discussion in the Legislature concerning the fee revealed that the governmentplans an extensive dcveiopmentef the park system with an expendi during the eurrent turcvof more than $1000900 year This is in addidongto workdpne moses whcn more than 100 parkv areas eoverlog some 40000 acres were added lothe provincial park programhwlth about $500000 spent on new facili ties and services and master plans hovelheenv pre pared loriulurc development oimaior packs On Milk Drinking Owen Sound Sun Times Someone in an effort to be sensationalsurely has come out with the statementthat milkdrinking is an hysterical fad What prompted such state ment we do not know In way itrather shakes us for all through hc years we have been led to believe that the drinking at milkwas one1 of the sobcrcst oHacl habits person couidform AND told it has to do with hysteria is quite sconcerting Indeed wetind it diflieultto swallowthe state mentthatis not the milk Can it he that the person behindsuch dcclaraiion simply doesnol like milk and is choosing slightly underhand way qt getting rid of it Personally we dont mind milk at all and we have always been taught that itwas good for adults and children alike We know it can carry germs but pasteurization and care attend to that glass QLlukewaim milk is not much of bracer but ieecold itcan prova itselilajgaod reiesber There areno doubt some conditionsef the human system in which milk mayrank as hazard as db someother good foods but we are willingto goalong with the oldfashioned idea that with obvious precautions milk is food of the first order Authorities have told us it can tains the our classes oifoodmat well supplied With vitamins calcium and pli horns paper iday THEBARRIE EXAMDIER LIMITED panelsme mum find Hana €09ng suburbia in the Ontario Legislature by day havewhat we haven FaioAiAakL 1957 it EARLY runner Igi By ROBERT FLEAR Train up child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Pro vcrhs 228 There are three places responsible for hringing the child up in Christian way of litethe home the church and the day school ThEhome sg ant place of all Before the even starts toschool he receives his first impre ions and exam ples there Le cr he will follow thcse examples set by his par ents After all as he thinks more of them than of anyoneelse he will look more to them for guidance lfthe parents do not Rememu her the Sabbath Day to keep ll holy but carry on their daily tasks on Sunday as on anyother the child will not learn to use the Sabbath Day as day oi rest and worship It the parents attend listen to orwatch on TV games ball games etc oh the Lords Daythe children are going to feel that Sunday sportis all right They cannot be expected to sit up ellrday Sun day like little old ladies and gentlemen They must be allow ed to play However they eanbe taught by word and byexample that commercialized Sunday sport iswrong Those who take part in it are earning their daily bread that way its just the same as any oneof the rest of us earry ing on his daily tasks on Siinday as on any other day we give them audi nee we as bad as they are Coinmcreializod sport is useless without spectators it clerk makes mistake and gives one too much changeat the store and the parcnt keeps that which is not rightfully his the child is being taughtdishonisty by example The same is true if we find something belonging to tions and thus make good presslon or insanyotherway pro tend to be what we rcnt orto ere train Jesus sal as thyself quarrel with speak to this one and thaton in the presencelof our child wearcgiving poorexarnpl love toward our fellow man If the parents church alien ance is hit and finissmnd hodg podge rid the children attend SundayrSchooi When they like and not when they ntlike they are going to gm churchvatt the sermon to sit inbeautitully polished peivs wez for worshi nd bookistor those among whom we live dont and findvfault with out neighbors side the school except comic books and worthless novels Lal erin lile this constitutes their entire reading mailer Thosewho read nothing except comic books gnd worthless novels thosewho redd nothing but newspapers Th se who read nothing bu the bio are all canprovidc us with goodliteraturc for all age th dren should be taught to read books within their ahi esnnd tercsts Tor informatioan read Bible stories and later Bible passages wl their ability and understanding and to choose the better novels and also good oihidden flhe child may be lowed at later date to read what he chooses but be taught to discriminate Abet good poorn nature neglect regular rcliglous read The majority of childrcn ont even bother to read their day School lesson before attendng class Before they are able to read children may ctoldor simple Bible my fairyrtaics They should be taught early in life the diiierl ence betWeen fairy tales and Bible stories between factand liclion ittlc ones can bcigghpirom cn they are old enough to talk tol say their praycrsand to under stand what they are saying 13yearold child once fWhatdo people do say their prayers on they This childs attended hureh School regularly and held offices in be So you see there is more to bringing up child in the wayt the shoulder ha ng tha attends gchu asked cries and short story The lesson should be well plan ned and prepared We should know what it is about and the main points which we want to but to just read few things from book when wegctthere is not enough Young people will be moreinterested and will learnmor read or preneh oucstions to get thoughtan dis cussion Don fallow wanderings from the sub Sometimes in Sunday School classes cspeciaily in ihc country Ind in shiail towns there is tendency to wander away to current country torguide the class filo teaph Bible lesson right way of life worship praise of and thankful dess to God not to find out what gossip he or she can about the cople oi the community or to have the distinct of hol ng an office inlhe llll Sc and 30 years there every undayfpossible and if ilis inlpossibic t6 be present he sure there lsva supply to take charge of the class The supply needs to know have time lo prepare the lewd The day school also has its inthc way he should go Tbcro he learns to live among other people If the teacher shows dis crimination between race and re iigion between children thu good and from the so goodlhomes and allows the chil dren to do so they are not ng to learn muchin the line of lo at peace and harmony with their fellow men For cxample in the TheDolls House by Katherine Mansfield the teacher apparently allowed thé children from the wealthier hom es to poke gunstyand make life miserable for the weshcrworn driving burcnucracy side gossip The teacher is there soon enough to sponsibiliiy in training tbeehild rbm ing their neigh and in living Examiner ream Article Larire New FrquuSM By Laws autumn Russiqu the last European country to emerge from feudalism and the first to return to feudis ism nder soother nameCom munl Wheablerx and Engels iuuedlhelr Communist Manilqu they concluded Workers of the world uoltei You have nothing to lose but your chain but the worken oi Russia didnot lose their chains They merely lost one group oi laskrnutcrs tor much larger and more ruthless and elli elent groups who shackled them body mind and soul to system of Slate slavery from which there Wu no escape except through firingsquad Theyexcbanged meek and bumnnluriae Tuned In indolent aristocracy for In in human dictatorship and slave in fact the workers lost everything but their chains The trade unions oi Soviet Russia estate agencies lhlt must mobilise thermnssu for supreme devotion lo the Pan Theysolvedth problem of unemployment by robbing the workers11f their Iroedom Indforelva transferred them Is and when required by the greltflvtfyezr plans in nu enterprise countries worhert are protected from private ex ploitation bylegislntion whereasnogiaw governsthe exploitation cl lhe individual bytheState in Soviet conn lrles it was against this tyr Innlc slavery that Poland and Hungary rose inrovolk VRussianborn writer George Coins in recent book entitled Communism on the Decline paints agloomy picture of life in many parts of the Soviet Union He says there are groans about Combines in agricultural areas which only work about llfteeo acres day about settlements in virgin lands where one has to travel 500 miles or pencils toothbrush or newspaper Com plaints irom cities like Svcrdlovsk Canada so why not in Canadian public schools lt is designed chiefly to glyc re igrou training to these children who receive none litrtherhorne rand rare Trevor near church or Sunday School Wouidit be fair to deprive them of this last resort toglearn the ways of God We send mlssion which havc no razorbl bring out Todo no preparation gt tour or school peas in 1954 mm Stalingrad in the same year whench are nohsyiorkl no ropes kerosene sell or when ad bout cilia which re turned 4000 min of defective shoal to the makers Retell farming districts wherepepotllm prevails imong the managers which means that there are alien filly oiliciais to 300 inrmworherr Completeiractor repairs are done by the State partial one bytdeior Traction Stations and mostly those station seem to let the tractors become deemplg 1an the State may collectlhem Fishermen on the rivers and lakes are said Who angry becanlo nation kills their duh and mo prevtbltho fish movingw Whenever anything goes wrong out sometime cusallons sabotagelnd mutations are Just aroundtho eorne Jilin Gains claims thatlthere are new 5011 mini tries inihe whole vletliny ionlhat 4924 there were ten in the capital in 1936 18 and Stlllnadellh there were Mnieakov out lbem down to 26 and claimed to ho counfiyrix million roub yeerzbul ol most lmlnediaiely they sprang up again Khrushchev in April 1954 threatened to pull bureaucracy by the roots bntdldjno could not Kit hphpevep doubt found that he con no pull up bureaucracy by the roots without uprooting Communism itself for theJam eauers the forty caden are the rirtoeracy oi lh Sovmi system They are as indispensable as the Grandjbukes the landlords and familytappolnted governors that formed the upper tclasses of the former feudalisystem In munlsmi the THE BIBLE IopAlY afiestoteach the heathen oi oiher iands why shouldnt we teach our own children We talk about the ignorance of the masses before the tune of wither Calvin Knox Wesley 414 and religious reform There is considerable ignorance of the masses today aster 35 religion is concerned with all our relig ious retortus and lrecdom oi wor ship Thus all three institutionsfithe home the church the day school khave arrcsponsib ty iabring ing up the child in the weythat hé should go but of all three the home is the most portéut illiiS book help for their greatest needs as did Pedro wh in picturesque in factnther lurid language tells Here the Sunda Sphool Jfinpotianthpnrlment Th teachers must do ra goodjob None of us can do as well as literature lesso world liv ugh thmugli sociélfsiudie and oi stu es wasvnot only also how other peoples of he in how our forefathers

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