EarmIlntploIncntsdndeuvw owner ic ll golf Houugoldifcfut mepcxfog Zinniau gt mm um flu hour ï¬alm my musIn God you 19v mm puo Ionor Inn um 31 cooLIl ran mt mun pl nu mkmfleglgi1nk¢dflz 35 FRED KNIGHT lt nine mmmrAusu AUBgEY Hanunmlor MGhnu 20 c°Pv5LFI°5 TVP hunterqu hrz1c° IHl ymum LA In ammo M3 gamma noggin 10an mg Broonm Mulls by My mnAtarll room baht mil In lobe uu SATURDAY APRIL 13 mm mf TUESDAY APRIL luvhr 13m uumun on 541 in in ctan Ill and more lumv mu In ImTme El iiiiiglléii lll 55 Elli on mm sloN KIND murmur ors Honm Vltdnlud treab with roll loot CH CKS in lo 17 onuahur PM ammom ii at Victorlai lidp ween old meuent epuduo mu AND cum we bushel CAMu mum rumor ms and rug one BARRED ROCKS Liz ll Loonrt lunacy ammo lud gaggle gunk mower flaunt63 Well in Aprii Ibo roiled iiueleru uu gt soon urnai seed gt ï¬leiemsir nlrexï¬nlem um WIN= uwmi my WI mm mm mm and ThirtynxyunI lmiceuou bo Mu call by auto byde llgh mmsnm 0F mam mm ï¬mwmus harm on ich so i057 to It all cloned Bum and In in Irony in but fem no mwm WANT Jersey cotll cpri or hut sum rot PRICE usrV Cowhull or pr marl Kurt be in or cell Would mm mm My Cocnilnlt motor lllurv lander in all wan up mum now IIVM rep in me open slre TexI 10 ii mu mg or ywhoie herd ll neeeua Apply not rri Ion II 957 to Hr IM Im linear Im 3315 Elm Inns 331 mumcor H144 Pbono PA H830 Ellflu be lfl side Deflqu haunted In In PERM 5m TIN ir Weed pnyer tor IHTrnctor Nutty In Prince iranl Brynn mllm Poll martin ID seed DH will lub rim our 3w mu II III mtg tam15 mm nunheretiwnsri 135 roam pupa ii 25 Mini i=ir Mi menu to Alan ndaio starbrirhi gullr il mil tineIL suited lleu A11 for Pat Sealedtender clearly nursed ac to l7 snmw Tudor Plow eocxrhutt gï¬llfl Va Bflï¬uï¬ 38 mm mm WM Md reed happen and rinlripa auntlull Ohowlnl wide an who rholca hr content win he melved by the clerk Murrow Tractor Pia set pm Im Iu an us Arned Inn Full si so in sin Band ven AW whim No In granitic makeu Ink aunt until oclock noon wednuday Aprtl mm mam mm are AFB mm Nu at Churchill oAofl inund Berlon mun HI i1 lol tile nip ly dl one meter der No on rubber good mu is 33 mm rm Appla Prince mm vi 10 ï¬lial nilit and lea er In Dian nueoning uaohinc mu good up um Meeky us renamrlnt hlnc vsaliselptch1tritllgmfexgnltr 123933 we maul mun lir linen all girl Wgoi HEW 01 VI exal iligherott bred Jul to Wild pee llbh 5° mm mm aa our Set at Coenhuit Dotbloom and rll delivery Buy this her tired or crawler type itan town Itllefrlvelllgliéln Texal Someuh ï¬lling eierirlngggmlmgthï¬ be MY Dellb love in produe rhip tender tom mt 33819233 or Yulseem 54m oaived mi 20 1964 Sire Lair lit all aituatlona to Tellbid peron VWllhefl DMW PI rnm Ind mun my Drag 11min will draw bnr com rim 17 Isolarmll zï¬mif Damian Phnnlb ua togy at rillI use Barrio flmgIgaï¬grllsgoflgï¬lflhggï¬ he obtained irom the road ruperintend mtgmyer minim Set AVE You 31 on 908217 oiV art can emu Knee 5m wzl compo gig Wan Rm r337 $33 an Maleh loeBand iiven Drain 156900 up walerl Trough him lm loh Work st Lo pm Lowerl or any tender but necuurlly cm wwln mm mm mu Ila Eggï¬ller Hltrfrm valved ian felon slre uneirn Teul ROOMS FOR RENT PROPERTY WANTED ncccvlrd or wl Set oi lireeehlng lllrlleu mm unl Round no no Bob nope Chow pichwick loom imh Feb 29 ope COWAN nore Collu nienalon ladder In the winter inn Lin on room Perl medium toad En rintendent Balm meg May ring Apple lozlrn ealted FURle ll two very central Still Pam Ilewflccllrliémock and Tarhle Bum um 55 I41 Hum mum mm mm mm June insz rire Bond liaven Ru one or two Phone 454 ple Maple aims nun star Lon HOUSEHDUJ mm Michel laced nnw gmlrhgwlnithemr 33 um cirr nag Apple Pie moon bred CDMFOWIABLZ himirhed bedroom Bungalow Wanted 11333 unprepared reprl ecuie Warning Twp gnu on oet 2i io omanda lieicon hion Bond ir dgslned Phone PA ml hlaehlne my lied so co rim amino oi rim and rim arch mail utui Wm hm mgnmbullt nod Kitchen Tao Kitchen cupboard tie Mo New Endfliu rt Rose Tuxl Senior usle calv mum Just winning nd clontGruI Seeder and an new 525 int out 32 mill 322 ammo mm howi hIilliI mm oï¬5ro55rtf°é££ smarts BKNGERFELII 533 Paflufflalfll WI Peuotlglzm open Phone VA Afllu Sllbl In Ill down payment ml other unai article loo num in in Toni um warm To ll Class Allls Chalmers eroun to mention MOTORS LTD mm 32 333 Wed 13 51 mum 200wrlsTAihs uniumlchcd rvmiru TERMS CASH Hump mm pm my Private ntnnce lleltrd Centrauv lo ems IPORTER FarmMachiiiery Ni nun um min Service Department ii MI ie lozim bred Maren clcd PM PA 3105 M41 Nothing to be removed unlii luttle l9 lto piiornandaic Istarbright 11 natty Arli Dr Hose cunle and s°me or PA 87 mm mammal Room or may bu dud Bernard lduiroy Clerk Jo Con 65 Collier St mm mm 3mm mg RoyL mu aeparnieiy Clonerto our rtop It is WlhwwnAhu cm Household Effects gt Autumn Wm WW 19 Elm my Hm Burton Avmllo or phone PA won The undenigned nuctloneer hu noun cur lloyal ualo Lad Isms bred Oct 23 54041 mcivod instructions lrorn uo Inlllcll clock shun 195 lo RamonaId RtEchn hionarei NICKLANGELAAN ltm cporu Humm mo rumman Housekeeping room ror Wellher mllnhle WnYkllI glrl Close to dawn In rat izxenove SliverAdele mm Con lo 700 Farm gown am gargglgg uo atrenrth tor th nu wredsusemgyuv 51in 513mb R301 tamer Ind bite or hospllnl Phone vlzsplI Townshib is vcr uprerne lz Inec mass llgm WW How Much Is Your To TH LWWING EATILI la Marold Stern lien attributing 53 5E Iz go =8 New Top or the Town New illid Boom New and sport Slln air 523 IAIuInAv 025 New nrailhu Weather Eta Pun ll go 959 I0 Band IVIEII MIPIC 213033 MILK STRAIGHT 50m OF 82 New coort Bram In uh gm iliid Tent iiag pie was gnuflzfï¬eflï¬i 5525 magma muop EAD linotune item 711PM Arurrarrut Vcllved Feb 25 luv Lenelrn mm mm Dwmown Mun HOU Worth nod hen um um lienditner so an Texal Antony mils no AY APRIL lo 701 uiiaol tha wul Walther puru Round no Kate hag Apple Tcxal uiuu warm vow mm WEDNE Klimt Nan do We Remembfl mu or soon Scorn Him rd mp 51 Ml AT SiiAltl moo coiiee Time no alodiellliv Your Bhovllm Rm Texl Highcron 16032 hred Much BUILDING TRADES mam ya THE rlnLiLome Egg gig Slggrrnefluh as ldrlphun lo Mound memo 50an lo lrnotv It valu Through yursr in yean ol experience selling rel mime CAmE no eln CW 00 In whom in ID Blur Mum imm ROGERS icela wcli qualined to glvc bred to hem by dle 1° 01 not run lor Youne Toll ealvcd Nov to 1952 sire Twin mycn ateln cow yem bred to when by Mllcil Drlvlnl 30 mlIf nub Put laid knoll iiicont lilaatcrlld wniinm walls bred Nov PARSS mm WW mm mm mu wimp Gm cu data or rale Homeln co yenI FROM To gt By Hwy By Fem slved no doom Dirat mo sport aootuaht Country am 1736 lug Apple Senation we 3i£m Zimsï¬itntta pronto Billiiiir lililViiIhcliii lil murmur Mn Dean and the lrtc ll the late Mlle Thoms Ind dul 195uc Lonclm Texl covonioclr milke Mil hum In in tatIv bred aHolsteln liellcra year old antnrio The rnrrriage took pllcc in Bud oi EllTie interment It 29 now liond llnven ling Apple WMD numb mm BM mm mmqu Male ENJOY WEEKEND CVRUSES ONV IAN Mahatma Millie 1231343 eT pHoNE p5 53331 mnflmgnglsnmngigcggane outrip Belglun Horde Assoclntlnn Armstrong who parsed rwy Apfll 21 Trixie ï¬nal Voyageur mum sngué gEVEï¬cgEENS bnnd new will Seed Drill disc To nu by Public Auction on bu bred to lreahen by data ol sale llol unulnnv MA 11 an id lielily view nrA Noble Ormsby mm 9m manna aillli and needed knowledgeto treah call root iioist Cow For an lnlormlltlon on the or scrvlce or to Man rsllm oaived July not Sire lien BUlldlng Contracts price properties lor qulcir rain in yo mm mg root flnlndn cow 45 hf Vy Marlin All smuil iohp given special nttepllon not been hre lodny Ind mlnk lo hred to neshon May Fat Stem Dean of Blnle wos mlrrlcd to my manner or Gladys him walker lzwszs oaivcd Sept iii liiso Slre 77 NELSON STREET ceiling REALTORS expert serv Cnmhlne IL complete with screen Ncerllihllrg United Church llizv Ganonoouc Cemctgry anle mtm calved march 19 culvert June 56 Site Houekhalmd mh mm sleln rlelrer your will euii at 1ng MAMTOULIN LAND oo Nun nealiunu no upon in mule nos star crush EhnI 7W called my mu Sire aieu COHSlIUCllOll loot Homeln Heller ycan flesh 33l 146 185 avelyn ling Apple Sllvlrr lmoll bred lodly mnriret New Indaid litmus yeln rein calr at root Huntelrl Wu mud mam nATrlltzltusAu on liiarch 1957 TIIGSMSJAner slimt Illness in uait Texai somemi 1191 mm Bessie IMPLEMENTS hllscELLANizous Arthur lohh Battier Ion or Mr and or walkerville Mary Elizabeth Mrs Lonulm Texl Govlznlock llmnz Dlnl notMM nul In Pro clover mlll Indplckup good 15 new Reubel omclaied Sire homt Haven Maple 218038 bred ==== 11 mm no All Chrlmcra Tractor cultivr AnhlsnloNqln loving memory at hurlre21llll DnmDalsy hood linven RDER tor hydraulic good ncw Auu pron lldrre Auction Spnnsorcd by Gen husblnu and lather Chlrles TIME 00 Char 202 To can 32 and Ill ll Anplu NONE IIME SflCElflml Nil ulna BeulllldE call 001 Holstein CDW yun is to bolllzlm Tcxpl Somunet Custom Ind NRA iiomaa to buy areV becomlnk more plentilut Bu rtalng yells eligible tor reply iii orie crroi neon daughter or ilild Thoms beloved wire oi nag Apple senlollcn 959175 Open Free Estimates and Advice WigwndThfhecTESéleflggcdpnggm rggrgl$dlbrsiolesltlrl Ethiilflï¬tï¬iz 02 DUNLO lAg 82772 Mn George hattior or strntlord ii Van Wuoncrrol Gait and Bessie liar Apple Sensation 959718 the PA 895 My sold mu hl commlulon An Chum 1° aycm 1N ma Pom mman PLANTS FLOWERS gnuftmgflrmlvp eonndentiai and per my ï¬llï¬tmecmmml notm 5051 TllE k5 liQRlSLE tram $2200 AppieM mloï¬llsl es Rogers ChllmcrnPawer Mower MI cul Apr 101951 l2 noon aharp Fair ma vcd Mnrch Jo iiiss Sire Lflloc no REALTOR Mu chulmen Sldc nollvcry lec Deep in the heart lies picture ho Voyu our 117061 bred good as new Land holler ldrum finllilliilodflridfltlradoc iuflllnfaclyggl or loved oncloid to rest was to llatgként lierlpotion Savzcmlxl ROSE BUSH srlIzllLlNG Tituer BLDG hAlilul It sets oi Dru lirrowr draw bar dnle Percheron Stulllons Mnrea Ccid in memoryi lrme we illll Reel 2158341 AND GARDEN NEEDS 3535 complete Inlemnuonhl Truetor Man Ingli good mntched teanu lame ahow liceuse he was one or the best Locuslhnven ring Apple Cora urn spreader on rubber new Silt gt ros eats low onler harnecr and zver remembered by wire Ind 5559 Md 5L HOUSE WIT acmu or man 10L rooth Cultivator SIIDty intro to augmentponen rvduuhla or neuron only it Spilnz Farm coho lop Bred 53 FENDLEYS FLOWERS onzrpecnlltmhcgnvate Annular am It glglnliglcrrllm hepan hnoo new storm sash Built in Cupboards For Catalogue writo Vlckyvoud hit to Locurltioven Sovereign Royll Mn ST pA 35975 capacity Humprennin good Aurora Ontario 4i UAINESIn loving memory of Ethel 24 Bï¬nmulbm Itena twill 1mm gt1 213950 repair Chore Boy Milking Machine 61mins scd rwn ril WANnil Bungalow st Cabinet Mak Fa haturday April Auction rule or ma mum 5°VN3 CM 1303 an II series 000 lbs gt 0105 In We cult ch lclly But Sow slndcr iivls lor now and used tam equipment can Pnncelully Iceplllg rcsllng at last Aim ggsélfh 18 1956 to sovereign pet in ms letter Good down pay oeParrng Binder Car Billing216 sitting or Colnlflne hamaim hindrm The worlds worry troubles and trials no Realptcmd Cow bred not 17 CERTIFIED men Price must be Hrht AEPUEW brand new mower Whus Gr 21 energy plglrgs lfllgfllcrtinnwlecrcji if will it in it 5mm mm RGS berry Canes um minim H344 ll cum mm FREE ESTIMATES no obligation drills cullivators ei for luwn Bros Hï¬flaneflborec SSEP 132313 Sire Lottoint Jail tg Egggllï¬ llllrlliEAosIhsfl 109 no 27mg 532 owilgrnhlieuh$ Till Godrgallcd her home to surfer no 21 mfflcgm pm my 29 Gooseberry whoa illncit Current PERSONAL flyv°$ gllgfl Cfuf dill 91 an order of atom sash travel gt m0 Grad cow old ll Arm machlnury buslnm Term you each sale at lz noon charp Jerry ma mvnmm WW 50 30 ror descrlpllvc folder and prices aleei Plpln Snow ram For II arm DR RAlsA zult our cooour HAROLD GRAHAM GAINBSlll loving mundry or done mm to Tue on ru Auction ala or in Grade cs numerous to mention Furrin god Implements my arm Wh Pm Apr lien 22 hm ward mmeuow DENTIST Poumlv LI 4444 nnd some household elleeu or Fred 5°I ii Crude ileuer EDENVALE GARDENS HOUSEHOLD Fultï¬ï¬‚llftné Cook 239 qudford Ft la month old Knight ot Let all Con rioc TownI 9° em 50 swim ored htareh il PHONE MINZSING ntovc Dining Room Trhl Chest or ship lulled north wertol the village flow in Miami 214152 M°s urawurs with mirror Siliconrd Wuh Holler osmkhclspsllnn quarry as gut is 3130535 533123 oggvint 33 orloi our $323 $5 Denial owe Ignitinggin glnrï¬prélzlélnnehnni rth mEI Em 34Hlll mumOI Cash Jerry Coughlln Auctlgnetir Wu ailmeet her come bright morning monlhsalnnnu mm Sm Steel nooilng used Horst cutter 54 MARY STBABRIE lieutcr Coleman Gus irc mum hosting by Wales air have Immuanm cam Benlly hloroe water Bowl Set Team mum mm She Is waanlor our comlng Wm 10 hm produce an Hurtear nurly now Electrlc renc TERMS ms straightszihsrrllshzsf tight Entrants lmié°friruVL53 tatï¬lmmargariébï¬rsrrfli mm 59 239 01 III lindlltlySgiitglntï¬Lwlcindligï¬hglguï¬ ndï¬Â¥ eimmd by 0KSH SWNE Pï¬gï¬hlï¬w ilwltBrllrilwélguclilowyeaumltyUgo culvai TAxL Dlnl llssss slA WWI hcmfllmd uni settled BMW Isw Lion you st Cnitlo nohorners rila Collier St rGuod nurture drivers mI axe Tums cult No reserved rarm NAMEA Wm mm Ki PIS weak ill Bloo ft Dr ilo wllh 10414 In LA Sen and Del Cole Clerks will he sold spie iprn oharn in mm ï¬gnatcalumz lcflsmd Saw 56K will he bred by Wg mi ï¬mwmï¬ Jerry Couchiin Auctioneer phonc PA ierry Coughiin Auéuoncer 3134374 LAND It Registered Sww 32K bred Jan ï¬gocyliarriwlmd Qunnllt used Lum Willi SUIlllm the ngony or Rheumath Nils 41 Lost to lire but not to m€mary 5° Inked an 17 Mrlyuumm pm ppm Puln Sciatica Lumhago when nuMA Thu April ll Clearing Auction 3mum mm ma Phs EnrlyIrciiy or inan Mllk siminem and other CAPS will help you to welcome mllcl Sale or arm stock implements iurnl kel Pigs iii weeks old Vc Ask ymu program gt 3041 tzuméullï¬propemuinï¬fBmwnrsï¬vg n31Avv°gmsmy so who tantrarimfmhhdssh mm mm ngwoodI owns on mill On MK ha SUP he agony cum Strect live mlles weri plpCollingwood Township of Innis rob 15 Thcse chickens are mum Em Shï¬fï¬ï¬ï¬fï¬hpi ruin solution Lumbngo when RUAL VANCOUVER Largest cargu Slx months cmdltNa reserve aourge and If not suldhetorc sale date they 5hm hug mshu Hm ACAPS willIhelp you to welcome rc vcssel ever to enteLVancouver Dun Mellon 41 ï¬Afm iry oval cook stove Number or San EI ASK your Druflflst 50Nrll harbor tllt 2500lMon Magwa Frldl April lz Auction sole or RM ETC APmelmnkly =4 Buck llesllnd hailing Part Wat1 000 all on FannSttmk implements llny Gram 315 00 0am Aoproxlm Mfg Chum We Mm ORIGINAL Spring Bonnets or your 1030 133 barrels Oi may and bushels lecd choice Visit the Muiincry nepon her latest visit Drawing 32 ltt°=22ï¬Ã©rr FOR GRAVEL men can in if €333 €ï¬t5$ï¬lé¥ with men or Jam carm our or St hadto sum rhip one mile wit andoiie mile oouih 37mg 5°C Qulnmy oi Clover Seed leleiltls CASH NO RESERVE 5I5 ti hg zdr or ivy Village Terms llsh No le scaled tenders clearly marked as emmagcg Sacks Quantity or gr Cm hm 01¢ sightz it pm uwen am is serve IISJBIIII Is sold Sale at pm luchrwul be receivedJ the under MPLEMM heddiclr and Carrol Clnllls II sharp Jerry Coughli Aucllugeï¬ï¬ yallrehï¬ ligailntllnoon Wednoc stMaximlites 5th gonzo gig Cough lilliiiiken5 Out on pool mucaflsgnwï¬mflggd Them are 1214084 Canadian llyrulcpurn on nu ruse enrol 5mm Am cm 9mm ï¬nd dsllvcflnz on We magi willl 3535 Tr mm at mm by Smwhm WA hmea children enrolled in then Junior good uod iornitnre lutlln Plano hours Ken and Clarke Prentice Auction Ah or married airea Fflgldufw and mlyhumbl remitl unrioxhnntcty amuIeu ydsi more Hunls combine No on rt eerr lilnrlrhom ant phone no layuIlScrllc ulililn lliocereey Simon Red Cross They are organized mmu ï¬lm Garmh cmde 512532 3352129333 2fl2 newwpl°fg° Emigylgzglc nearly illiiliren ont phonoAxrnlnoter 25931 aor 7i lekenp Port ulnec Winn in 37 954 era5500 Branches gaming iirti 9qu tmegmgm gags micro con no more qn can imcnts en 33mm A°°°V 57 Ayerage haul Ilipmlmltely 2i raptr Cue uolléi gdrY gin 315° sundry April X1 importont auction miles Work to in completed by with plpos anddistributor pl cute or MH combine Ml Case Fonge June 15th farunlundln rubber tiled lEolr Harvester Wlul motor hlflWeh unlording lutumllli ï¬lm or For cmshln and delivering on wag ck Manila lileCormleir raeiu Ford Tractor ul merit rout Invwhm in Townshlu th cuith orcwkshuttrTrscto rï¬eï¬ulaikeg prvxtmulcly 309 row McConrllgfAgef$g 1333s mr lrtercd Holstein Cattle Automptio vol H000 you to pan rouz rillrow lord Ferguson 11 elpeiric BulkvMflk Cooic new itog mmmi MM ydx in PISS bottomst mm fgrFl Infl lsleied Yorlrahlre Brood ow Ha through screm Ind tqcnntm Cultivator complete wit Elm etc groin lurniturc cte Lin than 50 sllid prox mw Cmmm ihielns for Coma King Township on Sehomherg to be de vered mm am mm IeleVvDLscv Aurora lliahwoy2nd lune wuutmtxrd Hlmw Slush Scrape rp Fmm concession on North ciao Property tor Dumpah mm grdtrnm or Ayfl Wood snout 1130 rn AA muknuhem JDI MSW Ham SIB Den an holler arm curN Drflawrï¬mfsald him 354 remnumwierRkpam Ken and Clcrko Prentice Auctlooecrt mm mm mprdea er on steel am All work to ho antlaiaeuon acetlon ilorrows ï¬thndgw Elé Monday April lo Au uansala or or no superln ndellt and rurther Manure Lender with snow llofeel ram stock Implements gnu toe partt gaunty hemmed flom him tnehment or Ford The condition of your estuw should $3ï¬0m1° ï¬gnpgmgsgg Tendererr ore lao tedtoouote 33 ring ggmyxcrnlgrlll WEWQ concern youas mucltlasyour pars anal Impulse ratio Tcrmlchh solo ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬r eglInwg Lï¬fg and power 1m °li Hateflslï¬l health Estate Administra ionls The smarfest uminuni Awning Made hll Amllm 53 aim OWAN dEEMNEi Harris Groin mill with im Drtaut undertakm 7not so et Iv 333 we itbaa snnemgendrnt flï¬ï¬ugflggamgmrwofa hsoune hitch hmdiedby mpeunfam mt Will Enhance Your Home Appear me til IS IRENN with hare gt ioroer lle ralnretrton tunit cine 555 lltféiololglfluilllï¬ï¬ï¬ Wm all management Prqrecf your Furnishings fromtho Sun sBurrt éorgmlth twi me new Benvy rm Tractor mixer At Sterlln Trusts we haveexpenellcéd Coug tblpronemll llrltllrthlighnÂ¥ll1fgagamm MHI EstgteO cersThey Will advme andI Vng mwy 50 Fix Onllrln minimum 3113 attachment model Ipnfjh 35 Vassist youinthe planning ofIyour vv Lower room temperatures or more 135 ï¬gmgoflghï¬gf°fxgcallgggr do have fvlop whether to ticupihmeéflcminsrw nutty Elcc eatage Canopus yï¬me gt 39 ï¬mggicgieï¬gflgz ighérgnaï¬iigrï¬nï¬ 25 orivï¬befor aurf booklet Coll PA 84314er Free rumor anhwllh up not tarp omitwoolen humy aluminum0w introundmuk gmï¬ï¬wï¬ykï¬lgï¬a gums gart blueprlnlforYourFumIIV gt Buyon Budget Terms min rllVlo nitIla to heroihaiie voted against lr 715m re salon Min253w patio1mg trod ottoh vrniffpï¬sg°gm new Or under afHom Improve ent Loon mm loi Aluminium1 am 5m 33 Jléers cogiv 8dAllzvAuldn Pr hmnil lmileall ol lelttlc dumfi mï¬ efï¬gy Cnrtaset Gill lox