Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1957, p. 6

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HELP WANTED HELP WANTED BOOKKEEPER oEFICEHELP handla complete set or boon luumdallb howlago on who Wuhan and In It Pd bootlluolng eompltlc chute or payrou or Apply box Barno LUMBER BUSINmS ln ALLISION Apply Boxr DarrIa Cssmlnsr 14 Halrdresser uPanchzVD IN mum study Passion In II flmmwilun let Isols toulalronsysI polotnauau elven 20 would 54 wock RUBYS BEAUTY SALON DUNLOP 51 EAST RARE1sI Branch Manager FOR CENTRAL ONTARIO FOR PROGRESSlVE CANADIAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ms permanent solarrod posltlon wlth an assuml luture Llla Insurance ulu experience csscnllal hut super vlwry expatlance not necessary Branch oulca located In Potcrborough Reply In confidence glIng ago quallllcatlons and rolcrcnees lo oox IIAthC EXAMINER l4l45 Experienced SecretaryStenographer WANTED BY LOCAL FIRM Day40 lIour Wesh Group lluapltollrauoo run weeks vutltlonullh pay Coos salary Apply In own handlvrlung glvlhg ago detalla olcduutlou and expcncnvo spprosloaste salary ospcmcd names or Ihrer NGNIIVCSI to THE OFFICE MANAGER PO BOX 310 BARRIE POST OFFICE TYPIST RECEPTIONIST AGE 1725 ProIcIably slngls SALESMAN MENS WEAR C1 SPORTING GOODS Bxpcrlcnce preferred butllal essenllal APPLY Harry Twiss Mens Wear Phone PA 03435 1394 TYPIST Srenographer FEMALE Must be well quallncd gosltlon week penonullty Typlnl essenlII Nest appearance and pleasant Some shorthand experience preferred MM WE OPPBII COOD STARTING SALARY PHONE PA 66551 FOR APPOINTMENT Excellent wartdng condluoul Cood startlog sslary snd regular mcrIt Inorcarés All omploycc bcnahta lllta apply REGISTERED NURSE New chulrcd for general duty at Company ospltal ln Tcmlakamlng Quebec At notlvo salary schedule In ellect One months annual pald vocatlon lelng accouunodatlon avallhblc In uuraca resldencc Pleasant communlty llIc wlth Varlety ol wlntcr and summer rocreatIonaI actlvltles Gnnd bus and rall connco dons Io all manr polnts Apply In Ilng slatlng qua so am SHOPS LTD OPEde IN BARRIE IVADRIVER SALESMAN STORE MANAGER FOR TRAINING IMNEDIATELV Household Finance 28 DUNLOP ST 14141 Suporlntondcnt Tclnlsltamlng Hospltal Canadlan lntcrhaUahal Paper Co Temlshamlng Quebec Tao42 Sales cxperlcnce necessary also some blgh school cdorouon WAGES PLUS COMMISSION Group plan Insurance avallablc We are Iccltlng an Intelllgcnt woman betwccn 2515 who would use to enjoy mu tuna csrcer In leadlng chaln ot llno spcolslty shops spcclauzlng to womens apparel and sofossorlcs Ex pcrlonco Is necessary Enthuslasm wIIIlngaoss to learn and lashlan con sclousnes are casentlsl TralnIng prlr gram to take plocc In Toronto WRITE To MR5 PATON VII ISABELLA sT TORONTO ONT APPLY NORRIS DAIRY 96 Collier so Barrie 14042 SAVLESMEN For PeTmanent Stat Applicants IIE Elven on the lab tralll In and supervlslon by our tralncd personnel and then asslgncd to terrl torlas that In past years have provlded Incomes In the executlve brackets replles wlll be conlldcntlal 11143 THE ALSCO ALUMIVNUM PRODUCTS fitfififixPflfifl YOU WILL SELL 14 ACCEPTED AS ELDERLY Woman to hclP wlth hour CANADIAN HOME MUST work leo In Phone Vulrgl Earllo l4I and advortlscd Iran the loodlng publt llcstlons Irom coast to coast GIRL to look after smalllchllgreh mu Taluslhe wllllillg 2th capable to fiTlingwgfirywgfcctgyeApgiy line rec supervaon rom mom fawkflgwg mt you 15 BIrrleExololner I41 ave now se our modern BousERzEPEn or modern home method In Prescnllhg our prolific Help mother wlth small chlldrcn Good 3A your zIIswlnera Call Mr Joneh homs and wages LIvc In Apply Box $531 10 up to PmJ or us or phono 295 stayncr 141tl appolntmcnt HOUEEKEEPER to also clupr In ALSCOJBARRIE limgzherles hormxllinonrge by Aprlua NORTHERN ONT SALES Ilbsrrl on ltm AVON movers have openlngs In CO Burns and vlclnlty Tar pleasant cap sols lsdlcs who nova at least sour 90 COLLIER ST 14042 lee mllpartlculars Ol collcc all hours day to spare Exozllcnt com mlsslo wrlte Mlaa owers Apr 300 Isl WI onAvc Toronto 14041 boofillheror Copy pm cc daypregedloilslu DEADLINE Ban MONDA sATURoAv ma non ADLETs MAY BE TELEPE NED To PA our 4c each Ivorilmmuhum 80C Followng etinseculivelh ertloilg 31 word mlhllnlimmc CASH RATE 3C Mord minimum 60 Followlng Consecutlve insertions wotdloillilnuul 40c rV MUMEEPAIDWITR Ito Box Numbllrétll replles directed 100Daolllco $50 extra COMING EVENTS LOCALS AucIION SALES 4cwordrlllllllmum5m Following consecutlvainsgrtllmsoc word anj IInuln 75c NimoRmM CARD 0P TRANKSNINAPPRECIATION word InluVlanIIIm 00 ENGAGWMINWCEs Mum Ezmmzdfimanw tlfiulefiflloflfl rs ml so stlcr the out In nl ll classlotasmsy um HIV ltylloe lor DadaYr In um trance mulnd WILL TAKE HOUSEKEBFER whlle mother works ply ZWANdplor st ApPly FA McCrady Barrlc IMP ID 0001 Milan MIA Fulllg lll 6nmmmmfi Mommaloam ru WBION tuln NH csrrlagt toad soodnloo Phon PA um HI 12 VOLT flednlwme CALRidlfl huh mar ad Phone PA Iva H1 and mocuuu 2x50 wlth case Runnable Pnom PA um Ttodl LAKE uanuty or well rolttd loamIn closo atoq Barrtc Phone PA 161341 mIABu llelntalnan llano uprllhl miln flnllh extelltnl lane Poona Ivy GKNDRON carTue my my be Inado Into an In good condltlon Phone PA Mal HELP WANTED KXIBKIENCED Womsn to glvs day care to and chllomn 95 Monday Io Prldsy Apply mcoller st I4I MAN WANTED lar flawlelfl bllflfl Sell to l500 Iamlllea erla lllwlrllh Dcpl DmoA Man II Quchu 1l fiNTSD Motherly Person to cm ror young chIIdron In lhslr awn homc tor one woclg In lllny Phon PA omr IallII FEMALE Sale or part Clerk lull llme Apply Stephensons Iowcllcra Dunlap st l4I7tl EXPERIENCD to opor to barn paInt Ipnyar Iull umc Apfly Slnclalr Ilm ChurchIII IMHI Dperllor EXPERIENCED DIeIaphona or part tlmo work to puI way woell Salary 20 par wetk Apply Box lIarrlc Examlncr Iul WOMAN to keep houso lol adults and ho companton to psnlsl In valld No washlng no slslrs May weak Plume PA asoos altos 51m mr In cxcluslva RBI1an Young woman port Imd employment Vahop Experlence not Recessw Must be able to moot lop West EXPERIENCED Cook and Wallresa wahlod capable or helnl ln chnrlcol shut Must supply rcIorencea App In panon to Mr Iaclt st Clalr Laks vlcw Puta MllkDIlry Rar IHI CAPABLE GIRL or young woman an parlancod In general housework plalp cooltlng laundry or adult couplo LIvo In Good home Excellent wagcs 1ch Apply to Mr Llln 14 llllh Slrucl Phone PA BMJI even ngs IAW EXPERIENCED lcmala bookkeeper wanted capable of hundllnz complete 53 ot hooks Excellent opportunlty rIghtIIerson Apply In wrltIng to Kolmer Canada Elvin full partlcu People APPly 25 Dunc 14042 lar as to ago uducullon expcrlonce roIeIcnces ctc ldHa LRADINC Amcrlun Company requlna women to lnlrodoca lhelr nstloaslly odvanlscd casmellca wuhout provlous oxpcrlencs you wlll earn at leutsflls pct hour wlth our unlquc demonstra or plan No stock to buy no dcllvon lng no collectlng or moncy and you choose your own worklog nouns ror complcla Inronnatlon erIs Dept 109 Psasy NowtonV Canada LImItcd Dun dos Ont lIl POSITIONS WANTED enlillfillflNCEDt KEislnlor wants urns ng so ll ultIn Pllono PA Man chlld or Phone PA Hull 351 Compsnlon dellm posltlon wIth lnvalld or Iemllnvalldf Iloxl7 Lolroy 23941 REsPoNleLE womsn wlshes to loo alter small children In her owo ham by the week AP 24042 WANTED Trout Fishing Stream or Lake requlred BY PRIVATE PARTY PHONE COLLECT TORONTO BELMONT 31629 OR WRITE BOX BARRIE EXAMINER HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS IV BATIERTES Phone PA 66331 or PA 66487 gall INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlap SL est Pencil Pbone PA 68331 or PA 87204 339 Barrie Metalle Salvgge SCRAP IRON METALS FURS RIDES RAGS BATTERIES PEATHERS LIVE POULTRY our truck will all Price paldl Smell Emu pal dollvend aha gang or MAXEQMltEF word and Orllcc 204 Tunn st 515 chCLE Must be In good condltlon Exllmlncr 14042 ELM LOGS wanted to buy Illa Can trasts Ior outtlng and shaming Box Ill Han1c Examlnar slltl TENT approxlrnntelyywlth flour and lnaect net wontld In coll CondI tIon Apply Box In borne Exsmlosr Hit PAINTINGS Wanted IIconI llie Group or save Thompson Llamas Hrrls etc by prlvsla chucctor mu pay nIghsstprIcca Apply Barrle Exomlner 34144 IV0T ANprouND LOBTLadyt lllllle Plums PA 17 LossPountsln Peh maroon Parker board for We lso sell pl es beams chlnnras and lrclhtorclni or has PIvr Rolnglron Tuesday Ba ardluPhVone QfIJAI WOULD PERRON hotools black coat must at In pIaasa pITanoPAVgzm LosTslnglc strand ltured our PasIth clnlty Cantor Ra so Ill nlled Clallrch 58 all No lek plsstlo GRASS SEED VPEVAT mans dunno Toou Pom LAWN Bowm Dow BAIBx yWN VCLoomV FENDLEY FLOWERS am PA um 1350 Illllel norlb hints on lushu OD alu Past disAplo runN zumu Ir Iqu RUBBER STAMPS MADErTOOEDFR WEAYMOUTHSV BOOKSTORE 30 DUNK Wm BARF APPLES APPLES MicINroslx NORTHERN SPY TOLMAN SWEET AND KING AII pncs room In 00 humel ll SIM built 25 can dellvery unng your own CantIner PETCIl I09 SUNNIDALE ROAD PA 84729 AFTER pm gt1J4I JONES USED FURNITURE SELECTIQN OF GOOD USEFUL llOUSfiIOLI FURNISHINGS French Pravlnclll bedroom tulle com blnatlon walnut chcst ol drawer and cedar chest large alu buby crlha chests ol drawers woshlng muchlnas bevelll rlnlctlos 414E and anal chrome ounntlly can plcca maple kitchen Del wnlnut bddloanl sultc excellent droplcal tables hIlchcn tables cnamol tops Acme coal luld all novel and many olhur Items WE HAVE LARGE SELECTION OF USEFUR ARTICLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 66261 NEW OVERNMENT approved Llle Jackets ndncw Paddlc Prlccd rsason ahla Phone PA 32022 741 PREmCII UNIT Kclvlnstar compres sor blower controls ctc Wlll honolc moo cu It Phone PA BZIBO 741 GENERAL ELECTRIC Mournol heavy duty stove kltchencupbourda Beatty reuuro syatem and tank Phone PA 34m 74I RICYOLER Boys and GIrls thyclos In good shops Reasonable Phonc PA as lafler slx an ll day satur days 11343 TELEVISION alumlnlscd ploturr tube hm completely rocondltlonrd Real barghln $15 Phona Camp Ilm den 25 74044 lSPl CAMPING Trallcr Reasonable or cash Apply 105 sophla st weal evenlngs onlyd 74Ml REMINGTON dulolthors ono dollltl down tourdouars per month All orders acooptod Phone PA mas 14050 osGALLON PIsh Tank complele Tals Is nice show or brosdlog tan Also reasonable Phone PA 02022 141 MANS BICYCLE wlth zeal land HEM good condltly Treadlc scwlng Mach Inc In good runnlng order 44 Grove st West Rarrlc Phone PA 34329 AMANA Proms Chest model 10 cu It In excellent condItIan 350 lbs copoclty Owner hclng posted Must sell Boxgala Phone Camp bordsn 379w 74042 TYPBWILITBRS ornca mscbInos pom sbles addlng msohlnos cash raglstars sales and scrvlco II Cosne I7 PIancos st BanIo phona PA gals Box 253 SmItu corons raprcscnuuvo 740mg CLIFF BA BROWN REALTOR El 111611813 BARR PEONEANYTIME PA 322678 WHY PAY RENT We have good solectlon or NIIA financed hamuwltla down payments aslow as $190500 Monthlyrcarrylnz charges loss than relII for agood room apartment fig wslt any longer call now PA GENERAL STOB samooo meat or wlu trade tar sultsbla prop any Snack happen be operated durIng the summer months as locatloo Joclmsrtourlstcsntrefl roomvupurt mcnt above storo wlth sII convcnlsacos Prlce Includlnz equlplncnt only $10000 BDIND 505 LOUNT ST Lovely room 114 storey brlck home on dulet straot Largo garage wltll paved drlyo Many many vexuIs only years ol Boautltully pm4ondltloa II througbout wlth no rclulraordccoo sung rcqulrsd Onlstlam 90 WELLINGTON Sr was Eedrooan storey homo close to Publlu and Illgh Schools uddowntowu wlthln walkingdlstanc For those wholllso centrll localloll fills la the home for lamngflcta $15000 wlth terms BD 6100090 DOWN 1105141 stowyjtocco home Is located north or some on No 27 lllghwoy neurPhelpiton road Thla hadroom home Is completeV wlll house 250 hon hsaa largo Io Punonus la only 50000 and th owner wIII talro not mortgago st only 43 wlth monthlypaymcnm less than rent VBD No aos mow DOWN mlls south o1 Burns 11 Ill way on Illa Tol Full prlca only sa space overhead LOTS LOTS 511m IS II gauoh tanks Flltem Prlccd 7L4IHI wn Pay FOR Fourthv DAILY no sm to pm II Colle mm DARRIE RZDROOM le BUNKIALOW lNRA RESALEgIQRTGAGI In no Living In you on prinfllpulnd tans Jun you old Lula Hullsl dlnlog and uvlnd room East and cloaon Ito school Pully dmntofl dorms and mmIMDLdIPhllilo sols aroma no as eggurn doom can My ord nonlnu phooo PA MollI TOP RSIDLNTIAL Izecutlvo booso slx room omgbuutyu custom bullt only tour you old no llncr lwauou Open on Inc Two mmauon rooms nu aIr condi Hoted Thu on Innth up kl lhl who the dlIIorenco be soon by ap Ca Jerry alnn 50M Bvso logs PA DEDIIooM BUNGALOVI ONLY 39m In very cholce locatlon Eut sod cldxo to school Spouul II throash Only 11 years old One at the very low wlth muflllll Toma arrbled Cull Dan Connell Evenlnga PA or CENTRAL IDCATION llfiSTOllEYZ IlATlIIlooMs Lover and home almost no Ground floor hal ll llltchc dlnlnl room IIVIHI Mm mom and bathroom III bedroom and +Plttfl bathroom upmlra lflh dry replant Diced Ill Dll hontlnl 03 Is ths lull prlco Ill7 mun Page and terms Call ban Con ncll Cvcnlngs phons lA Mm UNDERPRICED Brand new Brick Bunlalow on extra largo lot Excellent locatlon lhrco nlcc bedrooms lull car lllc lllc both hIllh clenr bud mcut laundry trays oll ha Bulldcr Ono ol the Res Carlloo or Ian than 00 per monlh on money savnlefi snort age callJerry Qutnn IA 3552 Evcnlnza PA 02096 QUALITY INVEsrllENr lmprcsrlvo Brlck Apartmcnl In very altractlvc downtown loca tIon Three large mIIy Ml contalncd Apsruocnts on nlcc lota car gar aclous Apartmch or owner pus two lovely sultos tor In commt Down Payment $500000A sound Investment by sppolntmcnt only Call yony Qulno st PA Moat Evcnlngs PA amo DUPLERmEUIKE 51 we have good brlch duplcxcd homes Ior sale both In lovely llr cottons wlth largo tronlages and separate entrances tally sclt oontsIaod Income about slso pel month Contact Dan Conncll Evonlhgs phone PA Mm ANGUS35W New stocoo bungalow close to new school Largo IIvlng roam kltchcn utIIIty room and blg bedroom Hardwood noun Mod cm bathroom and every nonvonlc cncn llullders homo sacrlnclng Vsot can noon down wlll bundle Cau either Psrcy Pom or Dao Cannon NOW IS THE TIME to get your lot We hove 41mm all over town from $550 up FARMS FOR SALE Call Percy FordPA 05934 Evenlngs PA M537 loo ACRE TOBACCO FARM wlth In room Concrete house Is lorel marhctlng board rlghts VI llIllls and mschInery wells and pond Pull prloc 325000410000 down Ealancc aha7 loo ACRES close to hlghway wlln lo room brlck house and steal bun190 acres worhlng mu Pllco $9000 Hal cash 2W ACRES 0N HIGHWAY 100 acres gvorklmz 60 acres mlxed bush alhnoc pasture Ialr hullds lnzr Full prlc $ll700 wlth terms APPER IIOURS CALL Percy FordPALM Dsn CannonPART Icrry QVuInnPA llgagd Rh SLESSOR REALTOR MEMBER BARRIE REAL ESTATE BOARD 15 1JACOUTVTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Bind MEMEEns PARRIE DISTRICT REAL mTATE BOARD COOPERATIVE LIsTmCs INVITED EXECUTIVE HOME large rooms rug brtolt bungalow fully equlpped all heufllly firpolace ulumlnum storms and scream Lat 60 lav Orghardnrlvc mortgage lnguldeg InvlteVd Call Marsha WORSLEY STREET brunm hull brle dwelllugyloIgb llV groom wlth flml French doors hatweenrllvlnflrlndrdlnlntmn EuIIt ln ltltchenIInes largobedrooms wlth smploclosots Porcsd alr on human Thu houseV lsln condllloa Garage scarypl Ichced all Mr Marshall $9800 DUCKWORTH Tyrnam annoy and hllEVhollle mllv Earlload ajlomln stormlead cream on orcd saraaca LUIW saw money on PENETANGSLST VINCENT AREA Modem bungalow Ideblfor slI am Iarga ltvlng room wlth Aroplace dlIIIIng aros two bcdrooms Oll IIIed all mortgage Csu Mr heatlng lahhll sodoopucxwoom ST 7mth storey and hallV hams tally servlcetl nlumlnuln storm and screens on fired furnac 10th 150 TM la good buy more floor area lorlasl money 311794 Mcmbsrs Esmaplstrlct Res Board Coopsratlva lldunlll It you are Inlcrcstca ln Tom Call calms Income monthly panic meters Thls Is good buyrylllnlg door or or lea SIOUTTVi WEST END Grocery more well baud with and tumour and soon um accom dluon sulfides Mullah Ur loud ml plul Iroo llvlnl Pull uric only IMO VIII V617 OW um um potmoon tun ho arranged WOW ST no out once Ior Lbh slam arlea somldstsshso homo Von £0me Infill MI cbcn rub my orhulplo waboatds mound 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PA 8590 omos 09 as mm PIGlot LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKER RUSS CARSON DEM SKme manual Dunlap St East Banlo Olucs Open am too pan Dally Saturdays onto pan $1800 DOWN PAYMENT $9300 PULL PRICEBalanze on one mortgage at reasonable terms Close to zodrlngton street School bed ruom bungalow wllh modern kltchcn +plcce bath Located on bcauulully well trcgd lot in good resldontlsl area $1000 DOWN PAYMENT IN ALLANDALE soaoo FULL PRICE csrrlcs lor $3500 rooms and bath all hell parthsscmsnl Sltuatod on long Illndscopud lot NHA RESALE REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT 510000 tuII price bcautIhII rdoml ultra modern kltchcn wlth dlnlug arch largo bedrooms and IIvInE room lull basement and all boatlng Lucath on good close to Cod rlngton School $2000 DOWN PAYMENT $12900 FULL PRICE Avs largo roller three bedrooms ultra modorVn Idtcnen Ilvlng room over 10 long Sltustcd on very wlde lot on Noplcr Street CLOSE TO GE $1900 nOwN PAYMENT $10300 FULL PRICE rar thls excellent duplex wlth two tenants oooupylog the man lloor paylng total or $12500 month Plvo roomalor owner on msln floor Thll home has two hath rooms Hot water heatlng wltb ou DUCKWORTH STREET $8195000 PULL PRICE plot we Modern lE stomy llolne large rooms edruoma lull hascmont Sltuated an nlce Iat close to schools AILANDALE $10350FULL PRICE Slx large rooms sully modorn loclud Ingvncw klan cupboards dapIece hath In Water hlalhg wlth 01 TM two storey brlck home shunted on Good lot wlth lilo Ironing and don hle garage CODRINGION ST allude full prlcc lol zthls bcsutllul well constructed 6mom hrlck hun aalow Opell oreplacc hall basement Dll heotlng Welllhndsunped lat ml oqulppod wlth storm wlndcws awn gs And many her Extras EXCEPTIONAL INCOME $17700 Tbls Is brundliew scml detached Two complgtely separate llve room homcs wlth oII tum ea Modern In every so spect 161453 VBARRIE DISTRICT REALESTATE BOARD nd thalr salosmen sro worlo log to sell your property when llsted tho com wa nly wlth tbc REALTOR your chalco EOAKE In landlord st BROWN CLIPP aznlghrst cams ll0wg HENRY ELRICK rs IBOVwen st PA um PA Ema MICHIE PAoosoa ol Dunlap Sh ROGERSCHARLES Dpnlop stnE oll furnace and bulItlnl laundry v11€ nonunion HENRYii ELRICKV MICHIE REALTORE 15 Owen St Phone PA 85583 OFFER COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE OBUYINOA OI SELUNI ORTGAGB LOANS ATIQNAL HOUSING 00mm TNSURANCI APPMISAIS FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW suoo down glvcs nu possesslon o1 thls modsm home canalnlng or good also Ilvlog room lltchemwlth plcnty ol cupboard rpsco and two bedrooms at very cconumlcsl to msIntaIn low hoallng cost and rusonahla taxes Ideal Jor rellrodroollllle or young con la Iooalng or less cxocnslvo home mmsdlslo possusIon any terms on balance PEEL BTREE all and lull storey from ham than to down tcvsn and handv to schools Thls home Is ln Very good conoltldn comma or Ilvlng mom dln In room klteheu land three bedrooms 000 dmtnulll handle Pull prlco 1500 DUPLEX POSSIBILITY IVa Drove all room nrlckamc In tho down town orcwhlch ls very sultahlo lor convonlng Into duplex The rooms are exccntlrnally lugs and Ill house LI In excellent ooodlllon all heated and pflced to sell Por harthor Iarormsllon contact IhIs Olllcc or Aux Member at tho Barrla Real Enslo board It Is Ilslcd under CoDp Ll lng No 201 FEATURING MORTGAGE udoo down Is rsqulrcd to purchase lhls lIvc room modern llrlck on slow much has an sothushed ma gago or sumo at ally lntereat Tho sy maats wIIlcb lnuudo Interest prlnc pal tnd tam amount to $6800 per month Thls home Is no Iv years old and must be Iold mmcdlalely as tho been lranllomd Pull prlcr Ye We have otheh you lam lo the lmlketJo porch5a home call Ihlo our Ollloo at your eonvcnlenco and check over our exlemlve llnlnll Atlsr hours Ham Mlchlc Masl Fred Mlle c5100 Art Webster H116 Henry Elrlck Elllthle Phullo Essa Illcl ROGERSr REAL ESTATE OFFICE $2100 DOWN APPLmEE ACRE 511500 3Bedrooln red brlclt hunzalow wlth Lahlpzd uvlnlDlnllll larger kltchen and le Bathroom Tune year old olccly decoratsd and wet lesaly kept lower hula usull Phone PA may NAPIER srhELI NEAR WELDON slum Three year old hrlck bunga low well planned and Ralshrd In ovcry respect lelngdlnlnl combln atlon three bedrooms Uled both good hlgh dry basement Iully palnlcd oll mrccd sIr hestlag luundryand ox cellent storage space NBA rcsalo wlth no redllpe carries torsou montth completes wonderful savlna wlsst presentday tarmsl Phone PA DNE MILE SOUTH ON HIGHWAY ll $7500 Slxsrnmn Inaulstone llstorey homo wlth all town convcnlences flood well pressure syilzm filll Daemons Iurnaco hoallng storm wlhdows Lot ll 50 x100 good garden and taxes are ugly slld Dawn payment ls $21100 ad buy or workllls man CENTRAL IN TunaOWN BAYFIELD STREET sumOne or those rare lnlmaéulato lyhcpt older style hrlck homes whlch are seldom round In Vthls prlco class It has tour bedroom has ground floor sunroam It has modern Corns Tolelled hulh plus 2plecel powder mom downstolrs oslgsloorsuosk trlm Endam le storage closets everywhere Good dry Easementnlth coho plsloly modern and heallng plsnt Cood soIId double garage Excluslve conndenuol IIstlogwewsnt oppoan meals on ma ongl Plume PA 56387 CENTRAL ALLANDALE In first block olVrTlmrI street rooms and bath llfistoroy pressed bllck home or good sppoarancs and not too old Prlca IsVIrcasonablo at $1500 wlth $2300 down payment mqulred VINE STREET OFF SHIRLEY AVE allow New 3bedroom brlclt hung low well planned and llalshod ready to move Into nul dIvlded basement 76 terms wlth sum down and 72 man ly Ipcludlng taxes well laullt small homoIn alovcly locatlon COBRINGTON 51111 moon alxlraom ufistamy wlth atlt lscnod garage House Is Ava years old and beautifully kept ooIhIng Ictt undone TIch bath and one bedroom both on maln noor wlth lovely knot ty plne dlnlng room Pamlly ston home wlth recrestlon room Iocstod close to schools 53000 Is the down payment requle BDAm opera tlvo Llstlllg WORSLEY STREETCENTRAL mug APARTMENTDrIck older aton but In top quality and good mallltellunce throulllollt Threo perv Icctly sellcontalned flats Prlvate en trayego Good dry ull basementwlth muderllv fontdilroll heathIE Its locatlon Just block mm the Post once and terms Omec wIll IPPellVthu amhrwlntlns comfortable malnsflnor home plus cxcellcnt mootth Income Irdm two apartments Pall prlce lojuat s22 wllhulngla ope mortgage terms cred Cood lrlvegfineut PHONE VlgA war only complete homo at $2230 ruII r0 isAéfii OH 7LASHL LARGE HOME WITH INCOME moon hlll pnco ror lhla two stony brlch home hsvlog Illree large our rooms and bath upstslrs pIus Ileog room dlnlng room and large utchcn downsalsa Pull basement wllb on heating All rooms on largo In so dItlon there Is ullltonllln¢d br rlor lplflmenla 1ThIlplopC1yu $3 Isa no av rec lrccd Call AI Rose PA was lor an spoolntmcnt to lnspccl Ihl mall buys vs mm enlrnlly Ioc ted lav Ilvlng room wlth modeln II corn lull nutmeg hol lsthsIIRgmlmoml com mgr lu pame wlth bvzrhud Currh for $6000 per man properly ls only ellht years ol Call AI nose PA 5320 urinal llrlmtdlnlc possssslon ALLANDALE some two bedroom hama only ohm years old IIvIng room and largo altchrn bathroom lull huemmt wuh Iurnace located on large lot ad or In Thu homo ls Immaculate and vcry wall lgcpt Call Al Rosa PA oozed snyllma or an appolntmcnt to ALLANDALE $850000 full prlcel room two stony home located on large lotM It In 111m rooms and two plnce bath nos atalra plus Iour moms and bath downIIalm lull basement wlth outalda entrance Call Al Rose PA 5am anlemc WEST END 3330000 rulI prlce two atomy home bedrooms upstslrs plus IIvIng room large kllclleIIrbulhrodm and on beds room downstalrs lull bnsment gar ago and storagclorgo lot 100 300 Call AI Rose PA was anytlmc NORIH END slalom Duplex wlth threerooml and balh upslalm wlth dprlvltnentrnnczs plus ave rooms on onop sea bath downalpln modern sltchena tau put mini wlth new forced Ill all helu ayaleln large lot Is Well land It ed Plus Harden double Enron CHI Al Rose PA 85293 WWI1m CENTRAL $980000ullprlne two storey brick duplex wlth lhltl room Ind bllh up tlllfl wlthprlvate untrancc Flu thru rooms and hum downalaln llrla kllv chul rln buaemcnt located on levcls lat wlh garage Cull Al Rose PA II anytlmr NRA RESALE IMDO mu r122 NHA rm with no ulary roq sameIts necessary Thu omo Li apotleu and II pleasure to show It canals of llCe bedmmlsl large llvlng mom and largo munch plus Our place Klle bllh excellent well kept oak floorstllrougllout wlth llle lloors Eln kitchen and bathroom full huaelnentwllVlr creed lll Voll henllng laundry tuhu Thls la hrlck home compldtt WI atom wlndowa Zlld screens fully landaca Id lot Imnlt Ind RIP and located any one block Irom hIgb school and 65subuc school Down payment only az wlth moo plymclllsl 01 only 37045 lntzludlng Interest pflnclpol Ind XII Be Sure and ass thls one Coll AI Ross PA WEE anyllmo ARENA AREA AN EXCELENT BUY Two storey hrlch llolne wlth three Islgo bedrooms and bath upstolm and mm moan dlnlng room and large modern hltohcn dawnalaln ruu hasement wlthollv hestln laundry lubsx Here Is home that cxccuonrhmdwood slooml thmughoul pros natural woodwork plus open place central hall plan gauge dctp lot and It Is located only about hslr block Irom the srons Yea thIs Immaculate 9nd wall Iscpt home Is aelllng Ior only slIaoowItb down payment or $3500 and the ownor wlu hold the balanco all In one open mortgage Be sun to soc lt Call AL llasc PA lama Polntment SUMMER COTTAGE price rooms IomlshedLv Hydro large trendJoL Good well Ell Buy Polnl Phone Les Pope PAH298= FARMSFORSALE 50 Acres up Pilcod tram 57590 up cENTRAI lulu lull rlco tw sto home largearoonu fio hulhm ent condlllan Attached aura Corner lot on hostlng Phone LESgPope PAI 9T Dunlop ST Room OPPOSITE QUEENS BOTm 80P onytlma or you apI oi PHON LOT 100 FRONTAGE One of SB dale Rudds better lab Apply 32 Sflne nldhle Boo Ioos4l DDILDINC LOT as 155 mldantlal arch Near school and Church Phon Cooltslowa sbrol VAN DEAC Chotcc lots lor sols nose beach mlles IronI MldlandlWx 150 Partlally wood Saweach Applyl Pr nk Johnson To tenham phone so 46 5R00lll Humeon large lot Ingwa 21 Mldhurst Va rooms unflolahedy Owner leaylng dIstrlct Mustsou Im medlotelyPhons PA 37667 alter ball pm 154144 REDROOM brlck bungalow ortcrd an all hcaung hardwood floors plote tllelaaulroam close hlgb ond pubuc schools Lawn soddad Buy now and save as thls Is do 9640 Owner and bullder phoog 4143 itle Charles Rogers REALTOR aVrDuNLOP EAST gARluE DIC IIENDERsON Represcntatléa BARBIE Mombsos asrrlo Dlstrlct Rell SEAS BERN Ioal Competent heal Estato Pomo iEchuslvs and consldcnual nation Prlvsta and NHA unancloa plans lllt rvll 50nt yoflvata Tummnosh aaloc on Chm qhgfdlnga PHONEPADqu TOUGH COUNTRY Hmelll VIII wit frulne house Wlh lllwutrmzllg an acre or good garden loll plan or shade trees and splendld lawn amsu burn Ind garage Close to aolaoo church and store also relaunth Ioso to RCAF Stutlbn Edgar Hard and salt water antsor phone Euwoodh sch Broker Rh Shanty Bay on or phohs Earrlslloarz leAl SIX COTTAGES AND Bus essQpportullltleo wlth modern llvlng quarters sounoose AND BOATS slxtcon moot bush on lllgbway andVLaas gt $12000 or exchang or houa ln Earrl saw only Poul mlooolmvmr 0140

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