Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1957, p. 23

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cv LEONARD Earl Parnes Toronto pianist and Cy Leonard one adns outstanding masters oi ceremonies who is equo ed as ventriloquist and comedian will share the spotlight with blues singer Phyllis Malshail on tonights program oi Royal Conn RAILWAY nMe TABLES CANADIAN NArroNAt Northbound No 41 leave Toronto 020 no Arrive Allandale 1130 fehve rar rie 1148 for North Bay daily ex cep Sunday No 45 leave Toronto 650 pm Arrive Allanane 002 leave Barrie 817 or Orillia daily except Sunday No 53 the Continental leave Toronto 11 pm Arrive Aliandale 1238 am Leave Barrio 100 am for Vancouver daily No 47 leave Toronto 1130 pup Arrive Aliandale 120 am Leave Barrie 1184 am for Coehrane flail No 661 leave Hamilton 730 inn Arrive Allandale 1115 am Leave Aiiandaie 1145 for Moa daily except Sunday Southhounily No 46 irom North 13 Barrie am Leave Allandale 13 am Arrive Toronto 710 an No 42 leave Barrie 700am cave Allundale 707 Arrive To onto 855 daily except Sunday nd onday 44 from North Bay Leave 420 pm Leave Allan Arrive Toronto 710 cept Sunday Magistrates Court Notes Continued from page seVen 1nd had been in the family or long time This was borne out by the appearance of the rifle which had the beagl welded in place on the short arrei Douglas had license for his own rifle but not the other and the line was $25 with costs of $10 The short weapon was con fiscated by the police Impaired Driving There were two convictions un der this section One was on charge laid by Provost Sgt Vincent against 11 Parsons who had been driving in the cen tre of El Alamein Road and had stayed there for passing cars The line was moderhtc $50 and costs $3 and license suspended for two months Another minor case was on Barrie force against Paul Duhois on March 10 or having the care and control at car whiielimpair ed The fine wasthe same THURSDAY APRIL His Worship Magistrate Foster presided with Sgt Bonnycastle Crown Attorney Thompson was busy on other pain means or Con adinn Legion Branch No 147 BESL Memorial My iam led accompanist with line reputation in musical circles Mr Pnrnes isweliknown to local musicians as member of the dian Army Service Corps School at Camp Borden entertainment following the official opening of Barrie Can during World War II work and his assistant KenA nedy could not be present until 330 pm Meantime adjoum ments were made at court sit tings trials andjudgment wCareless Driving On charge of careless driving Robert Payne was fined $25 with costs of $1050 Considerable time was taken up with various charges against sev eral young men of thearmed forces allowing theft of auto fix tures Some of these charges were laid by Cplxll Black oi Alliston OPP and by Barrie OPP officers rhive men were found guilty and remanded in custody until April 11 for sentence chargerlald ray Pc Lightoi 4w uinsrv live gotta go Ginger the guy who pays the rent around here wants to make call rpm pummeled earnrr an 8911me will lie pill iulpluli spring tree planting operation film on Irwin that might be hde Ll out your planting pro srlrn in on organizedmanner in other wordir know helmhond where you want the roads and lingohis these should not he neglected Then decide on your epecieq pnd arrangements We helluva the beat spacing or Scott Pinevior Chrian tree is 50r6 toot nplrt Pop other conifers ontpaeing ot to loot apart salisloctory lor hardwoods closer spacing is desirable plain up your tree from Debortment nursery make sure vou give the nursery plenty of ad vanec warning as to when you want topich up your trees if the landowner is having somebody else pick up his trees he should relld along written authority to the nursery to release his trees to the bearer you are having the trees shipped hyucxpress make sure youpielt them up as soon as poss role since the roots can dry out very last L4 Oneeyou receive your seed lips from the nursery plant them ossoan on possible The earlier in theseason you can plant your trees thebetter Let them have the advantage of any springroins When you receive the trees make sure that the rootsnre not exposed to the air it unahie to plant your trees tor several days removeZthemfrom thecrate or hole and heel the bundlesvol trees in afVvshaped treneh in the moist area with the not com pletely covered Diherwise keep them moist and ina cool place was When plantingthetrees cur rylthem in poll with the roots 113 skil Rusr rAluzo SUDBURY CPA police con stable testified in court that car driver painted his 1950 ii censepiates white andblack to mhke them resemble the 1957 plates The driver who said he couldnt afford new ones lined row ind gorry die at trees in your bad filgurlzilnntea moxie new tonne mortality 710 live the our good no at survival it helps to plant then in shallow tum5 spaced at regular intervals this tumor helps to keep the trees away irom he competition 51 ms Ind weeds It no furrow is made it may be necessary to remove suiti eient rod to give the ireova start across the slope notdown it For the average person who has had limited experience in tree planting the wedge method of planting is recommended 1n the Wedge method hole is made with one side straight and deep enough thatvthe mois will not be turned up Flhe roots are spread butogsinst this vertical aideot the hole at approximately the same depth they were in the nur sorynlherearth is then put back and packed firmly by stamping the heel down hard next to the tree This is doneto remove any air pockets in the soil For lurther advice on your tree planting or woodlot manage ment problems contact your local Zone Forester or the District For at all possible runryour furrows mi 35331 nth hiONDAY Midhurdjitatigp Sunday incur llr and Ira Kennedy onun tpent Sunday at Ir and tin Charles Days Mrs LDnnglo spent let forbid ton mom W4 days in nonlinear uni Iononto visiting herdaughten Westernd inruéito Mr and Mrs above powdery spent the weekend in Toronto Weekly Euchre There were seven tables ol cards at the weekly euchre Prize winners wer liodies Pater son Ken ell Montelth consolation Montelthf gents Cavauough GanllckrR Sim monsp conxolntion Jim Donn ester at Mable 11 is prepared and willan to give you advice on these matters APARTMENT FOR RENT Bedrooms large size Sit ting Room with Kitchen and Bathroom Heated Central ly situated adults only Apply to Apartment Box SMALL DEPOSIT Will HOLD ANY ARTICLE BAltIlll at olsrltlcr caraphlcu Annie ao up from Bonnie our cAMpAIeu rues mean to pml to Chrysiérf Its agelesscostlyjtlhanprofi may Fact is on one which ofimrd an price to then youdeixpecll in you turn infinite look at that surprisinng average medium pricedeor hon own abeootifulluxurious 295iiorse powgrVCtlrysler Windsor easily Even itlesuperlative Chrysler New Yorke wears more dovVnioenrih revolutionary 01 all advanccsxChryslcr has the remarkable TorsionAim Ride tl rlcts youtturn corners without heeling ovcr lightly over bumps and stop With Hardly dip float cvor so and new pushbutton TorgueFlitei automatit drive that cvcryoncs so excited about And most of thehood Its wonderful leave Barrie 300am Wouldntyouliketobeeatchingallthe admiring unday only Leave Ailandaic 808 pm Arrive Toronto 945 pm Chryslcrvpriec tag be ready or diet of ghty nicesurp ses toou ForChrysle Al 50meer Sunday only No 662 irom Meatord Leav Allandaie 435 pm Anive Ham éflanfljfi pm daily except Sun coNAniAN rAcrrrc RAILWAY N6 the Dominion Toronto to avencouver arrive Midhurst 1230 am daily Stop for passengers to Sudbury andheyond xrom Toronto Arrive liildhurst 1106 am daily except Sunday to edente from Fort Willlam Ar Mldhurst 506 daily the Domin from Van ArriveMidhurst 414 am Passes Midhurst at 656 Consult agent for from Midhurat the Tosolito passes Mid Persnnul Ach grams BUY SEAGRAM 86 ROWE our in ancers etc 123 10 igpAN ice is wen gt min mvgfJ SHEAGIAM COWAN COWANK Banister sollfétormi lztléllfi rs cmwmnaioiiiiiy to Friday v°r6 EBkri mom colller st Burrleflont onAnsroNn Connie 20 Barrister gigflor N31 91 Dunlopwég Barrie Fh PA Mlli JOHN OTTQN sarrlsterr Solleilnri Notaries sol nunlop sts Room SMlfll 5r attritian Dun an Mac atgflsslgiSmilh Q3 Arthur Cm Solicltoretc as plop st FIIPIO Hoot adian noonm 1mg OFIOMBTMBT prune urnnan Chartered Lita Underwriter nd Family ms Progrlm rs rainwiiiuiilhiiusalo You turn mamaoemaanr Representing Londfln insurance ecu enumerate5551 PA was and Soluttorru Nehrieslublln A9822 Bdgrhill Drive MucLAREiV co Collier St Barrie MUNLCIPAL yAUDITOR HARRIS NEEDHAM C0 rtlncd Public Accountant Toronto and Barrie Barrie orrlce nuudlne PostOfllcn Square Telepnone new wanna1M CPA ARTHUR EPOWELL enaaranno ACCOUNTANT Dunlap 53 Edit Telephone PA Mszs ROSE HARRISON HARTERED AccoUNrAm saunas nose ILA sAMual no lusoNc Cplller 5mg Phono PA Hots Mi ssag Hydrotherapy amps nun LICENSED GRADUATE HASSEUB ppolntment only PHONE PA sun on Mlle LESSONS ressrn unison mun TEACHER 0F PIANO SINGING rid THEORYrPu ills re fleaor wggostkthg nag17cmuwxm°rr no ra e1 ding ARCT Modem Methods stump 21 Bradiord St Phone no will pine WEISZ Touche or nutspli rum 2A mm and Theo Lennard 5i ANGUS In ROSSBA egiotered Muale Telehe instruction in plonomnd coaching in ranch you other och subject not llolnuplop hELSlE nouns bsc penned Druélw Tilerpm ectricykl Hydro Mechan linerpr III Phone Barrio really loaded WI gt YoulldiscoverforemniplcnllatchryslcroiTcrs youtworhrilliantncivsoftpurring VTBs witliup to 325bp ltllas anew 31argcr viudshidl glances in sleek CHRYSLER ceRF low luxurious 57 Chrysler this spring just pick up your telephone andeall us Well arrange everything ORATION 0F CANAZbAleMliED

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