SCIENTISTS WORLD D0 AicnceJtesearch Board scientists have carried out investigations in great variety of fields during its 10 years oi organization Among major projects are irom gt the leit top Attraeking testvah tote rocketpowered missilelike conï¬guration is placed on mo bile launcher during missile and rocketrcsearch near Picton Ont Athalliax an experimental hydro ioii eraiteattains high speeds by riding on ladderlike steps which reducebull iriction longiterm projecesit should be invaluable ior high speed rescue boats Dur Wi= Proseculé Spear fishermen Oiiicials Wain The annual migration oi spring spawning iish is now underway and will soon be at its peak Pike rainbow trout and pickerel are or vcrysoon will be on spawning areas in many parts oi Lake Sim coe district Despite conserva tion eitorts and education un inga study at ic conditions in northern lakes scientist oper ates specialboring instrument to determine depth at the ice suriace Bottum radio tel escope installed at the quiet site of the Radio Physics Labor atory near Ottawa ruscdrior upper atmospheric investigations oi la dio signals emanating irom bodies in outer space testing dummy ior parachutes and election scat mechanism fastened to vibragt tion machine known as shake table at RCAF Station Rock elifle Ontl Vibrations test the telemetering equipment installed sportsmanllke practices and waste ui iish by using spears and other lllegai devices stiilcontinues Every person who illegally tak es any oi lhese game fish during the spawning period and when they are especially vulnerable is wantonly destroying thousands of eggs which are needed to assure sport ï¬shing ior the iuture One iemale pickercl for instance may be carrying 50000 to 75000 eggs only smollpercentage of which in any case may he expected to hatch and mature given the best of protection The practice of spearing ï¬sh in the spring may have been condoned years ago hutsurely sportsmen at today PRDVOUA mauve organza blouse and hat the hit er young talented Montreal designer Biarl Gusmnroii at the showlngofrtheSpringeoliection the Carlo inn Couturiers Smash Hii ships and planes at Halifax Saint iiisbelgeboleco you helpinilhim UJVNooeyClocvo Docsyourehilii stutter Stuttering is common among little children at two orthrco yunwho are learning toapeak in the greatmaiority afï¬ne handled WIRE it gradu 1le appears in time at attain or in new situations as whcnJunlor starts to school or enter adol escence rtutterinl may croputp again ti Junior am his playmates laugh at him in the dummy to determine if it would stand shock and vibratian onejection irom CF moat low altitude it is also instrumented to measure the motion and rate oi deceleration on election Main ly an RCAF project DRB pro vldes assistance At Esquimalt BC scientists use pickup or ex tions in the strength oi the earths magnetic iicld Fund amental research activitiesin the iieid oi the earths magnetism are at increasing interest in the inter national Geophysical Year pro gram should realize the telly and sensr lessness of it As timely reminder senior conservation oiiicer Ellis points out the ioilowing regula tions which apply in the Lake Simcoe district under the Spee ial Fishery Regulations resident may not take coarse iishhy means oi spear in the counties oi Duiierin Dntario Simeoe or York no person shall have spear in his possession on the waters cdgcduring March April and May except in Lake Scueog and Dalrymplc Lake resident may take by means oi dipnet the dimensions oi which are not morevtilan six feet by six feet where the dip netris rec tangular or six iect in diameter where the net is circularcoarse iish between gunrise and sunset smells at an time In emphasizing the need ior concerted eiiort this spring Mr Ellis points out that the above regulations will be strictly en forced in the Lake Simcoe dis triet concerning posseslson oi spears and regardless of the sine of waters orvariety of fish pres ent Prosecutions will follow in all cases where seizures ot spears are made by eonservation oiiicers and special patrols have been ranged to control the situation This will also apply in control of the use oi dip nets after sunset While fish and wildlife staff value much more highlyuthe leo operation and observance of con versation needs byall concerned it is emphasized that any part iound guilty oi uninctions in this rcgard may expect to be severely dealt with Canadian Red Cross volunteers meet all Hungarian immigrant John Quebec Montreal Toronto peg ouv DintWuit Until Do it Nowl Pantor mowii floothoorill ml ml any waters or Within 50 feet oi and thlt he ccanttulk right mother should reassure himthat lots oi children have diiticuity teaming to talk Molher should not urge him to try harder to talk correctly nor should she at tempt to cure his speech problem by rewards or bribes There in scveni things hismother may want to do which will be harmful Jnn ior must not be punished or shamed for his simmering The stuttering child lacks scii conï¬dence Any re pressive punishing measures only make him more unsure oihi ability to spelkfl ently Neither must mother iorin habitIoi asking Juniorv tospea morealowly He should not he perimcntal coilsto detect fluelua mm 999 the or tence over which he has been stumbl ng it bg temptation hut mother must not supply suitable word torwhicb Junior is frantic ally searching li motherieels eemplains to mother 31 Arthur Valli er to express hlmseli she should not shown The stuttering child must neither be worriednor hur li Junior in loftbanded his mother will not area zlm louse his right hnnd Molt modern parents know that the inner ten sion arising ina child iroln try ing to change aieithanded per son into righthanded person nayiaceount or tendency to utter The part at thogbrain controlling speech is closely as sociated with thqeontrol ot the hoods Teachers today seldom urge slottshsndedlehild to use his right hand Joniors speech dliiieultlcl should not be discussed with other adults inhlr pretence Mothfr and other shenld not toss over Junior nor show anxiety or concern for their child Parents can help theirrdliid who stuttero by peelng that he getsmore rest and by building up his general health mother can keep record othe situa try toavold these Learning to speak withoutstut tcrlnglis littiellike learningto swim child must not ho airaid Tryingdoovhard defeats its own purpose The relaxed child can swim inure expertly and can talk more giluenllythhn the tense youngster tionswhieh provoke her child and CALL THE nxnialnisn roa one at thetaIt priestsin Canada tuatudy ior enemeerlnl do urge Now aatudent it the Uni vmurpl Montrealljoolc Poly techniuue the 30yearold priest is working ornelvil engineering deuce Althlo he specialized in mathematics at school and later iausht anthemties fora ehort time at seminary he says he tound that returning to the scien tiflc world aitci six year in the priesthood was dliilculi at ier Lous littlctruatyin diiteb en calculus he mil be new studies the properties oi cement and meuures selfinduct tag currents as avidly all other students Wheahc ilnishcs his course Abbe Veilleux will take up an up pointment as fulltime proiessor titliSClthTiolis smite nouns orail natal ro 93011411 won at sumso 840 um Essa one rimne PA 82823 ed But flotsam the chancellor picked Abbe Veilloux to bolster de min order become uni vemw mm member When he reuinuto Shalom Abbe Veiilcux will smile culled onn consults hde on jeetrin the diocese Combining the priesthood end engineering is not unheard oi be all but it has usually occurred inthe reverse order tow engineer know have become priests he said but lrndw at another priest ho hum taken noisierintro Opéning ForTl1eSeason sarulilililr trail 12 Noon to Midnight Sfundlayjlrz Noon to impatient with herehilds strug PR1N1ING PHONE PA B2floi mllWflfllWJ it nnp no you lime to pa lgeliil Foqvhchmnalox Mtqflllbe lairKn phenom my anon Prion caeli 26995 enema Mess lmtuimmilmsm rail boulZSwideJrdocp 4r mot EANN Prion era brass 219 95 and 30995 Homemakers told us they wanted automatic cixlrichangc lint was beautiful as me as efï¬cient hey ism for spacesum with sig use féaiurcsAin chalet oi models priced in outstanding time for their laudch dollar Well lien may at