Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1957, p. 2

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April pm to pm Anspl graph DWA 314143 Rummage Sale Saturday April auspices Salvation Army In the EKBABRIE MALAPB 8151 Royal Victoria Hospitallititnue Noi Keeping Pacegilfilli Operating CosiisiilSiiT IExpense Patient One oi the biggest industries in townwith an annual payroll oi almost seldomJae Royal Vic toria Hospital showed revenue deficit oi $26598 before depreciav tion at the end at 1356 Over halt oi this amount $14870 was due tolnsscs on indigent patients and $7406 to bad accounts incurred in the main by the nearindigent The remaining $4320 oi the de ficit was attributed to loss onpay ing patients This despite the fact that revenues from patients in creased during the year due to an increase in room rates which took clicct on Feb 1956 and in creased usage oi hospital facilities The adverse trend in the cur rent account developed in the iall oi 1956 when general salary in crease was made in order to meet the salary scale in other hospitals and ior like types of work in the community This accounted for 542152 of the overall increase in operating expenditures at $72731 Eleven thousand 490 dollars more was spent on drugs and mod lcal and surgical supplies in 1956 Costing use More my it is nowncosting approximately $1850 day to keep patient in hospital in Barrie as compared with $12 day in 1954 not in cluding dEpreciatlon Your board is reluctant once again to increase room rates and to date since the adverse trend developed last fall has made ad Justmcnts only in the nursery and delivery room rates which had not been adjusted for some time 11 Robertson chairman of the finance committee of the board oi trustees told the annual meeting oi the hospital corporation this week Theseincreases should bring in some $8000 additional revenue in 1957 The recent announcement by the provincial government of grant of $300 per annum for each student nurselntraining will mean additional revenue for the hospi tal of approximately $25000 year which is expected to go far towards solving current account problems in1957 provided indi gent losses are recovered from the municipalities the hospital serves Accumulated Deficit The accumulated deficit as of Dec 31 1956 was sashesPoe unpaid remainder oi the accumus lalcd deficit of the previous year less their share of the 1954 deficit paid by Barrie and the townships of Essa Vespra and innlsfil and the operating deficit ior 1956 The hospital board has no source of recovery of this accum ulated deficit most of whichyis due to losses on indigents except from the municipalities which it serves At the present the board is in negotiation with these muni cipalitiesior payment bycthern of our pet indigent losses or 1955 Reflectancreascd Cost The increase in the amount of money required to operate the hospital reflected increased cost in almost all departments in 1958 pointed out MruRobcrtson in his report Revenue from room rates in creased by $65734 over 1955 but government grants or slightly due to asmallsrspccial indigent grant grant of $4258 lwas made by the County of Sim coe to assistthe hospital in meet xng 1958 indigent losses Total revenues for the year creased by $66138 over 1955 Capital Grant During theyear iurther ca talgrant of 528800 was received napalm liltllllt mi as Dunlapst Phone Pas5937 whose matth 6am uh and am mm wail angina MacmillanInna jumpymurmur Mlavuh March04+ irom the provincial uovsrnment to assist the hospital with capital upenflltum tlcpa were receivedrimm friends at the hospital most notably the Womens HospitalAuxlllary for thepurchase of needed equipment Expenditures on buildings and equipment maintenance ior the year totalled $7277 with $52M in 1355 year totalled $31428 and includt ed $813 tor hospital and rests dence furnishings large amount of which consisted otvdonttlona tor the Laidlaw Residence $1119 for alterstlonafto the no arthy Residence $575 or alterations to the admitting room 535540 the balance ofalteratlons tn thaStewA art Residencefiszfiu iormcdieal and surgicllequipinent $416 for training school equipmenn $1872 or nursery equipment and $600 or laboratoryan cnt These expenditures wcrc tln anccd by donations $5934 and government capital grants 0n hhndv at thcyear cad were $801 or the 1955 capital grant and all oithe madcapltalgrant Slx Georgian Bay Commum as Give Gas gt Franc use Continued from pageoho Consumers Gas Cempany op crates in the Metropolitan Toronto area in communities as for East as Oshawa and Bowmanville as far West as Bramptonjand Streets ville as féryNorth as Auroraand Newmarket and 1n the majority of communities in betwe en Through subsidiary it also dis tributes naturalgasin the Niag ara Falls Fort Erie Welland areas Until 1854 Consumers manu factored its gas fromcoal oil and propane at which tune jit changed over to 100 naturalgas which it obtains via pipeline trend the Southern United States The com pany is the largest customer to sign contract withTransCanada while available or immediate usegior prestan and pmspectl eastcm the Favorable community community having an ade quate supplyoi NaturalGas at competitive rates andiwlth knotm dependable service is in favor able position when studies are made by industries considering locating within itsborders Comv monities nothavlng this type of servicewill find industry and rest dential de opmentv also turnlng unitles that do have Gas like all nat ural gas distributors Ontario is under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Fuelfioard which has supervision over iranchise terms and conditions rates to all classes oi customers ins ection of install ations safety co for construe tion and many other ascs of known as ys mcwide This means that Consumers practice has been to have system the some Metropolitan materially benefiti as well astho trons and us in additiondona gt compared Capital expenditures for tha AHDANGEROUSDODBLE museums mBaerle was eliminated this tip company SevenUp ave =now andcompietely modernpiant the own or Barrie gave up in Clapperton property lieWorkshad thei oidsditg drink plant at corneroiblappérton sophioond Moc Donaid streets torn down occupied ror many years originally by the Barrie Bever age company which made all kinds or pop it has more recently been used by the Seven moved no new equi ment on Victoria Street on landwnich Pldturei is weak as Pu contact With werestop at with all new deal or the but they are looking southuzntireecentre area to left or housewastalitenup with the irame one storey beveraggplant and presented com pletesblackouc to on eithetMeDonald or Sophlnln making The razed parks boardggore House on land triangle willremainPresentlyit is occupied by Fred Penman SevenUp manager andhls family in the St VincentShannon district awn dads irom Clappérton jSt inotnrists traiteillng east ppertonyeven though there at both serge is likely to be converted to moving soon to new house unovcr the years throughout Canv adathc UnitedStatcs and over seas wqursclosely with industrial of Trade or Chambers of Com mercewith vicw to helping at tract now business to he areas of thc kind that ltiuniclpal officials want in their community The company has long estab lished Home Service Department consisting of trained Home Econ omicsDlrcctors who offer free services to customers andhassist the Home Economics Departments of the schoolsinrnishlng free oi charge gasburning cooking and refrigerating equipment in class room kitchenson continuing replacement basis Secondary Schools Contest For several years Consumers Gas has sponsorediacontcst among secondary school girls in theAleld of home economics Finals of this annual contestdesigned to cre ate an interest in home making on the part otthe studentstoi the past three years have been staged atthc National Ho Show each Spring and hav ecelved nation wldecommcndation from peppleinterested helping girls findthe care they in order to be able to supply natural gas to community Con sumers requires iranchise terms oiwhichhave to be approved by the Municipal Coun and the On tario Fuel Board Purpose of franchise is to formalize the ohligatlonsoi Con sumers Gas to furnishservice conditions under whichatreets would be openedin cooperation with Municipal Engine and any and all other iactorshearing upon mutually satisfactory rela tionship between the Community and Consumers Gas No Citizen Vote NecessaryC Necessity at voteof citizens maybe dispensed with upon re and usually approve provided through newspaper radio and other means the dull that the citizeijis of the community areiuliy informedand there re no serious objection Anygfranchlsew uld be si ilar to thoseobtalrie yConsu ers Gasin marethan commit tiles in Ontario inlthepast two th companys oblige nsjbilities to the Consumers policy also ve its persoan hecom commissions or committees Boards quest ofCouneilito theIoniarln Fucl Board Therequestishnade oi Special Service rst Baptist Chntin eone With painting and other improve manta 2Tb has beenibrought to aj completl through much careful planning and made possibleby voluntary labor on part ot many tin number ours have been cheer fully given by modestdavout menwho preicr nottobe named but whose work is known and up preciated Completed Year When first planned the work wascxpected to take at least three years but has been practie pally completed in the one year for which pastor and people give thanks toGod An indebtedness at approx imatclm $1000015 carried which they expeet to liquidate in two years The wholeheartcd rel sponssof the peopleolFlrst Bap tist hurch in therpast aughrs well inr thoi future problerns hashecnmatic possiblerby thc lead ship andcguldance of the lster and the support of of ficials and members support which has notfialteredi Rev Albert Luc BA VBD is from Paris Ontario where he attended public and high school He than attended McMaster University graduated in Arts in 1035 and Theology ln1938 His first in istry was in Selki From there he went to Chelterihnrn but the outbrea World Wars Two foundhxm as chaplain in tish Columbia With the 27thAnt Air crait Unit at the Prince Rupert Defences He was then overseas on repatriatio duty to Cheltenham he remained there until Easter of 194 and then came to arrle lit years here folm the extensive program Simh mordohteadyvagress be held April 28 at North York giveri by Reg Smith proved that gt noya Victorl Hospital Barrie Névis and Views The iirst meeting at the month hbld MondayApril was attend edfby 12oiiicers and 55 regular members The minutes at the last general and executivemeetlngs were read and dopted RonDonohan was initiated as regular member and Jack illit chisontwelcomcd as an honorary member intothe branch The correspondence was read andrit highlighted two items The district meeting of Zone E4 nssisleeye cordial nvitation from Bar Town Council torthe Domin and Provincial presidentsto meet councll members on the occasion of their ofiicial visit hereon April ii The William 11 Wright Trophy tor the Citizcn the Year was preserited bymBill Craig to Brennan and honorable men tion given tobill Garner Both these gentleman were highly com mended byPrcsident Doug ltic esultof thezone cuchre ent held at the Barrie SaturdayMarch 29 the Frank Exell Trophy was present posedroi Jo Kaake Jim Hughes GhrdyMcKenzie and Bud Coxby Cornrad Frank Exellt This is new trophy to he presented an nuallylor euchre to perpetuate the memorygoi the late Frank Exell longa Legion member Alcngthy sick members report this past season had been severe onthe membership in this regard rawnby Brennan Charlie itchy whose name was drawn washotv present as required and now 540 for the Tickets area necessary for admi tanco free so get andfamily llen5inclait and congratulations its human ngthevbirthzoi guinea copay March 31 acute Medonte Phone System Affairs editothewinning foursome com Dunlop it was stated dial sys i3 Mrand Mrs Charles Tresidder Suffered HeartgAttock Was Orillia Printer Charles William mailer part her in job printing plantaud iomer newspapermanp died on Wednesday April in Soldiera Memorial Hospital at Orillia 11c auifcred heart attack several days earlier He way 73 Mr Treslddcr whose parents were pioneers inthe Orillia area took hisapprenticeship tor the printing trade in Toronto News paperwork took him to Hamilton Benirew and To ronto in 1925 he was manager of the Northern News at Kirkland Lake and later served nsbusincss man ager 01 The Midland Free Press Newmarkct ing plant in Orillia in 1917 While at Kirkland Lake he served on township council and was prcsl dent of the Kiwanis Club He was member at the Masonic Order and also of the United Church He leades hh widow Mary daughter Frances and son William all of Orillia Subscribers Debate MOONSTONEAilairs or Me donte Municipal Telephone system were discussed at representative meeting oi subscribers attending the annual meeting in Moonstone Community Hall The Councillors who form the commission were all present and Howard Robinson was secre tary for the meeting Deputy Reeve Dalton Jermey described the improvements made to lines in tho Coulson area where cooperation with the Bell system had permitted elimination of one set of poles There was discussion on the approaching change from mag neto board in the exchange build ing at Moonstone to combina tion board ltwlllserve battery type phones costing $1709 apiece in comparison tb an alternative ty costing nearly $60 each is proposedto change approx imately 100 phones the first year it is expected thenew board will be installed this June at total cost including batteries of $569958 Commissioner Pcrce brimage expressed the opinion the lineman Alan Burt and the central opera tors were giving good service Commissioner iIoward Dunlop thought there shouldhem differ ent rate for private lines and those with many connections to them Commissioner James Woodrow stated it was apparent thesame good service couldhc maintained and the rates held at $20 per year with $12 charged annually or an extension Medonte and renters as well as business places all pay the same annual rate of $204 year LinemanBurt reviewed the work done in 11256lt die explained that the new type of phones would not allow others listening in on the iineii asatisiactory connection was to be made Cooperation of the users would be needed in this respect especially wh par ties were being eonnecte or it would interfere with switchboard Service hairman Ganion saidn report ad beep receivodryet on re quest to the telephoneauthority Goldwater system which had been reported up for sale In reply to question by Claude tern was not feasible to Modunte system at the present time In Brief Anew tile floor was laid in Dunlops store this week Medonte Council regularmeet ing will he held April 10 UNUSUAk THEFI NEW WESTMINSTER ac Th ves unscrewed two bolts hold ing par inglmeter to the side walk andmade off with Police said itprobahly conta ad little mo ey sincent had beeremptied highway safety gchcck by police few moments ispentr itn our xpertgmpair shop will pay dividend ln saiety economy and pleasure lie bought partnership in print Reeve Fisher Ganton presided subscribers Angus Ladics Auxiliaryeuchra parties April 18 28 DosAngus Legion Ha11830 pmL 41 May my Fair Burton Avenue Unitedschurch Womans Auxiliary May 230 to pm 1243531 Easter Tea St GeorgesPniish Hall Burton Ave Wednesday April 24 8530 pm Auapices St Georges Evening Guild 541 Dance the music or Andrews Orchestra Guthrie Community iiaii Saturdays i112 Admission 75c Lunch counter 1131111 Rummage Sale CollierStreet United Church newhall Friday For Ice Fishing WINNIPEG Apfishlnl enthusiastls onu thing and winter fisherman from Recla no land is another you neverget cnid iishing al though fish are taken in nets throughfthe iceaoi bake Winnipeg in Zohclowviéw weather Thclcare six fishermen ntho Jonsson family on Hccla an ing 18 milesirorn tip mainland Winnipeg Bib Eeggie asThorburgur Jonsson iscallEd and hissons 15 miles north of Haroldtand Stefan are among=tho 40odd lcclandlc families oi is landcrs who fish thciyearround Work Long Hours Lucks the big thing lntho fishinggame says Beggie Luck and long hours when the catch season lake iron am to pm seven daysa week And irom the time mldvFebruary we take lit one day off for Christmas The Hccla iisbcrrneu with tcamsoi horses or by tractdrhr bombardier travel from ourgto 60 miles over Lake Winnipegs great snow blanket whipped by the windinto mounds waves and ridges Theres always risk in winter fishing says Beggin The view throiigh the window of hom bardier ior instance is so restrict edthatits easy to get lost when nets are sunk 40 miles from shore At the start of the winter when said Since theres no top on it she goes down Theres no great loss them mis open at pm drlve irorn Dante Chilll wmi Junior Farmers will On Lake nipeg Ruth Thorburgur Jonssoanays totips oral miles from the Young Reggie Helgii Binnie is thickest usually early in the Winters were out on the the ice makes in November until the winter days are short andlislh the ice may not be solid all over we use an old hotrod to go over the ice to lay ourlnets be it we can always hop out quickly Loyal True Blue Hall High St Bingo Saturday April can pnl West lnnistll Community Centre mile west 27 High way on 14 Concession5 minutes 4041 hold their Aprilmeeting Church ill Community Hall Tuesday April it 830 pm Program Panel 0151 cussion on Marriage 41 Rummage sale Burton Avcnuc united Church Allandaie Friday April 12 pm to 10 pm Satur day Aprili3 am to 12 noon Good used clothing and household articles 4143 Rummage sale Friday April12 to 6pm Oddlallows Hall Coll icr SL auspices of No 102 Air Cadets Womens Auxiliary For pickup zphono PA 85432 PA 5232 or PA 89313 404143 Vieek¢nd Specials channelinns Gocn rust nrioumn 25c cacti P0325 armcau Vlotsrs Josue annals nowans 99 Dualop Street PA 66401 0l oneme SHEEFMETAL CREW4A 84 DUNlOP 51 WEST but wrsrrwcr mm 5m suingin muese important to place an estimated value on the Demonstrations 3841 PlUMBlggiiEATlNG catatonia dialling ratio wit Any dy r3an olilvory ndd water mix to sec distinctive rightovor ouroltl as may évm it long id

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