fDivlsitin Court Active At 87 gtBy LORNS LBTHEBBY Charles Robinson who took his 87th birthday on March In his stride is remarkably activn and lit for his years When Howard Gover died in 1940 Mr Robinson succeeded him as Clerk of the Coldwater Division Court and was also appointed Bails iii and Justice of the Peace The work of the court has increased with the years but the clerk keeps his work right up to date and per forms courtroom duties efficient ly before the presiding official Judge Harvie of Barrie for merly of Coldwater Mr Robinson has been Cold water agent for coal company for over 30 years and continues to supply fch to custo village Charlcs Mulholland Robinson rcccived his Christian names from the Presbyterian minister who married his father and mother ht Robinson is deeply apprecialt tive of the good health he enjoys which permits him to keep up schedule which would tax the en ergy of much younger man His father William Henry Rah inson lived to be 96 and his grandfather bearing the same namcreached the age of 106 The latter was British General who received grant of land near Owen Sound Except for four years spent in Toronto before his marriage Robinson has spent his entire iitc in Coldwater where he was orn With ants father and four broth ers he was in familyowned joint stock company which operated the Robinson Carriage Works in Cold water or 82 years Charles Rob inson gas secretarytreasurer of the firmand bought the rest of the partnersput in the latter years of operation running the company on his own for period of years until the motor car appeared on the scene and changed the whole mode of transportation The former owner of the car riagc works followed the trend and bought the third auto sold in Coldwater The Robinson family built the house where Angus Clarke now resides on Main street at the on trance to the rink The building at the rear was part of the car riage works and there was showroom across the road where Brandons service station is now located The carriage works employed up to 20 men and kept three block smiths busy at their anvils The company made buggies wagons cutters and sleighs The vehicles were all handmade and carried hvcyear guaranty Charles Robinson was lover of horses He trained andtdrovo his own trotlers and was fre quent winner at race tracks of the district Property owned by him included 50 acres on the southern outskirts of Coldwater He served as chairman of the School Board and was member of Goldwater Council Although busy with his own aff airs Mr Robinson accepted the position of secretaryvtreasurer of the Agricultural Society at time when there was mortgage in debtedness of $2700 During his regime he was gratiï¬ed to see the Society prosper to the po Vt Vice we arrange all details are executed promptly and unobtrusively yet with the proper amount of professional deliberationf to ensure thorough and ap propriate direction regard less of time or circumstanc es rbloydhflccmey lirneral Horne so wonley St Fa ra assss crs in tho nmmm CLUB or BARRIE have year the clearing of piece of Wooded property with pond in the centre in the vicinity of John and Annestreets adjacent to therroddrleadln tothe Mansfield rubber fac The plan is to makeLapark suitable for childrenand ry 50 project will becarried out in conjunction with the Barrie ondDistrtct Conservation Club GeoftGlerin past president ofKinsmen centre along with President Clif where it became debtfree Mr Robinson has copy of the thesis action whereby the tair grounds property was turned over to the village of Coldwater He led deputationto Queens Park wherea grant was obtained from the Department ofAgricul ture Robinsoii was member of tbeoddfcllqws hen the tra ternal organizati maintained lodge in Goldwater He lsan Anglican by faitban also holds the alvationzArmy in high respect could have towns or ci no Robinson tat wed in many to me there Mr count will begivenjlater gt nipeg There are twodaughters CHURCHill Mission Band The Sunshine Mission Hand held their meeting March 28 Sat urdayaiternoon in thcebasement of the church 14 members were present The Eastersongrchao ter was readvfroni the study book new song was sung entitled Friends The meeting closed with the prayer Loving father Hear OurPray Apot luck lunch was served Weekend inBuffalo Mrs Kinnear and Miss Mary Sloan pent the wccke in Buf falo gt Couples Bonspiel Some of ourcurlers attended the couples bonspicL at Cooks town on Saturday detailed ac Mrfand Mrs Wicks and Don of Markham visited Sloan on Sunday if meeting gt The Womens Institute meeting takes part iii number of com munity organizations The couple have hreé sons all experts with ï¬gures Cyril is man ager of the main branch of the Toronto ominion bankin Wind JohnC is manager for the me bar the countancy for tbeRCAF at in Mrs Stan Tipping Aileen oft Elmvale and Mrs 11f Woodrow ing of Flowers whlch was The property originally belongédstotzhe Dyment tamily when the Brookdale racing stables and track were located in that area Dyments Pond was the name ofrthe project property was purchased by the late site Later the tWright was held hi the ball on wedn day March 24 with l3 members present ltleeting opened in the usual way followed by minutes and has 4355 The secretarytgave thcfinanciol report which show $500 was donated totheCubs when they get organized Mrs John Robinson gain splendid synopsis of the life of Sir William0sler Arm strong conducted contest Nam gt won Alvin Smith cosrst statics it Sun April 00 no ed the society in good standing 5lhe méetingklosed with not Would probably be muchiarger May conference Held WMSKWiiiï¬e in Toronto nie mar meeting of st An drews Evening Missions ciety was held In the church pan or on Monday evening with good attendance Misltfllaclby took the scrip lure reading and Mrs Wood gran directors Mrs Reynolds rs Dixon sick and tiowers Mrs Harvey auditors Mrs Wil liam Sutherland and Mrs Cardy McLean press secretary Mrs Bradley Cohveners ericultlire Mrs Kneehaw citizenship Mrs Han nah historical research Mrs Bradley home economics Mrs Armstrong public relations Mrs Breedon and Mrs McLean lteso Vlutions Mrs Brethet ingTheQueen anda social time was spent during theluneh DEN TAXES amountrpald in indirect takes it Sunday at 230 neflcould calculate the row led in prayet Mrs Newton and Mist Chalmers savored the ulgatherlng with net run two or the out book following takina part Mrs Stucn who conducted the con terencc representing Thriland Miss G0vens Burma Miss Mac curtail Calden Wedding attended theggoldcn wedding an nivcrsary of Mr and Mrs Thomas Jerrncy at the home of their daughter Mrs William Johnston atEast Orodail week FromToronto IfrsA Bartholomew Mrs Bartholomew is spending this week in Toronto Sunday Service Commtinion will be obosrvcd in the United Church here next lar service with no Cousin Bessexs Weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Newton Basso spent last weekend in Tomato and as Son Congratulations to Drnnd Mrs it Melton on the arrival of baby boy in Royal Victoria H023 pital on March From Oak lle Boyce of Oak Mr and Mis Lloyd Street and Darlene spent last weekend in onbrook Walker and bab Cathie and Elizabeth Moy guests ivith SgtMajor and Mrs Mason tom sonar April 745 EMMANUEL narrrsr Cnuncn comers sr Popular outstanding Film mamas cpuvtcrnp REFORMEPCHURCH OF AMERICA tuna nnrw KERK viiruisrenii Rev Falkenburg Every Sunda 230 pm in Essa noau thanthefainount paid in income tax+Reston gMan Recorders runsnvrnniau CHURCH Co erElssa ecessary ans dï¬lng the primate tMargaret of Goldwater mslrntcr am DeanN SPECIAL runaway gnsomcaaada rySo TbeChurch in Southeast Asia took the form of roundtable conference antBangkokhwith the Elites Bertaamicsoh Mrs Ewen Caldwell andMrs Mcl Jamleson MrrAutgtrey Lnnkin of Toronto spent last week with Mr and pJn at the regui Molly Gilbert of Sebright spent last week with her cousin Edna eyoff Toronto ware weekend rton Ave is ltr moatArum 551m Indochina and rel Mrs LnNewton and Ills Flanlordaon are to thedele mat conference gain to the was eveningdepart to be ï¬eldin Calvinlresbytertan Church To mnto the first weekend in airmail Ave UNITED cannon Minister gt Mn its DANIELS assentSUNDAY scn installation tit nd mdgï¬rmes 85pniY In am Ann want Mn ca lSIiflll sun sunnkvhitrntu 1957 r1 inaFIUNnnaLny mmorrmt sr Ahoasws rnssavrsmm Owen and Worsley Sts REV JAMES FERGUSON Minister EJCLARKE Mllfl Bo F1161 Organist andchotrmas Morning Service ca auras Church Schoo ltt ameuniorrdr Scnts ll anyBeginners Ktndergarte and PrimaryAClasse gt cotanrocnuncn PP Good Gospe Messlg 330 pmYOUTII GROU comméaprulzwzi Brigade of lets from Salvation Trainln College vloronto REV CECIL BRENNB ST GILES MISSION Anglican 95 Cook at 530 in orninx Prayer Sermon MR JOHNVVHARRIOIT gt 939 aimdunno Sunday School ms Sunday School SA NT GEORGES All can Church Minute Rector NewtonSmlth BA organist Mrs SHAW ATCM chairmanyum Smothurat mininow couuumoN llainqMORNINC rmvsn andSUNDAY scuoon tinymums PRAYER atamour WELCOME 24 CollierS¢ April 800 LilliHOLY COMMUNION 930am llOLY COMMUNION Serman SeniorSunday School 1100 mHIOLY COMMUNION SERMON THE CROSS OF CHRIST THE HECTOR Church Nursery Junior Simday School 700 pmEVENSONG SEEM fl WRESTLING WITH rrns REV NextlSunday Evening Chollf WEten Cantata ister Lloyd Tufford Organistmnd Choirmaster SUNDAY APRIL 71957 am WRNING SERVICE Lenten Series Tbejihree Crosses on Calvary Commiinfon HIE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 wantJunior lnterlrnetï¬ate and Senior Departments llannawtrenursery baby sit ting Nursery Kindergarten and Primary Departments Java rm snitva Jesus as the Cohunon People of GalilceVSawuim YERYONE WELQOME CENTRALUNiTEb CHURCH EDunlop and Toronto Sire ts CHURCHILL Organls syNoAV ARRI ran LORDS SUPPER yJunior Congregation lpm rnsade Followup Service people will tellwbat their écision means to them GOSPEL HYMN SING 15 prnLYonng Peoples Meeting vtuvnai rnt Seaman nan taui valentine Pas OWSEFLCHUMII The Christiintind onaryAll1anoe NLOP STREET Reception of New Members Myrna son in us 15 panround Ignorings so Your WELCOME nan