Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1957, p. 15

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HOUSE BMW lfiYlm or HITS MST ZIDAYS FRIDAY SAWRD continuous summary 250pln snovvs FRIDAY MeM rultznra poms touts DAYJOURDANV BARRY FOX MOVIETONE NEWS AND CARTOON Monday Tuesday Two Days Only snaxenowu ARTIST Ar wonm oumim nanta Jun RUSSEll noiuHWIlilE CtNmSeoPE can IECHNIEOLOI Attilme WILSON Momm llile AMER108i MIAan CARTOON it 36 MINUTES or ADDED TREATS FRIDAY APRILS i957 Flying Control Requires Check Of All Flights WiNNfPEG CP 11 earilcr years pilots wishing to take to the air wauld often Just turn over the propeller wave goodbye to friends and take off with per haps no one outside theirrela lives and friends knowing their destination have changed and so have the controls over flights which serve to protect not only the pilot but the general public Thc RCAF flying control branch at River Camp Man is typicalexample At work on the control tower is duty flying control officer and an aircraft control hperator who have the safety of many fliers in their hands daily Use Only Radio Currently operating without radar or other items of Ground Control Approach the Rivers lower controls plancsby radio Eight radio frequencies are used putting Rivers tower in voice range of pilots at any altitude be tween Saskatoonand point cast of Winnipeg instructions for takeoffs and landings are fully detailed For landings different circuit pats types of aircraft because of their varying speeds F0 if Bra taud schior fiyingcontrol oper But aircraft and flying speeds terns are required for different nus cunt former ri baseball star surveys also so mum FircGtIisiieRoomCallanderf is t0722 EX Nanasy Nugget Vandala weaeal work Monday night while fire gutted the 0m AY HUGO PHPIO tiresqmeone stole from Mr Clarks purse which room Callander homc of toms or North Bay Trapper hockey star of the Alexander Bus Clark who onglna lly came from liarne Scores oflvelunteers from Cal lander and the West Ferris fire brigade fought the blue for more than two hours but before the fire was out Mrs Clark discover ed that her purse had been cm ptlcd of all its money She had flung her pone into dolls carriage sitting outside the house at the time that she and her family were escaping from the smokefilled home Later hir Clark discovered some tools were missing from his cellar stiff wind fanned the blaze which for time threatened to spread to nearby bombs but fire men kept it in check and manag cd to extinguish it saving the outside frame The fire of unknown origin broke out in the cellar stairway of the Clark home shortly before eight oclock YMr Clark was out at the time but his wife and tom ily were sittihg in the living room watching televtsion Alex aged nine had gone tothe kitch on for drink of water and smelled smoke lie called his mother who wentinto the kitch en and noticed smoke coming up from the cellar through the kitchen cupboard She started to the cellar to investigate the cause When Mrs our opened Barrie Athlete capstan cantor The fire call was first answer ed by Collander Fire Chief 11 Wiseaod group of volunteer firemen They laid hose lino down to the lake which iibout too rds iii the omc but fitter filinphing hole in the ice found no water They had to go out almost quarter of mile to find ohough water to set up the pumps Meanwhile can wasplaced to the West Ferris brigadeand the lownships pumper driven by Fire Chief Jiin Jenkins raced to thescene through dense fog which almost completely obscur ed the highway between the fire ator explains that the big Fly ing Bexeors necd wide and long circuits TSS jettrainers norm ally break off at 1000 feet above the runway with spiral descent Army Cessnas make short rec tangular circuit landing patterns hall and Chllonder llewas ac companied by Capt Norm Ed mundt ments and pictures in draWera she dtiung iiia doucarrlage outsidethe gutted hisvllrcom house ln house Mil Cidrk also discovered that some south of North Bay on Monday tools had been taken frgrn the cellar All Clark managed to get theirsev children furniture and clothes of theClark family saieiy out while erclarkwas aw at the were lost in the twohour iire the cellar door which is lost off the kitchen she was met byaburxtofnameandthlek smoke She summoned nelghhorMrs Joseph Broom who helped get the children oavssranrme wrouesnavr YEARS COMEDY SENSATION HIT All the fun FOUR There was no time for the Clarita Io savé any ofthelr personal belongings All the MATINEE wannnsnnv In N6 511de as iron News whens time While WestFerrlsbrlgade ahdwolun Plannin SecretaryTreasurer WrJ restrictions on loans for dwe latter part of April orrearly in News4Caitle Producers Bracelets Act1956 Noun Ellen Simtaeg oumviaikepszstormed aleCalves Eligible Vaccination fem the agricultural representatives are advised by Watson livestock com missioner for Ontario thatSim coc County alo 7th some 30 counticsor parts would be de clared supervised reos under the Brucellosis Act 05 as of April 1957 hls is good news for all Slmcoe to my cattle pro duecrs as itrmeans that all female calves of suitable ages arernow ellglbl for free vac cinatioh hymn the county who under the ac Since the egulati new not were annou tied few nths ago theolficial age ccinatingealves has been ehan ed slightly regulations ut we hah four in nths lve vaccinated and will be partig any welggme jeattlcmenw udoriot al ys iind it cpnvenient to get Va ination un The comes to bring Simeoe County under the new act Was started last December and com pleted by midJanuary imcoe County Federation of Agriculture cooperatcd with the North and South Simcoe branches of the On tario Department ofAgriculturc in conducting the canvass and ap proximately 100 farmers assisted ln completing the canvas which was over 97 favorable Notify Veterinarian Early It is now the responsibility of the individual farmer to notify his veterinarian as to calves rc uniring vaccination withinrthe prescribed ages of four to 10 months However in order to give the veterinarian every chahée to get the work done in one of the mostlcostiy diseases affecting cattle andr many his herdand sorneti farm as result1 of thi tagious and verycostly disease case also shows up in the human family in the form of in the medical profession owing to the difficulty of diagnosis in or Brilcellosishas proven to be dulentilitever and is feared ET is in sight The commercial keep the valueof buildin record forconstruction Details of building permits issued by the building inspector for the month of March 1951 are as follows Dwellm BSpringl Campbell Ave for 47 Main St builder GSpring Church 196 Burton Avc for Holgate SL builder self Jamicson 291 Dunlop St for Cumberland St builder self Cameron 11 Thompson SL for Thompson St builder self Four permits $36000 der to giv propcr trcatment at tho Ltime Most ical Means Calfhood vaccinationof all fe male calves isthe most practical means of control of Brueeliosis that is known at the present time As soon as the incidence of the disease has been reducedAo very small percentagejby the vac cination method consideration will then be given blood testing and removal fromthc breedihg herd of allreactors or cows thal show evidence of beirig carriers This is plan for the future how ever and for the time being is the farmer has lost the better part of Macaulay fifishfitfiflnflh orial Distri of Muskoka List of veterinarians resident in SimcoefCounty appointed for the purposcs of the Brqcellosis Act 10530 Fleming Spearin Bolton and thdrem Han lt Burnside Col pa Stayne ngwood it Youn Holmes Beeton colto JSBHNcg VA on par with last year which was Builders 38 Shirley St panties poor Blair of the Town Planning Boardstates in his April monthly report thatGovernment llings should be lifted in the May and considerable building and industrial permits should Apartments Young RR Barrie for 36 Puget Street unit apartment bpildcr se William Elliot for 88 Blake8t unit apa me bulld er self 11 stcpulaitis Anne St for Eccics SL unitapart mend Three permits $71000 Repairs anrl Alterations Gray 21 McDonald St cen vcrt single dwelling to duplex at 119 Sophia StW builder sell Mrs Livingston 42 Daltons move dwelling to 117 Victoria builder Atkinson Exeli 10 Pcnctang st make additioii at 02Pcnetang SL builder self Cartier 116 Maple addition to apartment atlls Maple build er self Jv Exeell 210 Codring ton Strepairs at 210 Codrington St builder self Lawson 199 at 109 Burton Avcsfbuilder self Seanlan 10 Peel St addition to dwelling at 10Pecl St builder self Richards 142Cumber land St addition to dwelling at 142 Cumberland St builder cif Eight permits $13500 Garages allwin 5a Sohpia St builde BeavcrLumbcr Commercial New BA Oil Co 62 Essa Rd Servlc Station at 62 Essa It build andAlterations Bayfieldstq at 12 Bayfi St builder sclft Lloyd Steckie 30 Worslcy ral Home builder Al Barr 170 Essa ltd altera 170 Esso Rd self Total $2000 Emanuele Baptist Chur iler SL secbndhalfof builder Emery Elngirieering Co St Georges vAngllea BurtonAVe repair fir damage tow church builder Spring Barrie Collegiate Boa for Stadditlon to llig Sc 0111 on Grove Street builderfLaverh Aamuss Miscellaneous two nodemolitlonTota $190 Burton Avc addition to dwelling ings $36000 Ithree iiew apart ments 371000 eight repairsand $300 18 permitsLSlZOflOD $25009 one addition$600 threc NonAssessablm Six permits total value $190400 Total of27 permits valuedat $338800 27 permits issued inllfsrch room$38800 23 pcrmits issued 1956 $256450 increase $8235 gt 14 dwelling permits issued in March 1956 146500four dwell permits issuedin March1857 $36000 dccrcase$1105 sevennew dwellng permits issued Jan to 31 March 1957 $63500 decrease $149000 50 permits issued ngan to 31 March 1957 3659210 53 permits issued Jan to 31 March 1956 $365200 inc $294010 YARMOUTH NS 01 Mrs Wilfred Jouhert of Attleboro 12 children in 10 years They in clude triplets and three sets of VfrMcLa hlin alterations $13500 one garage Commercial One new building repairs andaitératlons $2000 five permits $27600 20 new dwelling permits issucd Jan to 31 March 1958 5212500 ass former Yarmoutha res dent accomplished rare feat milk are nongenetic PI intsf Given To Produce Milk ECOnoinitolly George McLaughlin of Beav erton national figure in the Canatlian dairyworld gave some timely advice when he spoke at the meeting Us or raft of canadaxand do director of the Dairy Farmers nada Mr McLaughlin may be determ inedin three differentways production perrman produc tion per acre and produ tion per cow He then concen trated upon the third item deal ing with it on the basis of herédA ity plus managcmcnt plus nutri tion Bydhe use of figures de rived from actual tests and in vestigationshe showed that pro fitsincreased as eows were ob tained that showed ajgreater amount of milk production per cow Somco£ thepoints broughtout inMr McLaughlins addressin cluded gt on producing 5000 pounds of milk uses 29 percent of her feed to produce that milk where asa 10000pound cow uses 43 per cent Accordingly with the latter cowvyou get more efficientcon versron You nt expect to increase production by buying sirewith lotvofiow production in his pedigree gt gt We arcfinding out that type uction are clesely link Threequarters of the influ ences affecting ability to produce To obtain an income of $3000 year with 5000pound cows you ave to have 333of them where withg1300tpound co havettrhaveonlyda Cows should DHIA and should milk at least 10 no substitute for Farm Try tish outof thcfihonse Mrs Clarkput call through to her husband then made sure all the children were out and finally wrapped up her 17month oid daughter Madge and got out of the house She had managed to rescue her purse and had set it just outslde the housein dolis carriage butibofore the fire was over Mrs Clark discovered that all her money had been stolen out of the purse Later that night Mr Clark while going over the firesccne wiiha Nugget report er discovered some tools were lo missing fromthebhsemenL ClOIS Purchased From Great Britaln HAMILTON Willson local International Harvester dealer has received an announce mcnt fromli 13 Bradley pres ident that International Hor vester of Canada hasplaecd an order with International Har vester oerreat Britain for large quantity of farm tractors to be shipped immediatelyfor spring in Easternpcanada and Brlr Columbia Mr Bradleys announcement read in part fFor the first time in over 50 afar our Corgany plans to ma arge pur lases tro England on utiboing has farm tractor apd other inachi es of typesflnot manufac tured inCanada but ideally su ed to Eastern Canadian farming conditions Researehand manitl lecturing of Harvester of Great Britain have designed small Diesel tractor that fills definite need lengexpressed by manyot our customers No longer willthe benefits of simplicity of design and economy attordedby Dieselengines he confined to the Jargo operato We are happy that at Britains manufacturing and eareh skill have provided ith Diesel tractor that an be sold in price range inrthe reach of operators of small farms The ctor designed to be used gre ivariet chines thchwill be rifled Harvestérs ram VEqinpnient works Iat Hamil 0ntarto 1liusth puseh so will mean dollars available furniture and household equipment was destroyed in cluding new electric stove washing machine and inner Mrs Clark said she had just bought more than $100 worth of new clothes for the chil dren only aweek or two ago iifrsBroom their next door neighbor took in Mr and Mrs Clark for the night along with the baby and two of thechildren Twoot the boys stayed with Mrs can ltickcr with JackAlkins The Clarks seven children range in age from ar They are réterm Alex Heather Eatsy and Madgellmonth Mon ywas Patsys birth day and earlier in the day she ha recciveda number of hlrthda presents all or whlc re lost in the blaze Alsoilestroyed inthe flré were several historical orig inal phohgraphs of the 1925 ZG North Bay fnpper Hockey Club activities which Mr Clark had in his posses Qnelargetcam pohto graph had been brought to get only few days have been gone too if hadrit taken it down to The Nuggetsald Mr Clark Th Clarksh recently done obthe house andhad extension to the rear tension was not dam aged oxtu vely however urwlN summon COVERAGE when youtsuffer loss for which you are not eovered Whynot let us harmonize llofyour Josurance to sure hat YOUR Insurance need all FLlLLlffGOVERED Our new Homeowner Policy will vc separate poli ond thelothcr twox

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