if oat13 sum cm In Hansen 05me galled on rlends here Sunday ingrown home from floqilul ernon DJennetl our genial bum is home from Royal Vla toil Hospital where he unden wet our ry lugweek Banned Home Lilly hasreturned home nttér visiting her slster ln Hunts any Stuck Fm hlesday mornlng two little Wool age children were out when they spied nud dl water in nearby farmers 1iedlt looked very attractive to all to gt50 they headedfor it El hadntgone very or when by write atuck hard andvfost in th ildlhe grandmother when at heir predicament to high rubber boots and boards wjth her and weeti rescue She too be luflhe mud Along bung man andoiter etnrnod Home Mrs George Uncles abuts three weeks wilhthelr daflhlqrandher family in Can ton Wl Meeting The natitute wlll meetat Mrs Allilnsons on Tuesday even lriz Aï¬ril Roll coll will be Ilns eredby Sing recite or tell jgtei als payment of lens With Daughter Mrs Mervyn Noble is now at tha e101 her daughterryMrs Chi tier at Newton Robinson Don forget the elmhrehrldge and dancing in the Churchill hall idsy evening April See mill Events or further partie massive lt moflï¬ulfl ma muehdllncultv be rescued the trio It was mainly cold windy mono tor the mug chil dren to ho caughtin such ï¬x Cu switch regular serving was being can ducted in the Unlted Church young chap came along in car which hadsppprontly been stol en and seeing such ï¬ne array meat for you pndold nodules to he mm enunflym menial um it their tlmsbundlm 1h hnn and it deeply topicalted It Is now or Sunday morning while use ntwummmuon wlththa hy ing or hardwood floor whleh wlll bra lior dancina and squat clog in the heir iulurs Tu lirId MrrAlln Low hell alter can in front Lot the church noontelon anzr and avery thought lt would be good time enjoyable time was had by all to switch cars so he parked the one he was In on the corner on went across the street and locked Blacks car mil drove away in it VI One of our citirens whohnd been watching the performance phoned the police andIhe waslan rested short distance north of chk the muse Ho waghrotight to the village for questionlng and Norman toBarrlqn The earjhehndtabandonï¬dzwu bicked up ring theéatternuinn 31 uosidtul Mrs Elwood Bona is apntlent in Roon Ylgtorrs sgltal st1Y Amridedï¬uneral Murat Mrs John Partsids Mlss June and Gedrï¬eKnuiï¬ tended the funeral 01 thllv cou ln Lawson Robinsonoi Elinyal last Friday who diedery sir denly Tueadoyoltemoon Mare 28 Vlsltlng Parents MLand Mrsxllohert Parker Toronto visited with their par ents Mr and MrsCharles Par er lnst Sunday Working In Barrie Miss Pauline Slnelalr has gone to Barrio wherershthas secured position havan Community Friends and nélghhora are aorry to learn thnt Mr ondMrs present Mn Stewart has had her slster Mrs Gardner ram Toronto visiting tor few days Saturdaynlght blngo ls proving to be verysuccesslul with Lul er turnout each week vaathy or coinnuinlty wish to exorbssour deepest sy pathy to1he Iarnllydof Mr and Mrs Noel Andrade on Lthe death lusmother erA ERAndrade lnllosliltal Mrs Maurice Milla sin Rplvll iciollh Hospital tor an operation at Mutual Aleen aeaennomiuesehgqi wlll bethldlnglhelr nexth etng Aprfl ln the school Dont forget euchre every Wed Eels on April 105 Idem DoolOELICIIe hirsiCharles Park has1 begn under thedoctors care or over 9woek Mr and Mrs Fred flracy visiting tZltll the latters friends nndgt rela as 32 Cornwall Sunday Walton Mr and Mrs Frank uSlaok ni Grenicl vlaited Sunda with Mr and Mrs John Slnela gt gt Mr and MrsTyson Johnston visitedyonllondny with Mr and We hope ewill reeoyerqulclrly and5 Alainmm commlinily hie ipeht may roam Printed Pattern Lha sewing for you mother makes darling playoutï¬t or daughter See the grownup styling of the shirtloo plenty of room for ac tive wear shorts and pedal pushA ors to smartly match or contrast Printedr Pattern 1863 Chil drens Sizes 43 Sl1e shlrt yards 35inchshotal yard Printed directions on each pat tern part Easier faster accurate Sand FORTY CENTS 40a in colns stamps bonnet be occupied for this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS core of The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont ulnr Nicholas Langelaan are leaving Mrs Stanley Frollclti as Rnéddï¬ n3 333 Mil Yew nus win any nbdut the elegsn 42ch 1957 run motoredatylingm sparkling performance youll discover smooth ruponslvc olden expeéations Yauu ï¬nd rainbow of new calculi in planthemoo seeming war for jamxltl pn uu above Ihelowesl 3x nrw youll ï¬nd cmything to satisfy the mostcntial everything to with perform on in in plus Yourilmim 13 mavens Wonre IM Iran ms MMflmlbf SEEWHEN YOU ASK ME NICELY You GEIA NlC ANSWER DONT mow way ms HAVE no Appema ITONIGHT By Kelly Wméstxrrdwmm mm WWIILL ma warm mu new mm Mm ctrnywa our emmns QNEMERBWMEE Imprmmm Norman rib sauna ma some am we IN m1 Gonnggwml Altman Muse AN an naymucus mum 1Mme Meson threesomes wan ropen DIEr rm GOT IT ALL ammo Hemmuuutosxznor WAS WLIGNTER THAT Km Gem dined impart ohm ovum Mam