Edie withde hoith We QAlwllr andh Ill1 Andrew 20 mt ï¬ï¬m$ rd xunhudreyflurdluhre boud cerium plenum erreninxdnthe 5w uh mi edlhlnfurlnncn to heth hu llt hdm EvomttGilndn inmhllholionhfldl evening mm in busblnd who is stationed there wenMoon family xatbextnz much it themlion or nu Her mother MariInnings Sundaygï¬oplu unending Ital Bateo 35th wed week 10 and aunt an Fultgder Gflvgn we ding anniversary um Js nu my mum hunt accompanied her byitnin 1m mcm BM1°€e The lint port agate eveninl spent the weekend in Toronto mm lt wuspentinplayinzpmmasm nommmnmw Wm min 8mm Gown lick MoeIm after seriesol ml un saw Musk Bï¬ulugn VOur alncereIndhhearttelt syn ianvllywue withher 431 on ptlhyruoerto Err Van dot Vol 5° nuglnsoh nd familySundly Aha men lcml den and family She receivéd 4150M CeargdEllll is home Iflmoon BARRIEl LineDecision tour Including herself and bus word the death of her other lrom hospital altervihaving the band inthrtr home her purse lied th Illlat In Holland misfortune to break one wrist motion that the matter can was tound to have been opened DRIVEACAR ing the Consumers Gas Iran and the money missing The are 3° Menu SHIN9 1W =30an 9P be mm present on mm om ammo wishes rubella at the neighbor Severl from um community mandmel arms and oiihe Nickel district collegiate TRAVEL SERVICE read into the motions at tho against the other lnattendnnce ind Arcme mun fld1°d mendedlhe cw W1 in 5° in Tmm MHZ1 bw IM1 9W Mm me 102 mceung of commit The en mm Woods presented thern wrth game Id bend the mummg Id and Mrs Canivot and family inlihe MW 561100 Namath semi mm mm expect th to Arthur ne hmdwmeprsx chm They were dress at ulghloa Ford flis spin melt ago Pied ripenrid VNo like Ah Phone om Police Unifnrms Whod lheeansdhle have said hewas goingloahow tne partway13w ï¬nd5mg EFUFW were real nd vlm are me Mn uen Morris and mfgwglnï¬mgmwun to lure Also revealed inthese motions invcsuflflle the loss the Henrys town 1th mm ï¬eIM mm were ml ï¬rmer the iactihst now uniforms meihimil E0 90 the Olher in Ban5 llrhndMn sin atew the police are to be purchns Mpï¬ 11 nah Wk lWm the Smile As they hid well chosen ï¬nds thanked the ln Suflbély These are to heordercd he to rollback up grade theytlml we tor thelrgllts Adalnty Mrs lllcCaom spent the endeavoredto get nlluther of ly had toporsuade amnecther um med by he mm Mrs Wclirnan at Qmeemee weekend in sudbjry mm One our biggest help Im Md 5° Milo lend ml nnclhg brought all druoyahle eves emit1 IonIninw nnddaushier Mr and lll soon have to carry 92 mi tr olng to so It wasill Mm Bur 911V mutiny Linton blanket ii the unilorms are not Dwmg New 95 niacin rise prepared by the we WWI PM Son lion the Benrysaskcd that Bell is patientslnoe lut able before hug pursebe sent or finger prints demmn dad Slordlyntoa rvlfdfhigï¬cétfl day in Royal Vlctorla Hospital Slilrs Truax hasbcen which Mrs Henry claims was not fun enquire b°1PMYPS Barrie All her triendrwlshhfl use log some time with her son =10er money hasth miss PW WWW speedy reéoveryeto hn daughtéhlnhwhlrand Mrs George Martin pnrk superin ing or about three weeks andldhcb whlch drainsJ Willow To Hush Columbia home Haroldflruax Hamilton indent was bciore the council they claim thatchieLBloggrhas mWMhP She Mflheï¬t John ad dhas gone by trhln to Wa meeting to get some information not been this sufficient nt corners They were told eam that 00de sung visit wm mm ï¬shnet Prevalent matters pertaining to the com there had not Beenyan engine seriously MBfluh Cainth Mrs pvmmlte The chlldrett have been having wears qpemuom He asked chm Btoggwhen located ahd report made yet bhtthot Inf ther Edwin Kneeshm lg vim Unfold childrens disease the when calmwas to he latat brought to the 0mm told Conn as possible this wouldheldbne The W55 in WSMP lng her sister Mrs Wllired Nell Fhkhnmxv throilghme WM clllor Beatty thathe would re was suggested in more Show 5° 29 ly in Barrie mh chsd fuse to discuss the matter before 15 510 DMHHNI 00m amen Mm 13 Cum pre Hm er or en °° Wm 112 °°° sll and My0957 chenun millea pith ï¬ning 3X3 dthatacentrnl art at was still underin esti tion and 90m ï¬tghfepark would be shitablc that it would be illegang to men we 99 blmieflmus EHQXrniï¬ghmEï¬e 3digital tlltianrim will hiï¬cflï¬se1mjg mun 652 place tlon names oanyonc untilproot OHS ï¬ning on it the table Mr moth community bett Gnu Kt £913 asund hf joke 01 mm humus It was suggested that tenders was shown that therewas more 350 HWYL WW Mld Mr arid MrsWllliam Smith guests or mimdgmu Juk Rum mmrms ï¬t at Elise Col ould he asked for its building ihfln luflsusbicioni WHSm With Cwndl will be blc the occasion being Mrs lel la de tlzuncin to the tune at hlttlater decided that some can It was then agreed that the 101s 30ml hnd Torren at one nmhesfnwgnh Mus Em able person should be hired on an matter should have hearing the ï¬ndj Daputy Reeve pb hourly 1le allowingday as outlined continued the dltch dispwian gt hdr Martin discussed the issu While Chic 15 heore wm lhcFlek 12 41 in of car stickers which are al 90 mm hisrefufll delqiates and 3° mwed mmsm reside for discuss thenmatter before council hearing nicomplaint aboutgarb Idnï¬ggion to the park Mr there were some heated remarks 139 dumpingvon lhe roads ren uh felt that the time required exchanged between him and the We 1° name dumPu for these and the difï¬culty that Henrys We ream whims Iboutn Vrent with them look considere cooksmwn water works in WWW 05 ble hours and that better solu Barrie Dam Road tion might beytound letter was read stating that He felt that if everyone using CWRSIWT fri Whm mes Mr Stewart the contractor for the park were charged parking Jumdcmn the removal of garbage from the ee on their vehicle lt would townshlna would rpquire total town or game was 9mm to eliminate lot of gate troubles dc $953000 1° 33 Wt tell council that he had personab They could then if they desired 55m nlemplawd TF5 ly done considerable rcpai pply tor return at this WW mmlm me mm Wm the road on the 14th concession It takes one mans full time whiz agentowgfshigzsï¬ï¬‚la over which his garbagetruclks gt gt iiidilkii2ii °° asked to amm hiiliflhï¬réPimiiimgii Oncenonatlmetherewasa automobile ltwassnbign WMFh°mtdQV9ihe ran No decision was reached tor send Dele Kitchener gravel in holes yanWho boughiasreamlg wouldniiliiniohisgmge theroadtltsuzzled gaslrkean unite rugsiole any change He asked what atte dlnosaurThatswhaihecalled sons had to rebuild lhegaraga Inlerconllnenidlbomilerhe ortile beautyparlorshespent in WWW given Instruct township was intendinsm itActuallyllwasagreaibig so the car would ï¬t W35 kflpwn asihe sasslallo haiiheriimetryingto parkulat Exdusiye Area ï¬ns to appulnt two members to the road He was toldthat the lt bestmend big ginggem Wu 91 the flal and 1th Film usual weekly maintenance woulde 30ml serious COHSIdDTMOfl icipalliies convention at Kitchen be contihucd Wins 3m it er on April 12 No lrrentionwas it was revealed that Essa Town vexclusive for Innlstll residents made of the towns ofï¬cial ship had fused to have am part fhwvas given This ms later modl mt poncemed we matter in mums opening the mwn fled to agreeing to rope otf asee arising from thnsa discussedhtrsm um mm HigthO 31 thyrlpcalirefldenis might the convention attending Stewmasked if the my co 11 seam Where my on tractor and himself were tosup me mends Bcyce LI€9n5n9 ply the gnavel would this not be illor Coohrane tell that Council did not givevery sen equivalent to Essa costs and if when no went there on Sunday ions consideration therequesl consideration to have the road they could not find anyone they of Mr Stark caretakervof north opened mightnqt beexpeoted ght wantto see $1100 on havejome system The townshlp wanted to find Mi Marlin Suggested lat ll of bicycle control and use im Wher liexmw is type shelter be erected near FNpef machines supéwlsed would finally he bgfore they rt orth poifllt Which would Sdme of thycouan told of the made decfsmn Who eva long tab1e that could he type of bicycle they used when should build thls plece at road Fe nod for Innisiil ratepayers going to school it was leitln aheyance The industrial gravel contrac it Picnic Rollin ne torwhohauls Sromthe Mount If IP Jimmy pit delivers lot of gravel date was reserved in July for Mr Martin told an amusing to Camp Borden and oiherplaces Final the his gt WE logic 9r gwgshilg nggS swrfd to inflate gamut west nttmlsdmintf Wm theirlyids weeflatteltdigzelrTimq Whey mill enalvey so or or wou accomp mo icu The opening ta to 19 therewv hoped that local aeorle tasks He saidlhat two boys had would remove the necess of 9591h9l53dLets Pfefcummnï¬armanï¬uveï¬bllfl threedggsrandilol 53qu 1d make this sort of reumtm worked for considerable time to these heavy trucks having touse 263 economlï¬al European Caf mom was hd ay 01 their friends and at tho roll couple of large stones that overthree miles of mm road So they lookedat onebut it W35 as EW535Reck3d9 We mpsewt same time meet wtth local rosl had taken team of horses to to get to Highwaytit wouldnt hold all their family We the Rifle ahd 19 was to nap the ts at the park gt place around the tile bed They It was said that Essa council room for them to go in and oui too finally accomplished their task did not want to leave chance of Proceedlngs onlyI to be contzonted by park development taking plaoein that ho threatening to corner so as to have to provldé and Mrs Hugh Henry came emp Wee council with very Emmg have them arrested mad them schoolsretc ï¬tialaint about the manner in ch an investigation of the ft of $90 from their home had on conducted Mrs Henry had thy written detailed ac nt of the whole matter which and to open council then that the contents be con conildentialt On her per request wedo not mention contents She refused to turn letter over to the council on Me police but later she finally greed to have copy made in ggginlvhicheaÂ¥he 532 Recently the ln ll and his wrle They found that Rambler had cosh he police commute Comm deemed to trade their 56 Rambler less than half as much to own as aehtty and Reeve Todd set in on thenew51957Economy6 illeirold dinosaurihowihey he tollawing day filley foundjhatliampler could aflordio tw Ramlllé that after apart at sihehighes raileirrvaluooB Weriitheyhappy So theybngï¬t all lawpriced new 195 Ramblér and new CHEERMIX to resale value it may repay its yourselï¬ you can own lwosnlaitor ilullcastwileneyourtrads ag blérflor the costofolle And they got Airliner Reclining lgg gliZZIEIeAlld Ramblers Seals ilta me Twin Trav his more lull in drive slarled ï¬guring thunonylgoihor oar built today