Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1957, p. 11

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waisnAN and sachet JBRnbinsowohn mp1 Iposiunnuteacherognng liable LakefleidflighSchoolfor Margaret Mr and Mrs Wil llun Morten and famiiyol To The regular meeting or thei BBC Key Club was held on Mon day April with 24 memben present VicePresident Alan Jack son=was chairman ihe business of the meeting coir our delegation to the district con cernedthe plans for transporting ventlon in Ottawa during the Ear tcr holidays Eight members are planning to go along with sixKey Clubbers from Schenectady NY who will be visiting us on the Key Club Exchange Plan days in Schenectady Our speaker was Bobler who is member of thc Vocational Guidance Committee of the Barrie Kiwanis Club His address show ed us the influences affecting the choosing of vocation Using graph of lifespan he illustrated how we are told what to do from our early days to high school graduation the pressures brought to bear upon us by par cnts teachers the gang and our emotions When we have left school we find that parental influence is dim lnlshed teachers are gone the gang is now societybut our emotions are unchanged Mr Bobier closed his talk by putting question to us Will wcbe able to be selfdlsclplined without these pressures and have the ability to accept responsibil ity liuss Brady in thanking the speaker expresscdour apprecia tion of his able presentation and assured him thatwe liadbeneflt ted greatly from his remarks WE BIBLE TODAY Continued rrom page nine gt whereany timeshould he the heritage of everyone who seeks spiritual assistance 1nd leader ship And millions throughout the world are ready for just that for copy of the Holy Bible in farflung placesat home behind the Iron Curtain people are turning eager faces to this light which lifts mens souls The Bible Society is an efficient or ganization andris stnvmg val iantly to rneclmouritiiigdemands for Bibles inmany languages The letter is signed in the fam iliar green ink which Mr Thomas uses Another widely known figure Dr Frank Laubach writes The work of the Bible Society in getting Bibles to new literatcs is the worlds top investment in Gods sight Dr Norman Vincan Peale said recently Many people have found eoumge through daily Bible reading Some living in distantparts of the world have been freed from fear of egil spir its and other imaginary enemies When the Bible has come to them in their own language Suggested Bible readings SundayMark 7137 MondayMark 21 TuesdayMark 822268 WednesdayMark 29 ThursdayMark 050 FridayMarklflzlZZ SatuMayeMark 102352 lnduiirfSToidr Stop Raiding TORONTO APRIL 3lndustry should stop raiding Canadian unl yersiiies if it really wantsito help solve the shortage of technical manpower roldIRea presid Oil Companies on program by wh industry could help educational institutions over come the shortage He saidlndua try could do much to seive the interests Canadi which is the shortage top teach ing talent hence innexemising the greatest eatraintrin thought thour ity our best remain at our schools of le rning ollow their chosen profession and where they can influence thegreatest number of our youth our cake ahd eati in his address tothe annual meeting of shareholdorsw adian Oil Mn Reassuggeste ndustry should support gen erously as possible the capital campaigns to prov xpanded and modern Iaeillti Some of our members who are unable to go to Ottawa plan tospend few resorts VForflechnicalif GUS Viau Proprietor of Viau Motors whose enlarged and modernich premises at 17 Gowan Street will have its official opening to night and tomorrow night is AGus Viau who has been well known car dealer in Bar rie for the past five and half years Mr Viau entered the firmxof and Motors in November 1951 and became sole proprietor of the business which changed its name to Viau Motors the fol lowing March That yearhe took on the Rootes Motor Group deal ershipHillman Minx ateand in 1954 added meriean Motors productsHudso etc The firm recently purchased the liell property ndiacent to its premises tagive room for future expansion Before moving to Barrie in 1953 Mr Viau had been resi dent of Shanty Bay forrla years with the exception of tiine spent in the armed forces sewing with the Royal Canadian Artillery He is member of KerrIodge AF and AM the Canadian Legion and the Barrie Chamberof Com meree He served as acubmaster in Barrie for one year and for five years in Shanty Bay His hobbies include hunting fishing and golfing He is married to the former Marie Rates of Barrie They have one son Douglas The fam ily attends St Georges Anglican Church comes more and more attractive to the young graduate Another point in Mr Reas prm posals was that industry could loan peisonncleconondsts stalls ticians or engineersto universi ties on parttime basis Mr Rea said his recent visit to Russia and his observation of the Russian system of education made him disturbed with some aspects of our own system believe there is show that our graduates are bet ter mentaliy equipped allround citizens he said but one is im pressed with the Russian system whcrcby every child is educated tothe limit of liisvorher mental ability This stands out vincontrast to our system where good education is limited in many cases bythc cconomicstatus of the parents Mr Rea said the visitor to Hus sis is also impressed with the manner in which they are glorify ing the educator and offering re muneration which isattracting the best brains to he teaching pro fession lfknowledge lspower then theliussians areaystematically ex plotting it in longterm objective of industrial and economic supremr acy and we inthe Western count LileSShUuld not close our eyes to what theyzare accomplishing LSHIFHNG TREND comparison of sales of crown land in the Fort Frances district for the years 1947 and 1957reveals that annual summer Vhave increased from In sanie Hyears gt gagrleiiltural develop ment have fourZRainy River Record Nevmarket hospital evidence to declined from dig to mnto visited Mr and im Alvin Smith on Suod Inflorplttl DaveVoller is patient in Birth olSon Congntiilatlons to Mr and Mn Alvin Harvey the birth of Mn Moved to Oakviile Mr and Mrs Bates and Mar ilyn moved to Bark Home Mrs Doelor barfreturned home after being confined to hospital for few days Red cm Canvass The Red Crosacanvass has al most bccn completed So far $15550 has beenhandcd In The allocation of Sllt lg being sent to Red Cross headquarters Swimming Closes lilis Avin Smith and Mrs William uthcrland attended meeting in Allistonon Monday night in connection with he swimming classes to be held is summer Representatives were present from Alliston Bceion Thompsonvllle Baxter Burns Elmgrove Roscmont Thornton Cookstown Newton Robinson and Bond head groups Mlss Louise Collcy of Slmcoe County Recrea tion Service and committee representing the Alllaton Rotary Club who have built and an op erating the swimming pool in Al liston were also present schedule was made up allottlng each group time to have their swimming lessons in the pool this summer Tuesday hndFrlday af ternoons are set aside for this group Bowling Early League ladies three high Jackie iHarvey 220 isabel Brown 200 Norma Nobledtw triple Jackie Harvey 483 Gents three high Doug Stew art 238 and 219 Bill Sutherland 231 triple Doug Stewart 802 Team standing Sneakers 46 Aces 44 Slippery Sticks Hawkeyes 38 Late League ladies ihreehigh Gertie Woodrow 194 Florence Landerkin 165 Velma Webb 160 triple Gertie Woodrow 4421 Gents threc high Ken Henri some 224John Lloyd 22 Keith Kneeshawizoz triple Ken Houn some 564 Team standing 1Flyers All GlldcrsaM uSlippers38JRolltrs 38 HAWKESTONE Mr and Mrs Willis Harrison and family of Zephyr visited his brother Mr and Mrs FrankHar rison and family BMrs Fred Davis spentii few days last week in Toronto and Mrs Ken Noble of iid bakesare spending some time at their home here Weekend Visit Mr and Roberta spent the weekend with relatives at Dalston gt Miss Frances Harrison took part in the curling from Orillla at Owen Sound over the weekend Wedding Anniversary Many from the district called at the home of Mr and Mrs JohnstonEast 0ro to convey best wishes toMrand Mrs Jermey on their 50th wedding anniversary Short Visits Miss AgneslMcMahon of Hailey bury was home for short vlsit with her parents instates Miss MargaretStorey is spend ing some time USA visiting Sister Torontoisvisiting her sisters timer BE ititiER connv LlMlYED lé last week Key 40 Mrs Ray Cuppagc and In Bonsploi with relatives in Miss Grace Clark Reg Nof BBC new disc its own radii program You guy andgas who like good music listen to Cailrgiai tamer evm filter my morning from 1030 to it lock This is new program an it needs youraupport Re cords are picked out and school news isglven by theatudenta chosen for the days program in the schoolzSiudcnts Council Alan Money Glee Cliib John Powell Band Dawn Campbell Club Bruce Dangerfield French Club Mrry Jackson De bating Club AllenCowan Cur rent Eventsfllhb Fran Wildma lSCF Cami Bowman Glrls Ath leties Mary Jackso Boys Ath letics Bob Min Last Saturday Garth Small wood and John Beanth more scnted the Boys Athletic So clety Thcylplcked out and mu pounced records and gave reports onvschoolhappcnlngs Why dont you write and ask to hear your favorite record Ennis Week Away All activities in the school have stopped now Exams are only weekaway and all athletic minds have turned to neademlc work and brother injured wrist Sunday Services Services will be resumed on Sunday April at St Aidans at 730 pm nftcr being cancelled for two Sundays due to the Crn made For Christservlces at Barrie Service at the United Church on Sunday April7 at 730 pm Service was cancelled Sunday March 31 due to Crusade service in Barrie rccovering from on hi Hospital Mr Shelswell in hospital fit can in rnovanreo Medieat lence has few ac hievemen more to its credit than the conquest ofpolloa dis ease which has causeduntold suffering an many deaths Polio movesnlo to the class that contains smallpoii typhoidfever and diphtheriadiseases taht can 1m winter Congratulations to Mr and id Draper on the arrival of ra bfhy on inMIi Victoria Hoa tat Ranl on March éently Twodly Visit Mr and Mrs Walter Fleming and fandly Toroiilot and Thomas Plenilngoilmitale spent couple of days at Johnsons vhlr Fleming later returned home with his me We ter for lVllil Mlxa Madlyn Coughlln foron to made short visit to Neilla onSunday Newmire Visitor Mr and Mrs Thernton and chlldren and gtriend of New lrket visited withMn and Mrs Carson Sunday Mr and Mrs Ray Church and lamlly Midland visited with Miss Nellie Hashim an aunt of Mm Church Mr and Mrs van Ant and fam iicsi fmsacs VlflliMOTflBS iN Youn NEWLY nationsan ifnaivir 27 5mm iiii Tituiiiiiiiiiuiininiis mu Morons NO OF YOUR NEWLY REMODELLED PREMISES We ARE PLEAer To HAVEHAD PART lN THIS PROJECT AS GENERAL conTRAcroR he preventedsLachute Watch man DiHQM 66 notcxrs 51 qul Visit Joseph Moran Pcnetang spent couple otwulia with his bro ther Ambrose Moran Mr Mn George MacDon ald Barrie visited with Mr and Mrs Gerard Moran recently rnaa ron PARKS Announcement that small fee will be levied this year on cars entering some at ontarios provincial parksla not likely to meet with unqualified approval but some of the objections which may be expected are not entirely valid Who is more entitled to pay than those who use the parks Fembroke Observer Pll 6¥6646 in 84891 coiiaiiiiniiinoiis in in lilliflll lllllllllliti PRODUCTS LIMITED READY iiuxan conanra concnnra naoorgsf coacumariims VIAU MOTORS 0N gtYOUR NEWLY KEMODELLED PREMdSESL manipulations iarjiiiiuni nine in 85288 connotations viAuM0Ionsj on THECPENING or YOUR NEWLRYREMODELLED PREMISES WE ARE PLsAssoio HAVE HAD Rani IN THIS PROJECT SARJ EANT C0 MARY 5T BARRIE KIEEN FM PRKWAY 141 inniiii 2mm

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