By ANNE ucoinn when die very tumour tenor once aaidn1y work will only Just begin After all it is in the next life that my pro fession reaches its toll mun Perhaps MI was referring to the angel choirs There are nine of those Or perhaps was thinking at the harpsym at his home but symbol also of the serenity and perpetuity otbeatltude exist ent only in the hereafter He might have been thinking of the hnrp or down through the ages it hasbeen the emblem at certain island in the Atlantic ocean on island to which more ethan one poetic soul has referred as much at heaven You see this great tenor was born on this island and by doing so he provcdto all the world once and to tail that Italy isnot the only nation capable of vocal executio This lnmous tenor completely establisbédfibellrishman as singer and singer ot rare qual lty JOHN MCCORMACK He was born in Athione ire lond on warm sunny day in June of 18841 As tiny child his high pure clear and very beautiful boy soprano thrilled the congrega tions of his5parish church When hq ï¬nished school he was sent to Dublin and was ex pected to prepare for civil service examinations But Providence hadother plans Vincent OBrien the Director oi Marlboro Cathedral heard him sing andurgcd him to give his ilte to the pursuits ot music In 1904 when he was just twenty John MeCormack won gold medal at the Irish National Festival at Dublin He sang lllhe SnowyBreasted Pearl sonnghicb later was to become associated with his name Possessed with burning desire to become an opera singer he Went to ltaly where he studied with man by the name of Sab botini He made his operatic debut at Sovona in 1909 in LAmico Fritz by Pietro Maseagni tbc com poser of Cavalieria Emoticons Many people who remember McCormaek remember himas inch of Irish songs and Igottingtbat he gained his first ï¬reeognllion and proved hisgreatnessin the singing of grand operav His interpretation of Mozart ls still unsurpassed today and his renditionsoi the tenor hero roles of Puccini are models for young singersthe world over it was only site wan1d war McCormack retired erotic stiige to devote his life to concert work He hadappeared as leading tenor in tbeIworids three great est opera houses La Scala in Ml lnn CoventGarden in London and the Metropolitan in New York He wasbIaPIpy The humble shy country boy frum Athlone had climbed as high as he could go Pethap lsgnioIst famous re cording is one of tormerly ob scure song lied iHeanYou this song which he hallsI mortal as John McCo maekfs orig bis glorious tenor voice lkesa clear beauti osoitly that it is per3 ofbis art to prove tit eto shout to Somé of the orients in song Starteris Choir come soitly He proved Ithis so olten John McCormnclt in Dubc lin September The World of great artist whoseivoice fusion at liquid gold and silver has been immortalizedIon phonograph re cords tor the mpturcs ot poster ity Perhaps it lsiittlng that at this time of year closeto St Patricks Day we take thisspace to salute very great Irishman Copyright 1856 HOLLY The fourth sub teentown square dancing class torGrade 43 will be heldatllolly School on Friday at pm Sunday Visitors Mruand Mrs Ray Robson oi Alliston and Mr and Mrs ChnrlesRobson of Crown Hill called on their sister Mrs Charles Campbell on Sunday Returned Home Mr and Mrs Woolen To ronto returnedto their summer home on Saturday EuchreParty There was good attendanc at the euchre party at Mr and Mrs Grahams on Satur day evening Prize winners were Mrs RGmnt Mrs Hill Little and MeGregor 11s Meeting Holly Home gandl School As socintion will hold its April meet ing in Holly School on April it at 9pm it will be tamiiynight film will be shown and there will be Io guést soloist Everyone is urged to attend ltug Demonstration Littles Hill vCoronation W0 mens Institute issponsoring an other hooked and braldcd rug demonstration on April at the home of Mrs Graham at pm Everyone is weioome to come andIlearn how to hook and braid rugs wa Meeting Hko WAwillhold its meeting on April 10 ot rs Loug heeds it is miss nary meeting and the program will be put on by the Exphlrgr Group othe church Roll callr sin scripture containing Ith word Cross At Sportsmens Show Allan Campbell and IMdhlon SrigleyI attended theIKSportsmeos Show in Toronto the Boy Scout SHUHEAIN as started early on feedlike them to get top wennin highly nutritious teed quickly becaus eigH mainspat ies of palatability tests at the SHUR AlN Demo tration Farm spenttlie wee en cnnwronb opEN House Crawtoid School held open house last month before the regular Home and School Associa lion meeting atkwbiéh 112 Macklcm BA public school in speelor for the district was speaker HI Mr Macklem gave an interest ing account of his trip to Goose Bay Labrador in his talk he explained what annexation would mean to the school area The next meeting on Ap will feature iilrno on safety nominating Icommitter will pre sen Fashlon Show Keep April show and tcaiwhioh the holding rolghuist Hall your Itick ts romonymcm the WA is Mrond few days wi Oakvillelost Hostess ioJVA Mrs Ehiuns was hdsteï¬s for the mcctlng of the Womens sociailon on Tuesday ev ning With the lati ters brother Prydg and Tl stai Sunday evening Fortunately it was brought under control before it spread to anyIdangei points From Collinngood ms OlflikEalld MissIE an or Hawrnnn of Collingwood vi ed Mr and MrsD1 Bentley con plc ofdayslast week the slain ot olticcrs for 195 or the fashion Mst Wiiliam evening and iallydnvtte to is are in our event larg bo award Itook ave devotional til3x Iatsoit kthestud loo Ishow in hunt own get your ticke Teahostcsses iird and Mrs lixrim Weekend Visitor Mrs Fierce ot Barrieras weekend visitor Wt he parents zitthe parsonage Rev ctaggert oi visited Watson on luesday also sttandedIthc LOL meeting Prom New tirunssviclt Left for mine Zephyn psim Fri hwy of any EmClSli PflIKCE 4111pm with nip slice giantneeds law clllitlllllllltllliollS on morons voim nawuf Monotone ansr Wisnas IN PREMISES Vic indixIecHignnng CARE Chief light traffic own Ns SHEET to gmiern jaywalkin ot mean mot ee Eottee and sand Thé Inew showr walls on ole sts conrun he added urine prog rum noon M84040 ya Police This does them Most of us are aptto some tried and approved yelr IfllrI year ztbe nm combinations beéause the fam ily likes them We are inclined to forfeit the fun and advtnture we could find in cooking sticking to whzitIhas become ou tine The change in the kitchen rou tiiie duringLeot may present pro blems but it has the wonderful cdmpensation oi stilnulatlng new thoughts about load The cequ new ideas we and are really been the whole yea at They arent rustle new tivlstsyoullwan tto add your present rcpertoi 8ozs thin tpaghetti anchovies 65talks ot celery Im avthblespoonsroliVooila is ï¬nished in mahognnywit tile floors Iconlplernenting the am two Lpin tomato ulce uncovered rapidlybolling salte tondenond dra viiiu les ridservioe rt er evidenteIof mericon unutuil but they have atow iceleryland SpigbettiICnseIro wnter until Meanwhile ehop eclecticin smallzpleces and brownln otvoilr add anchovies and pack tora minute addprpI lonter Misti ind baker In banged oulernle for live minutes in 400 oven ax Olive Noodles Cusernlo ouncesnoodlel 15m canevaporated milk tablespoon ï¬xated tonian rz teaspoon dry mustard in cup Ichoppcd salad olives teaspoon salt la pound gratedcbeese Cool noodles uncovered in II cdrapidlf boilln ater until tender seven utes and drain Combine remaining ill gredienta and mix well Add 1190 diosini mix lightly Phoe In buttered casserole and bake in moderate oven 350°tar winip uies or untllI lightly browned Serycsulx molwitbvlomatoes Ind and Mushrooms lb sliced mushrooms tablespoons butter tablespoons chopped onion tablespoons choppcdgreen Norcan loin ocs tablespoon steak sauce to rapidly boilingzsalte water until tender DrainIondrlnse Saute sliced mushrooms an onion llght in butter Add green pep canned tomatoesand seasoni Combine with upload maearoni and pour into buttered baking disb Sprinkle wt bread crumbs nndbalge immodera oven 350 untllI goldenbrown about 25 minutes Servessix Moms for momma orana newtv pontooan SESI epncngre conma