IZRALRH LITTLE RALPH LEDUC wholl be 12 yearsoid tomorrow wont be having nor mal birthday partyIBecnuse of heroics in recent fire in Lefroy this game little guy will be spending the next several months in recovering from severe burns Ralph Lcdue Fund has been Royal Victoria Hospital League started in Lefroy Donations can be sent to the fund in care of The Examlncr sweateriylng across Raiphsbed was pre sented to him along with hockey stick by Jimmy Morrison defence star of the Tor onto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey arm The Beneï¬t Fund Started 1fYear Old Hero Became 9Vlctlm By STEVE JONESCU mutual admiration society was formed this week in cream at jnoyai Victoria Hospital Members of lthsociety Iarc Jim Morrison defence star of thc Toronto Maple Leafs ofsthe Na tional Hockey League and Ralph Lcduc an =llyeamid heiil be I12 tomorrow youth from Lefroy Mdst people in thibdistriei know ofEMr Morris andyhis profes sional position But too few know of young Mr Ledug so lets turn the colon or back Ia fewweeks and learn of the young man it was the middle réioniooominion Batik Annotmces New Appq ntment ILconard Cornfoot appointed accountant atfthe Bar rie branch of theTorontcDomim ion Bank replacing Harry Bailey who has been transferred to Ham ilton Mr Cornfoot comes here from Huntsville where he has been on the staff of the bank for 11 years for the past year until halfIas accountant native of Brantiord where he received his education he joined thehankin 1939 and has been on the staff at Brantford and Hunts ille ever since with the excep ti of live years war if when hose ed Royalcanadian Air Fare Ig struetor in Canad he went overseas ate in the Englandfor year and halfbefore being discharged November I1 with the rank memberIo the air force re lo the houseto rescue the elderly of March and he alongwiih few other children and members of thc Burke family was watch ing television at the home of Mr and Mrs Gord Burke Suddenly without warning an explosion rang out and the house burst just as quickly into flame Within minutes he dren had escaped the inferno and were outside After quick inventory it st iscovcrcd that all of the oceu pants of the house had not made it outside Mrs Mabel Burke79 was still inside ThomasIshapcotl neighbor and young Ralph headed back in woman But it was too late the flames were too hick Mrs Burke was eventually found dead For his part in the attempted rescue Ralph will be forced to spend the next several months in the hospital while skin is grafted to his face hands and back When Ralph was rushed to the Royal Victoria he was lcss aware of the pain than of the fact that his prize hockey sweater would have to be cut from his body Miss Helen Shanahan superin tendent of the hospital toldThc it buvtev Natural ployées will build distribution OnrMarch 19 the om Fuel Board approved terms andcondi tions of franchiseagreements be tween Consumers Gas and six communities between Barrie and OwenSnun andso Apriltflflhe Fuel Board will hear applications by Consumers for certiï¬cates of convenience and ncccssltyin these municipalities No Barrie Fran so Yet pivot of ouristIand trading area out along Georgian Bay to Owen SoundhasInot yet granted dis tribution franchisefor natural gas service isttudying presentations fro onsumers and an as Bracebri ge and cm en lust and fromgNoxth Bay to Kenora alongthe orih rnscction oftiie TransCanada parted toI In appearances beforeCounell meetings in the Geo The insyearold Consumers Gas Company of Torontohits been named by six Georgian Bay communities to distribute natural gas to householders and industries from the Town of Stayner to the Cltyof errSound In addition to Istayner andOWen Sound experieI cedConsumers Gas Companyvemg lan Reigtahguishene Meaiford andThornIbury Examiner yesterday that Ralph pleaded with he ospitai staff to spare his sweItelj As last re sort MissShanahan promised the boy that she wouldrepluce the sweater and Igt him In new hockey stickttoo In erVaIghtf 01 teiEI ed Morrison in Toronto So on Monday Jim arrived at the hospital with an old Maple Leaf sweater and an autographed stick Since Morrisons visit its been reported that Ralphs spirit has improved considerablyn Two othcrfirc victiirls eight yearold Joan Leduc and four ycaroid Gary Burke are still in the hospital recovering from less serious burns Jean has burned hands and to Gary has badly burned leg Undcr the direction of Lloyd Sawyer and Mrs Flossie Rose Ralph Lcdue Fund has been start ed ln chroy To date only $350 has been raised only percent age of what the surgical treat mentsto the hung here will cost Donations can be sent to the Ralph Lcdue Fund care of The Barrie Examiner 4SiXjGédrgiaiiBayCommunities Give COnSumersi Gays franchis systemin Collingwood Mid employees to citizen 11 Ontario for more than 100 years Oakah Jones vicepresident and gen eraIlImanagerI of Consumers states The advantages of suchgas ciTto communitraiemanyr the disadvantages of any other and tooI numerous to There is no substitute for Iknow how in any Public Utility service as every city or town official knows from his ownexperiencef Any rapidly growing aggrc sive progressive community de serves for its natiiral gas distribu timc to repair calibre of serviceI too well known competition tor acompany whose management PreZSElioolers Proschool childrenwlll reccir theirseconddose of polio nextqleek tbo Simcoc 60 Health Unit wishes to remind cnts Tho progam will be carried at Barrio Armoury on To wcdnndlyand Thursday 910 and ll From 930m ICI children in the to alphabetic groupwlll be vaccinated Chi ren whose surnames begin wiI letters between and will vaccinated in the afternoon hourï¬ frumiJD to 430 pm The town is again divided inlI three distilcls 28 for the ll dose on Tuesday only chil residing southIof Dunlop Strceft West aroiov attend the clinic Wednesday is set aside for child ren residing cast of Mulculél Street and Thursday children residing north ofDunlopStre¢t West and west of Mulcastcr Street will bcvacclnntcd As quantum Observed By Barrie Rotary Newfie day was observed with full ceremony flltilt regular meeting of Barrie Rotary Club on Thursday April At the cnlni mencementof the meeting toast was drunk to Newfoundland In the Ode to Newfoundland wot sung standing Each member had theoppor Ifunity ofstudying literature tolling the wonders of the land during the lunch Later special choir of six did their best In capture some of the spirit of the country in the classic songs that land Dick Sicclc native of the country in atalk to the club covered with zest the turbulent history of Newfie up to the time of confederation While ad mitting that the country was part ly ready fop thispin 948heI left émin eners that he felt stronginabo theinlusticc of the manner in which this was done Parking Costs Tcwn Money Cars parking on both sides of Owen Street south near the junction ofCollier Street are costing the town money Despite no parking signs in this area cars areleft standing so that they interfere with traffic detec tors set in the road These detectors control Zthe traffic lights atIthe junction car left standing on them not only interrupts the regulated flow of traffic but burns out the mechanism which costsI 350 hccompany is localcomy lmost all its shareholders Ontario all itsother financ ing centizred hero It is locally ntinue to be local men lthe company is publiclyeom ittcd to policy of helping com munities growï¬and prospe of Ioluntary rate reduction ing gas to all custom rs ossible competitive rates so mensurate withshigh quality smce introdu tion naturn gas to its systcm in Nova be 1954 Consumerso Ilcers kInow ga wdl not sell itsel It must beaggrcs siveiy promoted sold and serviced tin every other type of energy or heatprod clnft Investm nt turnSiow Conaunier shown tho where it has started to sellhat ustom are usin operated and all its directors are eriencehasIalsb aeh community ne Shit and Dates Announced it was announced today that thealxthjlnflul Barrie Motor Show will be held at the Annasa Friday and an urdly April 2632 Till show In sponsored nanlly by the motor dealer of Barrie in cooperation with the Barrie Chamber of9om metro feature of this years show will be two fashion than presented roach day one by Zellerr and the other by the Joan Garrickï¬chook Boathouse Plans At speclal meeting oftbe chairman and officers of the Banlo Sea Cadet Corps held at the Armouryon Wednesday it was decided to goIahcad with plans of building boathcuse for the corps Three boats two life boatsIand one snipc class boat rc to be acquiredfor scamanshlp instruction Commanden Grist of the Navy League ofCanadaalso attended floors of theRoyal Canadian Sea Cadets and the Royal Canadian Navy the boys are taught the ways of theses and citizenship Winter training is put into practice at summer camps owned and operated by the RCN cachI summer andtwo of these camps fen cadets each train about 4000 July and August Scholarships are also available for univchity Early Rain II Milder later Tbcsouth eutlwind yertcr Belay was cold all day bringing light nnl turning to rain all night floday indicates milder with rain stopping this room Firs pedalService Baptist church Mayrafer wing mot At complete Renovation TOIGO Ahead With special service arrSunday April at First aaptucin harmonize and in soft toned Church Barrie at which Dean Parker of the Divinity School McMaster University Hamilton will bethespecker marks the completion of renovationprogram which has been undertaken by the congregationI DecnvParker wili also Ibe speaking at the church on The First Baptist Church of Barrie has come long way since 1876 when the first service was heldyin hall on Clapperton Street onNovembcr with Rev Griffin as lhoI minister in charge The church was officially recog nized and organized by hcio ronto Association of Baptist Ch hcs onFcbruarIyI22 1817 an mprlacc ofmceting was changed to the Orangoliall also Clapperton Simct now number First Organ lntcresting items come from the church minutes regarding the purchase offltheI first organ in 1879 andthc membership stood at 94 Names olormer min isters number24 including Rev ALuck ibuprcxent minister also Rev Whan of St Thomas Sqd Ldr Batty now in the RCA at Edmonton and Rcv GarbuttF Smith now pastor of Trinity Baptist Church Winnipeg Pride Is also expressed in the rcehrd of Thomas Irry who went from the churchias missionary to China and died in Hong Kong in 1900 The congregation is rcsponsibic Ifor work done at Belle Ewart in eooperIat nwit an ï¬omEMisgonknourdr An AcuterReaction Special mention is also made of Rev wnuim Walker minister from 1886 to 1891 as man graciouspersonality and high cul ture who soon proved his worth foRYNARD NOMINATED PROGRESSIVE CONSERVAIIVE CANDIDATE IN SIMCOE Dr 11de of Drillla was nominated Progressive Conserva tive candidate fcrthe federal ing of Simcoc IEast last night at Midland Mrs Lilyfï¬age and Mac Carter bpthof Orliiia were also nominated but withdrew their names andthe acceptance of DIrJRynaIrd candidate was unopposed At the la Ifederal election Dr Rynard stood lIS Progressive Conservative candidate for the ridin antics by small margin craforï¬thcvevening to he Deput Robinson Despite cy roa more than attended the porn ation Speaker Hebcr Conservati II we North was among eht Ina short addrsshhe cioI pressed his Iconfide the succesgof the party in the forth coming election IRynardjwasynominatedI by George Dudley QC of Midland andls ondedby LloydBunion Moons one In his nomination sp eh he attackedithe present vernment on th matter of the pipeline closure the meagre in creasein old age pensions and claimed tli th Liberal party had deprcci in th Canadian sive Conservative Parkdale Toronto was the speak urged that every effort should be made to winnthcIsupport of thosewho vote for the splinter partI Ff securing their votescould the meatlyearauritii enoug satisï¬ed the service the Only Monday evening his pastorate into thc incImb Rev Ralph Trotter pro vided spectacularperiod draw ing largeI congregations but he resigned in l893leavingpn acute reaction loiden Jubilee By 1927 the golden jubilee showed that therewas no doubt asto the strength ofthc church although the quiéstion of fundn mentalism had meant the loss of several familiaslwho withde to set up another congregation Growth has been steady and program of complcte ranovatlori is going on with Sunday School department completely redeemht cd in thepéit fay years and now attention has been concentrated upon the church building Concerted Effo rec rd of what has been done shows eresult of planning and concerted effort Forthe 75th anniversary it was decided to re decoratetho church and Sunday School and also to off the mortgage ebtcdncss This was accomplished and since their many necessary re pairsand also upkcep have been Two years ago they carried out tbegnecessary plan iseussiIon concerning ardst At the annual meeting last year the church appointed For ward Look committee to raise the amount of $150th on three year basis and thenproceeded to complete rcdccoratiorinnd re furnishlng of the church and Sun day School The committee consisted of Wilson chairman Harms omlinsun HEJ Allenand Rev Luck Later Hotrum replach John Allen upon his re moval Io Regin Much planning was done and thecampaign went over the top last April $750 was sent or the Build Ba tist Churches Fund in DInLarlo Wnrkstam The workwasstaifmd in see tember 1956 including new web rooms and alsochoir room new ceiling in on sundAy School hall répainted an ou de vestibule builtadd floor refl sir ed Added worms new tables and chairs Baptistry repaired anda large heater installed In connection with heating the furn Iace was reducted as required OnIIDeccniberI 30 the church sanctuary was closed thepews removed and given to Caprcoi Baptist Churchand Ferndale Barr tlst Church Toronto new platform waa built for the cho orga ovedIwainscottin doors and wall done in oak plywood Thomalls and woodwork wércali repainted ndnewlights installed for choi andpulpit Remarks Change hemarkable hango wasm de by new pews thr ughout of design oak lha entire floor under the pews is covered in linoleum of pleasing tint and the alsiesaro carpeted in warm rich red in all without taking away the orig lnal design of the interior famil iar tpinnd beloved byao many who have grown up under the teaching mi guidance of th churchit has richer yet bright ersiient The Iexteriorof the edificewas also included in general repairs Turnto page two please Barrie Geo