Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Apr 1957, p. 4

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eililnr PhonePA 07900 EXPEBIENCED man tor moving and rmmmmmwmmomeam HeirwaANrEo OFFICE HELP Raoulran niin knowledge ol iypowrtt In And nookkoepinl Ogden nond ed Barrie Examiner lsoti HairdresSer IXPZRIINCD IN STVLING Steady Position compensstian hensiiu salary plus commission start no sale to take up pageants every 20 minutes sdgy EUBYS BEAUTY SALON lfi DUNLDPST EA BARRIE 14041 iBOOKKEEPER 10 bsndla complete set or books dul with correspondence and take complete charge oi payroll tor LUMBER BUSINESS in ALLISTON Apply Box narrle Exnmlncr 14041 SALEMAN MENSGWEAR SPORTING GOODS Experience preterrcd but no essential APPLY Harry Twiss Mens Wear Phone PA 83435 13041 REGISTERED NURSE Required or dcncral duly at Company Hospital in Temlskainlns Quebec At trsetivo salary schedule In enact One months annual paid vacation Living accommodation available in nurscs nslden Ple ant community lite with Variety inter and summer recreational Good bus and rail connect sailor palms tpply In wrlllnu stating qualifications Superintendent Tenuskanilag Hospital Canadian International Paper co TomiskaminzQuehco DRIVER SAVLESMAN WELL ESIAIILISHED ROUTE OPEN H042 sales experience lioness hint school cducalion WAGES PLUS COMMISSION Group plan insurnnce available also some APPLY NORRIS DAIRY 96 Collier SI Barrie 14042 SALESAEN For Permanent Staff Applicants are given on the lob train ing and supervision by our lnlncd personnel pnd then assigned to terrlv tories that in past year have provided Incomes ln ibeexccutive brnckets THE ALSCO ALUMINUM recounts YOU waii snLl RI ACCEPTED As CANADIAN HOME MUST and advertised in all theleading pub IIE ans from coast 10 coast You InuEE be willing nild capable to 1nlio direc supervisioniroma mem ber otou egular start untilyou have iunknowiedgd oinourViaodera methods 01 Presenting our products to yourfctsstomers Call Mr Jones PA Mai and to pm tor appointmen ALSCQ BARRIE NORTHERN ONT SALES CO gt 90 COLLIER51 eiosz BEVEBAGE Walters wnnted Apply Queens lloiél Bradford 140 CAPABLE reliable wo In or 11th 110 storage IarmPhane PA 50555 between son and pm 110 indomian man to operate barn glint sprayer tell time ApplyF inchlr 21m Churchill 14041 lliilESlIlii Illiilll tennis wow MIWMAPAW tuna antigenic iiinnll lsotl WINCH Dictaphone Operator Or lgiarltflthneflorl to on week it Barrio gamma 14041 struvnr BOY nqlflnd ioeiocl outomsaiva store Apply George Moot iomory11 reroute El 14040 Imus Youuwonun rar Pan timeemoloyment in exclusive ml mI mA is Ilium Illi lop Wan 14 KXIEBIKNCID Cook and WinnI vilified Caplbl of MIDI ll than lhlfl Ill Supply Mounted Apil In person to ur in View Purellllk DALI lll IIDl AVON PRDIIUEII hub openlnll In Santa and vicinity or pleasant esp nhlo ladies who It at least our hours day to are Excellent coni mlnlonn Write Twin Apt 106 Ill Wllnan Av Toronto 12 14041 CAPAILI auu 0r souls woman Deflch In tonerl humewark pilln cooklnl Ilundry or Ian Wnle leo In Good holn Excellent tillax 11d rmncts minim Apply to Mr Iain 1lligh SlmlPhdne PA 66031 even rs 1404 MAN OB WOMAN We hi openlnl In IllrrIO for men or Womln wIlIlnl $0 devote hours dnlly on enlhllnhed dlml ulllnz Wnlklnl Route can up Ale no lppllcnllnnl held In Write immediately 150 Roch Slnel 14053 POSITIONS WANTED slorort Mechnnkdulru position 27 vers experience with Ford products nos Barrie intminer H0 IOUEBKEEPRR Complnlon desires position with Invalid or cmlrlnvnlld Box l1 Leiroy 1041 RESPONBIIILB woman wishes to look aiier small children In her oln home while mother works by the week Aw ply 200 Napier 5t 24041 mum WOMA to Allanan to mind chilling In own horticwuwgll mother works lllonda in time Phone PA Null Fr 2240 WANTED Trout Fishing Stream or Lake requiréd BY PRIVATE PARTY PHONE commit TORONTO BELMONT 31629 i017 WRITE BOXP BARBIE EXAMINER 33942 IGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP MErALS BAHERIES Phoné PA 66301 orPAoesal whnlflglegntlfrlllslllfr$2 1351 INDUSTRIAL IRON AND MEIAI Dunlap St West Fondll Phone PA 60331 or PA 87204 ssets Barrie Metal VG Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS FURS 101 FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY trucks wiu call host prteas 331 Special prices pal delivered hangs3nd Dsummer MAX PUSH KOFF AND comm 21rd and Office 204 Tlflln St slsti rrticvchn start be in good condition Apply Ed Mccrady asrrie Examiner ELM LOGS Wanted to buy also con tracts or cutting Valid skidding Box 10 Bankikamlner kill FARMS FOR SALE Mild fluidIlade Iml HIDES RAGS BATTERIES ennuim MIW 700 Pawn molarowns limb Mm Vuwufowun FENDLEYS FLOWERS PA Ill Hymn ST RUBBER STAMPS VismnrmORDEP WEAYMQUTHS1 BOOK STORE umal 1114 APPLES APPLES soilrnmn°rr wrathml cooxmo Affine All price marsh Prom 00 buohul in em hastcl 15 cent delivery urine your own containers FUCK SUNNIDALE ROAD PA 32720 AFTER PJI 13041 SPECIALS PER ROLL 35c 39c 45c 49c 59c ROOM LOTS ma AT BARGAIN PRIC ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 Dunlop St East PA 02431 1uwu MANS BICYCLE Phone PA 000 740 sell or Jack MAPLE SYRUP Apply Iohnlenneu phone ism llrndiord 70940 ZEIIS BINOCULARS 150 with case Reasonable Phone PA unto 74MI LARGE Quantity won rotted manure Close to BIrrllr Phone PA I788 IllII 21 IELEVIBION alutninlsed tincture iuhc hare Real blrfllln 15 Phone Comp BM den His 1HI m1 CAMPING irsuer Reasonhie lor cull Apply I05 Sophln Si Well Itvnnlntl only 74011 REMINGTON QulelRllers one dollar down our dollars per month All Orders Accepted Phone PA 0415938 RCA Vicrqlt combination Radio and Record Player also Porthie electric sewing machine iikcnoiv Phone PA alm 740 HchE Wine and aresncmstcrneld Suite Gurney heavy duty electric stove Apply 15 nurion Avenue or phoneJA HIM J40 usnh Ollssrnnrinhns sis and up Dining Room suites $15 one up Bods telnplelcisilinnd up Clarks Home Fumlahlnzs 33 asynoid st 740 cnait model 10 ev In excellent condition 350 Ibl capacity Owner being posted Must no Bargain Phone Camp Borden 570w 74042 GIRLS BICYCLE medium like mens bicycles with gears and light one standard Treadle Sewing Mach lne in good running order 44 Grove St West Barrie Phone PA 84828 74041 itnhnlarl Sports and Robin llood Bi cycles or men women boys and girls Direct irorn England Standard nnd8lt speed models iron $4050 Robinson Iludware 31 Dunlop st East Phone PA llzisl 740 WOOD FOR SALE QUANTITY OF Hardwood i0r stove or iireplace and pine loge Cheap or quick sale Apply Eugenio st PA 89411 640 Accommodation ZWOnted E30300 Winterind Cottntze turn Ished or unfurnished wanted Why 1140 ARMY OFFICER requires or bed room house ior rental Iraln April to November Apply Box 104 Barrie Ex aminer 111040 APARTMENVE or house required by government employee transferred to Harrie hy May Three small child ren Reierencu uvalluble would con sider small town close to Barrie Phone PA Huh 114041 100 Acorn good sonny losm 50 acres workable 40 acres bush and pasture Gdhd warm room lasiilhrick home hank ham 55 steel implement shed lien house garage water in house and born under pressure miles grand anrrlcillfllia IPDKI 51503 wa ee tose one 03340 V== PLANTs FLOWERS TIME TOORDER iV SVIIRUBS EVERGREENS ROSEBUSHES A1013 GARDEN NEEDS FENDLEYS FLQWERS PA 05915 174950 Deadlinejlor copy 500 pan week day preceding lssilo DEADLIN on MoNDAY¥SAIURDAYI100Dm ADLHIS MAY BE TELEPHONE 10 PA 8241 Otedch word 11g clinsecutivie insertions an ond minim In 601 Followiligconsecutive insertions 2c word minlmu MUST nE PAID wms OED Word mi mtnmum 80E mumGOVc one ucnONsALizsVNorlcEs nl uln $100 30210 dismiss lit VArpREciAh0N 40mm Indm Oiliillillly for Vnny Error In It in pa styles or tlfimidigplay anonymide Oiled 00f notion PY ulan iI Dinl ode roof rtuln No 001 PROPERTIV IUR oALr HENRY VELRICK MClIEV agencies 15 Owen St OFFER COMPLETE REALESTATE SERVICE BUYING DR leNG MORTGAGE wANS ATIONAL HOUSINGV ENERAL INSURANCE APPRAISALS FOUR ROOM BUNGAIO this modern home consistingpr good slzn llvlagraom tcben Wlthiplunly or cupboard space snd two he rooms ILls very economicalto hi hi ow heating cost and reasonale tax Idenllor rattled couple or young cow less expensive home terms op DUPLEX POSSIBILITY We have is six room arioirhoaie in thedown tnwn area which is vary suithie or converting inton duplex The rooms are exceptionally large and the hnusn In in excellent condition oil heated and pricedle seii Forhmher Interrelation contact this ottlce orny member at thoVBnrrie neat Ellun is listed underpoorlilntlndv Board Yes we haveoih lt you in themarkct to purchue home eat Into our otileo at your eonvenlenca WALLPAPER completely reconditioned Aug Near Barrie Phone PA 02585 Phone PA 35533 $1500 down gives you possession ot ismnmow munmeal Auiooaisaru patios llflvlplflw AcENmAL bll I15 hmwnenIIInlly firmml llvlnl roomva modern kllchln rail bonnetii hot againtint Home In call immcdia possession ALLANDALE umm two bedroom home only tam ysm old living room Indllnuo kitsben bathroom iuu haumrat with mrnaee located on nlnrn lot is This home to tmrnsculste and very well kept Cull A1 hose PA Miss anytime tor sn sppointment to Inspect ALLANDALE 50000 iuii price room two store home located an large lot Three rooms and two piece hath ups stslm plus tour rooms and hath downstairs roll basement with outside entrance Call AI nose Wilme WEST END 3030000 mil price lwdnldrey home bedrooms upstairs plu living room large kitchen bathroom and one bed room downnnlrl niii basement no on and storage Crll Al Rose unanimous NORTHEND $930000 Duplexwith Home rooms and hath upstairs with private entroace plus nvo rooms on downulnln modern kitchens nili hues mant wllh new tarced air all heatiii stem largo Int dz x013 well in sea ed ins garden double unn pal Al ose PAOsm nrlytimeV CENTRAL $900000 ull Erlce two storey brick duplex with red rooms and bath up stairs with private entrance plus three rooms and bath duwnsllln large kit chep art basement located on levsi lot thZlnEe call Al Rose PA Mm anytime Viv NRA RESALE 31130000 lull rice NHA resale with no uIary reo remonta necessary nil home Is spotless and In pleasure to show it consists or three bedrooms large living room Ind large kitchen plus tour Elton tile both execueni well kept on tloors throughout with tile iIonra in kitchen and bathroom iuli basement with iorcad air all heating laundry tubs This is brick liimie complete with storm windowe rnd screens tally lnndm ed lot iro and rear and loch ed on one bloc from hllh school Ind blic lrhod Down plymcul only WI month IV payments of Only 045 lncludlnu Ilium prlnclpnl And lies I18 lure and see thl AI 35293 nnfilrzrfne on P1 AN ARENA AREA EXCELLENT BUY iwa stori brick home with three large hullme and bath upstairs and livlnlmoii dining room ind largo modernkitchen downstairsrmli hulem¢p with sting laundry tubs Here name at has exullenl hardwood floors throughoutplus natursi woodwa plus open nrcpiace central hull pla gotego deep lot and it is ntedonly about hair lock irom the arena Yes this immaculate and well kc horn ls selling or only $11900 with new payment at $0500 and the owner wil old the balance all in one ope mgrfix 529 tango it Csll In to pointmeat 71 SUMMER COTTAGE $2230 ittIl price orrooms lunrllhed Hydro large trned lot Good well air Bay Point Phone Les IOpe PA 5298 FARMS FOR SALE 50 Aires up Priced from 41500 II CENTRAL 500 mil price two stare home large rooms and bathy 525er eat condition Attached garage Corne $29 heating Phone Les PopcP 9i Dunlap SIJE Room OPPOSITE QUEENS mom OR PHONE IA OBLIGATION OTH LACEY REALTOR om ESTATE8V BUSINESS Home OCompeteat Real ismta scruoa nrelaslve ra cooridenurl liaflnri IPrIvlto rnd Nan rinancins plsos as It le Anemia loss inns It Business rnerdss sold calIII LIE ngpservlce McGOEYA TOUGH PHONEPA 88443 on confide Real Estate Broker luncheon Burl MEMBERS nAnlilzDlsinlcr hiya ESTATE BOARD rive LISTINGS mvnnn naschanno or ONatio Ronins Lam uiacoma Properties lRenhln usinsasj Opportuniti Pntperty mannequin 11 PA two do noon Alll Youintorested in than lidtu monthsI ll1 ouchworth 8r Make no ouch Phone on It PA em or lot 100 100 Oneplece bull lesst kept cellbnl slotEn Ice wwo trance Good dry lull VDAllv salon to my causmmm nun Lumbar nnlcx LJHAPD swam in choice location at Viocmt saanooo uulunn in months etpei beam eonnmun large modern room unlitla eupa enblnot in dlnlnl room utmost tan in hitchn vanityia hath llvltllu ouJl fizn in nndnehhola Nili resale is only 07140 month oelitdlns takes No to airemsnu Ca nan Connell Evenlnllmhdnn ends RAorORiuonN AREA 1100 Initial heady tor people martin at O1 pleat Wail built homo In rood condition all through oflu°uhlral ment Pull rice 011900 fiorma cl PONY Old Evenlnll PEG PA aunmN Availme Tall JuleOI the lam Innuen lnl Older huntl II In boon our privilege to olier slit taateIirliy duontedmms full hmmel all hell lully lehoed llranm Cull Jerry Qulnn PA RM Evenings PA MISC ANOrlmll mopn ONE Brnlld nlvl extn lood loclunn Lovely dim hcdroom hrielr bull wow Pull caninic lilo hath Hnl thou entn that count Clelr hlnment OHM llr oil laundryttnyl Illll tlol Low down gun and carrying char ger noelprised in lodnyi lnsr CnulnrryQulnns Almo Eveninra PA hem BARRIE SUEUIIIJHMO Full pricnlor lllll 11 film mm huh slow Eriuht and 119911 In All hmuxh All modern convenieneen OII lull IIlnl only Snly terms Payments only mmonlhlg Cali Pare rard Eveniagr oaa PA VEnlcENTRA1som ciappettonsophia area well buut mom buntlow Goodde modem kltchen loil cannula poured bnemenl Very goodlur mica Mont econumlcnlly heated splecd bathroom Tenn all be lrinnged Comill Dun Connell Eveaiags phone PA M702 QUAIJIZY INVmMm impressive Brick Apartment in lnryfi attractive downtown loos on Three large tallysell contained Apartments on nine lota csr nude Spacious Apartment ior owner pus two lovely suites Vlor in come Down Payment momA saaad Invertment By uppoiniment only ClII deny Quinn It PA 55384 lvenlngr PA adios APrRRHOURS VOALL rcrcy FordPA 0051 Drn ConneIlrA aon Ierry QuinnPA iizsss RV Shannon REALTOR HEMBEII BARRIEfREALmAIE nomun 1540 nnh £2100 DOWN APPLETREE ACRES 312500 SEednmm redhrlcx hunznlow wlu Lain lelllztDlnlnz hrlor kitchen on llled Bnlhmom Three years old nicely decorated and spot muy complete home at lower than usual price and terms Phone PA 11 NAPIER STEM NEAR WEIDON 312800 Three yearnld brick Dunn low well planned and Iinlsbed In every respect uvingdlmng eomhln ntlon three rooms tiled hathgood high dry to ernent hilly painted oll rorced sir heating llund and ox 57 Van resale with no red ape carrim tor 66 montth completpa wonderiui saving my present day termnl Phone PA DNEIIIILE SOUTH 0N HIGHWAY II Sl room Insulatone llénorey home with all townconveuiences good well pressureroyltem till hnsement mmlce hauling alum windows Lot IS 60 200 Enoilllrden Ind taxes are only sad nown payment is $2000 good buy or working maul VCENTRAL IN THE TOWN BAYFEELD STREET 4500011 of those rare Immncullle 1y kept Older bler brick home which noor sunroomtIt has ruletiled bath in 2pIeco owdcr rotam dnvlmslnlru on Harmon rtrim nn um as orage oose everyw ere Good hlgh dry brsement with cont pietciy modern oiltiredheating pllnt Good solid double garage Exclusive eontldential listingwe want appoint Inean on lhlsdnelPhanoPA mm cmiRAL ALLANDALE Imam 0c iuIV re bath lyficstorey pressed brizk holde torgoonnppearanca and not too old Price is reasonable at $7500 with $2000 downpnymenl required vml STREET on summit AVE illfiM New Moon brick bulld low WE planned Ind finkhed III to move Into Full lvided basement oi himco and huil sundry teram with sum down and 72 mon ly nciudlng uxVe Awell huulunnll om lovely ocatio gt coDRlNdrON 20000 sixroom llfisluley with nl ched gsrare Home is vs yams modern cen unoono Iflledhelh snd one enroom hath onemnin noorwltb lovely kno ty pina dining roonL anlly style home with recreation room located close to schools 000 Is the slow onyniam required C013 tlvellatiVng lWORSLEY smmcmlmAL TRIPLEX APARIMENT brick older style hutin top ouautyan ood mnlnlenlncnlhronlllut Three ioctiy selrcontined flair private pc ens modern forced III on lidHum locntlon just black from thlJflfl Qflice wlli IPPQBI l0 almond wontlni cantiortnbl to noon homaPius excellent monthlyincoaia drum two spartraehts loin price hJIIIG saloon withosinrlo II lllflflllflfl ems olf nood ayestiaenti BAIiBIE resents 170 um VBARRIE $11000 FULL PRICE lol this exce are neldomvtound ln this price clnu Hit her tour bedrooms it has ground spect bldluntl huullmllylkem nothing left firoulits REAL ESTATE mums Comm BUILDING one ln led mruslmuzimvlmfnu tilt ninem Priced to De WY LOCATED lbodm wk bungalow filth latll men had hill livlnl Mm mad hath pleat a1 closets Basement leldod and aid out or ruinHon room Slhllkd on M01 10 lamla on Ind easy terms can no amused Call to any Ar Inspection WORBLEY STREET axon bedroomhom very uri vaaien located on lovely comer lot mi borne Ll to err lionII goodiccndlllon with oil hea ag and merry earns lncludlas storms and ml KING COMMERCIAL Wall located holol In Blrfle Largo In room nun Ind hdlns beveh rooms unionso limo yearly Ampklc Parking space Priced to no ooic ALSO Marty listings at homes or all piss and price rinses lotehdn Ill lumundlnt In HOOD mm PROPDIIIE Several new NBA homes Ind rennin YOUR HmNG INVITE 51 Wins 5701111 nilZN iiovr our BEL ESTATE BROKERS 102 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 8590 omep ileum9 LII to on 16 0a CAéioN REAL ESTATE BROKER RUSS CARSON NORM 5mm PA 54481 Dunlap SI Elst Blrfll Olllco Open p111 Dilly Saturdays until tun NHARESALE REASONABLE DOWN FAYMW 310000 lull price It heeuliml room ultrn modern kitchen with dining area large bedroom and living room lull hasernent and oil hanllnl locked on good lot close to Cod rlnzton Selina $2000 DOWN PAYMENT 11900 FULL PRICE live large rooms brea bedrooms uitrn modern kitchen llVInl room over 20 Mill Situnted on very wide lot on Napier street CLOSE TO GE RmONAHLE DOWN rAYhsr en duplex with two teaantsnccupyins lhe secondiladf paying total at suntan monthly Five rooms tog owner on main door rooms Hot wstoc heating with oil $1000 PAYMENT slowrun PR1 close to codring ton street School bedroom hungo Iew with modern kltlhen eplecebsth Located on heautliaiiy well treed lot in nEond residential area DUCKWOETH STREET $895000 FULL PRICE Modern Hg storey home it lnrflo Moms surname iull bnsement Situatedon nica lot close to schools ALLANDALE sllm FULL PRICE Six iaruc rooms mllymodern includ 11 new kitchen cupboards lpieca two storey brick home Is situated on good In with two frontE2 Ind don hle tame NAPIER STREET coast to CODRINGTDN si scnaox 012000 FULL Valeriahis is so cir ceptionsl Vronrn brick bungalow with nttached grrnge and all the estrus sttusted on it 60102 beautiraliy lands scoped with shade trees CODRINGTON ST $13900 hill price or this helutllul well constructed room brick bun allow Open lllepluce Full basement all heating Well landscaped lot Fun eduipoed with storm windows awn us end mnny other extra BEAUIIFUL FAMILY HOME SIX LARGE riooltis $15400 FULL PRICE Two large bed rooms and onedoublebedroaln iIot waterheatlns with oil two bathrooms lull linemen isriclc construction in need large home see this one ay EXCEPTIONAL lNcOME HOME 317700 This is brand new semi delnched Two completely arnte live room homes with all separate meters lilodern In every re 16l453 Does oral STOCK nAschND PUP ior sale Housebro ken PhonePA 223 Ila40 Rnows afar sale ljllzlnlAnn Ginnrsls Ounl on grown no PPY rs Eroomtleld 31th Lino Anllu 354041 REGISTERED Samoyed Pups torsale weeks old Excellentchildrenr pets Ahply LockhlflHthway 21 Mid hllriltl ailnan ROOMS FOR RENT Very cert Phone PA N211 453340 COMFORTABLE furnished hflmnm board is desired PhonuJA soul 454 041 disdain clea tarnished hedroorn lol entleinan Centr can Phone H014 45004 contrastEARLY tlulnlshed bedroom overlooking plrkV east end rhona PA Masts rlJansllRD Bedroom blocks tram Hunlneinmnn curred 8344 451404 urns Private entrance Heated Centrallatqor tcdtVPIione PA midi usTdOdl PunNnnxn Housekeeping roamitnr Idlllhle Wfllkln girl Close to down town and CGEar ital Phone PA 9701 M41 FURNISHED Bed Sltllfll Rdmiir oil or heated Uaa lrlzi liuht lkhen plllllefles Downtown nnly Flume iPA V8480 Klylo or monlh perl Wi Phone PA com This homehae two bath ll hot water healan with all This all Adult seam roam EOIMMI Jimmy Ii around APARTMENTS torso room 1w slum huge239m MALESTATE rheaa PAWPIPAM IIMI Apnflnlenl do In mu PA 250 Ml oturnlsaod is mm house is gt JP 00 flfllurfi non unfurnished apertasea so compbeu Ave mutton Rouse sell coatmad Apply Ann St IHH Annmum large rooms Shirley Ave Barrie uml loom noon Nth and solnu s00 TIHIn St ADDU 200 St OI RIDINle Rooms Plano PA l1 or ID Haltll It 716 Room artinetit partly torn ishod Apply llpllsofllmon st 153140 lioulnxnnrnlo Room Old su east or adults Phone PA om onerl noon Apartment available at once Electric stove on Phone in elm 15404 nous unmmlnhod Md with gulls Cnlldmn welcome Phone PA ruml nlrooinh aid ion Phone PA 37 on GIRL to allso lower duplex Calmll xenonMe Phone PAINN liter IWI BEDROOM Aplnmlnl mm modern Avlllnble Enquln Supeflnlnm dent PA 54041 WINIIIIBD Roomuld huh Adult Ah II Innllfll Sl oaiy Mn ppiy JHM SDJIHINO Raomand kitchen tun nhhed nd heated Separate entrance Phone PA 02700 lsoIHa LARGE Housekeeping Room temple with llnhyliol Ind cold inter Cen lrIIPhono PA N231 ISM noolilzl Apartment private entrance and bath close lnvdowntown ply llax Barrie human FIIRNIEIIED bed Illnl room 1ih roulette And use lIrll And Bendix Central PhonePA 350312 151041 Mom sell contained rpartmaat prlt vale hath private entrance Downtown location PhancPA um lssua momunnrmtahad heated pa meat rlvnlo huln and entraac Phone 001 alter 510 pm 154041 IlBDIlDOllJIDme inside the town limits close to school Or end of April occupancy Phone PA oasis loHl LARGE hrightoliloo downtown on Telephone unmerlnz can be arranged Exlmlner 154011 BEDROOM cotton with electric stove and space helltr Runnlnl VIII AV Ply Kunce Cedlr Plxlt Llllle Lnkdi 154041 BEDROOM WI erlxed Olllltg Ill Like with builtin cupboards Also Kn IK in Ernie Phone PA N534 15tHi SMALL urnlalied rooms Kitchen dlnclle Ind hedqlltllll roomncentr Adulu 12 weekly anoneJA Hose 154042 on Apsrtmeat with kitchenette vatu entrsaca nod bathroom lrn rurntshed Adults preserrcd 1M pier st 154041 nodal uninrnlrhed srtment prl rte entrance to the viii or Thom lull Alny Mll III Knuppphone Ilr2 lvy trydildo noon Apmment and bath Rest and watermwlleduce tral Available May Adults Apply undonald so Blrrlei IHHI LARGE ROOM nice and Irrioht lots or clipboards Illrnlslied 37M weeklynApt 53 I78 Dunlap Wes Phone PA 160 153940 noon hasterr spartmaat closrto ping district Phonu PA H002 to pm or PA 02300 mer sp Vielots llNFURNISHRD heated apartment mom Ind Illred hllh Ieplflt en truncu Grand floor Phnne PA64EM Allel 11121 I540 monitors room apertment private tntrsnoe tor zenileman or business girl only Everylhlngl included Apply 67 Mary st 154042 summon tarnished apartment huilt ln cupboards nesvy duty stove trig AduthCentnl ilahle end otA Phone PA 150th 041 1100M Jlouselteeping Aplflment honed cent Eultnble or bunlnfi cmlple Phone PAEiln finer 841 Rempnable nos narrie or npply Il Hllh rst BACHELOR Aplrtnienl lollvconlllned unliimiahed heated continuous thtil detol rlvntei mlhAVIlIIhlp Immedi lleLV one PA M494 ROOM unfurnished upmment with Private bath and enlrnnltz Cull Cumberland Stror phone PA 05352 between pro and ii pm H41 ROOM Apartment ipleca hath eli central Phone PA 34493 am to PA in APARTMENT new rpoms electrically ieoqu ed trig and stove Possession nny imp Janitor Enqlllre Superintendent s40 YO seii contained Quiet phomz rivate bath lcpuate coirnee AM there Adults Noar has stop Phone PA 83054 1541404041 APARTMENT ninlnfluor rooms hell contained llehvy wiring hosted Avail able rti Applyxuz nuhlo Vst East thin 66363 194m Pumlsnnn Cottaga Inside eonvenh ennufiyour round Das child $45 mont ly Phone 154 anuln 1m port or applylscir Michelson Josh and Mosley Sta wasgs Bench lNNlBWOaD Ahnrtmenis contained rooms Ind bathroom olshed unmraished Conllntloul hot and ocken sissir nmlllrn APARrMBNT coatelaod bestinsbu cupboard sink 1plece blthrooni now decanted Laundry iocuttiea Aval this ru 15 Adults do ou intniopvst hnnua unillhedr withkitchenette and ath no water suitable or adults no on cou In Also one unlurnishod ent we be room storoser ElsaPrue ins Ihuted bedroom Orenmore use or sundry ll deEl ennui per contoured storrge mane bested very supulnar lti mamfine mung jllflfl on MOBILE HOMES nous Tnller for uh In lir rla All dummies hilly Infilld nud Phonn LII If lOM it SEED AND FEED datum Eli1 ltlzltlmgiit shaming Paton or lull on ilrlz in Aorlylogd 125 Osldlslnalnr aa or one Harrie no 1040 RAY AND or lllc do 11m Arflgw Kali Gulozd Phall IAIN lolns Loms humrm oi lood soure aaied bay Or sale Phone PA no Wlller Smith Can VOID IbIlll QUANTITY Choke Mlxed Ray Aquila alien laid Robert Colin phone 202W Creemore gt 104041 30 avenue or PEAS or sale site umllly or good mintAppi¥ ur on Archer litmvrir 11R plum its3 gt IIH Ml OAT SHAW fillm halal lur Idle nlsolllxed Orlln lnr Rad Nilbub Barley Ind Beaver Gall Illa Rodney OutllhonePA 104041 mill Um oi tied Pontisc Ito made No small tor ulo For noes contact Ilarry it Gowlnu sh cargo or phono SI Gnomezoos 1051541 rots sous 500 bushelsnt Montcalm Sand Barley lrade No control eertlucVIe No 463892 sciinitiation Also mum of Rodne 0an Flinn lvenlntl 72 Mlnetlnz Schaer RRJ Minesln MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS llo confirm No shim credit narsso oi Barrie nurlE 1041450 rhonarA um Herat ROTC TlLLING QPLOWING 8i SODDING PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW RAHDER LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PA witIr alter Pm Hm DAS HS Elecllic Motors 16 Ross St Barrie PHONE PA 85301 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE MA flowing Illlunch sea HAROLD HART barrio Electric notor 53 Owen at P11 PA aszod 545 FLOOR COVERING Armstrong itubber Floor Carynth Pinstld Wall jnlo tarialr ed and installed hean to WOLFENDEN Pb PA um no reroute st one HOLMESERVICEVVjfi isterns Pumped out nntlV Cledned Cellars Cleaned and Trash Rem moved Eaveslrouglis Cleaned and Re paired For pmlnpt nervlce PHONE coolesrowu05m 54 LADIES Now is THE nliEjio 1me Anollr alrmivo YOURHOME 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