ltilllsrlt um lleE ms nooos SecretaryDirector Barrie boys ndglrlliare the nosrl The most enthusiasm in their desire to take part in th Closed Council Session lnnlsfil Council after holding their closed committee session Monday morning met in the chamber in the afternoon Quite number of delegath were pres ent Results of the committee confiabs were not divulged are under investigation Wornica Subdiilisiori Plans Are Approved Pioneers Celebrate 50th Anniversary Friends and neighbors are in vited to visit the Albert Pratt home this coming Sunday when air and Mrs Pratt with their family will he at home to all who wish to call They will be ecl ebratlng their son wedding an niversary hlr lralt wlli also be on the eve ofcciebrating his 80th birthday When we palled on them early this weekli1r Pratt had been suffering from slight attack of the flu and on doctors instruc tions was remaining in bed for day or so He assured us that he would be up and around by Sunday Mrs Pratt who during the past year had not been in the best of health was also hoping that they would both be able to enjoya visit from their friends on Sun day between three and five clock and seven and nine She is expecting that the girl who was her bridesmaid now Mrs Hanna of Toronto will be among those on the receiving line The Pratts have occupied the same house on the same form since their marriage and took over the place for his father who had inherited it from hisJather The land on the farm is now rent cd but Mr Pratt attends to the garden and other chorcs around the house He teils of helping to rcnfove with oxen some of the original stumps when his father was clearing the land for farm purposes Under $200 canceled So For For Leduc Fund The Lcduc fund which is being raised for the brave 11yeorvold boy who was so badly burned when he endeavored to save an elderly woman from the burning house inLefroy is so far as has been reported yet under $200 The boy who is still in hospital and will be for some length of time will require very costly treatments if he is ever to be able to be fully recovered Let us all take our part in helping in the only way we can to restore this lad to health and usefulness Names of those making substan tial contributions will be publish an inthis column The local banks or Lloyd Sawyer will accept donations Youth Housebreokers When the local police were call ed to investigate breakin at cottage in the northern part of the township where the storm door had been pried open and the cottage ransacked they naturé ally looked for some adult person orpersons The only thing that could be found missing was some coffee and chocolate powder Noticing toy nearthe outside door when he went to investigate Constable Ferguson later aw the same toys at nearby homc Further guestioning brought out the fact that the culprits were children ages four and five years Case closed Key witness childs toy gtEouriApp orCourt l7 Cotter Breakins Four youths will appear juvenile court in barrio this wee tarlo Planning Board The plan was altered to includ games and other recreation adjoining plans Alcono News Coverage respondenee from Beach area ucd coverage from that district ScoutsAnd Guides Hold Party At Stroud Guides and Brownies you have fun watch them ing the other The adults started to carry in hot dogs had all beenout There was am ple for second and third helpings many takers to what couldbe devoured leaders of these groups are to be charged with breaking and catch log at least 17 cottages After careful tracing and police work these lads have been rounded up There are still some breaklns that The plan proposed by Warnica for subdividing theArn old farm has after some adjust ments been passed on by the In nisffl Planning Board to the coun cil with recommendations that it be approved and sent tathe On generous portion of lands which are suitable for park and play ground This is sufficiently large to allow for such park lands as were not allowed in plans which were passed previously There is flowing spring on the park land which Mr Warnica has agreed to make intoa sort of garden pond There is also land suitable for VAnother piece of wedgeshaped property at the roar of the Pains wlck school property will be deed cd to the school board The plan was submitted by tho twonshlp planning board to the Barrie planning board who have con curred in the layout There is still portion of the farm left which may become an industrial area as it isrciosc to the railway Our township planning board is showing its usefulness and at the same time assisting subdividers to get plans that synchronize with They requestEd on this plan that road be made to meet one on the adjoining plan by changing the nearby lots They are also behind plan to make roadway through the life Lcan property to join up with the Adams property so that road between the 7th and 8th line will develop This willallow persons near the foot of the 7th line to get to and from the paved road on the 8th and children to get to the school there without long route around by 20 slderoad This has now been approved by council after an engineers report It was pleasure to read cor the Alcona This lively district has many happenings that will make news as their ratepayers association is busy group We look forward to seeing contin when you get 70 Scouts Cubsp together with their leaders at one party It is fun just to On Saturday evening the St Pauls Innisfil groups gathered in Stroud community hall for an evening of fun and frolic After they had played all the games they knew they formed in cir cle the size of the room and squatted on the floor as they sang their songs first the boys and than the girls each applaud They had provided for 100 which would have been the total attendance Bottles of pop were served from casesthen this was followed by doughnuts These did not find There was limit It was gay party andthe planned activities of tbe Theyre the most dynamic enerv getic group of youth that fhave ever known in my many years of workiBarrie youths re sponse to our opening program has been sensational and beyond all ourexpectations Last Satur day morning we had over 30 boys and girls in our building cam plcting membership application forms and on hand to register for the woodworking and boxing classes in addition the gym classes at Hillcrest and Codring ton Schools on Saturday morning had very good attendanceior the first session gt Girls and womens activities are now in the planning stage and very shortly we will an nouucc the time and groups that the younger girls and ladies can attend Euppetmaklng costume jewellry and artwork are few of the hobby clubs the girls have suggested Are you interested Do you know someone who could give instruction or assistance with this type of hobby for the girls and ladies The Ys Mens Clu gather each Monday for supper and topnotch program of educational interest and fun at 20 Owen St 30 members were in attendance last evening to enjoy grand meal served by some of the most beautiful ladies of Barrie Thc Ys Men more than fulfill their pledge to be Service Club for they have accepted the job of doing an interior decoration job on your club rooms this Thursday evening Naturally all members of the club are keen sportsmen and so not to miss the big hockeygame which will be on TV that evening special TV set will be going to keep them informed while they paint We only hope that thehockey game is not violentone or the club rooms may and up in violcntcoiors we didnt count on Ys Men will also be on hand Saturday at the two schools to assist with the gym classes and at the to aid in instructing oi the woodworking and boxing classes Solid life SocialEducationa1 sessions for young adults will have its third session at theY building is evening opening at 800 Nearly50 young people turned out for grand time at more registrations are open for those wishing to take part this evening grand time is prac tleally guaranteed to everyone present gt Club 26 the name comes from the address of the YMCA YWCA at 26 0w9n Street will again hold their weekly record hop on Friday evening from 800 itics are open onlyto teentigers fourteen years of age and over copy of the regulations govern ing the hop is available at the office gt This week if there is sufficient complimented on the time and patience they give to keep these children busy and interested It IS splendid contributi ni Stroud Service Station Entered Saturday Night The Fina station atStroud was entered some time on Saturday night The operator Morris Spring had closed about 1130 andearly Sunday morning he had callrfrom the township police to come up and help investigate the breakin glass of the ser Vlce door ofthe garage had been smashed out and entry made there Llllllle Mun with slow egg prices it wlil pay you to dropling to 0001 for Laying Ration Formula to best your imm grown gniinsrand lo caliat yourCoop will nuvu theft farmto assist you Iniyour poultry ms gt ced layingrationwill not ost Ho ever by fecdlngConpLaylng notionsth are made with crumbled premix and rolled high cuergygralnllyou can ex pect to produce your eggs on lighterstralna of layers from 13 to at an averag of 70 production ilfter price to Quality remains is nln not profit for my interested yodqvankmoreLeggcrnioremeatso ook to your farmer owne for results thatlly lnyour Interests only notprtvateIbteres Thecasbreceived from the sale of cigarettes was inatin box in drawerof the dcsk This was aboutthree dollars and was miss mg as were some cigarettes There was watch lying on the shelf near the cigarettes whic wasrnottopuched could have been easily lifted were untouched The tin iuwhioh the change had been kept was found later near the 11th line Chief Blogg Vbelieves that they have good lead on theculprits and anticipates an arrest very soon SoEdlastWednesday and few till 1130 The dance and activ Many other small items which til ab it to hold one smear and farm on qecu palate and alt thgpetivitiu of Club 26 ohms that Techagar are competepumponslble people and can conduct their affairs very that with the present setup for Saturday flaw can onlytalte part It oneactlvity on that moro in schedule nonunion Boys and Girl Saturdly my inn Gym Classes at Codrinkton and Hillcrett Schools Girh classes 845 am Hillelest School until 945 mm Glrlr classes D00 am Codnng ton School until 1000 aim Boys classes 945 am Eillcrest School until 1045 am Boys classes 1000 am Codrlng ton School until 1100 am Acttvitiea at the Y28 Owen Street Saturday morning Boys Woodworking Class be gina at 1000 am basement room Boys Boxing Class 1000 Inn for those boys registered up to and including boys in the 90 lbs classes 11 am boys over the 99 lbs classes Please bring Mm you suitable shoes for the gym and bolting classes Head ds and special boxing gloves wi be provided by the for the boxing groups The building for the pres ent will be closed on Saturday afternoons and evenings hionday Wednesday and FrlA day afternoons and early evenlngs are reserved for the girls and ladies when they have priority on use of the facilities While Tuesday Thursday and Saturday are for the men and boys clubs groups and activities Memberspr in the can be obtained at any time the building is open and is theaame fee for for all two dollars for one year from the date at whichyou join Every Tuesday evening the special registered young people who have swimming classes at Bardia Pool Camp Bordon meet at the building to arrange for transportation there The swimming classes are not activity but we are cooperating with the Recreation Committee Mrs Mapcs of Cookstown and the Red Cross in making our building and services available for this group The latest group to bcformerl at theY the model aircraft and boat building class is tovbe held only on Tuesday evenings from 100 to 830 and is open to all at that time Parents permission must be secured before you at tend this group and of courso school work must be done before needles Dont forget the big EasterEgg TrasureHunt to be held atVSt Vincent Park on Wednesday April 24 its open to every youngster in the city Watch this column for further details Thats all for now see you at the lt9 VWEIIE strunov Shanon ship in which John Cabot made his voyage of discovery to Can ada carried crew of only 18 group at the home of lï¬rs MeNabb on Monday night Sunday ii The Mathew the small sailing Hall and Lynda BURNS WALES Reeve of TOE sorontio Township who has been mentioned aa likely candidate fodthe Liberal nomination in DdfferinSimcoe riding to contest the forthcoming federal election Neldateor place has been set as yet for the nomination meeting EDENVALE large number from here at tended the cioslngpmceting of the Crusade for Christ held in Barrie Arena on Sunday night Mr and Mrs McNabb spent the weekend in Toronto Weekend at Home Mrnand Mrs Robert Dunnof Barrie spent the weekendat hér home here Farm Forum The members of Edenvalc Farm Forum entertained the members from the Ruths School Mr and Sunday Vislt itMr and Mrs Arthur Rigby Kim and Jimmy Long Branch visited with Mr and Mrs Russell View on Sunday if sgt HOLLOWS fills and Mrs Joseph Vcrnon and family visited on Sunday with Mr and liirs Fred IVernon at Bracobridge Sunday Vislt apd Mis Audrey MapcsofBarrio were visitors onSunday Withhdr ahd Mrs Hounsomc rmm Toronto 15 Hammell and George llud Son of Toronto were visitors with Mr and Mrs Aubrey Jarvis on Mrs Stoncr and son Russell Toronto were visitors on With Mr Mr and Mrs Mrs Allen Bmvdcn of Shanty Bay woteat their parents home onSunday Trip to Norval Mr and Mrs Roy Smith and on visitcdzwitthrand Mrs El mer Smith at Norval recently Mrand Mrs Bowden vis ited with Mr and Mrs at Rexdaie on Wednesday coRNIRvcurBoARD BAKERY oELchTEsssu 45 humor mm la Barium Now FEATURING 1i gnu sctECTlON or SCHNEIDERS COHLD CI MEATS Salami Country StylevPorkASpusage lam mom llnnnlNG snnnmas cheese Featuring full line of cnocor TE GOODIES ronnnsrun Chocolatc bunnies chickens Easterygggs Imported Boxed chocolates Inif Chocolatehars no mass puns PIES AND Cooxrcs Bologna hpcon vote Weekend Specials tirade Again Large EGGS 140 PIES FREEoELIVERY 83944 Mrs Hall and Lynda of chdale and Mr and SPECIAL Howl noon Gm HAWES LIUUID WAx°n SPECIAL wlm wit cum IDWH FA ran fABiItOUS 6W SUDS SPECIAL conctmnlso mu SPECIA GREENSPIWSPA izosalzluenoussasaumosurruss Johnsons Beaulitlor who slits64c Johnsons Jubilee was are 59 ilerolnislemdow Cleaner 15¢ Hugues Lemon Oil 190 ï¬le Dutch Clednser 21c Solueusegleqner 29c Bull Dog Steel Wool tits 230 Brillo Soup qus 29¢ Ae sudzéigï¬rt Silica Silver Polish 33¢ Chore Girl Copper Sponge cleaner 230 I=Iu5ho 415 21¢ llrctno 39 Snap Hunt Cleaner 21a Silvene instant Silver Cleaner its 43 Aphlefords Shelf Proper neg ch on oz on 1201 mg nee TIN FRUITS ANn VEGETABLES shtlonlnn GA VFRESHL PLWl liquor KERNELS CornOnIheCoh 599°d5=fc°gt 25° saccm scenerem rcpoan unionism 23 ASPARAGUS FROM THE SUNNY SOUTH SNAPPY TENDEn GREEN BEANS TREE airmen nunsrmo WiTli JUICE ONrin GltoWleANCY GRADE bCRISP AND CRUNCHY DeliciousApples 33mm who 39 Ne poit fluff fSI lqwreneecor WéllléfSAhple Pro Filling1 lgsé SWGGiMillell Pckles Suit you 0L JAR ulderRoasts GoodSize ale racIAi masona Golden mm Sodas PLAIN DI ALTED loot PKG IICIAL MILAWS Walnut Chews new 29 QUALITY noun or THE LOILAW IAKIRY IECIALI wcrrout Euster Mellows ISAIISCUII 296 PACKAGI TOASTMASIER llol tress Buns rumor 33g LEE nuns LocLAws GOODWILL OFFER FUNK WAGNALLS UNIVERSAL sYANDAIto Encycmpedlo AN Amino nanoam on me oox WEEKrum on wasxtv now on sate re 99 VOLUMI LGILAWS iENiAlJONAL UFFERI Stainlus Steel Mixingvhowfs sitiisica 98 eitEfeiéa 139 25 $199 249 SIIE EACH TV FEATURE OF THE WEEK IPECIALI llflYill liiSTlliiT PilllllllitiS ASSOIYED Fuvouks 41 31 Lombqrdo TN Show PRESENTED IYV LOILAWS And lurllw Thu Mar sHIRRIFFs GOOD Monuluo MARMA LADE INGERSOLL NEESE SPREAD iGREEN clans EA REYNoLos WRAP Fol Gs GREEN oEANsMeIA ENS oILL PICKLE GAY LIDUID DETE DENT 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