ilrecsgioifvollous By mamatom Issue umnoatectoi of the Itoan Botanicalï¬m dens at Hamilton addressed the delegates Io thorccent horticultunl congention on Trees Since Mr Inhinls address held soinuch of in tcrest to everyone concerned with planting me year will give it in three In maroon Three of the inosi trooucntly asked qucsiions=about tic these 13 What trccstarc su blc small garden What is small trees best purpose Fast Everyoneknows linnPoplar willrrow 14 icct your iis hid habts man MEMBERS or in noon on hovecbmpleted advanced training pmthe Dicsel Electric Generator Maintenance Heights has introduced new re portcarduwhieh grade students not only in relation to otherslu dents butin relation to their owndoru The new card wuprqducedgby parentteacher association com mittee based on rcpliet tiarmaire While the gave only childs percentage in each subject the new card has mood column showin the childs progress in each Principal Ken Johnson says tint with the old cardith student neveFvIas encoura by comparing marks will he top pupils while the new card on coolages old child individually and retaining the capacity to laugh ursclvesl Most people are born with potentially good mental health pointed nut Mr Buys as helisted some antho kill my be retain to meet yourseli 007 Cour No Qatar depleted from left gl Edward Cormichnel 35v1hose parents Mr on Mr Joseph Carmichael rcsideot Peaks RR PEI oncl whoseyliie Moitins lives in Winnipeg LAC Eldon Brown 93 whose ther Lawren ll in tincly compound loincs leathery shadow When consider inglilo Morainc Locust it should be remembered lhnt lops antoladargc Iroeandliy mfnns oes street plant ions Perhaps if we lctlhesc prab iicni problem establish the lim its at thi ion strikc somethln whichhassome in new suhllivlsl struction on tli Cntefplllnr Diesel nit min to from KIN doomone RCAF Station Yi or oyourown Dilrlnradlscumon epodhte described tbetré rflcn oran no hair been admitted useiul applicatio ii Wilson memo plant explore who was csponsible for the onto inio jmore observant webecom greater is theplcasure dc ved our garden plants wrot Willi the boundless wealth in plant maternalat our command we mayaenjoy quality in quantity and the best costs no more to grothhanthatoi interior merit What constitutes the BEST trees of course depends on the purpose tithe served as well as obvious aspec crloining lo adaptability to on itions atliand At the same time musthc rc mEmbcrcd that trees lire our most permanent plantsandwe haveto live wiih them throughout four seasons With this in mind at tributes oi trees othcrlthan th obvious icanccl il ioliage texturcï¬nd color fruit autumn colorlrig bark pattern and winter buds all contribute to the tree as garden subject The from these details Small Fiowerin Trees The desire toghavehnl interest ing garden in an emge town or suburban lot means that rela tivciy small area can be given over to sh trEESJA flower garden place to grow your specialities perhaps small vege table plot plus it lawn must share the available space It takes very little thought to de cido tli your one trcoshould not be eeping willow even though your municipal authorities have ycito place them tnble lmn on such trees in confined areas On the whole there isa realization thottheioldcr concept of majestic shade trees belongs to larger gardens estates and to parks and arboretums where space isavailable to let them grow handsomely to maturity in the kind of garden we have in mind we needjsmailer trees placing them so that theycost their limited shade in the gar den wheriyit will be an osseL The question of shade canbe fairly adequately handled in this way and the blem of rootsand drains Vi inimized the possibil ity oi wind damage limbs falling expensive pruning very costly removal when over motdrk vfa rgc shade tree prob lems ore mi mize it its place properties gt pect Since singlo specimen or no perhaps three small recs in the garden thoseiwiihinppen than one season induction also many oi lulu on greater sign ing April Flowers branchingvii used as areasona lrce general iorpt being more up then spreading lid recommend iton many occ ions lt lsya more handsome trc than we native whiteash which is pr rabic Members infBarr society en joyed very happy do Mnmh 20 whcnjthoyhadtheir most re centtour to Toront They visit ed Cruickshnnks Gordon Guild shopped for three hours and took in the Sportsrnens Show The speaker at the next meet will be William mum at Eiora ycry noted horticulturist and great peony grower and past president the Ontario Hort ultiiraL As sociation People wishing to prune their trees may call 85088 or 3971 for intormati poor appetite is not 1he problem of two thirds at tho man racey who nccordingIio Dr Brock Chisholm are chronically hungry and seriously undernour lshed But once in while Cnn dion parents areworried by child who just doesnt want to eat Instead of meals being pleasure they become time for using Povertystricken homes are not apt to be vexed by this diiiiculty but middle class and wealthy mothers are perplexed by it when itappc Here is neplnce where child can successfully defy his parenhi Force feeding oven or gentle type isut terly nseless or normal henlthy chilli Bribeslhreats if thccoat oofal prelerenccn hits it Wasvdesigned or lohy is llflliFvaéw punishments tone of these are effective in solving this clinical Parents ust try to discover what is tile underlying cause oi the child diiierorice to load There lire number of reasons why child may not want to eat His refusnl may nothavcnonc simple orig Rather this ma arise for several combined rca sons Only by patient ohscrva lioncan mother put her lin on the reason or reasons wh child wont eat The child may be and doctors advice Perhapscandy or nibbling food between meals is destroying thr childs appetite vlih is worricd orrieels hurried willnot be keen about his food Perhnpstho child iscopying anradultrwho has voiced dislikeior food it the childs health islsutiering ever Simple tOuse needed consulted Bu able to dcalwjth it herself upwhc childsays dont If he wont drinkshls milk give him more iunlret cup lords milk puddings soup ands cheese Before long he will likely ask fornilk to drink have nioldeddan unnecessary who are not hov Ticwcr eating llrob than those who stem strict Ii nchildretuses tneat what is set bciore himnt one particu lar meal dont riot him all excited Perhaps se iig it he can have some Inn by ting rise out of you GiVEhlm twenty minutes to finish his meal Dont coax tussor threaten At the end of meal timeyreinave his dishes and do notigive hlin any mcal time his may sound hindV hearted but many parents can tes tify that this 1513 works There chance Jhat child ht refusing food be cause he is emotionally upset He thinks Baby 8lsier has been receiving too lnuchat tention When he is rcas sured that he is recei in his share of brothers care hisaw pctito suddenly railrush hlm theirchildren should eatawell balanced dietl if they are too llEMillllill designed to the ilorne owner and Housewife who whining e7 old wallpaper low rentalcat Ir to use always clean and has no noise orodor No ventilatio required avid ruhberlegs protect your floors from any possible nanagef Insulate EASY To cam to insure against burns iAero TE 114 you wish to cooper your rooms youll findihis too the idea lls and ii hnsiust mama mother maybe torthe past six Clcnn Bhtcs or every lnenl lung gig thing else1to eat until the next Mothers are concerned that conscientiousthéymay produce ll ass at Codrington School was doubly honored at the Home and School Association meetixlglast Thursdny As well asgwinning theycarly award for lhe highest member enrolment the pupils received the pennantr given mon lylfor tendnnce Dr John Postnlkoii introduced speaker otthc evening John hos been chief socialw till Toronto Mental Health also field Lsuper oihothfthc chool oi Social Wok had armor Weir re Toront and th Mr Boys defined as state ollboiance in which ï¬le rnrtfahle to livelwith our selves accepting our limitations Ma Litrcngsllggested that inotlngcommitteeheset up to select oblate of oil ers or an °hy937 John Murray violinist ponied byLloyd toincd the meetin enioyable were others wore abl inspect the displayotbooks lid amphlels Mrs rial ur parents gupihvsérved are lllllliuroli luding rubbed picked them for on Reinstall rulihleoru VCKILLEII nnnwon rirANiuMronceuiiv inrrnion nonn sass