Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1957, p. 8

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ADllLES EVENING hours assumes no ensuesrose rain not curious AiL runes 25 gnu cavemanr TAXES mention 1N ABOVE Em Hdiébii TAYiDR pawns gt3 MMMmm5m Wmu am wuoucotm Mugs lamv DEAN mmcuwmm WWImints 450 artAlpil saruunav You HAVENT SEEN THIS PICTURE MAKE DATE Now To Do so CONTINUOUS 65065 Sunni 13o pan nokx OFFICE OPENS AT 1245 MI Grain snows AT 135 pm 500 pan 1825 pm ouspeitronuaucr romant auto or 330 mm HERE West AGAIN NOTHElt Mir room MGM PACKEDNVITH roun GRAND STARS smitten ix THURSDAYAPRIL EVENING Snows or 65018 1m con moons some 30 HITCHCOCKS FIRST REALLIFE THRILLER SHOWlNG MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY SPECIAL MATINEE wroursmvzso pm EVENINGS 650 and 9pm ONLY nironcocx CAN GIVE THRILLS THAT WILLKEEP Yong srmas amounts ptus 6min Apnea rains in DONT MISS ONE THIS DORIS MIG7831 DAY JOURDAN BARRY FRANK AWYEBRIDGVE Sunday Visitors with Mr and Mrs William Fallis were Mr and Mrs Garnet Mel era and Nancy ot Barrie Back to Toronto Mrs Dean JonesnndDeanna returned home to TorontoFriday after spending the pest ew weeks withers Jones par Mr and Mrs Charles Robins Guthrie Mr and Mrs Ken Guthrie and amt visited Mr an moi uthrie on At Sportsnie Among those from Wyebridge who motored to Toronttr to at tend the Sportsmje Showwere Mrand Mrs Lorri Corruthers Mrand Mrs Stuart Withers Mr and Mrs Ed McWatt after spending the past fewweeks with Fallis Vasey Mrs Angus Altawn and Ruth visited with Mrs Roy Edwards at Vaseyon Thursday Mrs Mary Parks of Toronto vis ited recently with9her aunt Mrs David Douglas From Elora Mr and Mrs Vic Grominiski oi Elora spent the weekend with the latters brotheriniaw and sister Mr and Mrs Stuart Withers JohnRankin of Penetang spent the weekend with his grandl mother Mrs George Rankin Sunday Visitors Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Rawn Were Mr ahers Allan Jeitries and daughters Ai ana and Jayne and Mrs Todd Scarboro Mrs Montgomery and chil dren and Miss AlbertaRobinson of Melduf called on Jean Douglas on Sunday Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Sam Ellery were Mr and MrsBert Crawford and Mrs Bert Graham of 0rd Station and Mrs Archie MciArthur ot Guthrie Susanne Cromer and Joan Woolley oi Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Roy Eaklcy Bible Study The Bible Study group met at the home of Mr and Mrs Armour Reynolds on Thursday evening AGL NCY in PA 44279349 IusuRAN 04 Mr and Mrs John Haughton of Stayner Mr and Mrs Edwin Rey nolds of Barrie andErnest Rey holds at Richmondflill visitEtl with Mrand Mrs Henry hey nolds onSaturday While here to attend the funeral of JohnRey holds Sympothyof Community Thersympathy of the roommun ity goesmut to the familyot the late Mrs James vAnnand of Pen etang fdrmerly of Wyebridge Anhand assed awaysiid day nigh Toronto an Mrs Clitlord Gardiner of Fenetang and Mrsand Mrs Ken llounsome visited with Mr and Mrs Luke Hounsome in Toj 51 PAULS Mr and Mrs John Kell and family attended quiet birthday party in honor of Mrs Thomas Kells 92nd birthday Allboufli Mrs Roll is in failing health she was able to enjoy her lovely gifts cards and good wishes Mrs Gro ver em Attend Crusade Many from the district have been attending the Crusade for Christ services at Collier Street United Church gt Scouts At Sportsmens Show ist innistii Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs went by bus to the Sportsmans Show JToronto By all reports the boys hadva won derluldoy WA Meeting Stir PaulsfiVA held its March meeting at Mrs BobSproules with over 20 members present Mrs LeorGibbons president was in charge of the devotionsland business meetings Woolx was handed in for making of blankets for members and bale blankets the meeting was adjourned Paulettes Meeting The Poulettes will meet at Mrs JoSephs Pratts onThursday Ap ril at pim This will berthe last call for wooifas wool is to be shipped on Friday April QueensScouts Congratulations to Ralph Rowe and Garry Ransorn on attaining their Queensy Scout badges In Hospital John Drakeunderwent an oper ation at Sunnybrook Hospital last week Best wishes go out to him for speedy recovery RecentVisitors Visitors with Mr and Mrslloh ert Green and boys were and Mrs Harold smith Toron Galbraith and gt Life Memb Mr and Mrs RobernGreen and Richardattended ve ingevenlot Unionvilleon day when his other was presented with life membership in his curl Eya gt or Chicago Waslpres lovely lunehwas served then spent theyeekand at Deep River wlthlir marinaraacre gweekenrl Visit Min Joule Gilchrist ot rmnid visiledwlth herzxister Mn Nor man It Campbell the weekend Sunday Service 0n Sundaynlueh 11 ill of Knox College took thel$ vice io Guthri Yreabytcrijno Church Mr and MrrEd¢arCiawtord of Hawkeatone spentSundoy with Mr and Mrs liftivingston Weekend leit gm tuéi nay Ind lamily if Jock Wright spent the weekend with RouComeron after three weeks stnylt the Belmont Manor in Bermuda Orillla Visit lilr and Mrs Campbell and lamilyvisited Mr Initiati Norman Gilchrist in Ollllil lAidies Aid Meet The Presbyterian Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Camp bell last Saturday and quilted the quilt for the missionary bale Day of Prayer The World Dayol Prayer ser vice was held in the Presbyterian idhiira Fith 31 McConn ii patient loyal Vittorio HannahBarrio wan ems taken by ambulance Friday evening At present eh slightly Mmrmdfio up confined to bedfun ora oars allowing Hope theywlli soén he 3e way toreco ry Church on March with Mrs Gilchrist and Mrs Ellwood Black leading the service Mr Winr sang beautiful solo and Mrs Lloyd Sampton very cap abiy gave the address Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Norman Campbell who celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary last aturday GRENFEL WA Mectllig Grenfcl WA will meet at the home of Mrs Tyst Smith We nesday evening April at pm Euchre Party 5Those interest liked to get til reaharply otter Very ightsu Collier Street UV ted Chugeh ond the large Sun School auditorium hate bee cited to the doors Ford is great Chri He has gift for prltuei values vital and There Were tables of cuchrd at the community centre Friday evening Prizes went to Ladies high Miss Edna Hérris mens high George Harris 1011c hon prize Don Italncy Committee Mr and Mrs Frank Holmes and Mr and Mrs Charlesimie Farm Sale William Ford held very sue cesslulllarm sale on Friday last Mr and Ford are spending in Week and Mrs Percy belore moving to their new hero at 105 Rodney Street Borric All goodwishes go or them to their newhomc elcome to Comment Wheeler who have purchased William Fords farm and moved in on Saturday Outof Hospital Mrs Alex Miller has returne home lrom RoyalVletoria Hosp ital Barrie but is confined sto bed tis hoped she will soon be up and around again Hour From Toronto MrandMrsT Anderson and Mrs Brown of Toronto spent few days at their home here hack Home Mg Palmer of Toronto return ed home Wednesdaysafiter visit with her daughter Mr and Mrs Crow and family Euthre Party cuchrex party will be held at the homeof Mr and Mrs Graham on Saturday March 30 at pm it will be sponsored by Littles Hilli Coronation and assistants are Mrs Campbell len 116 Meeting gt Holly Home and School Associ ation executive meeting will be held on April at Mrs Ortts The general meeting has been de layedone week and will be held at Holly School on March 11 at pm WMS Sunday WMS Sunday will be observed on SundayLMareh 31 There will be no service at Holly Church and the congaegalion has made plans to attend the morning service at Burton Avenue Speaker is Mrs Carter wife former mi tor Short Course Miss EieanorKidd of theiiome EconomiesExtension Servicei De partment of Agriculture Toronto will conduct course on IChoos ing club banquet completed the eventful day Mrs John Drake and Mrs Jack Richardson of Barrie visited with Mrs Blundeil one day last Week Mrs Willis and Mr Schand attend Scott ttended the White Heather to OBS it Wednesday in visited From Barrie Mrs Roychb and were recent Mr 3nd LXIQEMLEJI gem olixl TM and Mrs Wheeler Gayle and Tommy and GarL Thirteen tables play on We nesday March 20 Th travelling prlzesivent to Mrs Edgar and IMrs McDonald playing as gentleman Tbosereceivingthe high scores were Mrs Rud diek and Sid Bourne while the consolation went to Mrs Denny and Cecil Harris Thomton Wi would liketo thankall who have supported and made these eueh Successful gt At Crusade About 20 members of Trnity Evening Auxiliary attended the Crusade ForChristina bor ion Tuesday evening Afterthey re turned homea short meeting was held at the home of Mrs Maw Recent Visitorsv Mr and Mrs Fred Kingoee Rose Ayerst oi Gananogue called on friends here on Saturdayvaitefi noon Sunday Speaker Darrel Thompsonone counsellors with the Leighton ing and Using Fabrics on Thurs day April are pm in Holly School Allladles ar invited to Third in Series Thethiigd in the series of Teen Town square dancing lessons was held in Holly School onMareh 22with good attendance Mrs Anderson Paulctte and Delbert of Weston visited with friends in thedistrict on Thurs day At DogsAShow Johnson spent several ays in Toronto last week and showed hisbull mastifioiog which brought home several rizesfromthe dog show Briois attended the dog show Toronto on Saturda vQ PERSONALSTA DMD only come when we milkyi personal thing and toss aside our New Liskeard Temiskaming Speaker Th1 Brotherhood or Man will belieisthat we only can be right rnizns ital rnnsoiv standing achievement in student activities at banqiietrecentiy at Ontario Agricul tural and Veterinary colleges Guelph Shown are graduating students ortheOn tario Agriculturalvcoliege wiio haveyylon Student Council awards for exceptional abilityhoth inocndemlc studies and stud Ford sadoi team will quite ting oi the usy Band was uol business had by the president Gary Scott the gold star of recog nition orwork don in l958was orflf by Miss Olive Shaw gthe for pia and also how our spe clzjl Ea or envelopes bring hap plnéss to the children of Korea Mrs Aliman was in charge of the worship the theme being Gods Care The 23rd Psalm was repeated in unison The offering was roceivcd by Ann Dodge and dedicated poem Our Good Shepherd was given by Cherie Hunter Mrs Altman and Ann played duet Mrs Finkbeiner had charge of the study period and told therstoiy how Ke Seouls brother Ho célebratédhis first birthday and the portance of this eventinKorea Wallrplaques that had been started at previous meeting were finished and treat was ing closed with greed Leighton Ford Crusade Sade has been extended ior an extra Week It will continue every night at 800 pm until Sun dayLMarch 31 Those interested are well Lad 100 Wory ight so far Collier Street day School auditoriumhave been packed to the doors ghton Ford is great Chris tian crusader Heahasra giftlor making iwro riii Lineman ACcmnNr he Toronto were weekend vLdton served VA very enjoyable meet the Mission Band v13y popular demand this Cru vised to get there sharply afterl United Churc and the large Sun rmvblfiv tor slit1 ent notiv tie Mrs Jack Ferricr is lriéndsln Toronto Mr and Mrs Allan Proilltt and iamily oinlorohto have moved Mr and Mrs Jack Rutiottioi withhis parents Lind Cook dau hterol and Mrs menu has been insthesick Kens Hospital son of Lctroy who passed away at Royalviewria Hospital horde on Sunday March 24 Miss Pat Porter Toronto spent the weekend with Miss Flo Torrens Anyone who hasnt attended the Leighton FordCrusade for Christ in Barrie doesnt know what they have missed The last meeting in the Barrie Arenafias crowds are too greatfor any the students From lei PeterLindiey ot Burlingtb at Toronto Harold Dodds sot Orangevtlie here into hecotloge oivH Chap Sheppard vi Buttan last other of all v1rrvr TV oliEibdnd armor of Eden rmarii Hunt out lNSllilA CE That wouldibe for urance on Sunday evening will be held building in town or YOU WNI 5fM6n Manna no town cl flierbenefits EWRN FOR TWOM NV srAkr Taniin at no oxoolmv

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