ILPWANrtn SALESMN Position dialk or roous Solemn with hardware erperiencr Mm HAVE hummus APPLY BOX BARth WINE Irloa QUALIFIED 3Idol 4th pLASS STATIONARY ENGINEERS mil ALleN PAcroilv APPLY alum LAnOhATOill iCANAnA LTD ACTON orrlAxlo 15536 SALESMEN Wt hsve tow vacancies to Salesmen and Saleswornen to sell Fi TER QUEEN HEALTH UNIT IllNA SEWING MACHIle These ire Ian quality products lhlI will hell inemulvgx Isuary and Commission chelienl prospects lor the right applicants Ion APPOINTMENT PIIONz Mr Tracy PA 83482 uriween IJIL Ind noon Pridly 14745 START YOUR OWN BUSINESS VSLJb Dealers Wanted DIlILLIA MIDLAND COLLINGWOOD Inr FILTER QUEEN AND ELNA TOP QUALITY PRODUCTS GOOD COMMISSION ON SALES PHONE ROY TRACY PA 83482 CAREER OPPORTUNITY Fanaumuive ynlmK man Excellent sdvaucement based on hblllIy Posi uons ler stobliIty and secunty as well as sll employee hemms qulnmenlsZJJO In years or age high school matriculation bsnlrlns or business experience desirable mult rnlosr contact work sud be oble to drive cgr Visit or write IINDUSIRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LIMITED POST OFFICE SQUARE BARRIE PHONE arms5945 14749 CIRCULATION REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED FOR TORONTO DAILY NEWSPAPER STARTING SALARY $5I00PER WEEK PLUS EXPENSES CAR SUPPLIED will truth the man we era loy in ï¬les supervlslon sud premet on ol our ublicstlon Applruni must be between the bees 2535 years willing to travelMonday torriday each weelr whue in training Lnd havoirome previous cxpurienc in meeting the public Ilealo ortunlties lor the man who qualiï¬e Please do not apply unless you anuwerto sli speciaed unalloca tlons APply in person the telephone calls Dleodny ru between hours 100 no to ao pm George II Clarke ueens Hotel 135 MA HELP lor local hardware Ap ply lax liloI Barrie Exuininer 15145 BODKKEEPRR porttime daily Apply in Person Allandhlo Hurdwhrilw MARRIED mwflmntad iarï¬laig lrrrllr So In com on pp Pnlterson RR Barrie IzIli 13x1r IIIENCED stenogrupher or lpyist redby Insurance olllce Apply Box in nanlo Examiner 13153 shLlaswomAN experienced Regular storeflaulln Apply Izmirr horsoin conï¬rms DunlOP st East loIao bnyusel IIf 1y to 5an coupe PD III Phone PA 343 Laine 1453a FEMAHneInl orlIce experience Typingz essential Apply Large DirecIor Public Works 24 llobert St 14149 IMMEDIATE opening or hotel dinln room wsitress Live In or outBxce enteamlnxa Write to Lorne Fischer wheyat otel Guelph 14mg mun Automotive robber ulroa Iuedlflalï¬r for well worfedEtc flignry nes no nee 93rd Box 98 name mallow iaml INST tor order department In loesl litId Sdsy week permanent position ly Istatinr experience so salary expected Boll ml Barrie lotminer 13713 WE ARE LOOKING al youth inleiï¬ erteo lllihuIiuiure roost have nest pa duration would 96 ll local delivery ï¬enllce Wltli ex valiant IiiProms for advancement Ap plyvi r113 Automotve Ltd as iligh st slate ias POSITIONSWANTEO our lookatter thud wh mother Koran own home Mra oeChsrles Worslo H848 experienced lloudllém Ide waélted one rosr er DAMW ere pwflï¬sie Ont 221 oglpli may I1 Apply uncle VGkoull chrome 13710 education FOUNDWheel nd Tire on HIth 1991 RUBBER STAMPS MADEIOORDER WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE INJwa ST Wm DAB 1n PIANOS NEW vREOONDmONED ALL Pluc SEE HANK WY muer north hsrrle on Rima 21 One Into not or Apto PHONE EMVALZ Irll APPLES APPLES NOIKTlthN girl WEALTIIY COOKING APPLE All price ranges no $300 bushel to sun bushel at cenu delivery brlnsyourown container PITCH too SUNNlhAle ROAD PA 82729 AFTER phi 73 EXTENSION LADDERS WOODEN to liII69 ILlus JO LZLID 1i ILzaM 21 LZS I1 Ia1615 3o ltasss ALUMINUM tr5215 tto1Io ROBINSON HARDWARE Si DUNLOP STREET EAST PA Mill JONES USED FURNITURE SELECTION or GOOD USEFUL HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS llaho so Chi endslc Chins sbiael anlliDon wring desk several chest or drawers Walnut complete dining and dinettelimes sulle single and doubie door wardrobe lnsur washing mach Inrr in new ltanrrues Dro lea notes In wsluut mlhoxany au sna SIngle and rail one bed corn ple rude club chair down cushions on sets roldlns chaIss WE HAVE LARGE SELECTION OF USEFUL ARTICLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ESSA ROAD PHONE FAG626 17m 738 HEAVY DUTY iDuIner mile in good condition Best olter Phone PA 87901 74m clllzslBltPlBLD and Chair Suitable lor summer cottogo Phone PA 87 nnor pm 758 TRACTOB Waterloo horsepower taidcn attachments an Snowrplnw Phone PA 845 740 IA LOR sAr Display casesCollnI tors Palnr Mixer Invoice mung Cob inet Urrys 35 Bsyheld St 13238 EICIICLES some repair néeded $250 up also used Bicycles in good candl lion $1250 up Uny so Bnytlelo st Iozoo IIICYCLESBOyS and Giria Bicycles In good shape nessonable Phone PA 34694 alter six and all any Satur day IJWF BURNER electric stove and 10 cubic rt Frig Both In excellent condition Reasonably priced ior qulck sale Phone PA 89416 78 LAWN Mower Shl ener Gunmen Ginsu Showcase sis Ladders and Trunk suitable for Slack room Urryar phone PA new 14w usun PILTBR Queens also many types Vacuum Clesners for sale very reasonable Phone for tree home trial No ohligatlon PA alilz 738 LADIESWth you have been waiting tora lull assortment oi buttons and many other sowinghelps nvallnblx at Elnl Store Ross St 730 MOFFAT Gus Stave 30 new burner lights automatic clock controls oven glass in door Reg $30995 Sell for $24995 Robinsons Hardware lICA VICTOR Bndlo und Record Player Combination Zenith waslung bioehine large sizeI Portable electric sewing Machine like new Phone PA 37872 133 IIBAVY nusv1 Truck Plottorm and Racks used year in it in side Can be seen at item Garage ChrLbquen Crawlerd sh Tor onto 14743 COUNTER suitable or store or Office long by 10 high and It wide Light oak arborlto top For auick sale $100 or best oller PA 496 735 USED SEWING Machines Electric Console Models $2995 up Tresdios 5995 up Portables Ptolt Sewing Centre Duniop st host Phone PA soul 15739 TYPEWRIIERS omce machines port able lMlnfl machineI elsil register nil andhervlce Game II Proncer st Barrie phone PA Kills has us Smith Corona nprmntauve 780115 SMITH CORONA Adding Maciiino alt Berke Meat Counter with counter top McCalkey Cash Rilgistzl Dayton Mull Slice Deï¬ance Sealeï¬ I5 cu It GIIsOrl Deep Freeze Phone Orlllin IA 55190 76733 RICELARY Special Deluxe 23 electric range lights automatic clock glassin tDnr warming closet talking dial rwi chad Emldwu Well 1950 model Reg 3325 Sell or $139 Robllisonl Hard wore 750 APARTMENT rlze heavy duty electric 122 nirlhble lop Mn electrIe rouse s15 liluclary Annex new RlflfettEl $10 and ii WISIIIIII mines and Ian Dnd 14o USED SEWING MIChinel Ill nod con dltlï¬ Pia Necchl Ind SIIIKEI Cab lll and Ponlhle iypu lfll very NI sonsble prleer Call at house Bar lleYour Elna Sowini Centre or phon or iree trial PAIEJZIS Nil obusrtlon en Prido evenln you 733 REAL swam 305mm allonlu convenience TOCKWANTED WANTBD Rel fllpPoxlnilllly 41on mural MSBCIIAMYLAIN Ell1 lnhhlonMolol with Contra cratt Inilflf with hair Pduibly vtrln ty Ice pr ko no nun ii In hood endl four ingmlflonphunp my bedroom suite Mallet rltonltw hut 11 SLERPPR DAILY Ix an in pal COLLIER mm BANE IUNGAIDW ï¬lulAIa LI om has Inï¬ll Brand new an in Pan Loy Brick nit hath nu last rm ch Clear mmut 1204 Air Oil laundry Trm on extra good lot aniloar OM 08 Ben Cm of MI 90 per nlonll No mlon worried hue Clll Quinn PA um zvenlasa PA lql CENTRAL IDCATIDN STOREYd BATlmooiis Level brick home urnootn crourld floor as and bush dillnl Nloni VII8 room bol room and baihroorn mu bedrooms and lPieco bslhroonl nunin in 611 hademnt tortI sir oil hosting iuoo ia lhe mil price by Von sose and tenor Cell loan con nell Eveninu phone PA 571ng TOP QUALITY lemTllBNl Tnis is an Exclusive and Coolid enual usllns impressive brick Apsrtmeni in very sttrsetlve downtown location Three iarro mlly selleo tslned hpsrtroenu on MauilmlqiMJ Osr Gun selour Apartment or owner plus two lovely Sulies or in come Will accept $500000 down with nce on one open lienssso sound lnvesrraeai tor someone We must re nest sppolntmente to see thII noelho Prope call Ierry Quinn at PAoo INullllza PA omo PLEDARRIE0UTSKIRTS Oood invciimnni op ertunlgvIe brand new buildins In mod rru roomy Icilconlalned rt menu some Ilairhlns to no one Over 157 return Askllll Price slim Cull nan canoe or lull partlealsrs menings phone PA 37102 norm OWNER IRANSFEIIRED Lode nrick Bunuslow lesI than years old Excellent location close to Schools and shopping Five nice Room and ï¬lm indie tuiu decorated hilly land scoped and FencedPlIzstono Walks completely equipped with storms snd Scrum OIl Heating Pull Basementmoney saving 57 NRA MontHun hlonlhly see this home Call lorry Quinn Evenings phone PA omd an ml REAL BUY NAPIER ST yery besutihll room brick bunlaiow ilut years old bedroom lrge kitchen living and dining room also hm bmmen steel beam comme rlon Side entrance to hssement Forced air ou beallns so NllA mortssge your or covers interest prlnela and taxes No laialy reou unla Call Percy Pord Evenings PA 39537 nlzlmoOll BUNGALOW ONLY $9800 lnvery choice location asst enldmclnseb too hzol Spotirlsa IOug es one or the very revliwylthrt mirage Terms amused Chil Dsa Connell Eveninul PA 87702 FARMS FOR SALE I50 hours miles irom Barrie mile lrom highway light to heavy Inna noel Etnblihl cement IIDI lilo also lonllng born roomed house equal to city home FULL PRICE only usmm with term In ACRE miles IronI hsrrIe log nIIles trorn Lake Slmcne clay loam roll bank barn frame born room brick home in good con ditlon FULL PRICE $1050000 wIthternrs loo ACnIs Oh good road only live mllal lroln Barrie clay loam soil buildings FULL PRICE only 080000 with lama AFTER norms CALL Percy FordPA 55537 Dln CouncilPA omz Jerry Quinn11134896 SLESSOR REALTOR MEMBER BARRIE REAL ESTATE BOARD lsaltl BARRIE Lmsrluor REAL ESTATE boAltD IICOOP This aresns that all llamaOils listed below and thI salesmen are work ing to sell your pro on whenl ed the ICU0P way You deal only with the REALTOh or your choice BOAKE In nradtord st BhOWN CLIPP 32 IIIgh St Courts Ilwowen St HENRY ELRICK 15 Owen st KELLOUGE 41 Tlllln St LACEY Room al Dunlop st ROGERS cnhkLm Dunlap st SLISSORI ii 19 colller st PA 95m PA was PA ours or lllclm PA H583 PA um PA 3529 PA Lam IBIHIF MSGOEYJ 8t TOUGH nrpoteutilesl nstatd Idealso elusive and conhdedtlsl notions gri te sad NIIAJlnanflnLDIQII mm rifnailinï¬te Ea=5 human business roperrlel aoidda and service basement IPA sow on water snd sewer In low asking aolection o1 main autumn nu nullan LOT on It SA REAL comma salek sm proddein hflls gmwlyflg hands on uni If mop au elmeni ad than mil Sort and herd water thruu out nirla an oulatandlng ye or pass to Terms curiae or no N0 11 HWY bedroom bungalow on inn olden lot only an old Puli III lumen Plea builHn kltehsn cu boards both out noon multh house on every convenience ol the city am down will handle with very easy term CENTRALLY LOCATED theorem brlek bunssiow with lam at kitchen and huge llvins mm ï¬lm riled bath plent or cioaela basement divided and no out lor recreation roanl Sillialcd on lusr level lot Immediate possession and easyterms no he arrused Call to day tor inspection HIGHLAND AVENUE Overlooking Kemvlniell Buy bed room bunslow uilh elmoflv One or IL line boat in the Inn Hula Ilvllll room will opentinplace Bau lnerll completely iinllhoa lutllldlnl extra bedroom rocreallon room and her Hailth laundry room sing Ind plenty ol cupboards plus ulra toilet memopane glass throughout TenInc location Act lait on thia one We have good Milan ol so to 100 acre terms In the Barrie ares ALSO Many listhin of homo it all flied and price Xlfllcl Hotel In all tumundlnl areL 600D INVBTMENI 0me several haw NIIA hnmn Ind mlalel YOU LISTqu INVITED LIST WITII srolrrr TIIEN MOVE OUT STTT REAL ESTATE BROKERS l02 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 85901 Entire9 to In pIBIlllf nl lpigeï¬ Boeing WORSLEY Tumemu TRIPLEX APARTMENT brick older style hutiIIop quhllty Ind Bod maintenance throllsbout Tlrreo per really Selltonlnlllrd All plivlle ell irhncellGï¬od dry Illll basement with modern forced illl oll helunl lotInns just block from Lil P051 Ofï¬ce will lppcli to anyone wantinl comiortahle rnslo noor homo plus excellent monthly Income tram two lvilnmenu Full price Just 311000 with single open mortgage terms ered Good lnvesimEnl VINE STREET OPP SHIRLEY AVE SIISW New 3bedroom brick bunga low well planned and ï¬nished really in move into Illlli divided basement oil lurnaee and builtIn laundry 53 term will $2500 dawn and $72 nlori 1y including taxes well built small home In lovon location CDDRINGAON sTnBLr $13000 Sixroom lIzsioicy with at tachcd garage House live you old and beauliluliy kept nothing left IIIIlanE Tiled blih and one bedroom both all main floor with invely knnl ty pine dining room Famin style home with recreation roam lecoted close to schools $3000 Is the down payment required Bin797 Coopera uve Listing NAPIEII swam Nhhn WELDON slum Three your old brick bunn Iaw well planned snd llnlshed In every respect lelnedlalus combln stlon three bedrooms tiled bath good highdry basement sully painted on tamed alr healing laundry and ex cellent siDraIze space NHA resale with no red tape canles lor too monthly completeo wondernu ssvlns assInst present day terms Phone PA ONE hlthisourH ONmalIWAY ll suno sutuoom lnsulltoho musterey home with all town eonvenlepcesrloed well pressure system lull basement lumaee beating storm windows Lat zoo good zardenond taxed are only son Down psyrneutds small good buy tor worlrlnz maul CENTnAL IN THE TOWN BAYFIELD STREET gt SIiMOOne or those ran lanhsculrle ly kept older flyie brick homea which are seldom sound In this prise class it has four bedrooms it In found floor tunmnm it his modern cera lllicvtllcil bnlh Pill 2pizca powdal Tmmflawnliairs ank floors trim and am Italn1 closets elm here Good dry basement wi com pletely modeln oilï¬red halting plant Good Iolld double gang Exclulive confltlelitial llllinHB wuil unpaint ments on ihiB one Phone PA 837 CENTRAL ALLANDALE In ï¬rst block or TIIEIll Street rooms and bath libstorey pressed brIek home or good sppearoneo and not too old Price In reasonable st 5150 with $2300 downpwnienl required PHONE PAmII ANYTIhllzjDAI COR Evmma Charles Rogers REALTOR DUNLOP BAST nhlllln nlcx HENDERSON Reoresentstlve STERLINGTRUSTS BLDG BARBIE here Barrie ELDI Enlttesrnstste Boardnm tooo SUNINIDALE AREAI Ian at slzso each and Iain oi 650 one Ihm rlees lor iols in so act on ritly Box In Annln nxhwllbnm ran Anninorth INltqmlliTION xlos residenu iich Phoni WIHIIIIF 01 Sigrnoéisihl INJI n1 II Lil DIRTY FOIW 7H Inga ALLANDALE uhw on roar hm bumpers hrll busesat also turned located on largo IM ll Thisboars ls immaculate sod very well kept Csll Al ii PA Hal anyiime tor an appointment to ALLANOALll lull Ike room iln stony fa located IIIIIM In Three moan and two Diced both up IMIwnIumI or all or Call AI R909 gtPA um END SI 00 lull Pie iudhlny Bum mm IIIIIILITI plus living room large Michell in Ind am bed room downshili MI basement ale Ind Home la INTI Cali Al Rode PA 8629 anyt nu NORTH END 59m Duplex will thmroonss hath upsiall with rivate entrs plus live roan oaeoiece hstb downsisllI modern inrbens lull hue rnent with new loreed sir ou luunl system larse lot In Imwcll land pcd Sills nrdeo ooublo Idsraso call Al use PANm anyllme CENTRAL 3930000 on rice twostorey brick du lrx with rooms had pain up rl rs lib rlvsto ellinnco plus three rooms nd aus downstairs largo klt chen basement located on level lot wlh mu call Al RusePA um anyt me NBARESALE IIJNMO full riceNIiA I1an with no ulary reqll lenll necessary home Is lpoileu and is pleasure mow It comm ill ihm bcdrooml Ilrla livinl mom Ind In kitchen pills four piece III hath excellent ulcil klptrook lloor lhmnghourvith lilo Inna In kitchen and bathroom hill Duemeni with owed all oil healinl laundry tubs This la brill home complete with atom window ond street lully ndaelped lat rim and rear and Ioclied only lino bIDck rem hllh Ichool Ind publil uhooi Down paymenl only 81550 wIih month ly plymtnu of Only $7045 Includlnl Illicntsl principal and leel Be um and no this pm Call Rule Pli M5173 anyilmc gt ARENA AREA lcmrhinmi MW omo Tee sue baill upltaln and Twins mm ï¬lm room and lame modern kitchen dowmtlln basement viih oll heinns laundry tubs Hero is home that liu excellent hardwood neon tmuzhuui plus nalilni woodwork garage deep lot and it is located only about half bloc mm the arena Yes this immuulalo and well kept home Is selling or only uim wlth down payment of $3500 lllii the owner will hold the balance 11 in one open lmDflllle Be mm see It Call Rose PA 06298 anytime lurln ap polnlmoni SUMMER COTTAGE sum lull price rooms lurnlrbrd ilydro large imed lot Good well his My Point Phone Lu Pope PAW5198 FARMS FOR SALE so Acres up Priced troar moo up CENTRAL Him luu prIeetwo storey brick home IIIc rooms and bath Err ent condition Altothed garage colsrlelr gilfheaiinll Phone Les Pope PA 91 Dunlop ST com OPPOSITE queens dons on PHONE PA NoseN0 OBLIGATION LACEY REALTOR 16101 REAL ESTATE BROKER RUSS CARSON NORM slinrswul PA Will nunlop Ernest Barno Ollice Open am to pin nauy Saiurddyhllllill run NRA RESALE REASONABLE DOWN PAYMlmT slum lull prise 5hellltiilll rooms ultra modern kitchen wlth dining area large Ibrdrooms and living room lull basement sad oilhealinz lulled an EOOdJDt clan iD Cod rlnglon School BLAKE STREET mm DOWN PAYMENT Buys this large room home on oerutllul loiwlthplentyrof shade trees Equipped with hot water hearing doabl garope snd rusny ex trar DUCKWOhm STREET $335000 FULLPRICE Modern storey home large rooms edrooors tnu basement Situated 0n nice In close to Schools CLOSE TO ARENA $3500 DOWN PAYMM Enhnte heldnn one open monlile by the owner BloflyUDIICX home large rooms and hllh mud ern This home Is in beautlnd con dition inside sud out and must be seen 10 be appreciated NAPIER STREET CLOSEITO CODRINGTON ST SCHOOL monoPULL PRICEThis Is on ex or anal room brick bunglow with ched In and III theI extras Sit Bled DH 60 It benillllillly Inn ocsped with shade trees TY INVESTMENT PROP Allandie $6300 mu price man with oil hesuas and all conveniences Now rented to good teusntr This excellent home Is locatedon let I65 Ind Only your 01d FOR SALE on TRADE IILWO mil ricel Strum rick ll illow blocvka from dawntollvn LEIen lot garage all he ting will tulle ioi summer cottage country store CODRINGTON ST 9011 full price tortilla besulitul well commqtell Inmrickjiln slow en use Poll busmenr iI heatns ll Iilluaped lot Polly equipped with Itomeindowo leliliEI and mqny other atro BEAUIIFUL FAMILY OMB Slx La on 11 out tiIAoo IleLL Pit CB dingo rooms and one double om not Itorkheaiinz wIIh oil two bathronlnl hill basement IlrirkIIconlm It lumr you or onre eo one today nxChPlflgNAL INCOME gluon This III brand semi ollchedTwD cum Idtély sepsrsts vo room homu ll oil Ilch 311 mu MisthySra pills open ï¬nance cullth hlli plan 2th IIETWJEPIFPFT CLIFFB BROWN REALTOR mall In phluuh FHONE ANYTIME PA Ilaofm WHYPAYIINTtwhavendoodm selection 01 NHL III 91th with do WW II ll HMS Huilily PM chitin In Ihln ml for good room hputrnrnt gohi nit hdy Ioolerroil whim ammALsmim mono own psy meet or win trade In console pnr my speck bar could be operated during the lummer months as lee lion in tourist rentre room part Dienl above store with all conveniences Price IndulingOqtlemeni only tlonoo BD No not LOUNT 81 Laval mm Ilï¬ any brick homo on quiet mesh Laxdo game with pavoddnvo In many extra only years old He uiilllliy landlcaped condition excellent thvulhiiiil will no pairs or decor lilnllequll1d only OLE500W WEUNQTON 5T WET Btdroom storey home close to Public and IIIIIPBdIODIl Ina downtown within wIIkInlI tanco for lhos who like central ocallon Lnls la the homo lor ï¬ulygrlee 500000 with iem BI moo DOWN This Ill storey stucco hornsls unauthoth Barril on No 27 many near Phelpsloa roso This mhom ls complete with lull plumbins laciiitlrs There Is is ssrdsn and chicken house thst wul ousa Isa hops no car garage hss large storag sco more Poll price is only at the owner lli tskoa orsl mortssge st onlyvdm with monthlypsymenu lees Insn rent hn Ne dot mood oowm IA rail soath ol pants on NoII lligbway on the Toilendal Rind hill price only $360000 Dill your own home and pay the mungg ar nn ID LOTS LOTS We have lit ulocuon loll wmq wills byline vlow ol our Bhy other very close to the new Johnston st School and many others CLIFF BROWN REALTOR at man sr Phone ANYTIME PA oleIo Member or the horrid and District Real Enlllto Board HENRY ELRICK MICHIE wrong is elven st Phone PA 85588 oFFERVA COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE BUYING on SELLING MORTGAGE LOANS NAIIONAL nousmo GENERAL INSURANC lAPPRAIshls FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW 51590 down live you possession of this modern home cumlIlIiil or good sire living room kitchen with plenty cupboard and two bedrooms It is ve anorolcal Io mslntaIn low host cost and rum ole taxes Ideal iar retired couple or young couple looking or less ex pensive home Immediate possession easy terms on bolsnae PEEL STREET One and hail storey lrarne home close to down town and handy to uhools This home is in very good condltion eonslstrot living room dininsroom kitchen and three bed rooms slmo down wIli handle Pull prlnfllï¬w DUPLEX POSSIBILITY we hive six room Brick home in til down town are which Is Very BuiiahIéIDI converting Into duplex The rooms are exceptionally large and ihe house is In excellent Icnndltion all heated and priced to soil For lur tbcrIinlonn innconilci this Dulce or any Member of the Barrie Real Richie gland It is listed under CODp Listing FEATURING 54 MORTGAGE 14000 down Is required to purchase this live roorn modern hrieh bungalow which has In established norm of $0500 at IIIZ interest The payments which include interest princlphl and laser amount to woo per month This home ls Izth years old and must he sold Immedla elyu the Owner he been tn sienéd hill pilc more Yea We have Others If you are In the market to purchase home coll Into eur Officezat your convenience rand check dyer our extensive llstlass Alter hours IIsrry lvnchle oassl Fad Miler 85200 Art Wéhster 84118 lienry Elrick It bllchle lteultors Phone M533 cQUTrs Real Estate Broker Owen street burl EXECUTIVE HOME large rooms rug brick Dunfalmw fully equIPPed all heating Illop ace aluminum norms Ind5Cl¢ElIS ILoi 30 117 Omhlid Drive 50 mutilate Inquiries Ill vlted sl Mr Marsha 94 WORSLEY STREET room huff brick dwelling Ihlla livlnz mom with French doorsbetween living urea Bullt Inkltchen are large bedroom with ample €104 sets IIoroedair oil heating This haunt In an condition Garage nar yard fenced Call Mr Marshall JUST COMPLEIED threeNllA homes 5w Interert rate modest gown pay ment brlsoee on low monthly pay menis These homes sreIrus brick three bedrooms ample closets other atures Deep basements ouhred heating Vgaen Ior inspection call MrManhI $9MDUCKWORTH 512 room store and hair home tullynervlced slurp num norms and screens ll Area lllrnsce Lot to 180 This is good buy more floor area ror less money no 191 II MEMBERS nAlutlli nlsTllicr rem ESTATE hoAlln COOPERATIVE SLISHNM mvrTzn LARGE noun FOR Rm Lmrlh snobr hmENcrs thibssntv CONSULT us ON glow Downy ymeniEouslnl Plons Imhmu ol Proportion oustioasl Boum Maul Incollle Proportleo annexe Opportunities party llsassoue PHONES neatIs crllPA Lam dsybom zrlolmrhoinir OFFICE SPACE ItAIN nun Inchnorl mll rumour matum lseslloo for Iona services Apply IL Niki liensmelanoma PHONE PA 82487 12 anon nous Apply on ma EL loom magnesiaed best Phone MD Irv€74 mu eepior Home Adults only 35 Museum ISln mm srtnienl noy mm ADW Puntnoon 15514 loan unlurolshod Ipartsnenl or let Dunk Near can Phone PA LAMK Baum DI Room charm 3er no men elm Barrie IN ml nmmlxhed heaud with huh Chlldnn welcome Phone PA iiihrfiix Must Iv 1m H00 with khlnflnk Ind Kalle MIMI $1 Cram 81 manilaPiano INW Cmmon 15 ilOOMA rtmeht with Lplree baih tarnished if hired Piléno PA was belore pun ibJHl noon Apartment newfurhlture Availbin rlI Hubbard St after 54146 14 Round unmmisbed sprrIment hell caninmï¬l helled Adlllifl AD to Anne st or MRO nouseiteepihg noon complete lihllnk hotsnd cold wet cen rsl Pho PA om IIW ï¬lms =r On It wo en se desired Phone PA Ludo im not sell contained Ipaflmdniwprl vote hath private entrance Dowtosvn Iocailon Phone PA in 155540 IuitNIInzn Room lilhi housekeep inl In Aluminum ND children Ab hialnrfl Phone PA 53 l5JQ39 LARGE Room plus Splna bath lo contained lieled Cellini AdulII and Tolerances Phone PA 55880 155039 LOWER entrance Cllppeflfliv st Phone PA 61061 noonilsl unnrrnished apartment and bull In Aliandaie AvaillblaAprll Fhonl PA Mufti pin IN 300M Aplnmeni available Ill Furnished New fllidllre hutd bathroom Phone PA ml lay4149 noon unlurniabed srtnrent itIi aben and large bcdslt ground near Phone PAhml lbdm HEATED iipItalll apartment room bathroom sad kitchenette Heavy wir ing Hot water Phone PA Mm 1H7 AmACTIWB room Dnacmantlpm ment and bath unturoished near bus Bullllcu couple PhnncPA unmisan beo fltlinlImm trout roorn downstairs Isl ranselte we or trio and henolx hone PAosou Illdose ROOMED Apartment heated unmr nlshed Central No objectionlo cnild Available April Phone PA 86300 lsml LARGE Room dwell Low rent In return iul childnlll care school while mother works Phone PA lHBEB noon Housekeeplns Apartment nested ccniraln sultabie for busloeav couple PhoheIPA 15272 alter Dan HQ33 Ilhakitchurlette bathroom UII furnished Adulgd nrelerred VIM Nlpie 15454 M0 Rpgnmenl unlurnisheo heat bath ed 29150 prlvlte entrance Phone PA07474 apply III Eul Road 155738 Imam heated spannentelore to shoppth district Phone BA H002 pm or Phonon Illici 151191 imam modem unhrrnnhed Dari ment All cnnVcnIdncu Centrally lo cated Av iI hi edla PA limo BBDIIOOII Bungalow ovaUabIe May In Rerét $90 mungiid onePllm 87401 er III on 011 snore lieu UNPUltlemrD Rooms trig Included Apply Wednudsyntter mum and utter pm evenlars24o hrsdlord st IHHII BACHELOR punimtnt sell contslned bested continuous not one private bhihw Available immedialely Phone 153433 PA M494 FURNISHED rant hedvsittin 30011 and kitchenette Laundry in basement suitable tor couple Phone Poo1m water heated use OiviiI privileges nowntow Adult only Phone PA enrol 154ij Now deeoruted In or not sell contained zpieee bathroom business people prolerre Mm or Al5331 SVIIDPM Aplrirncnl with lament newly deonnled self contains AVIII able Immediater ant rcuonahlo Phone PA N905 IHflvall Itooolhrruuneda annent heated hot andcola outer ultnble tor busi lieu coa Iear twn sirls PoonePA 51090 Inuisnl at Itsdue FURNISHED bed sitiln twin light houteklepinl use ol Cellini per week Billinul girl absillner none sruoliei PhonePA 55780 1538 ntlrlsBmIINO Itoom Inrnlshed newly decoratedvllhg al wushlnzrmh shien Within wsutliu distnos 31no torles PhonePA 316319 154138 snooll Apartment rival bath AvaillbloApIIi Phon erlesli ts Cumberland st twee lsTgoa MOM Bungalow rhol wsiet West next sudbsth on on lop arts crime wiunol rds 1533 Eh kitchen in Cantu Allto iii In null ll noon cuidihpdrtmeot withshared bath Hydra and hot water provided Uninrnished sd Msry an hbiuo rtom nunlop st Phoo UNPURNIIHBII RoomlIn dill Luge IIvInlI room bedroom chest IVery eeotrsl Adults only immediately ï¬r FEE PA HIM lsojit no srtnreat rooms prlvsle xvaiiabie April Applli 21 E7 Board ll desired Phone tine sno Hospital zone 1503 RED GLOVEB Seed Ior Izle Apply FURNISHED bedsillingronln all not all IlillI Ireled aurasun control antirum rooms resistorml iriem mmuflum hot new us or automatic mauuimyfll mt UNnllm III soulslud ba srsle Mumltspflur no no milked ll on Azlulhblc ADHIPISV liuiylilgl providtd Adults in peri undcnt Mil lr reisned srlnunt rain 3w priule gm luau bub Nahum ARI Ml PA 632 DISIDM got only 15474 lunluood Ist ur lull vr oors wa working DWI 110 Em bhlu lie lair i7 3m unmru hitd newly do Im $94 35 III II oaWI stintIn nI stre Prod Coolt Danie isu APAIISIENT rllalrl door room sell flulned heavy Iflnlr Belted Avail xIeAIrlr Apply In nuhlop Fri TWIIIIIII been me 4529 FURNISHED cottage inside conveni Ollcu yur round on Chlld $15 or phone el he lickelwii Join and ï¬llplea 31 Warua Beach IHIII momhpsrtments modern sell Nnihllledl rooms sud bathroom imp nnhod or unmrnlsheo Continuous hot air Laundry minus and lockers Xou Phone PA iHII Two 1th Apartments Mlle hath sell conlslned storase pure and loud lsclutierilesteo Very cen tr one PA Mills too pm Phone PA psi otter pm 1551 boom House central iotatlonsvall Ibh April helorenses necessary Also is name on Letitia st Avsll able Ap neloreneer necessary Ap Iy Owen so coults Real ate 5414a APAItTIIBNI modem rooms sell hemmed nil helilnls HillIn kilcilun clipboard link I9 bathroom new decorated Laundry nelllilu Aval hie A9 15 Adults Apply lo nualop 5L 1538 ATIBNTION Spommen will be ï¬sh lns time more you know It an my be this will Inlerert you Trent pond Ind ltrum or rent Or will conIdle llllnfl lplflner or may even all sere pond and stream Apply Boa rlIo lnlilcl 53335 xPPut nUPLBx 2m Road district Ii heat private driveway and en inllce laden and Mann incililles llrltbedmoml livlnl room kitchen Pplecl blilimm n1th decorated erlt $75 el lIIflnUI Reierencu re quired ie or phone PO Box II Barrie PA 53947 Available April IIHHI Rooms FOR RENT Puanslllm noorn centrsL Phonn PA 51427 lban BEDROOM suitable lar buxlncss per son Phone PA M150 4530 NIcBLY nrrnishedIRoorn very cen tral Phone PA 85211 454340 lime furnished bedroom in quiet home Phone PA aLlln 453889 COMFDIITAIILE lumhhed bedroom PA Hui 454738 lllIIOHT clean lurnished bedroom iol entlcmon Central Near CGE Phone aooll 455340 FURNISHED Bedroom blocks lroni downlown Businessman pruIePred Phone PA 48 uaml LARGE lumished room wlih twin beds and kitchen privileges Garage it necessary Phone PA MIT 454115 FARMS FOR SALE so ACRE PAlili ralle northwest or Barrie Au under cultivation Murphy hit Barrie Ioawl CE and sin IOI EMS walkable 40 acres bush and pasture Coed warm room lnsnlbrielt home Dink him 35 55 Sletl implement shed hen house garage Water In house and born under prcuure mu Qnmd ailmellanhue PT 3216511 WIPCE 05 III 33340 loo AcltBPAItM good elsy lonm some Bush 15 acresqu wheli 40 hem randy or spring seeding 0n the 5th COIL NDIuVISIIEB miles Irons Sta oer Hydro Pressure on Itemfio born with straw shed and stabUng under lnsui brick housenew apiece bath with hat and cold water ll interestedwrltn to Box 15 Stoyne or phonelas 13533 SEED AND FEED No TIMOTHY Iloy square holes for sole Phone Eimvale 9rd Ioazfahr OhmInt 0P 0AISIdr sale gin Stone RR Bradford Illnan nbhvalt Oars lor ssle Also iIlt truck plottornr Phone LImvule or5i 103743 Phone £22 Ill33 nA ND smw lorrsle We do IivrAp ly KelL Glitolll Phone Lerroy llraz Illml LARGE QUANTITY of good Iquare hhled hay ror role Phone PA ossu whiter SmithCon Vespre Iooott SEEI ohrs lor slle ErhhnalsnFud Oats Lot 22 con 10 Phone Lorne Holley Minninz RadB Silver and ltsrold ley ZIII Ivy illstomp QUANTITY or ï¬lled Hoytor solo few bushels registered No Clintlsnd Oats Apply Bell RR Barrie PA Mom III8533 1M BALES 0F Straw for Illa IUCL bsle toIplrir up Joseph Van ssl Ulnpl Con 13 Vemga Phhna PA 5oz gt 1038 hmnuanhhs Beaver Osis lor hole 31 bushel ioItons nixed day unre bales Lochhsrt Thornton none ivy lird 195341 EEGISTBEEI and commonIsl curry and Rodney seed our for rsl also CommercialBranl barley Phone blur rayPens arsdrord lorli iosaor lunar QUANTITY of Red PontlsePo lines Cunada NO Small or nie lorIprlees demandlorry Gowms 5t aeorse or phone SinGeorge 104841 SEED PaiAzoEsvior sale PEI certi lled seed Cobblers Sebagos and Kata dimIutI sttrsttivo prices Iciarence Cummln Barrie phonli PA 34504 Ioaa MW PomsALB 50 bushels ot Montcalm Seed Barley grade No certlnoato No man 94 Also quantity OI Rodneï¬ Oat Phone evenings mMlneslng auricc Sender ml Mloesing IOdb rig Mi Pest ante Int ariey Iiedhlnl Igcnnivlatin Intlwwmcluvpl hi In small pess arr rooms unfilrnlhhed monthlyPlano Wmlllflér