onesz manure maximized 29 1951 First Coroperative Recommendations onlinued from page one More For Breakfast The heading 1I50 MORE AT BREAKFAST TOMORROW neared in The Durhamchrnnicle on the report of talk by Dr Patterson at farm rally mums and bacon are synonym ous so this means that every day there are 1150 more persons and this average is increasing requir ing the products of these plants During the past two years the consumption of all types nlmcats has increased fas than the pro duction especially in beef and park as them by statistics This is goodJigws for hog pro ducers who during tberpast year have enjoyed top markets In order tokcep this market at cvelcoopcrative packing plants at coilectiv points 5hcavy turnover hogs is ight keep the priccs paid Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS IQ JUNE i957 hulklieu Ion mun mm ii munluv an Inn ian Ann us cantor mm roaomo II or NI GAMBLE WITH SAFETY You can drive relaxedif your car lms the safetyinsurance of thor ough brake ehcck Our factory trained mechanics can spot brake trouble long before it becomes serious and costly Pcr has the safetysinsurance of thor mcht niiiicrllrlrln lthTOIlS LIMITED 65 Collier St PA 481 Vsss ELVIS PRESLEY IN PERSON TMupIe vLeof Gardens TORONTO IIIES APR RErunN nus FARE $520 iNciuoas ADMISSION Sule Closes March BI Bus Leaves Barrie at 405 pm Returns after show BARRIE BUS TERMINAL Corner Maple Ave Simeon St room PA 35511 mew co CH llhjb Livestock Commissioner Watson for an increase infhogproduction by all packers on an tonal basis and save the pmducenfmm costs Ilheli surplus hols might have to ybe directedelscwbert Hog nirvanai551 Quoting from remarks made byi as mentioned in the agricultural supplement of The Allistan Ilcr aldthc outlook for hogs for the coming year witha lower supply from Western Canada being re duced to the amount of 150 In Manitoba 88 in Saskatchewan and 109 in Albcmshould mean that Ontario producers who are close to ihelargc markets may expect top prices Quoting from Mr Watsons talk in which be outlined the next 25 years in Agriculture he est lmatcs Canadian population oi 25 million with about nine mil Ilion gainfully employed to pro duce 15 billion dollars of goods and services while working pn average of 35 hours week to receive an average of Sioo He did not say if this would include the farmers After giving statistics of various productions ltfr Watson stated that with prices attractive and cod supplies plentiful in the country if not on some farms in Ontario conditions are favorable JAMES SIMPSON Copaco General Manager itwould appear that these prices will be as high if not higher up to and including the last quarter of the year Copaco Exhibit Getting back to Simcoe County where the First Cooperative Pack ers plant is established in Barrie although membership reaches out into bordering counties this plant made available 28 carcasses of bacon sides and bellies produced in seven townshipsat South Sini coc annual crop fair These carcasses were graded in to groups according to the town ship location of the producers carcass produced by Stewart Cairns of Tottenham was awarded two red ribbons one as reserve champion The other three car rasses from Tecumscth helped that municipality to top the show nsthe quality of the carcasses was very uniform However of the whole 28 car casses there were 60 grade with the balance and none in the loss category This was the point stressed by Dennis Canada Department of Agriculture who carefully analyzed the grad ingrpoints of the bacon show car casses after which he spokehn the subject Pigs Can Be Bred for Lean br Lard also on the losses to Canadian tumors who ship below grade hogs Quality carcasses In 1956 Ontario produced over two million hogs With Simooc sill tail vi dont haveto Iner us but youll be mighty glad you gazed us to glveyonr inmuy WileApproved North Ameri ran van lines move can us today youre moving soon our estimate is FREE Campbell Limited agents for North Ainrrlean Van Lines Mow tn and stoma 110 human Age PhonePA $655 we make Ioans f0 Consolidate Bils nlylnlny of your bill then have only one convenient often lost thln rh taut gtGetcuh hero in ngio payment pay Phone or your on 17 Mtma FINA NCE C0 ItesentNanie For Montreal Hotel Continued from plgo one simple to fix it upbutlhc CNR president is ailaunt Women and Lnnatlcf Mine Casgraln was equally frank to criticism of hcrprovince for its failure to provide womcn with equaicivil right and the dLv crepancy in wages and working conditions that has existed bc tween Quebec and the rest of Cabadt Aiiuough the urbanization of whit was predominantlyagri cultural province following World War ll has mclnt an extraordin ary transition in the sphere of women Quebec women are In minors in the face of the law based on the old Napolennic Code which denies wpmen the right to contract Albough Premier Quplessia made an outward change in the clause that classed married wo men with minors and iunntics he just threw powder in the eyes of people to blind them The prin ciple has remained unchanged County holding sixth place with 126000 or all Ontario hogs only Jdï¬Vo graded Which was slight iy up on lhe preVious year out inc 159000 whicn werchelow tops lost their producers over one mil lion dollars computing the loss at $650 per nog This did not take into consideration feed and labor less on heavy hogsr Breaking this down to Simone County which had 35 grade there were d000 grade equalling loss of $39000 including feed and bonus industry would soon wipe out producer whodi not market top quality products Mr Dennis remarked his produeu simply could not be sold Had Ontario equalled improvement in grade reached in Prince Edward island their producers would have re ceived 11 millions more revenue Simcoe Countyalone would have had $78000 Producers should aim for at least 80 grade Failure to be in grade results from several causes but the chief reason seems to betoo much fat Types of hogs are also respons ible Grading or breeding are both factors As fat production is hereditary the quality and choice of sires and gills especially those with production qualities is essential Even advanced iegistry stock should be proved Mr Dcnr nis advised Balanced rations of the proper proportion is next requirement to improved breeding lceders of skim milk as adcdsupplemeat are found to produce high per centage of top grades The time ly use of scales is also essential as guessing often costs loss of rev enue and additional feed Member Pride Justifiable Every member of the First Co operative Packers of Ontario should show his pride in the achievements accomplished over the years by being represented at this annual meeting They should refuse to purchase any but Copaco products and insist they be dis played in theirlocal dealers show cases Their loyalty in the past has earned substantial rewards They should encourage new mem bers throughout Ontarioto build more plants so that the pro duction of pork products would he as staple as any other food such as bread or milk Quebec Province Leads With the completion of the pack ing plant now under construction there willbe over eight millions invested in cooperative packing plants in Quebec The farmers of that province are the big oper ators of packing houses and they through these are taking the live stock from the farmers at prices that are top market values These plants are well equipped and Man aged and should encourage On tario producers to follow along their leadership Some of the plants were taken over from pri vate ownership others have been built from ground up chirrv IIIMY uncnae IlaAlt carbonor It loan em Nat 33 33 out rm mm tenantsAle lt gt IL Iilï¬ III In III in many JIlIIO lanaio no on in run so II no MM nu nor in sum in We run wvsnav Ann blond in not on lumn lulu no Rum Int JO commuter um Inc uh Into ilm no not umloav IAICN so 4ASV£IHQU can no heme an Wain lllclwh ml L3 then nun UNIV III II III 30 NI Im and In to Women have merely been put in better company Without this civil right women find theinselves unable to even organixe some good works with out the authorization oltheir husbands Mme Casgrain worked success fully to obtain provincial suffrage for women in 1940 in her pro vince and since lMl all profes sions except the notarian have been open to women labor Reform Another field in which reform had been really necessary was labor ina provincewliich was industrialists as place where Wages were low and the popula tion docile Today labor unions Nationai Syndicatca formerly Car tholic SyndicateHre trying to bring wages and living conditions up to higher level This awakening on the part of the Quebec workerhas contribut ed to Canadian unity making him rcaiile that he and the worker in Obtario and the worker in British Columbia are all working together and must strive together for bet ter conditions It has created spirit of understandingmndyxom radeship declarcd ltime Cas grainr other Changes Outlining with affection the many charms that her province has for the visitor the speaker also traced the changes that have taken place in recent years These changes in the economic and social life and in education would not make FIench Canada tieulor attraction shcfelt 0n the contrary the broaden ing out of education is making the Frenchpeoplc more conscious of their ways of life and making thbm cherish their traditionsiriorc than they did in the past The advances in radio andteleA vision have helped to develop culture in Quebec and have brought about an extraordinary development of the French voca bulary The theatre in Quebec is developing at rate that is in credible causing critics to say that thetaiented young actors of Montreal comprise Moliere troupe that is perhaps better than those that have come over from Paris lose the flavor that is its par 1N APPRECIATION wish tolexpreas my sincere appre ciationvto our many friends for the beautiful nome cards and letters and also for no the kindness shown us duringlny stay In the hospital and line came home nir Hilliard Meredith as oeo soars $15 Paumiint Prince menu In Ill no im uo circain one an snmlm au rv 7mm It cue um ILII Thin um Iona us unit chum Inn nun Mean an DIM My so In on In 14 iniuum mnem Ilnl our Ilan cm new on munt no Pick um iuo Tho Stud AuIIL Ilorv luti use couer lynellon Aï¬LBAt noyl Vlctortn Hospital auxin on March 27 m1 is ma un Ronald Auir Co or so danlhtor Anne Marie punAtnuyrl Victoria Hospital Barrie on larch war to Ilr and In Stanley gun niti Thom lofl con CORNAACfllAAtï¬oyal Victoria lion ital Barrio on in to Ind ringJohn armchin or Dunlo in cut Ion no end DMPB At noyu vtciortIiarpiii Barrie on March 21 im to air and ur Orvnu Draper RR Ilid nunt dlulhtcr Judith Luci Inna HumpAt Royal VIclurh Horplial Barrie on March 24 1957 to LAC and Mn Robert Home SI Hlilh SI twin loll muonsAt IIle Vlclortl Hmpilal Barrie fllrld 27 1957 to 53 and sin bun imam suluirae wan nivu Camp Borden on M3LTDNA¢ ltoynl Victor mini llama OILMINII 28 1967 to Dr Ind urn itlchlrdMelton an Shanty Bay Ion lGIrnn Eric uALDwrNAi the home obhll dlltgh ter Stnblno Avonharrle on houndg starch to 157 mu Benton nlflwin beloved husband the iris EllieMly ernerrllld du fltller of Mrs Mme McGibbon IEVQ Iyri of Barrie Roy of Detroit Em at DI Goldwater Illchllln and Clarence ot lluntavlllc III III 73nd Yanrw Rcatlnl at the Jenna niltern Home Dune monl tn hlnilv Anglican Chum for public SalIF dny MINII 30 pm Interment Banto Union cemrtery jiN MEtGomAM ALLANin loving memory of our mother Mn Allan who pulled away March 30 iiaa In our heart your memory lingeis swuuy tender loud and true ram is not naynur mother That we do not thInk OI you adly nilqu by her ornamen ind son Jack so GRIFFINIn loving memory or dear husband InflJathcr Herbert eni won whoplhlsnex daily mung1 bios TIM IE Hil hand we cannot touch But we truism osmium mmoflll or on we iovcdce much rnr memorlu ani litelamp rim um the darkest rod To the beautifulhbpeof reunion menumm tug run at the ma smiy mined And cvcrrcmtm bored by wile and tmily so livarrTo everyone for klndneu symplthy uni flower received during my recent bereavement can only in Thnnit you lo much rMrs ii Hyntl Shanty Ely la THESE SYMPTOMS iiii MEAIWOIINS Irritdbility load of tite restlasnas could be sygipetoma of worms Dont take chances Get Dr McKenzies Dead Shot Worm Candy from your drug gist If the cause is warm easy totake Dr chKenziea Dead Shot Worm Candy brings quick soothing relief to adult or child VI li¢onilotk 00 Ht liodllllo Oct 157 volcanic siz cull sniimis routinesSheiiintcomiou The more springs the more cbmfortia modern mattress gives you for healthfiu rests ful sleep And now this newest mattress by immons gives almost 100 more springs than provided by any other mattress for thisvam 75c Lunch counter Rummage sale Essa Road bylcriln Church on March 80 Doors open It oclock 353 Christ CburchlVY will hold their annual cemetery meetingln the church basement on April ll pm 38 Rummage Sale at Central Uni ted Church Sunday School room Friday April 12 at pm AlllpIs cot JuniorWA 3588 much the music at Andrews Orchestra GIlthrio Community llall Saturdays 012 Admission 131 Ruminage Sale Saturday April auspice Salvation Army In the Loyal True Blue Hall Kigh St Doors openat pml 384I Rummage sale on Saturday MdlCh 30 LTB Hall High Street Ausplces of CanadianLady Fores ters Doors apenat 10 am 3238 Rummage Sale Trinity Parish HallCallier SL Friday April 2D pmSaturday April ME noon Auspicc Trinity WA 353340 Daffodil tcavand bazaar at True Blue Hall High St on Tuesdays April from 230 pm to pm Tchlickets 35d Auspiccs of Blue Haven Lodge 3739 Rummage sale at 10°F Ilall Saturdayllfnrch 30 am Aus plccs of the Womens Auxiliary of the Barrie Sea Cadets and Navy Leaguccadcta 3538 Spring Tea and Bake Sale at Collier St Unlted Church Audi torinm Wednesday April 343 pmLundcr auspices Collier St United Church Womens Auxiliary 2938419 Barrie Horticultural Society meeting Library xiiail Barrie Wednesday April pm Speak er Mr William Brownpoony xrowcr from Elora illustrated lecture Dant miss it Neighbor ing Society members welcome 3739 shenanigans nndjSIlIlllBSj Leer now FROM joURLAnGp srocx Insult plants EASTER LILIES iivDRAuGEA AFRICAN VIOLETS Cash and Carry and Save it Bizzui carcinoma 11971 avgflirty va tanning LCQNA Sfl 30 Pam 20 Games SharetbcWéaltband Jackpot Doorstopcn at 130 pm EAcHi so JOIlNSQN sr ciiiiiaio Brand new models in riding If Ni MOTOROLA ELECTRO HOME Custonkinstallation and service hlle youwait months guarantee include parts in ice Comc ln nowuand ask utgour ntroductnry offer on the NEW TRANSISTORCABRADIOStno humanoisc or vibration GdéiirfSAViNdsfm MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS SPECIAL COMBINATION ONE WARNEACH Post LII Journal Halide ALL EOE ONLY $1000 less than Sc day SATURDAY EVENING POST 117 weekly issues for or 55 weekly isSucs for LADIES HOME JOURNAL 22 months for only or aovmonths for less than TIME PI LIFE 39 weeks only $297 44 weeks only 78 weeks only 87 70 weeks only SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Most Popular 65 weeks Sr only MACLEANS 60 issues for only 70 py READERS DIGEST maw 18 months for only All your RENEWALS antiserum enrolls for ANY maga zine can he handled by this office and are ESPECIALLY AP paacmren gt some anions anonthrew VLWAYS all DAYS can IIIEA itslcsv Acencv 49 Holgatc St VBnrrie Phone EA li3644 Anytime CIIATELAINE $450 40 issues for only 10c copy roni March to April 1198 Me Tell IinilQ ls hone om tantrums or 159 1115 215 315 iii The Seams all drapesordered from this stock Choosefronl our stockof Florals Abstractsl3ar cloth Modems Casuals Homespuns Boucics Sheirs and Fortisaos raics sauces Iibrééiiss Ans aso 425 295 395 In ltnyons cottons viscosc haveyour choice headings Iiiing your window misunmen and havelyour drapesuida