Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1957, p. 7

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rot Often wermiss or fail to see the main point in Scripture Passage because we dolot read far cn ough or carefully enough The books of the Bible were orlglnA ally written in Greek Hebrew and Latin Only the very learned could read them Then along in the sixteen hundred men he gan translating them into other languages so thatall who could read andallwho listened to the reading Scripture might und crstnnd We sometimes like to talk about the gnorancé oftho masses in the Middle Ages when only theselechcw had access to an ilndcrstanding of the Scrlp tures One would almost be led to believe when he bears some ot the loose use of Biblical quo tations today that there is still certain amount of ignoranceot the masses in our agewith all our learning and enlightenment Sometimes Scripture is doubled because known fflClS0l known facts are doubted because of Scripture When the vlsraelites were fighting against the Amoritcs Joshua their leader asked that the moon and sun stand still They were already successful but they necdedra few more hours of daylight in order to completely defeat the enemy The sun stood still in the heaven for the length of about whole day and allowed the Israelites complete victory See Joshua 1024 Yr This passage has caused some to say that scientists dont know what they are talking about if the earth moves why did Joshua ask for the sun and moon to stand still It has caused othersrtosw that the Biblels lot of tommy The sun doesnt move so how could Joshuas request leng then thc day We must remember that the Biblewasnt written to prove scl entitle facts People didnt have the knowledge in those days that we have today regarding the move ment fol thebcavenly bodies so naturally Joshua would believe thatthe sun would need tostand still in order to lengthen the day The mrun point here was the lengthening of the day in order that Gods will might be fulflllcd it also shows that God under stands mans rcquests imperfect though they may be just asronc understands the mperfect lan guage of avsmull child People at various times have taken factsjrom the Biblercspcc iallyfrom thellook of Revelation and tried to use them to prove to humanltythat the end of the world was coming at certain time Since the invention of the atomic bomb and also because of the vast changes in modes ofliv ing since the first world war some are sure that he end even now near athand There have been people with similaritieasfor thousands ofyea We must re member thatChrist sai But of that day and hour no on kno not even the angels heaven nor the Son the Father only tlllatt 2436 Acts 10 915Paters vision of clean and unclean animals being let down from heaven and voice telling him to kill and cat has beenused by many to try to prove that it is quite in order for humans to eat anything even reptiles regardless of the old Jewish laws We mustread the whole of the tenth chapter of Acts to get the full mean gand significance of Peters vision The Jews at this time believed that anyone whowas not cw could not be child of God Eventhe ones who had be me gt Christian Ibe dl for the Jews only The vision was to show Peter that though at one timeonlythe Jews wcre Gods chosen people that now by Christs death all people Jew or Gentilecoulli be Gods chosen people if they re pented and believed the Gospel This was to prcparePeter that he would readin 50 to the Gen tiles when calledifupdnby the men sent from Cornelius The in this chapter are and he saidilo them You yourselves how how unlaw fltl it is for Jewlo associate with or to visit anyone of ano ther nation but God has shown me that should not call any man com on or unclea Verse 84 Ao Peter opened his mouth and said1ruly perceive that God showslno partiality but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him Verses 45 47 and 48 where we are told of the HolySpirit being received by the Gentiles further proves Pel crs point So you see this chapter or noth ingin it has anything to do with what we should or should not eat Take therefore no thought of the mortawfor the marrow shall mke thought rol the things of it self Matt oat King James Version Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow for to orrow will be anxious for its set Matt 634 RSVhus bccn scdas an cxeuselfor not having provided forones old age Sometimes circumstances have made it impossible for one to make adequate provision in his younger days for his latter ones Others have wasted their sub stance during the best years of their dives Justifylng their be haviour in their own minds at least with the idea 111 wilrry about that when thetime comes The above instructiunflom the book of Matthew was meant to warn us against foolish worry and worry lest our plans for the future dont work out It does not at all mean that weare to make no plans or provision whatever for the eveningof our lives Remember Solomon said Go to the ant Sluggardconsider her ways and be wise Prov 66 The ant stores food during the summer to be used in winter We humans must store securities during the summifr of our lives to provide us with our needs dur ing the winterof lite Solo mon wawlhezwisest man who ever vGod orlanythinghe wished he requestcdwisdom to rule his people wiselyx This was granted as well as great power and wealth See lgings 312 gtVLukc 635 in part and lend expecting nothing in return has been used as an excuse tolnot pay back something borrowed from neighbor We must re member that Christ said Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesars andto Godlthc things that are Gods Matt 222l in part Paul said Owe one anything Romans 138 We are to give of our timehelp ing others in need of help and lendto others in Christianvspirit not iookingflto getvpnid or to receive free service in return if we are kind and helpful to ward others we will receive as sistance when we need it but maybe not always ramthe same persons whom wejfhelpcd Give and it willrbe given toyou good measure presseddown shakéndo gather running over will be put irito your lap For the measure en gi en thepriviloge gt So you see Luke tell us it is wrong what we borrow but our lending shouldnt bedonn only ilelacrs where we expectto receive backmere than We arerlnclih nuilr of the fact thatJon owed by great fish In later miraculously castlip onto dry ground Thls sto is meant to leach us that we cannot escape from God Jo didnt want to carryout Gods will for him so he tried to run away He learned that this was impossible We could all writes Bible of our own using Scripture passages whit not clash with EU ideasgand petty ways andwhlch do notAdlstulb our consciences or tend to dhako us out of our religiousale mittlng avery grave si elations 221819 must beztalten as wb We must read and study ihe entire Book with open minds Gods laws To gainth valucywe must read gently and carefully our lives Let us then beware of quoting Scripture looselyor using bits of it calclme tu=try rtosprave or justify our own selfish fdolish narrowminded ideas and actions Preventingifire it dili cvcry day of Your ownllomee Each year more thnri 310000 Canadian home are damagdd by fire Property loss estimated at $20000000 acco ng to the All Canada InsuranceFederatiou which represents 200 competing fire automobile andeasualty in surance companies lnCauada Or the 400 Canadians who die ln residential fires each year about half are children Home fires can be pre ted and the federation offer these precau tions especially applicable at this time of year Remove matchesand other inflammables from the pockets of winter garments beforejstoring Clean out attics basements sheds garages and ii for cleaning floors do not use gasollne volatile fluids Olly rags in turpentine or should destroyed orkeptin sealed metal eonta ers himneyg and mrnaces should be cleaned thorough Cheekfans ar condltlom ers and similar ummer jappli ances or frayed cards or loose connections Removcaccumulated eaves from caves and around ba homes PLANNING NEEDED KlNDERSLEY Town planning is frill suitable only for latg munities Zane Baku If wecanget depth of water of dam this project as we facezof the whole dsmeith earth the damthen it could be used as of leechesreporteil so the pond would have to be stocked with made up of larg younger fry As the parks board little China Lhntted Colungwood Project Enlist Council CIUbS At the March me ing of Bar rie and DistrictConservation Club Comnl nityilouse Elton rvPar ker vicelprcsident reported on the Dymcnta PondProject as follows Many of the older natives will remember thispondas fairly large one Inwthe winter was fav rito spot to hating asit frozeveilrlyiand wasnt subject to heaving like the lake in the tall there was usually the odd chick on it as the northern icnd fairly swampy last summer when examined the pond had reduced to mean dering small stream through the bed at the old polld The cement forms that held the wooden sluice stops have all been broken and the whole dam is in state ofd repair gt It is hoped to enlist lhe aidof toiancouilcil and one or more ser vice clubs to support our club in will eed money engineering advice and the use of heavy equipment Generally speaking we have mind concrete wall across the tillbehind the wall to support it The whole pond site to be hull dozed down and the resultantlill to be shovelledpower behind the wall we have just mentioned eight or ten feet at the faceoi swimmingsite during the spring summer and earlytall with hoc skating for the winter One side of the pond and dam eouldbo reservedfor junior fish and under it approve There has been large number bass to keep the leech population down The east side of the pond is Vsaud bank which could be bulldozed rte vide sand play beachfor the interested in making this area JOHN BROWliE President of deorglan Open House toshow citizens the finenew offices of the firm which was opened there in 1948 It averaged 75 employees on the Dymellis Poild ecently held ectd Declares Observer Daily Commercial News ittlc unplanned monstrosities are being erected all over the place by United Church of Canada can gregationsgin having built nearly 1000 new church buildings since warnaccording to an editorial tthe United ChurchObserver We haVe beenstartled by the sual attitude we seem to be tak toward church architecture in this country Toomany of the new buildings have been planned by amateurs designed by drafts men and engineered by men tra cd for building cement factories We actually hear it boasted Wc built it without an architect That is like saying Wc took his appendixlwithout doctor The writer was being reservedly cour teous in singling out some United Church congregations he could very casil and with equal justice have mentloned illadvised groups in almost everyother denomina ll Church Observer contains practical advice bleev Victor Eiddcs for church building committees gen crailyLHe Says too many congr ations wander aroundin the ark as tocosts in preliminary ning They tell the architect uély they have so many thousan to nd and they assumethe fin ishe jo ill be somewherenear their casualestimate When they learn the total ost they are shak en to the core liar Fiddes says there no need forcemmittaés be so wide ofthe marlr lu Sou era Ontario the cost of ach lficewill run anywherefromdtl cents toiBD cents per cubitxfonthdepending on the type etc ructi nand the na ture of the fa ltles denuded If cons ction to beof block with nfinlshed er gurehvill serve as guid steel to beused the cost will plaster walls and deluxe incorporated on tswil he upper range wards that campaign expc es the cut at the site andrim provement fthe area may also havetocdmc from the building fund tects fees will be at least 6Pér atown park allthe rabovel ould be utilized and maintained into the forseeable are lineman are quarter of ll million llkbyouborroweilfrom HF in Canada nd oat recommended and some issuefof the United cen of the contract Changes shaw lulu angry changequ forecast by the mono fFarm Forums Face Problems Lack of capital will be the big seed by farmers sc Ir of the Pdrrmioh whom making the nee gardoncclimlpiision Neanym peoplctook part in discussions fell he forecast th there willbc fargerfarms and greater mech nintion Manygroups do not favor the trend towards largcrfarms and at labor shortage high cost machinery and loss of com milnitydife will be serious pro payroll each year Browne Wholesale Limited is another firm which Mr Br wne moved from Toronto to Clollingwoo show some of theseveral hundred visitors jar Open House OCOS price on new construction and to per cent of the eonw on renovation Paws run per sitting it is obvious that if congregaz tion is spending $100000 onactual coustructicin additional expenses will amount to at least onethird of that figure says Mr Fiddes fThcr no cheap way to build church he claims The cost of materials labor and architects fee are fixed it cheap materials are used the building will look cheap lf voluntary labor is used there will be delays in construction and complications with the trades If the services of an architect aro dispensed with the building will disclose flaws which willlscriously limit its usefulness It will take more than $6000 000 to meetvther many human itarian obligations of the Canad hlcms Many gmups do not favor the trend towards larger farms and feel that labor shortage high cost of machinery and dos of com munity life will be serious pro blems typicalfreply came from the if we were toadoptvthc policy of larger farms our first pro hlem would be capital and see and labor so we feel that there must slillbe place forthe tam in farm Tholnrger the farm thelarger the problems If these largcfarlns mustbe it would he almost impossible for young man to getstarted We would prcfclarms us they are and have more community spirit To overcome such problems the forums suggested long term credit at low interest rates higher guar antced pricesfor farm produce parity income to be achieved by price supports and cooperative use of machinery Some sample quotations were We do ont agree with the Gordon Commissions ideas on agriculture or the Maritimea We feel that larger farms are getting back to the old days of large land owners that we fought for years to get clear of Byrncs Road Forum PEI Long term loans with low in farmer would also need guaran teed markets so that we could be reasonably sure of paying the loans back lnkerman Farm Forum Manitoba The wise course to take would be not to follow the trend to our present position and inorease Curries Farm Forum in Ontario tercst rates will be needed The larger farms but toconsolidatc rrp ny slam 251m pinup ASEAGROVE Wellknown Hamilton renltor who was elaé resident of the Ontario Association of near Estate lloanla nt tlmtorgunim tinne 85th annual conference in Ottawa Mar lone The Ah sociation is composed of local real estate hoards opcmti in principnl cities and tow throughout the province the yield per acre without greatly increasing the financial burden or the acrcngeof the1individufl farmer Rupert Farm lForunl Quebec Canadians have given 1351334 bottles of blood to the camel lted Cross Blood Transfusion Ser rice since 1947 Honeymoon Over Your honcymoon my be loul put but the lit an III love you all the more ll you give her North American Van Lines wife Approved move to your new home cur us for ens esumm Campbell leited IenCl or North Arnericnn Van Lulu aloyln Ind Slorzlc no Btuton Ave run on mass FORAPPOINTMENT ian Red Cross in 1957 vacuum 8420f Sten erromsrmsr amused mwsaaiinsv and armorsroman mam+1 10$ gomsmr henson RO rumor smear annals onramo lie replcs ntn vcs ago for their abllity undustnnd martyr blema Theyre yjtnnued in all phase of Lifelnaurance he ed more skilled an helpfu services than you are likely find in airy the company re blade to spend as yougo Io Iwa Tile new car along sure and dependable new car is understandable enough But loony mail is hard rcsscd to an ply the things his fami ywnnts an needs while mainta proteetioniortheirvfuture and hisow So at Canada Life weve devised some rcaso plans that we protect Any Cuuiula Lifemnnndn explain how you can do thlsat lower cost than an other method We feel sure youtll find we worth inves

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