of District 110 Barrio it WEDNESDAY uhncu zo Magistrate Foster Assis ant Crown Attorney Ken ncdy Chief Edward Tschirhari Cpl Ronald Neathway and Proba tion Officer John Lamb were in attendance Adjournment For various reasons number of adjournment were asked and granted on charges of driving while suspended care and control while intoxicated making false statement theft of scrap metal Caused Disturbance To charge laid on March it by PC Jones of causing dis turbance on the rear porch of town residence at 035 pm Thomas Sullivan pleaded guilty He had been drinking The finc was $15 with costs of $5 Impaired Driving charge against lred Boast for impaired driving on Bayficld Street from Dunlop was laid by Chief Tschirhart on information by Meter Ofllccr Gordon Wilson who had noted erratic driving PC Ken McKenzie also saw the in cident The fine was $70 with costs $5 and three months sus pension of license Said Not Guilty Charged by Cpl Winger with begging in public on March 18 in Barrie George Rows claimed that he had not asked for money but the officer had noted that he stopped lad with baby bonuses and he had also 65c in change On the evidence he was convicted and fined $10 with costs $5 or 10 days Damaged Window An adjournment was asked by the crown attorney in charge against James Robinson for wil fully damaging window in Roy Lcrn Cafe on hlarch ludgment Given On conviction against Clar cncc Sims for obtaining money under false pretences by purchase of business machine and other items from JohnL McEvoy and then dispdslng of the goods His Worship after hearing record of previous similar convictions dating back to 1923 asread by Mr Kennedy made it six months definite and three indeterminate in Ontario Rcformatory THURSDAY MARCH 21 Magistrate Foster presid ed with Assistant crown Attorney RKennedy Sgt Bonny castle OPP and Pt Scragg OPP Beerin Cor Checking car on March 16 on Highway 90 at 135 am PC Roy Roberts had found beer in the back seat The car had four oc cupants but the charge was laid against Joseph Johnson and brought fine of $15 and costs $5 Excess Loading rather unusual case followed charges laid by Inspector Strube of the MVBranch Dept of Highways Toronto against Brown Limited Toronto for carrying loads heavier than allow ed by the permits by tractor trail er in transporting coal from Mid land to Camp Borden Dates were from December to the present with charges laid by theinspec tor Bvideoce Iurflrgi ay omen lrim Cpl Glddens PP Ippln OPP who had checked loads during that per iod Sornc loads had shown is checked by weighing at Essa or Camp Borden In excess of from 0M pounds to high as 10200 pounds in one one On another load the driver had on bill of lad ng to produce Evidence also showed that the same company had previous rim ilar convictions back in 1955 nresident Brown was pm eat and claimed that it was diff ult to check on the individual drivers but His Worship did not agree The responsibility rests upon the company to see that loads are not beyond the specified weight and cannot be placed upon the drivers he stated 0n the four charges the fine was $50 plus costs $950 on each conviction total of $280 which default will be levied by stress mpoired Driving Followed by Cpl Hockridge OPP for over two miles on High AS RESEARCH VEHICLE foradvanced engineering studies in car perforrnanc handling broking and other safety loom Jhevroiet has unveiled startling new ex Called the Corvette Super Sport the ustom built our above has lightwelght magnesium alloy body and wheels 180pound perlmentai mod with DeDion tov Chevroie car designer tubular truss SS board rear brakes independent frontans pension flexible fourdink rear suspension axle extensive use of alumtnL urn in the chassis and number of other innovations in car design Zora ArkusDun engineer and noted European and driver shown in cock pit played major role in developing the way 90 on March Charles Walby was seen to be weaving on the road while going west When the officer pulled to the car he noticed two bottles being thrown out of window The vehicle was stopped at Concession 12 Walby was found to be under the influence of liquor but on the lesser impairment charge was convicted and fined $75 with costs of $5 and his license suspended for three months Evidence was also given by PC Plaxton OPP in corroboration frame fourspeed manual transmission in ltems Revealed Careless Driving Defended by Evans QC Bradford in charge oi careless driving on March in lnnisfil laid by PC Don Robbins OPP Leslie Brooks pleaded not guilty Evidence of Henry Pitman was that going south on 400 he had noted Brooks turning to the left to avoid himlhut on the wrong lane near the intersection had collided with witness PC Rob bins stated that he had found the Putman car on theeast shoulder Another witness liir Yansickle relatch of lill Brooks had been Weather condi tions were bad with snowy roads and strong wind blowing more following him snow Counsel thought that Leslie Brooks had not been careless but had mistakeh the turn at that intersection His Worship however thought that under difficultconditions he should havebecn driving more conviction on the charge brought fine of only $10 but costs ranto $4650adiratcon rather complicated carefully viction for the accused Weather Today Mostly Sunny Little Change March tightened up early this morning with fresh NW wind but indications are for moderate today and Sunny Fish shanty parking is at premium now and just few derelictsv will soon he alone for the last time on the bay Temperatures were March 16 March March 18 March 19 March 20 March 21 March 22 March 23 March 24 tbat more gnlred By Township Council met on Wed ncsday ï¬rst in closed commit tee meetingwhen matters were discussed and revealed by motion read into the regular proceedings later At oclock the public meeting was opened Revealed in the minutes were items regard ing the previous meeting and special meeting From these it was learned that an application had been placed with George Johnston MLA to ask the 25 sideroad from the 12th Concession to the 14th be made an improved road under the de partment of highways It was pointed out in the ap plication that this piece of road which adioins the portion got ready for pavement last year from the 12th south would relieve the other township and county roads from heavy traffic as the paved would leave paved way direct to the Big Bay Point Road Council Meeting it was read that the salaries to the township police were to be raised the amount of $200 each withthe exception of Constable 1errier which remains as is and that of Constable Crone who will receive an advance of $300 Permission to purchase power loaderfor the roads department was mentioned as having been asked for from the Highways De partment who will if approved pay 50 subsidy motion was read in which the township refused to accept the telephone account of the late Mrs Hurler formerrelief officer as it was stated that the calls had ship Sdhool Debentures Theapproval of the debcnturc was withheld for the No School Area for the building of an addi tional room at Crawford and the construction of new School at St Pauls which after detailed ex planation at the previous meeting by the board chairman had been approved The reason given Was information was re This resulted in the entire school board being present at the public meeting Wednesday Mr Crane wbb was unable meet his vehicle out was met at Highway 27 by trustee Wice who went around byBarrie to bring him over Mr Crane again gavedetails or the need for additional seating He pointed out that at present they were having to transport pup US who should bcgoing to Craw ford School to Holly and this would not suffice next year as it was estimated there wouldhave to be at least20 taken elsewhere If theywere to go toBig Bay Point which might be used if othersnow taken there were found seating for elsewhere he main tained lhat the would cost at least $3200 while gt would be about $900 in event of annexation this ould be taken over by the Town of Harrie out it wo not be until atleasi the township Vwould be handing over the schools and in litleast another year Crawford increase could not be dealt with by transporting extra pupils Injregardsst Pauls Schoolhc said the mfyearold building now in use wasltnot large enough to handle full teacher load of purflcand to Big any othcrs were Walking to Painswick Therewas an expo ed increa 8th line and 1112 25 sideroad not been authorized by the town Pauls transportation the cost oflthe interest ebénture Howev he pointed Councillor Beatty asked how it would beneï¬t by building one room at St Pauls Mr Crane advised they had been given tentative approval by the Department of Education to build tworoamed school now but had decided that they could suffice with one now and arrange that facilities be put in large en ough to accommodate the two rooms if needed to be added later He again maintained that the amount spent on transportation exceeded the cost ofcarrying the debenture He felt that with the suggested changes in the boundar iesof the proposed annexation it left the St Pauls area entirely intact This would he fast growmg area as it would be used asa fringe developmenL He felt that the loading of 40 or more pupils on one teacher was an overload and lessened the value of the educational oppor tunity ol the pupils The Board be said was endeavoring to keep the load down Councillor Beatty mentioned that with present rates on deben tures it might be necessary to pay as high as per cent Mr Craneadvlsed that this was not the Boards part of consideration They were unable to even get estimates until the debenture was ï¬rst approved by Council and dc partment and delay meant there would be further holdupsas the Department and the Municipal Board hadhlso to approve the con tracts They could not break sod until the debenture was sold and the funds made available to the town ship It was pointed out that the outstanding debenture debt for the area was now $144532 Reeve Todd asked if the use of portable school would not suf ï¬ce at Crawford but Mr Crane replied he felt List the Reeve should have more confidence in the growth of thetownship than to suggest that The Reeve then asked if the board would like the councils de cision now on await until it had been discussed further Mr Crane said that his board was all there and the roads were had He felt that time and ipersonal costs would be saved if they knew at once motion by Councillor Campbell seconded by Councillor Coehrane was read and approved to approve the debentures asrre quested for additional room at Crawford and new schoolat St Consumers representative of the Consum ers Gas Company presented brief as ng franchise be granted their company to grant them elusive rights in the township to transmi and sell This he stated wouldbe supplied without any expense to the townshipartd Innis If Meets Pen To Puhlicgjloter with the least possible incdnvcni enceto the roads and ratepayers Gas would be supplied at the same rates as in effectJn Metro politan Toronto The Consumers Co would buy gas from the Trans Canada Company Councillor Tor rens asked if the gas would be made available to summer resorts but the representative was lnde finite as to where it uld be available He mentioned Cooks town as point from which pipeline might be extended He stated that those consumers up to 400 feet of the main might get service They would not likely consider pipeline into localities where there was not apparent re venue He mentioned that prices ranged according to theamount used and the low was $120 per unit of 100 cu ft in reply to Councillor Torrens he said that the heat value of 1000 cu ft ivas approximately 100000 BTUs He told the cpunclithat they had power to tie the township up to franchisewithout takingthe matter to vote of the ratepay ers lliscompany would Supply tor could prepare an agreement whichI after passing two readings by Council would then go to the fuel board for apprhval It then could be given ï¬nal reading by Council and passed No action was taken by Coun cil who willygive the matter con sideration in committea Cook Mochine The steam gravel loader and equipment in the township pit on the 12th line lwouldbe purchased for scrap at price of $300 ifajn offer made to Couheil is accepted The purchaser states that he has market for the boom on the loader if he gets it and would sell the rest to Torontoscrap dealers Heelaiined that the dismantling and other costs would be consid erable and would leave him small proï¬t This machine purchased second hand at substantial figure was found to be impractical after purchase by the township during the Reeveship of Mr Cook Water ebuid not be got to supply the en gine and the hire of qualiï¬ed en gineer made its costprohibitive There was crusher with the steam shovel and neither proved to be very successful to operate Since that time the gravd crushing has been done through tendering from contractors who own crushing and loading equip ment Insurance Schedule representativeof the Wilson Col of Toronto who have the entire insurance of the town shipgave complete outline of the various coverages and the premiums required to carry the amounts Some change was made in re hiohsoidaf Bill an era to pay many of We make loansfo NBWIVUP th 3QMONTHS TorREPAYb ran out untrh my mm gvu an mun an inn over mo have only one convenient ayrrfont to innkneach month single payment often less Phone for cans up to $2590 on sign loan in one Vls than he total amount you now to the oitice or en in ure trituro or Auto con hnlont an is is you unlit as pull in anflao PArItwylvml FArvlll 473 FNANCE ducttonlavaluu of township ma HARRIS ebinery ind adjustment in the motor vehicle policy Jfhe roads and comprehensive liability policy which premium has previotu been $253 should in the opinion of the salesman be raised to $500 but his company was askihg pre mium of $410 commencing this year This policy covers the township to the extent of $100000 for any liability forclaims from the roads township Park cattle spraying bridges and any other matter in which the township might be lia ble The company would also de fend the municipality in any case of claims being taken to court The workmens compensation on all township employee was also placed through the Wilson Comp any Building Bylaw Roy Warnlcachairman of the Township Planning Board was present to table proposed bylaw which his ho had drafted to cover all but ings in the town ship The first part of his pro posal was that for all buildings other than summer cottages the National Building Code short form he adopted This covers very ex tensively all materials and work manship that are required in build ings constructed bcrc after adop tion by the township further proposal was read by iilr Wamlca which had been pre pared by his board which regula ted the building of summer dweli ings This proposal began with clause regulating the location on the lot of building and the size evvwsï¬rmï¬hl Ivar MINER MONDAY MARCH 251957 ft axeamsa orr coossmnaot Iiid Canadian Escort Squadrori articipate in sprin training exercisesolf Cuba United States Navy limp hovers abovcas thisphbto was taken from the crowdcddcck of lililCS St Laurent The three other destroyer escorts in background are the Ottawa Asslniboinc and Sagucnay of the lot required It then gave in detail the mat erials required footings which varied in size according to the coupler WAIT LYTTON ac op Thieves ere took as much loot as they standard by council type of soil that was being built on and the required fill needed to bring low lying land up to pproved by the bylaw sill and joists the use of studding at 16inch centres the doubling of such studdlng at corn hers and openings and the mini mum size ofva building that could be constructed The details of the requirement and duties of the building inspector and the re quirements of builder before be commenced to build and while the building was in course of con struction were all outlined either in the added proposal or in the hich forms part bylaw The sizes National Code of the proposed Commenting on the proposal Councillor Torrens felt that the requiring of studding at man in expense to the as not necessary tcr will be discussed centres was addi building that The whole mat Progress Report lifr Taylor owner of subdivi sionan tholithconcession who the forms and the township solici has been to the council several times previously asked about pro gress on his proposal that the township take over by expropria lhe concession between the 13 Some partsof the presentr nht ed by Mr Taylor to persons who have purchased lands onhis pro pcrty He maintains that ma iority of the ratepayers are in favor of the township having the roadway He wastold thatit would be necessary to present petition with signatures of ma Jonty of the owners affectedby the public right ofway and if then it was shown that there was majority favoring the taking over of the road the matter would be dealt with in the regu lar way Neighbor Objects Mr Trumhley who lives at flip edge of Barrie near the fair Erounds came to council to ask if the fur bearing bylaw would prohibit him from raising rah bits on his property He stated that neighborbad claimed thni kcepingof the animals was anl could carry but more than they could hold RCMP said they ar rested three drunkcn men sur rounded by bottlcs fromthe gov eminent liquor store which had been robbed eyesore and lowered the value of his property Mr Trumbley stated he raised the rabbitsto sell to the Baitter institute where they were used forscientitic purposes He had standing order for them and could sell all he produced He claimed that the rabbits did not create any menace to the property He was advised to consultthc building inspector and see how the regulations affected him Bridge Rolling Hooper of Nantyr Park ac companied by couple of other ratepayers sat during the after noon as spectators iilr Hooper who has been cndeavoring to get street lights down in that part of the beach after petition had been twicepresented askedtwbat action was taken He was advised that his petition did not havea definite boundary for the area He asked about the railing pro tion the roadways leading across mised to be placed on the bridge pt the creek that passes under the and the 14th near the lake Lad leading to the property He ims that the bridge is danger of way are now said to be held ous without the protection of as private and exclusion is claim rail and warned that any loss of life might involve th ownsbi Heitz heathCai Airline Tickets Steamship Bookings Hotellteservations Truck Rentals BARRIE DRIVEAgata TRAVEL SERVICE 102 Dunlap Street West raonera sziiz BIG COLLECTION WHITBY CF John ill Kirk 62yearold hospital orderly has collection of 200 license platizs from many countries They include examples of every Ontario license since the first made of leather was issued to 178 cars in 1903 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT All PHONE PA 52414 Ttilitllil0 TEACHERS COLLEGE Oneyear and Twoyear Courses are offered leading to an Interim Elementary School Teachers Certificate valid in the elementary schools of Ontario Term opens September 10 1957 Descriptive booklet Teaching in the Elementnry Schools of Ontario free on request ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT FOR ADMiSSlON Oneyear Course tand iing in eight Grade Xlllr papersmneof which shall be English Composition or English Literature TvIoyoorCourseSecond nry School Graduation Diplomaof the General Course Interviews with uppllr conls are conducted by the Committee of Selection Secondary school students interested in entering Teachers College should apply forinterviewthrough the principal of their secondary school Other applicants should write to sacrament VTOR0NTOH TEACHERS COLLEGE 951 Carlaw Avenue manure is onmmo nun avmv mo teem Except Silurdny CONTINUEDFORTA routdtir ur ims salt5 mn rah ms Associate Evangelist