Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1957, p. 10

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Will Petition Ottawa Residents and Businesses Protest CNR Reqfleli Close KillgCllV Sin Aurora Banner King City and district residents uelpzuco all input sdlli ol muse National llaliways proposal to close the agency The area is determined to iight the problem to the bitter end to prevent the rallways action from strangling industrial and commercial growth At close of the meeting March telegrams were sent to the CNR and the Board of Transport Com missioners Ottawa ii allowed stated the rcsoiu lion industrial development in the district would receive do cldcd setback The action is con trary to railway responsibility to assist development and is decided ly short sighted The resolution was followed by covering letter giving the reasons by residents why the station should not be closed Work Ilardshlp Working hardship on bus messes weighing dollars and cents against the future at fast growing community why the ag ency should be cut oil ifnot op crating al loss why commuter patronage should receive blow and why centuryold institution as an agency service should go by the board were pertinent qucs tlons discussed The station said Donald ltl Findlay village trustee will be moneymaker In few years be cause at the tremendous expan sion anticipated in the King City area Fiity years ago he said there was lot at araii trafiic when the popluatioh of the village was only percentage of what it is today Now that we are doubi ing and rcdoubling in site the railway wants to close the agency at crucial stage in development when industry is needed The railway he thought doesnt know what it is doing He said the district should go as for and for as long as necessary to keep the station open There arcre gions in Canada where the ag cncics are not paying but are kept open as iiie lines to the commun ities he said Can Subsidlze ThcCNR is national system nndCanadians are shareholders As suchthe country can subsidize the ONE King City he said is on the threshold of becoming bigger area which will dcmanu more traffic and will produce more revenue for the railway lee CNRIhas the only raiiway agency in King township but how much will industrial films think of King City if there is no ag clicy asked Ernest Smith village chairman The railway isthe only thing we have to offer and King Township Council feels the same way about development around built up community con tres in the townshiphe added Agency Not Losing Stephen Campbell station ag entptold the meeting the agency is not operating at loss The 1956 revenue was down 10 per cent from the 1955 figure but ha is confident that it could be creased by the potential expan way saw theusefuians of the agencythen but apparently fails to realize the potent iwaiting on the threshold he intimated Denied ltuntor what had irked the township council and the local community sion and increasing population in the district Asleng as the ra way is not losing he cohldnft see any reason for ciosln the agency lie believes it can be operated on paying basis and had hope that traiiic could be divertcd from Oak Ridges to King instead offito tho Aurorastation The more patronage the Kingagency gel the more business in the village will be enlarged be stated There is greater goal ihan revenue there is the future at the districtat stake was hir Find lays opinion Fiity years or more ago King was thehub oi activity when railroad service flourished There were two hotels business increased honeymoon couples flocked to the station to embark on their marital life The rail was tile denial of the CNlt to rumor month or so ago that no currentmove was afoot to close the agency On the hceis ofthis oiiiclal iniormationeanle tbc rail Ways announcement it would make application to the board oi transport commissioners tozelese the agency lieiore doing so the opinion of the municipality must be presented to the transport board ilejection by council through resolution was followed by action oi the chamber ofeom mcrco four days later Commuters Speak crusading for the continuance of the King City station are George Wilson and John litur nhy With llirsNimmowe are the gallant crew who commute daily from King to Toronto on the morning passenger train except on Monday because the train does not stop at King then said illr Murphy Since the time sched ule has been set at 810 am com muting isposslble but not suit able Mr Wilson and Mr Murphy pointed out lilrwiisoh has been storming the CNIt citadel at Ottawa with communications for better com muter service on the line He is advocating that morning trains leave lting tor Toronto and return half hour earlier He has point ed out his request isndt to put on additionaltrains but to utilize the present service witi modification and to make what is obviously losingproposition in to paying enterprise He is opposed to the agency discontin uing its services Hc bciivcs this can be estab lished witlt little or no additional expense to the railway and that the present car and four addition ni ears couldbe tilled regularly ii adequately advertised Hc be lieves regular commuter tickets could be introduced at cost sav ingthlls providing commuter in centive and more revenue to the railway Mr Wilson toldithe King City meeting as did Mr Murphy that the nilmbcr of passengers from Barrie to Toronto is made up of morning passenger service caallenge cht tthe railway in its statem hat lfCNlt Vmanagementvvu aiter bus iness wile ver gtearl oodjth ydllng Ted eeds on iam es iikeybilrs for fin yacation admitted in city council 25to 35 percent travelling on pass lie is also urging Monday MrfiWilson intends to chill enge 53 cooler at 11 1113 more EXAMINER MONDAY Momill flit THE LATEST ACQUISITION to the musical of new Salon Concert Orchestra of nine members termed but few weeks ago and yet they delighted large uudiencé at the Jamboree Scout new Collier Street United Church Religious Beneiit on March in the the expectation it will pay for it self or perhiips produce profit Furthermore he is challenging Lash assistant to superintend cntDonald Gordon in test the commuting service when daylight saving time begins to see it the revenueIdoes not increase Ito isusing the railway when ever possible he states but can not aiiord to arrive at his office irequentiy late when othersstart work at 830 am It was pointed outlat the meet ing that commuter service and other services by rail cannot be separated They tie in conclu sively it we let the railway get away with this backward step of closing King the entire district will be affected said John litur phy In any place IllEre the agency has withdrawn business has iail cn and the community has shrunken was the opinion of Ste phenCampbell The CNE can ask or hearing by the board at transport commissioners and King Township can have repre scntation it is believed so day period would elapse before the agency could close If itdid flagismp and caretaker could be usad CALM REPLY LONDON ttlPlilayorR Dennis returning from Florida he was uninformed about new sewer proposal Asked why he replied dldnt go soutb to read sewer survey reports LsGAL BUYS SEASRAM HOWE wtistcrl Solicitora Notaries conveynorm etc laon To LOAN miles Owen sci Bagged Oiflec Ham flail me SEAEIAM COWAN dc COWAN barrister Solifslnr rggan am V°°iioniiitn mm Ross Cowan alon In LOAN narri bile nut PROFESSIONAL DlRECTORv We Todaynnd Tomorrow roles at Home is the MIR ls HOPEHLPAND HEALING To keep abreast oi the discov eries and developments of science and medicine hospitals have to have an extensive and costly in ventory of equipment for wide variety of uses Those inventories are constant ly being changed due to improve ments in certain types of equip mentand being enlarged because of new weapons to combat sickness and disease Just recently an announcement was made of new type at earnl era 50 small it can be swallowed by ana crage person its pur pose is take pictures of the esophagus and thestomach It successful it will undoubtedly become another Hermon every hospitals list of equipment Today some hospitals are ex perimenting with an improved type ofthelmometel has two sections One is like metal pens cil ACCOUNTANTS lilacLARENdr C0 CHARTERED accouNTANu 4a Collier StBarria Llansxn TRUSTEE LICENSED MUNICIPAL Atinrlon HARRIS NEEDHAM C0 Ccrtiilcd Public Accountants Toronto and Barrte Barrie Office Wilson Building Post Office Squa Telephone 391 Rclident Partner NasnllAM cro GBADSTONE CURRIE 00 aiming toctiou If he took Ted up by problems ly social as nanlop at lster and Solicitor IliiiJNEY To LOAN ofl Daalop st narrie Pin Pit 3011 JOHN OIION BA liarristcrl Snllcllnn Natalia sl Dnniop at low anunra oAnnln rlloNa no new ismmh Kc entrazzaszztcnom Phone PA 55921 LIVINGSTON MYERS IsaIrmiiliiimtits indrigiigniii nAnnJB OPTOMETRY names sauna EA OPTOMmIST trOiilce Hours to Dmiwmraiivrii rA Izss mum Mao and by urinal1mm patrolman BAr 1W OPTOMETIKIgVTefl altornotm alum Dunlap St Clo cd Saturday Plume Pit M105 nohnnr 5mm 110 IOPIDMEmIST In 96 dill Dunlo Et Mir PhnnafAVIZSlG Nolan STEPHENS OYIOMEPRST Dunlnplst ml PhnMP ailzol underwriter Plans Pruxnm Clean Cob Pnprietn Kg rnaemn fiARTllUR POWELL anltraltnn AccouNTANT nunlup st East narlir Telcphanc P11756523 ROSE dr HARRISON cllARTlmEn ACCOUNTANTS sacrum BOSBCA SAMUEL nAnnlsoN CA Collier strut The other part resembles Phone In oasis car speedometer Through the action of electrical currents in the bodya nurse can look ottho meter and read the body temper ature This new device is reputed to be able to takcuptononennlliion temperature readings on one tiny set of batteries If it proves sat istactory more and more hospi tals will probably aequlrc them in an effort to save costs incurred through the breakageoi the glass combat illness nanny used timd Improvements in beds new types of patientlifts plastic bags for storage ofblood ncwdcviccs ior sterilization and new type oixAlaycquipmcnt are buta few oi the many changes and improve ments made inhospital equipment in recent months Behind the scenes study and research goes on day after day to Using the new weapons and techniques that Eire being developed are constantly improving the al ready high standard of patient care BROKE TRADITION lNNlSFAIL ALTA OF thief who used Bobby Dials fish ing cabin at Swan Lake and then stole the mattressohviously never heard oi old westernhospitality whcnhouses were 1ch open to aveilers with theunderstanding oy leave the place habitable and perhaps restonk the woodpiie our hospitals at the presentirt Education Wing and recalled to older citizens some oi the organizations heard here in past years program of classical iavoribes was presented with the ease oi skilled artists It is to be hoped that another in the series will be lortheomtng aloNs mom WINDSOR or cityeoliucll is considering ordering merdlant to remove overhanging sign it the main street OuelletteAv Theylc ugly says building con mlasioner CW Morgan TOOK AGES 10 F0 Flowerpot island National Park in Georgin Bay covers an moi only 300 acres rThc Wide rivcs from coupe BYW1 some of them 50 feet high that the waves have eroded into illic shape of flower pots small DEPOSIT WILL nom anv ARTICLE coulslorv Pnorccrlon roll you ON ALL commons NOT JUST THOSquysltssoj lSlithrmisionccrcd on sun III collision and opsetinsun ccptan pm unique Stale Farm plan provides 80 protection or thefim 5250 of and hicrcurythermometcrs su Massage Hydrotherapy DAINES RJVL Llc 5m GRADUATE reassure Appplnlntont only PHONE PA 37111 Edgchillnrive anssm RBRYSONRM TEACHER 0F PIAN rnnonv Pupils prepnrcdtor exam ination of thc Itoyal Conservatory of Villslc Toronttlrull Id heludl RCT Modcrll Mcthods studio 21nndlorfi St Teachch rlut Piano and Theniy PhonuJA 51611 1M Bunglfl Bl ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Instruction In no uand ory coaching in Frenc mun and othelachoolaublccts PA 715 140 Don coiko ACTon Goon nasm is annivs nso Licensed nmclssv Therapists Electric null Hydro and Mechnno crap he an int Phone Pa uric SINGING and to Mllfllwvilh at mewa vi The Chrysler engineering every Fargo trucis em on of forged recognlzed for its eng investigate Fargo before you buy usiness more profitabl othow that IS bull into ngiy dependable ignand ruggednes Moon lilberChryslerACorpmation has long been hearing leadership So be sure to means fuel burns more eficiently Fargo VBs Sixes Hen snnnfs pl THE MnnvvnnAsoivs wllvg i1elefrbef°¢7 too we In power on regulorgaai 4i1rlvinill tailor Enrgoa smoother steering and shorter turning radiua mve drivin eflort In all DIOQ Meton models tau have the added benefit or pushbutton nutov math drive newscasto euabyb paon Youre way out front In FARGQ nuin right primrt

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