could be used best Irene FINALTWO nuts FRIDAY sunan CONTINUOUS snow SATURDAY 30 pd TO THOSE wnq HAVE NOT SEEN THIS PICTURE we URGE YOU TO no so PiusFox News AND ArMUSICAL LAWRENCEWELK ANo HISGREAT ORCHESTRA memo we BERGMAN BRYNliER NELEH HAYES Anne7am CINEMASCOPE lunacwacx Sumac MONDAY runu IO sArunnAv tï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ f5 WINNER or 10 PICTURE big ACTORS Roux HUDSON mass unit AEAnEMViiwing minimum snva ï¬gï¬gï¬ommh ACTRESSMigm Roxy GRANADA jFAMoUs PIA mm mm favour mm am own in LIZABETH ROCK JAMES TAYLOR HUDSON DEAN most our NOVEL in china FERBER COMES GREAT MOTION PICTURE ONE SHOWING EACH EVENING STARTING 830 11m BOX OFFICE OPENS 145 pm CONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY WATCH THIS PAPER FOII RUNNING TIRIES ADMISSIONPRICES EVENINGS ADULTS $l00 gt MATINEES ADULTS 75C CHILDREN AT ALL TIMES 25c ALL GOVERNMENT TAXES INCLUDED lN ABOVE PRICES YERS THEATRES wewm By LORNE LETIIERBY FM Ac An account of carried on by the Farmers Uni ionihcluding presentation of briefs was given by William Wir chestcr assistant county director to meeting of the local branch of the union held in Goldwater councll chamber Plans were made for meeting of three locals GoldwaterWar minster Jarrattand North Oril Bert Dobson gave report on ChurchRev minister School lia with members of parliament church service 55h and North River United Church are being heldat Mrs Al bertWalkers NorthRiver hoinc Rev Churcher was speaker March 12 and 19 and Rev Ross Cumming will address the meet ngs March 26 and April Coldwater Churches Services March 24 rUnlted Ross Cumming Sunday baptismal Goldwater11 am 730 pm FessertonlD am church ser meeting with Orillia town coun vice 11 am Sunday School cil regarding the market build donation of $10 was made to the school fair and Mis John Teskey ms to contact the fair board regarding how the money President Harold Watson chair ed the meeting and Malcolm Ball was secretary Next meeting will be Aprilfl in CoIdwatcr Orange llnll Bereavement gtMrs Albert Buckindale mother of Mrs Robert Sheppard of Coldwattfr passed Charles Cartcf minister Churcher Waubaushenell am church service pin Sunday School Body2 pm Sunday School pm church service Presbyterian Church Rev Goldwater2 pm Sunday chool pni chufch service Anglic Rev Donald ycumbent Goldwater St MatthiasChurch unday School Matchcdashr 111 am morning player pm Johns Church 730 pm evening prayer Rev Mr Churcher will conduct Holy Communion at St Georges interior and exterior of Cold waters St Andrews Church Spring Conference District of the Junior Cham ber of Commerde held its spring conference at Riverside Port Severnlast weckc with Co water Jaye host Eldon lighting of Orilliaswa elected president other candl dates for the presidency were Gord Patterson Barrie and Charles Wadge Goldwater Region president WillLichty of Elmira and Doug Fislicr na tional executive Viccprcsident attended Aboutlï¬o dclcgates from Cold watcr Midland Pcnctang Barrie Orillia and Huntsville attended educatidnal panels and ard an addressby Smith Cam bell of 0roTownship MunicipalTelepbones Annual meeting Goldwater Municipal Telephone Company subscribers has been announced for March 27 in the court house Filling of any vacancies occur ring on the commission and re viewof the past years operations are on the agenda Asked if there would be fur thcr discussional the meeting on proposed sale of the Goldwater system Chairman Millard said this could only be dealt with at special meeting majority of the subscribers LSiIncOeECiï¬ VEIeciIOnSVeems LikelyHeciic Orlliio rum and Tims considerable excitement Aha been generated In nelghborlng ridlnï¬l inreccnt weeks with the nomination of LiberalInd Con servative party candidates for the forthcoming Dominion election expected to be Innounccd soon for sometime in June of thls car in both North Simcoean in MunichParry Sound rldlngs there have been some very large nomination meetings and as many as four five and six candidates seeking thcbonorol representing their party in the coming contest This is in dlréct contrast to Sim coc Fast where the business of eleCtions and nominating cand idaics seems to bctherfnrthcst thought from the minds of most citizens The reason is not hard to find in the other ridings the contests for party representatives were wide open whereas in Simcoc East they appear to pretty well cutanddricd if two men who ran for the major parties in the last election In 1953 want the nomination again both seem ccr tain of getting it The Liberal candidate was of course the present member Wil liam Robinson now the Deputy Spcakcr of the llousc of Com mons Mr Robinson is complet ing his third consecutive term as the representative for Simeoc East He has notpubliclywnid whether he intends to stand again although there are indications that he will lie has had sue ccssful career in the House of Commons heading some imporlr ant standing committees and then serving as DcputySpeaker in the present government lie came into consiiderablcpromincnce last full during the controversial pipe line dcbate and both he and Speaker Beaudoin were under considerable fire from the opposl tion for their handlingof this healed argument Under normal circumstances if Mr Robinson was to be reelected it is earl ceivnble that he could be elevated to the position of Speaker in the next parliament Whether the pipelineissue will forcstall this is an interesting question The Cohservative party cand idate seems almost certain to be Oriilias Dr Rynard In his first try for office in 1953 the doctor ran very strong race losing to Mr Robinson by the very narrow margin of 155 vote lie secured 00 to 9009 for Mr Robinson John Lovelace the CUEcabdidate bad 1310 CarminkncysthrSociathIe cahdidatc had 533 1c wmifd ha required only portion of Mr Pinkncys votes in the Rynard column to have tippcd the scales in favor of the Conseryatlvcs Dr Rynard has been ouite ac5 tive and pg essivc since ethe 1953 electionfrln some respects he has hardlystopped campaign ing and has become more familiar to many people in this riding through public appearances and public addresses vile carried Dc illia 3302 to 1965 for Mr Rob inson in the last clectionand re quired only to improve hisrshow ing in the MidlandPenetangui shone area to have come 0111th victor East Simcoc has not had Can servativc member since 1930 when Thompson KC of Penctang uishene wondefeating George McLean of Orillia by340 votes Mr MCLean won in 1935 and again in 11940 and MrRobinson has been the winner in 1945 1949 and 1953 While rSimcne East may be dormant as far as elections arc Monday gt FRIDAY MARCH 22 I957 Barrie Kinsmen Host to Other Kinsmén Clubs The KinSmcn Club Barri was host to several out of town Kinsmen at their last regular meeting on March it at theArn erican Hotcl The guest Kinsmen were present from thchinsmen Clubs of Sutton Tomato and Brampton Speakers for the evening were Kcn McAulcy of Sutton candidate for thc Govemorship Distrch Charles Philips of Toronto and Walter Bclllan of Brampton both candidates for the office of Deplt uty Governor of Zone Dis trict Mr Bclllan In speaking to the membch emphasized the purposcs of Kinsmen Clubin looking af ter the nccds of the community and promoting modern business and professional ethics In young men and urgeda morc active participation by individual mem bers in Community affairs From St Margin School letter was read by President Cliff Brown thanking the Kins men for the safety belts and rain coats supplied to the safety pa trols St Marys have been the first of the Barrie Schools to take advantage of this offer and put the safety opcratlon into effect move that has proved to be most satisfactory it Is hoped that the remainder of the schools will ronsidcr the plan in the near future Several Bnrrle Kinsmen and their wives will attend the Char tcr Night otthe new Kinsmen Club of Agincnurt on March 29 portion of the meeting will be televised on CBCs Graphic on the same date This is the fourth Club in District to be chartered this year Highlightof the business por tion was motion to accept as project in conjunction with the Barrie Conservation Club the restoration of Dymenis Pond in the Anne Streetarea as park site for childrens activities The plan osprcscnted by Kins man Geoff Glenn is to completely restore hp 12 acres of land stock LI ondrwith fishvaide swim ElatinrgIln the Winter Thn£ith ing willbc restricted tnchildrcn only This will provide beauti ful natural park for the Town of Barrie and more especially the children of the town Mr Glenn was appointed chairman of com mittee of him to spearhead the projecton behalf of the Kinsmen broom selling campaignwill get underway the lastwcek in May to begin raising funds to pro mote this worthwhile projecL can ensure bot election cam paign it Mr Robinson and Dr Rynard tangle in this years bal loting Sympathy of Community Sympathy goes out to the New berytamily in the passing of their mother who after lingcr ingillness passed away Friday morning The funeral was on Sunday Visit Mr and Mrslozokand family cilitles in thesummei mamagm Cmï¬mdenr$25hhn ofIiccr $15 road eonventlon$25 Ruer sced fair grant $25 Arnold ncscnr moans These fast radioequipped Ferret scout cars will soon be roaming over the sandy wastes of the Middle East the peacc for the United Nations the 56 Reconnaissance Squadron converted from helping keep Troopers of Meeting the loWnship 1Coiincil Proposed New Bums Public School Baxter New Street lighting Soon The monthly meeting of Essamf Public Welfare Toronto Township Council on March in Baxter Hall had all members pres ent with Reeve Peacock pre siding Also present Were the treasurir clerk and road supervi sor and number of visitors in terested lnthe sale of machinery and warblc fly spray The foll owing accounts wereprescnted for payment Township Constable Wil kinson $3450 supplies for him from Twlss $470 Municipal World supplies for treasurer 3107 Dorothy Miller printing bylaw $377 wolf bounty Scot premium on policy$22 Jennett funeral expenses re late Geza Krizsman 5112 Cox sup plying relief to Slaughter family $85 On motion PageDermott all ownship documents and legal papers are to be taken from the office of Stewart Estcn nnd Mc Turk and transferred to Township solicitor Bowcrman On motion by Davis and Page council will pay the tccve $10 member ship fec which he paid the Rural Municipalities and ycntion ex $25 for con Replace school Chairman WillardxColebf the Essa Township School Area Board wasprescnt and requested council supply 315000 to build new worth register BMD $6 Relief school at Burns which was burned Relief supplied through Toronto Welfare Dcpartmentlor Jal onek $10290 stamps forclerk $5 insulin to Elliott $366 Davis attcnd road convention $25 special meeting $5 Denney $5 Bell three meetings RV Hospital $30 Dermott special This was covered by amotion of DermottLDRVis and the necessary bylaw will be prepared also moved that on IvyThornton it was elepbone will be installcdin the Township shed Grants motion by DcnncyDaviswas meeting Feb 19 $5 Mrs Eleanor that the Ontario Department of Maw granttorThornton library for 1955 to 1957 $30 Keith Mc Banting grant Junior Fnrmers $25 Masons Saw Mill fuel 10 Mrs Banks $15 Alliston Her ald advertising re cattle spray $4 Winston Blanchard attendance officer $2190 wt EVPeacock at Highways give favorable consid eration to payment of $150 from funds Essa Township to treasurer Bell who was responsible for re cording and payment of all ac counts in connection which in volved an approximate amount of $49000 Also by DavisDenney for project 413 15 SR tank operations width the Dragoons and Lord Strathconas Horse regiments have been driving hundreds of miles at Petawawa Military Camp for the past few weeks in training for their UN Emergency Force task tending Rural Municipality con vention $25 membership $10 three special meetings $15 rent of Baxter Flailfor meetings $10 Leslie Rose for laswinski 520 Mrs Rivers $924 Relief supplie Elliott cash relief celved for grants were made of $25 to Ivy Thornton Junior Farmers and the same to South Simcoc Secd Fair through Arnold Banting and Keith MeRucr Tenders Received The following tenders were re Nalio Royal Canadian polnicd to drawand operate the sprayer Thc tender of Clarence Leach was accepted to supply the pow der 1103730 per 15 lb bag and discount of one per ccnt if paid in 30 days On DavisDermolt motion grant of $30 was made toThorn ton library for women By Page and Denney Mrs Harld Bell is to receive $10 for special meeting held at her home Option To Sell On motion by Denney and Davis council is to give an option to the Bankers Bond CorpOration for two veeks to sell the deben tures of $0i00 at rate of $0825 at interest pending the ap proval of the Ontario Municipal Board On motion of Dermott and Page the assessor rcccivcs an in crease making his salary now $1000 yearly it was also moved that the clerkbelnstructed to writeMrs Eagleson extending the sympathy of the membcrs and officialsin her receht hereave= ment Mr Eaglcson had been en gineer of the township for the past 25 years had always given honest and efficient service and will be long remembered as line gentleman Appreciation rece and letter of appre ciation was received from the St John Ambulance Barrie for the grant of$25 made to them bylaw was introduced on mo tion of Davisand Denney to pro vide theasum of $80000 for the erectionnnd equippingof four roamed school at Angus which was read ï¬rst and second time toads Expenditure bylawto settleroad expendi tures of$30000 for construction and $3 000 for maintenancefor Essa in 1957 was passed after third reading letter from the HydroCom mission advised thats work or der would be given to Mr Somers away at her residence Jarratt on March 10 in her 65thyear Funeral service was heidtrom Doolittle Brother Funeral Home Orillia Thursday afternoon with entombment at St Andrews Orillia Burial concerned at present the riding voucher slog Alma Anderson $28 Mrs Hannah Fostér supple mentary relief $20 MrsMaude Wilson supplementary relief $20 Mrs DanielLucas cash voucher $100 Mrs Bridges cash relief $40Mrs Mary Jaswinski cash relief $120 Mrs Ken Lovelly of Waterford spent Sunday with Mr andMrs Duff Robert Duff Gordon Oliver and Paul Brownridge have left on motortrip to Florida for two weeks holiday Social Evening upcrviso of warble fly sprayin Gordon Blakeley Egbert $1 an hour and 10c mile for car Robert Arnold Cooks town $110 an hour and 10c mile forcar To draw and operate the sprayer David Alderson Alliston $2 an hour Keith Chantler Allis voted at meeting last year to sell the village phone company but subsequent meetings on the issue were not well enough at tended to consider further action Although thedecision to sell still appaiently in effecttbe Church Fairvalley at 230 pom Postpohed Meeting Postponcd meeting of Huronia Agricultural Society is to be held in the council chamber Cold watcr March 22 at pm This and in Alliston to install street lights in Baxter Ge rge Price andJamesKitclien William Harvi is secretary treasurer In Brief Frank Buchanan and son are attending thc Sportsmen BOOST CIVIL DEFENCE CORNER BRO CF Re turning from defence eon ferenccat Arnprior Ont Mayor will take piac ater at Knox Cemetery 0r is the annual meeting ividuainotices have been mall Mrg Buckindalev wasfthé ed by Secretary Chester Martin Kelllngton besides her taught in Cold water are her husband two oth ey daughters Mrs Murrayc Thom son Viola Toronto and Mrs Robert Beard Sylvia at home in the hope thercwill be good attendance lnclementweathcr and num er of other activities on the same night resulted in Smallat iendance at the first meeting and four sons Tom ver church Niin Commu Lenten service will be lield in Goldwater United Church March 27 wt Rev John Epp as speake seriesof four vices for An PAS 4427 and Roy in Orillia and William ofVan scheduled for th fair board an nual Club Mec mgs Coldwatcr Lions Club meets on Mondaynigbt March 25 and the Calif Club holds its first=meeting of the year the same night gt Thwarted Eendeavor Goldwater Presbyterians havc been thwarted trying to carry thesloga It Now aim cd atproviding work in the cus tomarily slackseason Although they have approached several workmen skilled in the decoratl ing line they had failed up to midwaek finding anyone to take on ent ct to Saturday at factor system as not yet been adver tised for sale and no concrete of fers to purchase have been re ceived Medonte Municipal Tele phone Systeml is intorested in possible purchase the Cold water system and is understood the Bell Telephone Company is prospectivepurchaser Asnongtheprineipal reasons in fluencing move to sell the Goldwater subscriberovvned syS lem wasthe need according to the commis on for embarking on large capitaloutlays to main tain service Tbi would require new debenture issue Another has gheen indifference shown by ubseribers in the oper ation of their telephone business to the point wherc it has been oftcnimpossiblc to hold general meetingsjor lack of quorum and recurring difficulty has been met in ii dingy subscribersth would Vserve as commissioners Otber members of thecommis on hcsld951 Mr Millard are EMrs Aliannllmxolll 488 Steelstz Elmo Telephone PArliwoy 000 Show where Bu hanans of On lia have an exhi Among those who have attended the Toronto show so farwcre Mr and Mrs Reg Bush and fondly Steve deur 0McFarland Mr and Mrs Earl Doble Mrs Brown Mr and Mrs Keith Robinson and fam ily Mrand Mr Joseph Borden and family and Russ Hawkins On their way uth to Florida LhejG it Lanes ted briefly at the home ofProfessor and Mrs Wilcom Sheppard sat Oak Ridge according to postcard received by Mrs RJS Sheppard of Cold water mother of Professor Wil cox The Anglican Guild met alvthe Parish flail Wednesdayafternoon March 20 withMrs WPowers as hostess Mrs Roberts entertained the WA of St Matthias Church on Thursday nightMarch 21 gt MrsW Wylie was hostess for meeting of the Presbyterian Young Womens Auxiliary and Mrs Angus entertained the Seniorwms demonstratidn in ntenior dev c0117 Will be given at meet ing of Goldwater Home and School Association at their me ing in the public school on Jan 27 Gifts tnLibrnry At meeting of the Library Boarda hWOfVDIume encyclopedia Masonry was received asia gift from Ralph Altehlson urns co weekly er en ptc Huronla Association sion of their 40th Sunnidale Corners Hall was the Scene of social evening on Saturday March 16 when the family andfriends ofiMr and Mrs Charles Scotti Angus gath ered to honor themothe occaJ wedding anni versary The family presented them with wrist watches and the friends with some lovely gifts including beautiful table lamp hassock and smokers stand Cards and dancing were enjoyed byall The cake was beautifully decorated by the eldest son Andrew and his wife Jean of Colllngwood There are eight children An drew Florence Mrs ruce Thom as Gcorge Lewis ajrold Al berth Ethel Mrs Dean Collier and Robert alsd15 grandehll dren WA Birthday ThoWomensrAssociatioxi held successful birthday partyWed ncsday everlin After short program lunchuwas served easlivoueber basements All spent very en joyable evenings Back Home MrsEdith Carter has returned home after spending some months with hcnson and his wifeï¬Mr and Mrs ilf Carter Creemoro Ii From Toronto Mrand Mrs Keith Presserand sdns of Tomato spent the week endwith their parents Recently Married Congratulation Proctor and cauntif pai Farmers lo0p at $750 Willard Cole 15 lb pack $100 Department ton $250 an hour and Ernest Switzer Alliston$2a hou number of tender were re ceivedtorthe Warhle Fly pow er all totcontainnotless than 30 Rotcnene Clarcnee Leach in 15 paCkago $730 with dis in 30 days Alliston 15 lb packages gess765 1l package 69 Brown and Co In 15 1b bags $755 and 1lb bags 89c mad hemicals Ham on 15 lb bags If Chip sm Alison Bugden said the gathering had enthused him witlfthe deter mination to see that aproper civiljdetence program should be carried outinCorner Brook He was among100 Canadian mayors given briefing atthe Canadian headquarters ofthe organiza on