mnmm 1951 PLAYOFF JABEER The thing that the St Catharines TecPecs did to the Toronto Marlborns in recent playoff game in the Junior circuit was greeted with mixed emotions in this townlt was real topic ofcon versation Wednesday at least when this column was written good majority ofthe folks with whom we chatted about the subject were simply delighted at Tuesday nights results They figured that nastier thingcouldnt have happened to more deserving people Thats pretty harsh way of feeling eh Butthats just how some people felt about the boys of the fabulous fatman Walter hlrk Broda Then of course there were those not quite asmany as favored the result that wrote the whole think off as luck The Marlies llrklll em next time So they hoped anyhow Reason here of course is that these latter folks cant properly digest anything that Rudy Piious GM of the Tecps has to offer The reason is not so much that they are mad at Pilous because his club defeated ours ooh it hurts to think of it but because of Rudy lhimself Strong Fiyers fans still cant see how Pilous got Grant Morton ahead of the Flyers They dont like Pilous because hes Pilous Others dont wish the Teclees anything but elimination because of the adverse publicity given the Garden City Garden this winter Said one antiTeePee viewer They dont deserve nuthin rom nuthin In fact it was noted the place is going to the dogs This observer was obviously referring to the big dog that sat alongside the St Cath arines bench the last time we visited that way All throughthe con test the hound soundedoff The big reason for the contempt of the lifarlborosis the Toronto clubs style of play described by another observer and echoed free quonily as dull duller dullcstJ it is claimed that the only time the Marlins show any life is when they are trying to take life with high sticks etc in this train of thought are words we overheard Brodll use at the Gardens last Sunday He said let the clubs play dirty against us next year Well fix em And looking towards this scribe with smirk he saidyou saw guy Cote up in Barrie didnt you They wont mess around with him Yes we did sec Cote play here and we also remember that there was quite bit of trouble that evening too That was the night that both the Fatman and Hap Emms coach of the Fiycrs armed them selves with hockey sticks and dared the opposing players to make any smart moves And if our memory serves uscorrectly Cote spent great deal of time in the penalty box But thats straying away from the original theme bit For rea sons similar to those earlier mentioned we Would be quite happy to see the Marlies derailed If however they should get past the Teeps then they stand good chance of taking the Memorial Cup for the third successive season Their style of play has proven too muchfor the waiting Guelph Biltmores and is enough todiscourage the Ottawa Canadiens JUST NOTES See where Welfare Minister Cecile lauds Conn Smythe for his work with the Ontario Society for Crippled Children He the minister goes so far as to call Smythe oneof the most re markable men living today That latter phrase is very correct butit isnt always taken with the same esteem as Mr Cecile means it Still with hockey local hockey fans who cant stand the mention of Frank ltiahovllch the huge star of the St Michaels College Majors will be watching with everyone else the youngsters moves in hs threegame stint with the Toronto Maple Leafs Wei were down to Sundayisgame at which the Majors were eliminatedhy the Giielph Biltmores Most impressive moves of the day were made by Bruce Gamhletheenge tender of the Bills He made innumerable outstand ing saves Itwas at this time that the earlier quotes from Turk Broda were uncovered His words at that time were we were enlightened for Jerry Brown coach of the Hamilton Cubs who Broda claims was still crying because his club lost out to the Torontonians Mike McCann son of Mr and Mrs Leo McCann of 132 Duckworth St was one of the leading scorers on the Clarkson College freshman hockey team this season Mike scored 26 points in 10 games on 11 goals and 5assisls Thé South Simcoe HockeyLeague resumes playoff action Monday at the Barrie Arena Thisls the second game of the bestofthree final series Cliff Browns CeeBees took the first game over Torgis Game time is 730 pm gt The Arena will he in for morefrugged time starting in April it is hoped The 23rd of the showermonth could he the returning date In Bracebridgé SportsmensSpiel of the wrestlers professional brand As usual promotor Larry Kasa boskl and arena manager Wes Alisopp will put their heads together and come up withanother grand opener Dont forget to take in those kids hockey games at the Arena to morrowmplning Barrie midget and bantam squads will play teams at filiated with the Toronto Marlboros First game starts at 10 am Sec ond game will start around 1130 and that wasit Her ï¬nal five game total was 1200 Her oppon ent forthe match Muriel Rivers bowled only 1181 butcarried better scoreinto the match Dorothy was trailing 97 pins Dot Spiller ls Eliminated zoiiiiiiliois SElliES DUMPS EILMVALHEZ Perseverance paid off for Oro Only 14 penaltleswere handed From Maisons Dorothy Spicer the gallant trundler from Midland who was representing the Barrie region in the Molsons Bowling Classic at Sportsmens Showin Toronto was pushed out of play last night In her fourthday of howling at the Toronto show Miss Spiccr had1 just wee bitoi tough iock whenshe started personal compe tition against Muriel This is how their games went Spicer 2352052672931011200 Rivers 242137f285257lt2651181 As you can see Dorothys great est chance to gain pins was in the second game when Muriel altered so badly in Wednesday Dorothys total Combines Wednesday night Tues day evening the Combine out iayed the Elmvale learn at the Barrie Arena but still dropped 10 decision At Midland however the ComA nines came up with another strong effort and this time ended up on the long end of 42 count The belsofsevcn final series to decide the championship of the DHA intermediate northern groupis now tied at one win lpiece The next game tonight lnd all remaining games will be played at Barrie Arena Only one injury marred WedA nesdays game that saw the Com bines score four goals before get Zing an answer from Elmiale Charlie Hastings an outstanding defencemau with Oro injured his shoulder and it is unlikely that he will be inaction at any time during this series After scoreless first frame he Oro gang scored four un answered tallies in the second coming from the sticks of Lou Stoddart John Walton Bill Hick ling and Don Robinson Then in the finale the Com bines were kept off the score sheet and Harry Adams and Hom er Barrett who came up with an other fine effort scoredfor Elm vale out with BIL ORGGoal Reid defence Mc Lean Hastings forwards Hiekling Rhinehart Robinson alternates Burlaek Forbes Stod dart Walton Timmons ck ling VALE41ml fence Adams Ritchie fore wards ll Adams Barretl Col lings Scott McCauley Vollielt Turner Reynolds First Period No scoring Penalties Walton 640 luc Cauley i115 Second Period OmStoddart Timmons Walton OreWalton Forbes OreW Hickling 1830 OreRobinson 1855 Penalties Forbes 340 650 1055 1700 Robinson 1245 Ritchie 1350 Scott 1709 Ceilings 1800 Thlrd Period ElmvalelI Adams Barrett Ritchie ElmvaloBarrett Ceilings Adams 1150 Penalties Walton 115 Me Cauley 755 Forbes 959 Bur iack 1715 nine going to the win Hook de 130 1500 1000 To Support After the April showers the vegetation that will bloom in Barrie will be cauliflower At least thats what it leads to if one stays in the rain long can gh This cauliflower is the type synonymous with the fight game But none of the boys on the pend ing card will have blossomed com pletely since they are only amaA tours The purposeof this card being arranged for the Barrie Arena the wee early days of May is to raise money to support the YM YWCA here Eleven fights in all are being planned featuring Canadian Army champions from Camp Borden againstthe top that the Toronto athletic clubs have to offer $1 Killer Stein at Onerol the maineventer5 on the card will be Percy Stein pres ently reigning as the Central Command middleweight chiim pion On April 12 Stein is sclied uled to tight for the Dominion Army title at Kingston The 24yeareold 155pounder from Fredericton NB is veteran of the game despitehis few years He has had 104 amateur bouts which include 95 victories For Plilli llliiuleur Boxing Lootil the last three years he has been the Camp Borden middleweight tilleholder in 1955 and 1958 he was runnerup in the Central Command championships few years back he reigned as the New Brunswick champion converted southpaw stein is tremendous puncher and it is rare occasion when any of his fight go the distance Nicknamv ed Killer by the London Free Press Stein should be more than equal to the punches of the best amateurs in the country Another surevfire main eventer is Jimmy Adams light heavy weight representing the Camp Borden Signal Corps Two weeks ago Jimmy last highlydisputed decision to the Dominion Army champion gt Leopold RohWkCmtral Com mands featheriting is also an xious to get into the ring to sup port the local as is Serge Masson newcomer to the fight game but by no means soft touch it is Masson whom every one in Camp Borden is hailing as future pro standout Should the local folk support these fights then the it will go ahead and hold classes for the benefit of the kids Three Barrie rinks have quali fiedto return Saturday for the finals of the annual Sportsmans Bonspiel at Bracebridge Curling Club The fiveday evenkbegan on Tuesday and 16 rinks curled each day in two draws Four emerge on point system so that 16of the 64 entriesstart all over again on the final day for the prizes Two points are given for arwio and one point for an end George Kennedysrlnk of Jack Nixon Ellsworth Crawford and for five games was 1150 and her highscore wasvdld Muriel Riv ers bowled 1247 Wednesday The Iiigame totals showed Muriel still 78 points up on resentativex the Barrie rep MEGEBS llllPPqullES Treadweil greatly Igoln top to bottom originally schediilied Barrie Rinisiouailynr Finals Walter Craig won all three games on Tuesday to qualify On Wednesday the Barrie rinks of Clarence Wingrove Frank Har greaves Vern Adams and Sully Meredith skip Ken Walls Bil Dyment Harry Miehie and Jack Kennedy skip each won two games lost one but had high points to qualify by taking enough ends in the three games The Jack Kennedy rink had 20 points only one more than Archie Thiffaults Barrie rink of Mel Ayerstskip Dr Harold Smith and Gene Fink beiner who captured the days door prize Yesterday Barrie rink of Byrne Bob Peacock Suth erland an Wib Harris sk two games but their total points of 18 was not enough to quali Barrie rinks on Tuesday who did not get enough points to quality were Earle Smith Ken Jack Hamilton Wilt Ridley skip Bruce PeacockBill Hamilton Emerson Webb Roy Smith skip On Wednesday the same condi tion existedfor Eric Siachei Amby Rivett Fred Pearson Bill Lan skip Bob Bauelï¬Dave Smith Ji Clyne Bill Mayes skip This bonspiel was ï¬lled with en tries ayear ago The prizes all of the sportsmen category are really worthwhile For instance first four canoes second four shotguns third golf carts and so on16 sets of prizes altogether and all 18rinks curling on the ï¬nal day are sure ofsolnet ng with the value of course Dyment of Barrie placed the ï¬rst entry for 1958 on Wednesday morning Orillia Terriers Play Porl Carling The Orillia relnei andw Cnrling continue th no 10 hockey rayenhlir The gt ort ntermedl evening Maple Mos mam wonr skipped the Fergus rink that won the Seven up Trophy in the Ladies Invitation Bonsplel at the Barrie Mrs shown holding the silverware VHer team Curllng Club Wedneiday three wins White ls draw Favcro mates are Mrs Mary Smith Gwen Aitchlson and Ms JeanMarle Bennie The rink had and plus of 18 which also gained for them the first prize in the early Skipper by Irene While Fergu30uartet Wins Invitations foiinspiel Mrs Irene White of Fergus skipped the trophywinning rink in the SemiAnnual Ladles Invitation Bonspielat the Barrie Curling Club Wednesday To capture the Seven Up silverware Mrs Whites rink won three games and had plus of 18 Vice on thewinning rink was Mrs Mary Smith second Miss Gwen Aitchlson and lead Mrs JeanMarie Beattie This foursomes victims were MrsuLaurili Unlonvllle Mrs Riseborough Unionvllle and Mrs Reid Orillia Due to slight mixup in the aln draw of which Mrs White was also the winner three rinks went through the draw with per fect records Mrs Harris of Barrie skipped her rinkto three wins She had plus of 13 Mrs Lottie Thompson also had three wins in the first draw with plus of 14 Mrs Corbys rink of Barrie had two wins and plus of10 in the earlymorning draw and Mrs Riseborough of Unionviile had one win and an aggregaté score of 27 Local Winner Barrie rink skipped by Mrs DaveL Snlith won first prize in theill am draws She had as her teammates Marngeive Mary Kennedy and Peggy Hayter This artet had three wins ailll plus 10 Victims of the vic toriousxrink were Mrs Jean 01 ivey Unionville Mrs Thomson Toronto Royals and Mrs Knee shaw of Bradford Mrs Clarks rink of Toronto 3Badminton Tilles Decided Tonight The Garrison Badminton Club will complete its final matches at the Barrie Armoury this evening The final games got underwgy last Friday The winners of the two nights will be crowned as ice club champions Starting time is 730 pm Ecigur fatefules Oro Leop Title Edgar won the Ore Hockey Lea gue championship last night with 32 victory over East Dro at Guth rieArena Before last nights contest each club had oneiwin in the bestof threev final series Oro took twee goal lead early but the Edgar crew fired three goals in the last frame in take the decision The championship tilt marked the loops 14th complete year of operation The fourteams making the league were Edgar East ro Guthrie and Midhurst Victor OBrien president of the league presented the trophy to Jim Partridge captain of the Ed gar team MarlbOros Tie Junior Series LaThe Toronto Mar ros ii up their Junior semiï¬nal series with the St Catharines TeePees And they had to go last night to St Kitts to do score was 625 INext game is scheduledfor the eaf Gardens nday Where quite weekago the TeePees slaughteredtbe defending Memorial Coppers Despite falling behind in games earlier in the week the Marlies remaincdfavorites to cop the ser lea Now lit 15 almost sure thin The Winn ofthla set will go it to Final onto meet the Guelphiniltmiires who havebeen inwa TIE since they defeatedthe 5t ikesl Ma llaat sunday at the Royals had three wins and plus of nine for second prize in the late draw Mrs Cunningham of Orillia had two winsand plus of16 Mrs Lindsay of Oak ville had one win and an ag gregate score of 27 Except for the flaw in the first draw everything progressed quite smoothly only oddity of the day was that one curler played in skirt For woman to wear skirt is natural except while curling One other thing ladies How come you can sweep and sweep at home so well then whenyou curl you use slow almost lifeless swishes Bye now Following are the results of the two drawsvAll skips were mcs dames 9am Draw Pauline Coulson Bram defeated Anderson Bradfor 5131 eld 0rl Corby Barrie defeated Marvm Toronto Riseborongh Uninnville defeated Evans Bradford lrene White Fergus defeated Mrs Laurin Un ionville Doll Toronto de feated Jevons Conkstown Lot tie Thompson Barrie defeated Binghalli Camp Borden Mar defeated Ms Lau fall rlMlii HOLIDAY ERONIZEV Com lnerPOWER rand scarlqu Sue yBul denier nhnul lime gaymrntl on find him limo am an mi wider oulaoaao Mmoasz Made in Canada JOHNSON MOTORS Hilariocoon camel DELANEYS no Lmns 11m MAR oflluraoalis Hayfield St waxerer $3461 Lottie Thompson defeated Coulson lrené White defeated Riseborough Harris defeat ed LDoil Corby defeated Anderson ï¬eld defeated Bingham l3 Evans defeated Jevons Lottie Thompson defeated Corby Harris defeatedB Evans Jevons defeated Pauline Coulson Mrs Laurin defeated Anderson Marvin defeated Riseborough KL Doll defeated Bingham IreneWhite defeated Reid 11 am Draw Coulter Unionvllle defeated Dorothy Thompson Orillia Clark Toronto Royals defeated Del urner Orillia Smith Barr defeated Jean Olivey Un ionville Llndsay Oakville de feated Mrs Hampton Camp 301 den Kneeshaw Bradford de feated Cunningham Ori Greene Collingwood defeated Simon Toronto Thomson Toronto Royals defeated Amy Vair Barrie Cunningham defeated Mrs Hampton Kneeshaw de feated Conifer Amy Vair de feated Turner Greene dies feated Thompson smith defeatedE Thomson Clarke defeated LindsayA Simon is Barrie defeated defeated Jean Oliver Oliver defeated Thompson Mrs Hampton defeated Turner ll Clarke defeated Greene Thompson defeated Lindsay DSimon defeated Coulter Smith defeated Knee shaw Vanna VHul rsnn ol flurry Twlsa new war aux sennkuNG NEW FOR SPRING LUSTRE runes Yes there is something new in rfabrics for Spring Lustre tones add new dash and flavour to your new Spring suit They are featurv ed iii the Johnston range in wide selectionpf brilliant tiny patterns over laid on smooth rich worsted to give you real lift in eol curing and design Lustre tones have the glowing ef feet that adds the final touch to well cut well designed garment Come in and see them to day Ynull be enthused with what has been done with fair rics this Spring Mans waan lllilllill JJ runs lieluxe Hardtop throuehout liliililoloii in commrain ooouwlu llSEil CABS WE NEED THE ROOM FOR INCOMING TRADES WHOLESALE To ALL OURLOSS YOUR GAlN i955 FORD Coach Showroom black an inn with red lop tonn interior in plastic mt covan air conditioning dlrl Ictlorl llhtl radio mlleare kc new ONLY slaps I953 PONTIAC Deluxe smell smile flack Coach Gorgeous originl two tone amwn and heir anla 011 owner automatic inuuéliuloa alll hrondlllnn at on an tread ï¬remen This one is showpiece ONLY $1095 1953 PONTIAC Passenger Coupe Culiom naio air conditioning throughout ONLY $1050 low loss PONTIAC GorKcoua original nlua finish air conditioning dlreetlnn lights tlru lllte new clean little one owner autolt mobile Teninc value ONLY $995 1934 DODGE Sedan Beautiful new two tone blue llnlalt air condi Honing clean interior out standing condition through out Special ONLY $1095 195 OLDS Ba Sedan Lovely blna met allle tlnllh automatic inns mission custom radio air conditioning direction lights deep tread tires This one nanny Special ONLY 3945 SEE THE 1957 BUICKS It PONTIACS 0N DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM Showroom Open Evenings Until 1000 pnl 1953 PONTIAC Spotless ortxlnal brown and beige ï¬nish custom radio lr con uiilonine direction lights etc New ul condition ONLY $1295 i952 METEOR Coach Gorlcous new met allic maroon finish with matching seat covers heater and defroster outstanding condition throughout ounvssas I950 CHRYSLER Sedan sully equipped One owner Beautiful condition throughout our $656 1949 MQNARCH Sedan Nlen new dark blue anlshk spotless ti This one is ONLY S350 beauty 1948 PONTIAC Sedan Gilstenlnz original let black finish interlul like brand new white wall tires The nicest in Barrie ONLY $350 1948 CHEVROLET Coach Nice black ï¬nish clean interior heater and defroster excellent mechani cal condition throughout ONLY $295 TRUCKS 1954 FORD Delivery Completely refinishw ed in beautiful sun set blue all new tir es air conditioning direction lights ONLY $995 1953 CHEV ton Panel Has been completely He finished in commer cial blue looks and runs likevoew ONLY $625 1952 PONTIAC Sedan Delivery Ec onomical transporty ation and the ideal unit to do big job at low price ONLY $650 son You CANT BEAT HALWIG DEAL ManyLManthore To Chooa Prom Trade Terms llllllwilllf moron co urn Used Cir Super Market Your Local Pnntlne Bulck GMC Dealer The Faireatirl flail Einest inServic