Billsqu Clmrch Service 1an Hill United at 11 um Dalston United at 110 pim Speaker Darrell Thompson mem ber of the Leighton Ford crusade team Aurtlon Sale The school pupils held an Illb tion sale at the school and the proceeds were given to the Red Cross Four dollars was taken in HillsoAlE WMS Meeting The WMS meeting was held on Wedncslhy evening at Mm Wil ltam McClungs with Mrs liar vey Johnston presidingi Deva ticnal reading and prayer by Mrs Robert Martin Roll call was an swered by verse on Faith Missionary study given by Mrs McCiung and missionary prayer by Mrs William Richardson Plans were made to quilt for the bale this month Mission Band The Sunshine Mission Band meeting was held Wednesday at ternoon after school in theSun day School room lvith Mrs Cook in charge Visiting Parents Mrs Albert Cook and Paul are visiting her parents and friends in Chatham this week From Toronto Mr and Mrs Clayton Dawe and children Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs James Taylor Cottage Prayer Meeting Cottagc prayer meetings are held each morning Tuesday through Friday at the home of TASTES LIKE TOAST zmioglst who claims that told amccting of scientists in Toronto that while textbooks ists to eat butterfliesat himself GRENFEL Weekly Euchre There were eight tables at the weekly euctlre Friday evening at the Community Centre Prizes went toMrs Maurice Miller and George llarris lone hands Rus sell Harris the meeting but he didnttouch the return home Sundiiy and is doing nicely Ottawa visit Canada Airlines estate convention Mrs Albert Thompson Day in Toronto Mr and Mrs Mathew Nixon and Smokey spent Sunday in To mate with Mr and Mrs James Nixon Bus to llarrlc Crusade Howard Brandon has been tak ing his school bus every evening with groups of people to hear Rev Leighton Ford at Barrie EDGAR Sunday Service Service in the United Church on sunday was taken by tho HiCs it was pleasure to see the young pcopie able to take their part in the service The congregation was glad to have Rev Bull prescnt after four months illness Chllrch service will be held on Sunday March 24 at 11 am at Crown Hill and Dalston United Church at 130 pm Speaker will be Darrell Tlfompson member of the Leightoi Ford team of Bar rie Crusad for Christ Jnyinpathy of Community Sympathy is extended to the Shanahari family former resi dents of this community in the loss of their sister Miss Margaret Shanahan who passed away in Barrie hospital Thursday March 14 Toronto Funeral Mr and Mrs Lees attended the funeral of Mrs Campbell in Toronto this past week Mrs Lees staying in the city for few days Cooks of Toronto was re cent visitor at his home here Congratulations Congratulations to the junior hockey team in winning the cup on Monday night in the best two out of three game finals with Wonder Valley The senior game with East 0ro was also game well played th the score 75 in favor of Edgar Thursday night will be the final game of the Oro hockey club at Guthrie Dont Wait Until Spring Do It Nowl elnboorsh galpowered tool puinew life Into sputtering engines by giving them com plate overhalil Bring them to us how well recon dition yourgtrnower quickly economically We have complete stock of par for all power indw iilllnlllsallla trail in Recent Visitors cred Mr and Mrs Russell Harris Ruth and Edna visited on Sun day with Mrs Harris mother Mrs Brown and Mr and Mrs Maurice Brown and family at Stroud gis on Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Pcrcyrllordttlilvel led to Ottawa last week vin Trans from Malton where Mr Ford attended real Mrs Arnold Cummer ZPort andMiss Marie Vair of Barrie callcdon Miss Marie Hulk BRENTWOQD hr Urquhart University of Tordnto monarch butterflies are delicious looks it one of the insects in this photo as though it were steakDr Urquhart state the astcful to both birds and humansthc lnseet ast Dr Urquhart persuadedth fellawsclerlb insects wgeoii lpentthe woekcnd with her Nathanielw and litter Mr and Mn EIrtPreetoiL Coldnter visit nnd lira Chlrlcn HOLIan and Mr and Mrs ErnestHourb some nailed on Mr and Mn Wil linui Benchad family in Coiling wood on Sunday Smithy Vinita Sunday visitor with Mr and Mrs Henry Raynoldo were Mr and Mn Edwin Reynolds Barrie Weekend wnn Family Mr and Mrs James Cromle of Toronto spent the weekend with their Ioninlnw and daughter Mr and Mrs Roy Enkiey and ilmlLv St Patricks Dance large crowd attended and enjoyed the St Patricks dineoin the hall on Friday evening Sev eral spot dances and doorprize added to the evenings cntcrtain Qntltlng lns utc members an other ladies of the community quilt wo quiitrin the hall on Tuesday The Institute are or tag the quilts on hand useloi rotLoekSupper On Monday evening March it abouttlt people sat downto St Patricks pot luck slipper in the hall sponsored by and pupils of SS No Tiny After bounte oolleetlo few iiiuiil gtrem oycardsar Toners an Gordon Salim IndvNornu Hounsolne motuedtogcalt Slim day to visit with the latter bro and manna0 ther ntslerlintlgivYr and ll iIllrt William Hounsameaad lane Bendlt Dam Several couples from here Its fled the Midland Firemenl Cl benefit deuce held at Parkclde on Saturday evening Mr and Mn William Crippin called onlatterl parents Ifrnnd VV 77 97 min when 22 aelei null vialuiipbl parents Ilr and Mrs as Pin Charles Hounsorne Sultan evening on their way home nun three weeks holiday in CALL EXAMINER NI PRINTING PHONE PA Mil Rain on In ourvjllg PdflnaeSIMona Sweepslakes THIS lobeHEN JigAGE HOUSE and 1000 Toe Burnbonus NOTHING 19 au 7N0Ttl Farewell Party large gathering ai friends and neighbors took place at the Community Centre Wednesday evening to honor Mr and Mrs William Ford before they leave for their new home in Barrie The early part of the evening was spent playing cards and dancing after which an address was read by Everard Harris ex pressing regrets at losing Bill and Blanche from our community and extending best wishes for health and happiness in their new home Russell Harris Harold McMas tcl Clifford Harris and Jack Holmes presented them with table lamp buffet mirror elec tric coffee percolator and four folding bridge chairs aill replied very fittingly and thanked all for the gifts after which For They are Jolly Good Fellows was sung Lunch was then served bringingthe evening to close In Hospital Mrs Alex Miller is ill in Royal Victoria Hospital also John Oliver and George Syvncs Mr Symesfractured his hip speedy recovery is wished for them all Takes Aspirin Tablets Bobby lDeKleyne twoyearold son of Mr and Mrs DeKleyne was taken to Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie Thursday morning after having taken part of bot tle of aspirin tablets He was later taken to sick Childrens Hospital Toronto but was able to The Brentwood Womans Assoc iation met at Mrs Bannermana on Thursday afterno The vice prsldent Mrs Davi on opened 1115 meeting by singing hymn followed by The Lords Prayer The Scripture was read by Mrs Cousins and thcdcvotional was in charge of Mrs Falconer The roll call wasanswcrcd by verses from Psalm 752 by ten members The mimics of the last meeting were read and moved by Mrs Cousins they be adapted Re ports wereread and Mrs Flear read very interesting topic The GiveAway Business was discussed Meeting closed with hymn and lunch was served by hostess Mrs Schell and Mrs Bannerman Next meeting to he held at Mrs Cousins April Builders Contractors orlarmers No uni Hemlock Spruce and Plne Lumber Bough or Dressed bothered In the lab by truck write for pin lillrl£lllell lllMBEll co For raring Ontario multimillion will All yourigichtcks want to make good start in life and if they could talk they would tell you why our new SHUltGAIN Super Chick Starter would be their choice of starters TOP PERFORMANCE demonstrated by fast uniformgrowih gond bone development good feathering and low mortality and made possible throughincreased protein and ener levels and extra fortification of vitamins factors CONOMY due to the fact that salincam is made right in our mill and we sea direct to handling hauling and profit costs FRESHNESS because we manufacture chick starter almost daily during the scasonand often the starter you buy from us will have been made that same day Tests prove that chicks do better orifresh feed in 1951 get the chick starterthat combines and freshness get SEWGAIN Super SUPER illitst minerals and growt you This eliminates extra perfairmanee eeorioln Chick Starter lucid WRITE luSl REGISTER hell =TBARRIEIFlttllï¬uprlllt TELEPHONE PA szssz 95 Exm VACr By using NilCHIIHS ltl EarlSloan Rlt No 2C esloy ed NIChum my name it Will the best field of grain ever grown very in yield cheekibowea rsbuihel inclelse despite the fact that the check strip and been in mingle tho year before nnd was heavily fertilized You might llketo know that used NaChurn on pasture with good mulls amid tampleased with the appear nce of my corn Indseeond cumin wnlcb were also sprayed with NIChurn quuldlertlll Mr Fred Reid ntytnrswood think the returns from iPllylnlpmll Fertilizerre very good used Mo different part of the pasture unlike that the 3feedlng program Istheshest by In nChllrs sprayed pasture stayed greener longer and matured more cattle on this acres than ever before gt some aoersrneuaouf EXTRA YIELDSv Mr Eldrcd Lundy cueadn em out inane used two sprays of llï¬Kollom each or NnChurs lozolo this year on my potatoes and thosawprhya certninlygnve me very prontable increase hadoo acres in an Igndy loam where had used two lbs to the aoreinr 41240 lte check strip to the ï¬eld no thnt cauldunke an actual comparison When the pain toe were demand netunlywetght com and had better than hair to the acre lncreaaeroftnp ltty potatoes from using are slmeae oats last ye eports Bar at different rates on and 3e renlliiei this ye nndthey wgie our wonderful ninnuied the ï¬eld andunnasou lbs the Icieni +i2l merclnl femuzerlleft check strlpn that didnt spray It could mlke good on union found there was notroublc in mixing you certainly euyJo ppl decided tncrennori ui etween 1a unit an bngrioph NIChllfl again There in no question Churn 104010 NaChum I0 bit thencn onltha mouth was the=crnp which yielded will are beualng with NI gave me an inccue of Iya part Where wound with ti aaprayali part there we The quality of otntnes in excellent ntabuynr said had he an potatoean this Iron used NaChu before an am mnvinud it hi good tnveilt KEN mch rut Wnterfom Ont AacHls WANLESS PHELPSTON with NIChurs Liquid Nachun torthe sprays and town FOLIAGE SPRAYWITH NACHURS LIQUID ERTILIZERPRODUCES MORE PROFIT PER acne FOR SIMCOE cou NTY GROWERS Theres NothingComplicated About Foliage Hundreds of farmers in Slmcoe Countyhave used hmltiixcd grain corn pasture spring grain and hay lent increases from foliage spray Grain should be 24 to 86 high hay after the first cutting if you do not have your own sprayer Nachurs rangements for you Competent trained spray men potatoes in regular spray program There is NaChurs analysis to suit each of your crop needs We Can Arrange Your Spraying Crop Service representative can make necessary ar Feeding NavChurs vith results similar to those listed here aswell as potatoes and tobacco have shown excel sprayed When the crop is to high corn when tobacco before toppingh have been located throughout your county and youJ can depend on this service for dependabicapplication PrbVe NaChurs Benefits On Your Fermi Aslittio as 45 gallons of Churs will spraynpproximatialy 30 acres of crop it will pay you to get the complete story on how NaChurs TOBACCO clowns Mr Gerard vnrscnipie right an Tillsonhurg For to quality tobacco VEVEU year Spray with NaChurn ï¬nd that farmers in my district very enthuslnstlc about spraying with NuCh Llfl year harvested over 70000 Ill ttl top quality tobacco My nurelln is linens T111545 my fourth yui nilnun NaChum in spray The texture of the tobacco is always or muchhlgher unllty In other words NaChum is good an annexsilent of ram mm have usedwnCburr startersolutldo other tobacco cropvlthout on Mac Van overlonpnr Mt midLu report am very well satisï¬ed withNnChun soon for in with powder transplanting solution with fNnChun lot or reaching to do The powdr title also like your align feeding materi urnan lKohrldR down likedry starters do dnclf From what lveseen lvwnuldnt recomm since Hill and ivo hover seen WMK like It DANK£LLÂ¥ so hos st Banana PArkway S1075 Phone 8863 can help you to greater profits on your call the Crop Service representative nearestyou and get the facts today rm operation Just herbal BENEFITS Mr Jack BDhmlnLOf Darohester says This in to tell you how plenlcd wear with NI Churn ed fNavChurs Mos ini transplanting had no wll Ill but found the plants took hold Vllly nicely nlsoiapnlcd uui mp with fila cums and hadresulu within in day which was very noticeabl Wo had the beat crop of tobacco that wehivecver grown The quality and weight or unculan war may wonderful Dleryone asked In what we and don to have such nice Crap We nmedpriinine no Augustlrd andhnished on Sep tember eta We and noaburnlnx noi dld we have my blight Oui crop has good bright colour our tobacco look allch Yes we are well pleased and are using NlChurstrom now on Statement Gilbert van WEN Yes use NnChIlls in the greenhouse ruralnay planting Ind follale feeding and frankly wouldnt use anything else and heres why say this grow It lore nnd this year harvested 25 tons or the most lieaural tobacco you ever laid eyes on like No Churn because lts got everything tobacco wnnu NnChun putn real body into it in growing tobacco round that it is important to use NaChurn starter Mï¬zlthh gives the tobaccoa good beipn pevelop the plant gt Aaotberthlnz have round rant spraying the tip novel on weight better colour and the quality in better Byualnu NaChars for transplanth and my feeding have obtained nxood lso lbs more to ac per ncr would highly recommend Churn many good tobacco grower hing roi sureIts the tobacco the bin that counts Ind lve we got nice crop trampling ForJollnlze feeding lrused Nachum 22051 shall need no gallon for my one ing in using NaCliulsynuchnt this Mennonite You never have Mynelkh X9 gimp South m7 crop nucleus wait roi aims ro nil uslnzWIChurnILlhls my 208 Ind yaulu mi illnth we NaC REMIX i2 been growing tubnccu Tron FULL DETAILS on This nonhuman Manon CHAS chKLlNo tut BARBIE railway 819344 rsaLAwsoN all STAYNFR Phone 5233 oilsan soccer 73 WATER PENETANG MEREDITH GUTHRlE WYEBRIDGE 0N Lakeside 6232 land wvwlflaamnam 77