Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1957, p. 13

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4Duich MusicianiHoSi New Conceri Hour effect by having different guest MacLaren ofBarrie who gave an wmreszlsmci 11 new radio program of clasr lcsl music over CKBB Tuesday evenings has been attracting inter ested listeners Henry liankBonnenhesg musician from Holland who has made quite name for himself locally since coming to live in Barrie four years ago Called The Concert Hour thc program celebrated its third birth day this week it is aired weekly from 805 to oclock Although the program is entire ly on records lilrBonnenberg achieves genuine concert hall conductor each week and using such special effects as the sound of an orchestra tuning up andap plause The musical guest on the first hour was the Hungarian con HENRY BONNENBERG ductor Fcrence Frescay now re siding in the United States The program included selections from The Marriage oilignro the prelude to Parsifal and the Waltzes from Richard Strauss Der Rosenkavalier Last week the program of music was under the baton of the Speaker Shows Photographs Of arrie Gardens gt ainswick Womcns Institute gatheredin the school for its monthly meeting last Tuesday evening Mrs Rumble eonvencr of agriculture and Canadian in dustries was in charge of the program Roll caii was answered with familiar sounds we like to hear at this time ofyear Mrs Rumble introduced informative talk on soils garden ing and landscaping Afterwards he showed number of slides uring some exceptionally nice gardens in Barrie and the sur rounding district MacLaren passed out tick to the members having num bers for lucky draw Mrs Sa bin won first prize Mrs Carlson second and Mrs Stark third Aiian Stark showed an enters taining film on Bermuda matr ing all the members imagine they were there for few mihutes After vote of thanks to the wo visitors the meeting closed ith The Queen Silver Mapie WIN Entertains School Children Silver Maple Womens Institute held itsmonthiy meetingat SS No2 School There Vweie 17 members and 28childr present Mrs Russell Tuyner nveoer had arranged gain and prizes for the eh MnryTurner YES lNDEED ONE GOOD THING ABOUT DAY are thelmaritet to btly cc and balsam pulpwond LU ER mob JZPFtbJ Clarence walker Mot Czechoslovakian conductor Raph ael Kueiik Beethovens Major Romneg theSecopd Hungarian Its producer isllhapsody by Lisa and Tchai kowskys Suite for $tringa Were among the Concert Hourselec tions The Liszt was request the first of many Producer Bon nenherg hopes in the future he hopes to in troduce more modern works The program is wa to bring Isaac Stern and Leopold Stokowv ski etc to Barrie audiences says the musician He thinks that Canadians could grow to like better music more than they do now through such better listening programs The Concert Hour is being presented as public service fea ture of the local radio station Mr Bonnenbcrg is also host on another local radio program the sponsored Gcrman Hour board each Sunday from 405 to pm The music on this hour is of the popular continental variety Hank Bonnenberg is not new to radio work After th war he was program director of the Am erican AirForcc radio station WAFS in Germany and has done radio as well as symphony work in Holland When he left for Canada to join the Canadian Guards Band in which he is principal clarinet player he was clarinet soloist at the City The intro in Amsterdam Several local music students among them members of Home Collegiate Band have been tutor cd by Sgt Bonnenberg during his four years at Camp Bordcn with the army band He is now also tutoring grade school pupils on Saturday morning He is prime example of the value of beginning music training at an early age He started play ing the clarinet at the age of 14 Linguistic talents have also come to his aid in radio work especially in his Sunday German Hour The musician speaks both Dutch and German as well as flu ent English and Margaret Thompson were the Winners There were also games or the members and older chil dren Mrs Harold Martin won the adult prize The three dozen dresses which the institute made for the Uni tarian Service Council at Ottawa were prepared for shipment by Mrs Harold Martin The 80th anniversary of the WI was discussed and it was decided to hold card party in the school The branch is entering dis play at Elmvale Fair again this year An invitationis being sent to the district president Mrs Charles Newton to attend the next meeting Mrs Caston of Craighurst show ed some lovely slides of her dau ghters trip to England Italyvand Austria Everyone enj yed social hour With lunch andcandy Spring VJill Be WeIComed By North Simcoe Wl Among the program aeti ties chosen forApril meetings of North Stmcoe District Womens institute branches are elections or installa tions of officers speakers debates exchange of slips seeds bulbs and reports covering the past year Subject to change meetings have been arranged as follows Goldwater Mrs Stan Lover ng Motto For ty is the old age of youth Fifty is the youth of old age Roll call penniesior size of your shoe Program installation of officers Health talk Lunch Mrs Andrew Dunlop and Mrs Edgiugton Coldwatér Jr Aprll Hostr ess Mrs Bernard Swaile Motto Its not what you start but what you finish Roll caliPay1c an inch to your waist measurement Program speaker Jaclc Tipping Contest Coulson April 10 Hostess Mrs MacKay Motto cornA munity is like ship everyone should take turn at the helm Mrs Wells 11011 call payment of fees Name wild flower Elccv tion of officers Lunch commitv tee Mrs CFagan Mrs Walker Mrs Clarke Mrs Shellswell Eady April 10 xHostess Mrs Theav April Hostess1 COMPANIONS IN WOOLHere teamed with 34 length loose topper in multicolored shepherds check on beige ground with overcheek effect The suit with suede belt is in fine herringbone wool match ing the ground shade of the topper Designed by Modellhnus Schwabe of Berlin FIRST NEWTON ROBINSON COMPAN The Guides opened the meeting by singing The Queen followed by the Guide prayer The Guides then enjoyed skip ping togetbir and went to patrol along with Lieutenant Wilcox lntcrnatlona wm Secretariat is an elegant travel suit crage boy or girl uses soap as if it came out of theinallowance Mrs Norman Austin Roll call Name your favorite flower Pro gram exchange of slips seeds or bulbs Debate Mrs Bert Russell and Mrs Beverley Walker vs Mrs Henry Ball and Mrs Boyd Dunlop Ebenezerv April 18 Hostess Mrs Pagan Annual meeting Motto Come in without knocking and go out the same way Roll call Pay your fees and conic again Lunch Mrs Parker Mrs fiawrence Parker Mrs Lloyd Par er Grenard April 10 Hostess Mrs Muftitt Motto The best preparation for tomorrow is to do todays work superbly well Roll call What gives me pepl Annual report of all cgnveners and sum mary of past years work ilillsdaleg April 30 Hostess Mrs Joe Lea Motto Good deeds live after us Roll call import ant date in Simcoe County Pro gram Entertain another Institute Hobartaarley April10Host ess Mrs Beard Mottosvlhe worldis full of beauty but we are all little blind Roll call Short cuts for house cleaning Exchange of flower seeds and bulbs JarrattCreighton April Hostess Mrs Lackie Motto In the heart of bulb is the pro mise of spring Roll call some thing learned from mother De bate Resolved that larger kit chen is more desirable than small one Huneh Mrs Du gan Mrs OakleyMrs Law lor Mrs Lackie Melduf April 10 Convener Mrs Clif£Trush agriculture and Canadian industries Motto What severe than sowetb that shall he also reap Roll call Name bind that helps the farmertell how it does Paperor speaker on Agri culture Contest Moonstone 11 Hostess Mrs Gerald Swaile Motto Keep the leaves company ope your hearts Rolleall favorite per dishProgram to be arranged North River April Hostess Mrs Hall Motto kind word alpieasant smile will help you through the longest mile Roll call rule for good health Health MrsB Taylor Mrs James Bolyea Vasey April Meeting to he held in Sunday school Iloom Annual meeting Motto When everything seems to be wrong look for the one little thing that is wrong Roll call fay your first step 991 linemanloan Justlullus on your telephone Barrie Soeds To Be Guests 01 Ha lron About young adults from the town and surrounding district reg istered as the firstJessionoLthe Barrie Spring SoEd got under Way Wednesday evening at the YMYWCA Carole Macdonald vicechairman welcomed the new members The program was in charge uflloy Scales and George Brown social chairmen During the evening such games as Bingo In the Poor House and What City were played There was square dancing and round dancing and refresh ments were served under chair manship of Nina Archer On April 11members of the BarrieSoEd are to be guests of the Hamilton Solid and are look ing forward to the jurney Next week on March27 regult lar sessions gei started From ii to 9pm there will be film Bermuda Bound from TCA From 910 to 101 therewill be choice of activities ballroom dancing instruction by Mrs Gor don Todd golf instruction with Charles Kearsey and feminine inv terests The theme of the social program will be Reel Night Any new members would be very welcome at the at 26 Owen St on Wednesday evenings fees Election and officers WarminsterAp l1l ostess Mrs CornelRuby Mo to April showers bring forth May flowers Roll call Exchange of house plants or bulbs and payment of dues Annual reports Waubaushene A1 17 at In stitute Hall Motto Go kind snow God speed to ihe Roll call Name your favorite wild flower Speaker payment offees Com mittee Mrs Currie Bell Mrs Buss iristallation of story of BadenPowell and we en Owl who had such dreadful acci you could sparu the time to listen fort of the 31 Guides who were of the adult course were not able to come due to sick nessjoincd us for the evening corners where they prepared for an enrolment the following week Jenn Stafford continued the ionic bean bag game followed by camp fire FIRST NEWTON ROBINSON BROWNIE PACK Tawny owl opened the meeting with Brown Owl and two Brownies missing RevMr Love was with us to teach semaphore The two twccnics passed somn more tests and are practically ready for enrolment During pow wow we all signed card to send home to Brown dent last week The Brownies are very busy collecting coat hangers The meeting closed with squeeze prayer and taps BOND HEAD GUIDE NEWS What an odd feeling to know to overyones problems after seven weeks of trying to crowd twehour session on first aid into onchour and 15 minutes But it was well worth the time and of instructcd Thirty were tested who was unable totake advantage The Scouts cight in all somo the Way and were tested ton On March 14 werelaxed and talked about what wctwould do in the future including Mo ther and Daughter banquet hikes open house to present the St John certificates and district field day we hope The meeting closed with taps FIRST BEETON BROWNIE PACK We were very pleased to wel come our visitors at open house thisweek and would have air preciated the opportunity of wet coming mnny more It is quitt disheartening to he Brownies when so few accept an invitation to visit them However the first pleasant thing that happened was the ar rival of our guestsComniissioner Webb and Janie and Distrlct Guider Copeland new Twecnie Sandra Trowc1 also came to join our pack With the opening ceremonies over the first important cer emony performed by the Com missioner was the presentation of oneyear service stars to Brownies Faye Cobourn and Patrice Fowler Then came the presentation of the golden bars Dorothy Stew art Janice McLaren Susan Hams mell Brenda Letts and Trudy Sedgwick alter demonstrating some of the things they had learned walked over the golden stepping stones to the Com missioner to be presented with their awards gt gt After this Brownie Sylvia Lisk escorted by Jean Gray and Bren nnmo an moi WontEMS to Barrlcg Excludvo Furricr who make Ind cell fun only LARGE SELEmDN T0 CHQOSE FPOM WliililllS lllliS BARBIE TORONTO 25 DUiFLOIfiT new that gents Storage Cluntnc consonants onions SATISFACTION Voodoomean pigmi animal nostril ivluwzlwclawlinvnfi do Letis to the Commissioner was presented with the Golden Hand award which makes Sylvia first class Brownie and one of the only three Brownies in this dis trict who hold the badge Con gratulations Erowniesl Then we cameto pow wow and some discussion and singing took place Before closing ceremonies an olbcrevent which though ing little sad for the Brownie pinved to be happy one for Janice McLaren Escorted by the Commissioner she left the Brownie Circle and walked up to the open Horseshoe of the Girl Guides She egos welcomed by the Captain an Lieutenant in troduced to the Guides and as signed to her new patrol Happy Guiding Janice After Brownies and Guides had closed their meetings we were dismissed byCommissioner Webb Before leaving for home we were served delightful lunch by our iaithful Brownie and Guide mo thers Having overlooked one item let us mention now that during pow wow Brown Owl Lisk pre sented Diana Cooper who is lcavingus to go with her family to their new home in the West with small gift We hope it will always remind her of the happy Becton Brownie days and we hope herfuture will continue Search 11 scandal tite Vray some tut of household room are picked Ind landed or tnns remu new mam Dont in this happen to you call us for uNorth American Van Lines woeAppmvmugunve Campbell Limited Agents in mm American Van tines Moving and Storage no annon Inc Phone iA sssss Till BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 22 1957 13 Mr and Mrs William Gordon Reeve 24 Poynts Street announce the engagement of theirdaugbter Helen Adele to John de Viucr Min of Mr and bin Sebastian de Visser of Veghcl Holland the marriage to take place on April uk Him 195 at 130 pm in Collier Street United Church Barrie7 35 Mrand Mrs Ernest Crotaz wih to announce the engagement of hair daughter Joan Anne to Al red Garfield Garry Demberline only son of Mr andMrs Arthur Demberlinc 20 Napier Street the marriage to take place on Suture day April 35 Rev Dr William It Alp and MrsAlp of Perth announce the hr with happiness in new Brownie pack engagement of their daughter Margaret Frances to William Maurice Day of Toronto son of Mr and Mrs Charles Day of Hidhurst the marriage to take place on Saturday April 20 1957 al 330 oclock in St Pauls United Church Perth 35 Mr and Mrs Earl Lccharrle wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Gwendolyn Elsie to Leo Franklin Schlocn dorf son of Mr and Mrs John Schloendori of Saskatchewan the marriage to take place April 20 1957 at four oclock at Burton Avenue United Church Barrie 35 The League of Red Cross Soot eties through the support of 40 nationnl Red Cross Societies is providing food care and clothing for over 25000 Hungarian rc fugecs in Austria REWARD FOR THE SAFE nnrunN or THIS annMAN sunrncno hlale 2n years old black and tan Answers to the name of ARGO Registration number 366 7B tattooed on right flank mom IOM KEELOR Shell Service Station crown mu 842r3 or PA 87979 BAltltIE POWER CLEANER the cleaner that gives New 1957 ew you 24 MORE sucTiONt Nowl lowyis 24 dreatsrfiUCilON cits up embeddeddlrt lint even pet hairsi yes you countless strokes PLUS Power BIG Wheels Rug Floor Nézzie ins ont pin Disposall to control power tilde

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