until coming 10 THE BARBIE FRIDAY 23 liliiinaty Thames Albert Gordon Retired CNR Employee Dies At RV Hospital Following lingering iiinus Thomas Albert Gordon well known resident of 10 Burton Avenue passed awly on Thm day March 1957 Royal Vie toria Hospital Barrie Known to his many friends as Tom be was of quiet and homeloving nature keenly inter esied in gardening was Consen vativc and of the United Church of Canada Born on June 13 1815 in Maple Thomas Gordon was son of the late Alexander Gordon and the former Miss Thomasena Shef field lie hiid farmed at Concord to Barrie in N920 For 10 years he had worked in the bridge and building depart ment of the Canadian National Railways and had since been re tired llis marriage to Miss Florence Gordon daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Joseph Gordon was sol emnized at her home in Craig vaic in 1913 Surviving of the family are his widow three daughters Miss Ed na Gordon at home Mrs llanley Thomascna and Mrs Logan Gertrude all of Ban ric There are also two grand children Vane Logan and Sue Ilanley The funeral service on Satur day March at the Jennett Fun eral liome Barrie wasconducted by Rev It Trimbie minister of Burton Avenue United Church Attending were friends and neigh burs in town and district also rei atives who came from North Bay Lindsay Hamilton Stayner Kirk land Lake Toronto and New market Lovely flowers were from them and from the Womans Associa5 tion of Burton Avenue United Church from the Ontario Hydro and group of neighbors interment was in St James Cemetery at Stroud and pallbear ers were Lloyd and Delbert Gab ion both oiNorth Boy Harold Gordon Newmarket Ralph Rob ertson Lawis Gordon and Ernie Gohecn all of Stroud Very Large Attendance Funeral Mrs Knapp Who Lived Usepr Life The death of Mrs Mary Elim hclh Knapp widow of the late Herbert Knapp on Saturday March 1957 at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie marked the close of an active useful life in public welfare and other interests apart from home life Arbroin hemmar hage was the direct cause of death which came suddenly daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Stephen Pratt she was born on Dee 1881 at Anten but her entire marriedlife was spent in Barrie faithful mem her of Burton Avenue United Church she was past president of the WA there Conservative in political views she was also member of the White Shrine of Jerusalem OESLand of the 61A to the 01 LE past DDGN and past matron of the 0E5 innddition she was staunch supporter of local sports Rey Robert Trimble of Bur ton Avenue United Church can dncted the service for the funeral on Tuesday March at the Jen nett Funeral Home Barrie with very large attendance from townr and distance including relatives and friends from Tim mins Ottawa Englehari North Bay Walkerton Hamilton Ta male and Agiricour lnterment was in Barrie union Cemetery and pallhearers were Ed er Thoinpson WHa theriil ghEed APugh and ELongv Herbert Knapp edonv Sept 22 1952 and surviving members of the family are onedaughter Miss iren one son Wallace Knapp and an adopted son Henry Moore all sist North Bay William of Barrie rid Charla Hamilton The family at 38 Brook Street Ba Taiigible evidence of thegese tecm in which the Knap washeld flora tokenscom rig froin ton Avenue Mailed hurcbboar fromithe choir from gt Group of the3WA and nioo the association itself from the Ordeij of the Eastern Star rChap ter 105 from the jMaple Leaf White ShrineNo 13 the CIA to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers iBarrie Flyers Hockey Club Bnrrie WomensProgre iatinn the Barrie one Robertdrueojinnie EormarlyofMinosi Die ArHoIneCun les resident of bundle for the past five years Robert Bruce Binnie passed away at his home there on Friday March 357 following paralytic stroke His birthplace was Anten Mills on June lp 1886 and he was son of the late Mr and Mrs James Binnie There the greater part of his life was spent Bruce Binhie want the United Church and was member of Minesing Loyal Orange Lodge He leaves surviving besides his widow the former Miss Annie Paine three slstera Mrs aur garet Reynolds and Mrs Helen MeGarrityof Toronto and Kath erino of Detroit also three bro thers George in Toronto William of Candles and John at Anten Mills The funeral was held on Mon day March ll with service at the Pcthick hineral Chapel Bar rie conducted by Rev William Newman formerly Anglican mln ister at Cmighunt now retired Present were relatives and friends of years past together with neighbors nnd relatives some of whom came from To ronto Mount Dennls Bracebridgc Detroit Anton Mills and Mine sing interment was in Mincsing Cemetery with the following pail beareis Percy Muir William Pen cock Oliver Carson lrving Car son Lawrence Scott and Jack McLean Beautiful flowers expressed the sympathy and regret of thnsewho had known Bruce Binnie rela lives and group of neighbors and also Mincsing Loyal Orange Lodge no MINESING Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs Richardson of Detroit visited the farmers moth er MrsWilliam Maw over the weekend Progressing Slowly Friends of Mrs Lnngelann are glad to learn she is progress ing slowly after her winters ill ness She is still with her sister Mrs MacKay at 0akvilie Sympathy of Community Sympathy of thecomrnunity is extended to relatives of the late Bruce Binnie of Cundles whose funeral took place to Minesing Cemetery on Monday March l1 Dayof Prayer The Worlds Day of Prayer ser vice was held this year in St Peters Church MrsJack Emmi tontof Toronto was the speaker She is downtown church and social worker and has been close ly associated with thernew Hun garian immigrants coming in lormer Resident Ward was received this week of the passing of Mrs Robert Fieldhouse of Markdale They had just recently gone to reside in Markdale from Uhthoif They resided in Minesing about 14 yearsago AtOpen House Quite number of parents and friends of the pupils attending BDCl attended open house held at the school on Fridayevening March 15 WA Meeting St Peters WA held their reg ular monthlyineeting at Mrs Fred Pearsons home on Wednes day afternoon Mnreh13 MOUNT Si LOUIS Sincere Sympathy Friendsin this community were sorry to hear of the death oi Charles Sullivan Who lived on the lrish Line and attended St Louis Church lnterinent was at Drillia rRC Cemetery From Toronto Mrs Troughtori and friends of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs William Troughton and family At one count laraAmos attended thejJuniot Farmer annual meeting at OAC itzgeralds At Mi hind Music Festival Maryroae and David Poi tavgetook art in the music fest ival at and Thursday even made ayerygood show BURNS ALBnit Mn Clhlre Ediiert and Mn Harvlnhand were in Barrie alon day nlght attending the District Home and School Council held in Hillerert SchooL This was an open meeting and was addressed by Dr Stnthers of Toronto founder of the Stothers Excep lional Child Foundatiom aimc Stalkers is sister of Mrs Fergus Key in Plorlda Mr and Mrs Gordon Monks who have purchased the farm inn inerly oWned byClarenoe Buyers are holidaying in Florida Mr and Mrs Bruce Monks recent rncwly weds are looking after the fam iiy lbey arerelding on the former Hunter Loblew farm Farm Forum The Town Line Farm Forum group met at Mr and Mrs George Jacksons home Monday night March 11 with 24 in attendance The radio tonic was And never the twainslmll meet The Pres ident Raymond Sutcllffe led in the discussion of the question Do farmer and labor organim lions have common interests The discussion was summed up as follows mutual understanding of each othersvproblems may help farmers and workers In seeking solution donation was given to the Red Cross few rounds of euchre were enjoyed Win ncrs were Mrs Job Small and Van Vander Znng Mr and Mrs Joe Hancey will he host and hostess to the group Mondpy night March it Variety Niglit The Variety night of Banting Memorial High School held on Thursday and Friday nights was largely attended by parents ot this district it was most inter esting program Junior Mission Band The Junior Mission Band was held in the school room Friday afternoon The meeting began witha hymn the Mission Band Prayer followed by the Lords Prayer The worship service was who chose Giving Thanks as the theme Prayer by Willa Winters Bible story byMrs Blaker and poem by Mary Lynn Halbert The offering was received by Ronnie Henderson an Jimmie Kerr and dedicated by Coins The teacher Mrs Nichol read chapter in the studybonk Kc Sooni game was playedand then the Mission Band Prayer was repeated SeniorMission Band The Senior Mission Band meet ing was held Friday afternoon in the sohoolroom at Baxter The meeting commenced with the theme hymn followed by th re peating of the Mission Band ur pose Margaret Finer led in prayer The theme of the meet ing was Truth and the roll call wnsanswered by Bible verse Bruee Haibcrt read prayer for our missionaries Misses RuthLan igan and Phyllis Crosbie Mrs Hand read letter she had re ceived from Phyllis Crosble Scrip ture reading by Douglas Matt and poem The Way The Truth The Life by Sandra Kasperski Douglnsj Hand gave reading Honesty is the Best Policy The offering was received by Jim Forbes and John Williams and de dicnted by leenn Miller Mrs Lorne Buyers read story about childs Bible and the repeating of the MissionBand Prayer closed the meeting Family Dinner Mr and Mrs George Jaffrny were host and hostess to family dinner Friday nighti Those at tending were Alex Jaffray RCAF St Johns Newfoundland Mr and Mrs Eddie Jaffray and family Toronto and Mr and Mrs James Crosbie and family of Bums Moving To Toronto From The Dundalk Herald Roland Munro formerly employed at the Ross Williams iarmfs now Employed in Toronto with the Allis Chalmers Co Mr and Mrs Munro Bruce and Lynda will be moving to Toronto at Easter time Weekend Atrllnnie Dawn Butchers nurséintrain ing at Toronto General Hospital spent the weekend at her par ents home and attended theNari ght at Banting Memorlal Crolrinolelarty The Burn crokinoie prepared by Mrs Elmer Biolrely un People held bareinent rainy night with as inatteodanee The winnermm Win toleter Switzer lira sarcoma and Mrs Rune Mallteatqu Toronto Wedding Mr and airs Job Small and Mr and lira MarvinJHand Ivme in Tomato Saturday attending the wedding nllaf Small Huntley Heard TheJiride is data ter of Mr and Mrs Morris Small formerly of this diatricL Recent Vidlorl Mr and Mrs BruceGlennot To ronto spentthe weekend with the iatters parents Mr and Mrs borne Buyers Miss Shirley Spicer of Readly Marion Saskatchewan la visiting Mr and Mrs Ben spentthem end with her friend Marlyon Whitedduatruilaton er and Kitleter Swi femin visited new with the latters fatberJCrawfordvElilsgat Grenfel Mr and Mn Johri flnrgrave and Mr ahdhfra Gordon Herr grave and son Robert of Were liam visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Job Small and Mr and Mn Lloyd Snub John Hargreve is brother of Mrs Job Small FROZEN TERRITORY The Antarctic continent of when large areas still are unen plored covers about 5000006 squaremiles unduly eahibit not nine Clear Handwr ing MONTREABCP in the last 21 centuries say KeGlfl linivenityaehhlar three regions attempts have been made to get folks to writeinare legit1y The first was around the year 800 by Emperor Charlemagne champion of Christianity Emmet ern Europe The second unie in the 14005 bin ltailipoeholars tried to encourage neat handwri isbeing made today with the Canadian Society italic Handwriting leading me effort in Canada chard Pennin ton of MeGlll University rccenll BARRIE ANiDltDISTRIcT EBBSm uiirii BILLY antiismsASwCFAï¬EVARGEUSTp andthie crusade Team 33 CHAMBERS auditioned mugs solve Leanna telmed with writing specimen from Britain plus some old dclieatelywritten manuscript from theuniverrilys library Anyone eonwrlie legiblypgys Mr Pennington who use new quill for his now An thats needed is broad nibeven in fountain pen and pageant italic print to copy services gaudy setopt SUNDAY MARCH 24 ans moo LuéfMAITEB an L00Fnfflll3 Collier EL name than wnugoim 0ne youve inuimd chapes of the individuallcttzn matter of about three hour you can combine themvintohn individual style of handwriting any arrowsncnuncn or MERICA nephew KERR MINISTER Rev Falkenburg Every fSundhy prn essa noan iiirsnrrsnmn Ciruncn CorneriEsu Rd larBurton Ave REV LEIGIITQN FORD 311 Dueto the wonderful response from the citizens of Barrie and surrounding areas TheBarrie arid Dis trict MinisterioiAssoqiation has requested Leighton Ford andthe CrusadeTecim ioexiend theirstoy in somisr Barrie for anotherweek and we are fortunate that they are able to graniihis request nioiirtv ExceptISaturdéysims in sun DAYS anon enrich unitynan 31 BURTON AVE UNlTED CHURCH Minister Rev RG Trinible BA BB Mr Daniels Organist 945 antSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 nmBeginners Department 11 ampMorning Worship harmonica Schmii oLLiEiis unirro Lloyd Vt Mflld Qrganiatnifd Cliolrinaster ii ammonium sermon ranchiron School 945 ourJunior intermediate landSeniorrDepnrtments 11 zmélrenursery baby sit ting Niirsery Kindergarten and lilepartments Ll CHURCH of The Christian and Missionary Alliance Rev Paul Yeilentiney Rosior 3pm Min WEEKSERVICL Wednesday pm Everyone Welcome ï¬iiisraArrisr CHURCH Clappeiton St at Woraley REV LUCK BA BB Minister MISS CLOUGHLEY rgiinistand Choir Leader 950 SUNDAY sciiooi Ciasses fhr all ages 11am row Necessnms Rededieatlo Efren Methodist Church 200 hayfield Street gt Gohehn Minister 1lamy ma FAMth pram sonoor am EMMANUEL BAPTIST Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists ltEV ERNEST unharmed mic Guiding Light or Anglican can humane flutter new Newionasmiui na mannerMme SHAW ATCM cholrleader Mrs Smetliurat tunanow coMMoNiorr am Urihurried Plan ng Experienced id Personal Attendance CALVARY FELLOWSHIP Corner Bereay Dunlap St East iarriiri PENETECOSTAL 18Mulcaster Street nnv STEPHEN TILLEY 11 arri will preach memberof the CrusadelTeam CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Dunlap and Toronto Streets REV CECIL BRENNBA MR CHURCHILLLOrganist t1 nm AN oLii ow STORY Junior Congregation gtChurohSchooi and Senior 11 hamBeginners and Primary mESSARdAD fPRESBYTIERIAH CHURCH Mimsmn REV GMUIR B45 ORGANIST MR FRANK nurcnnn 945 antCHURCH sermon Ages Gland up 11 aimsNursery Kindergarten 11 an naniwtcrininnnns of Leighton Ford Crusadeteam sit Aï¬cnsw PRESBYTERlAN CHURCH Owenand Worstey$l REV JAMESEERGUSON nMinister CLARKE Mus rganist and nixmaster an MORNIN Them niaterwili preach srcitrs Missr Anglican armrest nob shalom TcoiniUNioN ALLAN neon 19307 uniJunior stingray School 1045 amkSeniorSundny School urisr crown EV RIDDE iii cocksrown rarsarrrnikn nnv ems RST RE snarirv osrio UNITEDI Nfius Vs Vt nnv rrenriirgiionNTON BAY ANGHCAN Lionratinn doorman Gnrnrri gym EftMEEIt 24 Collier st manna 24 tifnglican LENT iii 300 annilfDLY COMMUNION 910 ainMORNING enliven Serinon Senior Sunday School 110 nmMORNINGPRAYER Sermon moot summer urch Nursery Junior Sunday School 700 pmEvensong Sermon MR TOMPOPPLETON cnuncn 1945 humJunior Intermediate TRINITY criuiicrij flhe Instruments of His Passion