Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1957, p. 1

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ti present distinction in 50rangevilleSets Fine Exahipi Lack of money group of pub Vmunicipality could do provlded ample in oavm aunccss nae nc Dominion President Both the Dominion President inth mover Provincial President of the Canadian Legion David Burgess MBE MC and the Provincial President of the Legion Henry Harvey will be in Barrie on Monday April for the official opening of the Barrie Branch Headquarters on Collier Street With them will be Patrick Biggs secretary of the Ontario Command of the Canadian Legion Representa tives from the 49 branches of District representinginver 5000 Legion members have also been invited to attend the ceremony Dominion President lllr Burgess recently elected Dolt minlon president was born near Toronto 66 years ago He wcnt to western Canada as young man and in World War One enlisted at Prince Albert Sask in the 188th Battalion CEF He volunteered for service with the Royal Flying Corps forerunner of the RAF and was awarded the Military Cross in April 1817 for conspicuous gallan tryan devotion to duty in aerial fighting and photographing He went to Ottawa in 1930 as private secretary to the Hon Ro bert Weir thcn Minister of Agri culture Later he became chief sup ply officer of lhedcpartmcnt positionhc still holds His integrity and Icnpacity for hard work combined with his deep and sincere interest in the welfare of his old comradesinforms and their dependents earned him his the Canadian Legion Provincial President chry Harvey is the circulation manager of the Ottawa Journal In World War one hf enlisted in the Aiding Stiidents Omngevillc has done something more than talk aboutthe problem of gettingmoré worthy students through university says The Fin ancial Post in this Ontario town no promising highschool gradu ate is barredfrom college through licvspirtcd citizens will lend him Junds interest free to supplemcht those he can earn himself as he goes along Already till Orange ville students have been aided and arrangements are now being made to put the program on pcrinancnt basis What Orangevllle has doneany isin this case few local lead ers can he found to startvtlie ball rolling The Orangeville plan is simple sound and remarkably low in cost It is an excellent ere community doityour self 215i Battalion in September 1914 and was scvcrcly wounded 31 thc Battle ofthc Some 1916 He has served in many capacities in the Legion but is proudest of his scr vicc on the shelter committee of the Ottawa Branch during the dc prcssion years when he provided meals and lodgings for over 400 unemployed vctcrans He was elected Provincial prc sidcnt at the Windsor Convention in 1055 11c also acts as Ontario representative on the Legionary Committee of Domi on Command Ontario Command Sccrctary Patrick Blggs was born in Tor onto in 1915 is married and has four childrcni Prior to 1939 he worked for various newspapers and publishing houses in Toronto and at the time of enlistment was man aging editor of AgoPublications Lids Toronth He enlisted as Sappcr in 1939 in the ltCE in Toronto and went overseas soon after While over seas he was commissioncd and posted to theitoyal Regiment of Canada He was dischargedirt 1045 with the rank of Major 0n discharge he became wclfare officer with the Dcpartmcnt of VcteranAffairs aindwis appointed secretary of the Ontario Provin cial Command Canadian Legion in 1947 RoiarIanio Broadcast On Student Fund Arecordcd interview with Rotarinn Dr It Delaney respecting the student loan fund inaugurated by Barrie Rotary Club just year ago will be broadcastloinorrow from CKBBat 1040 amand 615 pm on Sunday The purpose of the short inter vicwls to make known the availability of this assistance to students needing it for the continuation of their studies Ralph Snelgrove manag ing director CKBB was so impressed with the scheme on hearing the playbackthat he donated tothe fund cheque for 550 goo elivei of Highway grid is isterinl association iSc ool Children PATRICK nines Secretary Ontario Command Veteran Hopes invite Premier To Ceremony ircd Henry Short born in 1898 in Norwich England veteran ofbolh World Wars who is rcv joining the local branch of the Canadian Legion hopes he can persuade Premier LesliéFmst to come to the officialopcning of the Barrie headquarters They were in the army together he states Mr Short was brought to Can ada by his parents when he was 10 years old and the family set lied in Orangcvillc During Worldwar he enlisted at Allis ion at 17 and scrvcd overseas in World War he served ln the film company of the Veterans Guards He met his wife in Norwich during World War and has three sons The cldest is an of flccr now stationcdat Vancouver the second son scrvcd through the ltallan campaign during WorldWar li the third is niembcr of the sea Cadets Mr Short has heed recently in Sunnybrook Hospital and he makes point of attending all important1cgion meetings Hold Election 0f Officers Charles Wilson was acclaimed president ofBarrle Rotary Club for the coming year at the club meeting on Thursday 1iewill take office in July He came to Barrie in 1949 and joinedihotary in 1951 gt Other officers clcctedwere secretary Peter Scott treasurer Wray Young directors Henry Bernick Joe Jewell Walter Car rulhers Douglas Sarjeant Dalt Nesbitt All officers elected will take fever in July in memory of the late iiarold Henry the club observed two min utes silence and sang the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers Haré old Henry who died at Daytona Beach last Mondayfwas charter member of the club it was announced that prelim iaary figures showed that the St John Ambulance Drive sponsored by the club had raised ovér $2000 it Beaant who joined lthe club in September last year gave short classification talkon the work ina plant nursery He cov ered concisely and interestingly the various phasesof planning necessary to ensure regular flow of saleable plants Remnant as Glasses orthopaedic appliances um win in 311 on one norm Give to Junior Red Cross Fund The 3600 or more members of Junior Red Cross in the clemen tary public schools of Sinicoe No announce that the February campaign for funds has been very succussiul again this year The total of $121504 received from the schools of 0m Vflpn Barrie and the RCAF Station School Edgar by inspector Scott has bccn forwarded to hf Herrington Provincial Dir cctor of Junior Red Cross Tor onto This campaign has been con ducicdannually with the approval and encouragement orthc Ontario Department of Education through out thc publicly controlled schools of the province The organization does much to teach children patriotism citizen ship and service to others and through the application of the Junior RedCross Health Rules encourages the development pi good health habits Junior Red Cross is recognized by Canadian cdbcationists as an Integral andacccptable part ol the school program Health service and international understanding are emphasized Juniors supprrt two service fundsthe fund or internationalhclp and understand ing through which funds are rais cd to help children in countries other than Canada and the Han dicapped and Crippled Childrens Fund which provides hospital and medical treatment for hundreds of Canadian children This year the need for funds to care for physically handicapped children is great The following are some of the projects being financed by Ontario Juniors The blood of expectant mothers is beingtcsted iodiscover those whose blood is Rhnegative When cases are discovered local physiy clans are advised and necessary arrangements are made for com chansctofrblnod inthe newsi born It isbelievcd that this ject will reduce the number of children tufflieted with cerebial pals and other diseases Two dental coaches operate in Northern Ontario Hundreds of children are given dental treat meet each year An optometrist is testing the vision of children in areas where there is no resident oculist or optometrist Man casesof faulty vision have been iscovered crutches braces hearing aids etc have been provided to hundreds of children Three children in Scarborough Pickering and Deseronto are in need ofheart operations if they are to continue to live $3000 is needed from the Ju lots to finv ance these cases Malacclusion in the mouths of manychildren has caused tacial deformities which in turn have affected the children psychologie ally ihetreatment of many cases of rhalochlnsion is under way show the importance of this pro ject lt9 EXPLORATORY TRIP Two young children age 13 and 14 came travelling to Barrie fromltToronto by freight train yes terday Barrie police found them in Allandalc late yesterday even ing and notified their parepts who came from Tomato and took them home The Bamevand district Christ will scantinn Lli dweekuntllSunday March 31 This announcement made today by lIev Bream president of the cal min Last fall when the hev Leigh ton Ford was invited to lead crusade in Barrie the local corn mittee asked him to crime from March 10 to 24 but to keep thir week open in his schedule Ata ministerial breakfast held lnjTrinity Anglican Parish Hall this week wasdecide nan imous vote to prevail upon Mr Ford and his teamto ontinue on fei anoth the invitation at heathnt crowdsqre landing but rather whether thcrejs Vspiritual= wcrlrfor the Mr Ford alsosaidthiit as had The deter ning factcrsbculdr cry and paignfor funds Harold Cusdcn not previously conducted three1 week crusade Canada but that this lvnnld be wonderful exper iment He that three things de termined is dccision todo so in Barrie that attended both Monday even ing érvices inspi fTtreachcr our driving con showed great spiritual hungr in the heartsof thcpeople in area Secondthe great numb of persons who were seeking to ill lsterial in their decisio toarhvlte thcextende onei The before and after pictures mittees are FirstLille great crowds Park Wil Other Zoos he Goes BARRIEONTARIQ CANADA FRIDAY MARCH 221957 am can We swamer nam 161th illifé fhialiévamping OilPark Wilidlife Expert Will Address Ndiuralists Dr CD Fowic biologist in charge of wildlife research dc parimcnt of lands and forests will be speaker at the March meeting of the Brereton Field Naturalist Ciub Dr Eowic will discuss some of the basic principles of wildlife management as applied to the varying conditions across Ontario ills talk will be illustrated with colored slides and with examples from the dcpartmcnt of lands and forests An interesting and in formative evening for all who are interested in naturé ls expected to be the result The meeting is open to the pub lic It will be held at the Lib rary Hall on Wednesday March 27 at 815 The removal of birdsand an imals from Springwatcr Park this wcck the dismantling of num her of pens and the knowledge that another load of birds are due to leave next week has caused concern among Barriccitizcna it is thought by many that this is step to completely do away with tho cxisting1oo which has been feature of the park Spring water Park was niadc during the depression years by the forestry station at Mldhurst out of waste land it afforded employment at that time and many Barrie rcs identshave contributed to the establishment of the small collce tion of animals and birds The official reason given by Charles Day foreman forester for the work now being carried out is that the park is being re vampcd to becomca proper prov vincial park The wildlife has be come overstocked andsome are being sent to itivcrdalc Zoo and sold to private buycrsto bring down the stock to manageable level ITlicreis nointcntlon of got ting rid of all the birds and an imals he said However we want to keep only species of Can adian wildlife Peacocks and Black Swans arc all right but they arc not representative of Canada two bcavcr pens it is probable only one pair of beavers will be retained The porcupincs are due to go they have to be fed on trcc bark and whogwants to scc porcupincs The swan popula tion is also to be reduced because it is felt that two or three swans are all that people want to see Construction of new amrrtonltics include sueh things as proper washroom accommodation which will cost it is estimated 55000 $8000 llirDay thought it was possible new entrance into the park might be made and in due courseitwould be miniature Algonquin Park contained wilhv in its own boundaries To date the upkeep of the park has been theresponsihility of the forestry station and any money necessary for upkeep has come Local TVON Eleots First Woman Barrie branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses elected its first woman presidcniFMrs Neil Laurieat the annual meeting Wednesday evening Hcr prede ccssor in office Ridicy becomes branch secretary posi tion the new executive head ha held for dozen years This weeks gathering was the 33rd annual for the order in Bar ric which opened for service in 1923 year after the organiza tion of the local branch Mrs Laurie has been an aclive execu ltlve member for 18 years uShc is amcmber of the board of dir Iactors of VON Ontario whose president OctJohn Oslcr of To route was aspcakcr at the an nual meeting Members of Executive The nominallngcommittec ro port brought in by Chairman honorary presidents MrsE lurnbull Mrs Victor Knight Brown immediate pastpresideirt if Jtidlcy 1st Vicepresi dent Stubbs secretary Ridleyf treasurerilarold Cusden gt Mrs Laurie is the representa tive to the board of governors at Ottawa Chairmen of the various com Eric Pope1 financ Walls nurses advis Stubbs cam Mrs and Leishman Leisbman nominating Olhcrmcmbers of the executive zlrc CurrieDr George 5ch mourr representing the medical staff of the Royal Victoria Hospi Turnhull Mrs Leo Landre Miss clen Shanahan eishman rcpreSenting Ithe Ladics Auxiliary to theLions Looki expa nai gathering with colored es showing he various aspects of This meant av visits per month ornin Presrdent MrsN Laurlc in Dr Paui Scott Dr lioss year or 32 per cent ofthe total number small increase over 1955 Fortycight were made to prenatal patients About twothirds of the nurse limo was spcpt with people who had acute or longvterm illnesses The Victorian Order endeavors to meet the special requirements of many patients who do not need or cannot afford the fulltime ser vices of nurse as well as those whofor various reasons cannot orneod not go into hospital increase Over 1955 were classed as medical and sur gical or 5234 per cent an in crease of 188 visits ovcr71055 Health instruction to medical and surgical cases accounted for 180 or 755 pcr cent of the total visits More time mustvbe spent witholdcr patients because they Turn topage two please Victor Knight and Mrs La daily in 1956a total of1249visits PIBSident Review Busy Year instruction visits to mothersand newborn babies totalled 754 last in mums At the present time there are out of the forestry budget when tbeplare is taken over as pro vincial park it is anticipated that it will be either operated by the parks department or grant will be made to the station for its up kccp it is understood that local citv hens are going to seek the assur once of Hon Clare Mapiedoram Minister of Lands and Forests that there is no intention of re moving altogether the birds hnd animals from Springwalcr Park in their opinion born out of fact this wildlifc has been major tourist attraction Sirdighi Jacket Asphyxioies Young Patient ORXLLIA CP1 13year oid pati at the Ontario Hosp ital Sc 00 died of asphyxiation Wednesday when he fell from his bed and strangled in the strait jacket he was wearing Officials said the boy who had bccn placed in the restrictive gar ment to prevent him from injur ing himself had been checked 10 minutes before the acettlcot Attendanis started hrtiiieiui respiration immediately and Dr Finlayspn statfg doctor applied oxygen with norcsuli Coroner Dr William Love said the cause of death was asphyxia 1311 Slransuialiaa The boy death was the third in the hospitalin month Two girl patients recently suf located in spray room when one turned on tap filling the room with steam Innirsfil iNi 197 VCon der Bylde Sunday Papers 1nnlsiilTownship CounciljVcd nesday moved that thc township cl rk investigate the legality of by law ifproposed would pro hibitth saie and deliveryof Sunday newspapers in thetown ship gt The in tionwasrpasscd after council Jheard from deputation of tworxtownsbip ministers Rev Wanlessgof Stroud United Chiirchvfand liev Lionclilowp of St Pauli Anglican Church Tho ministers contended Sun day paper dciiVerles by boys and girls would interfere with Sandal School attcndance

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